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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1202520 No.1202520 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /diy/

I want to build a homemade drone that is capable of flying to a different country, I want to fly it all the way to a country like Syria and fly over Raqqa and then maybe fly home if possible.

I want to attach a a camera to the bottom which can relay video and I also want to be able to still retain control if possible though I would settle for preprogramming the route I want it to take.

For power I am thinking solar if possible, it will be extremely lightweight and plan on making it a scale replica of a US Military drone.

How would I achieve this?

What would I need to enable me to send back video feeds? How can I change flight plans that far away from home?

I have build drones and flown them from different cities but they usually just lose video unless I attach a cell phone with 4G but I don't think this will work well that far?

It's my dream /diy/.

>> No.1202530

Bait surely? Anyway I'll bite.

>Highly illegal.

>You will be in deep,deep trouble if you attempt this - you cant go around violating airspace without expecting a whole shitstorm of problems, and most likely long terms of imprisonment.

>> No.1202531

It's legit not bait, I have built prototyles and flown them to a different city and back and never lost a drone except for when one crashed nearby but I found it and got my phone and salvaged the parts back.

I seriously want to do this, even flying it to France and back is a good starting point, I am from the UK.

>> No.1202536

If you violate another country's airspace you are committing a number of serious offences, probably even terror related.

if it falls on a populated area in another country you will be in deep deep shit.

Security services take this stuff very very seriously, don't do it anon.

>> No.1202537

Im telling the CIA on you!!

>> No.1202553

that's a very ambitious project, but if you've done it small scale, just scale it up!
All mobile phones are just radio transmitters / receivers. That should give you some insight.

>> No.1202556

Building that would be way easier than getting through the red tape. How do you intend to get the control signal to it?

>> No.1202557

im gonna need proof of this with a time stamp to help

im an aerospace engineer from /sci/ btw

>> No.1202559

I'm thinking about pre-programming the route and then using some sort of GPS, not sure about the camera feed tho.

It's going to be expensive for sure but I want to livestream a flight to Al Raqqa, Syria although I fear someone will end up shooting it down or something.

>> No.1202564

Definitely. How do you expect to fly this through hostile air space, when Billy Bob from the mid-west runs outside in his boxers to shoot down a passing drone cause "muh daughter".

>> No.1202569

>I want to fly it all the way to a country like Syria
Step 1 move to Sanliurfa

>> No.1202586

pics or it didn't happen

>> No.1202591


My dad works for Nintendo, I know what I'm talking about.

>> No.1202603

Best material is shipping container Corten steel. Best fuel is imitation crab meat.
Best engine design is perpetual motion over-unity two stroke chainsaw running HHO.

>> No.1202606

great all I am missing is the corn starch flesh light.

>> No.1202617

>buy ardupilot board
>program path
>install that shit on whatever rc plane (you can make a completely solar powered rc plane that can fly 24/7, it has been tested)
>prepare the lube for when you're gonna get assfucked in jail
just kidding, they won't allow you to bring the lube in your cell.

related videos:


As for the video feed, your best bet is installing a GSM module and hope you get reception, and run the camera through it so it can stay connected to the internet.

Friendly reminder that you will go to jail if you violate air laws, so double check the red tape you have to go through for this.

>> No.1202622

Actually I can't find anything for autonomous drones laws in the uk, but "small model aircrafts" (models below 20kg) can be flown only under direct line of sight. Large models (up to 150kg) can only be flown by some association or something, after getting an extemption.

I think you will have to contact your local flight club and ask them for directions on how to schedule an unmanned autonomous flight.

>> No.1202623
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>dat aspect ratio
>dat prop size

>> No.1202624


>> No.1202651

What's your religion

>> No.1202653

Okay so an update:

I plan on using a RC plane instead of building my own, I won't trust it otherwise and if I make it look like a drone I will get in even more shit.

I plan on planning the route to Syria and setting a camera to take pictures every half hour or so and then send them back when the plane is in reach of a phone signal on an International sim card and it will send the pictures back, I will fly it over Al Raqqa and circle it then fly to the Turkish border to get phone signal as I doubt you'll get Syrian cell services then I will fly it towards Kurdistan and set it to land there, I don't know why Kurdistan but it seems like a safe bet and then it will probably get found by someone and then fuck knows, maybe reported to an intelligence agency or something.

I am planning on flying it with a banner with a message and maybe tape a letter to the bottom for when a Kurd finds it saying "Hello" or something but this is looking more likely to go ahead.

Ordering some stuff now for it.

>> No.1202655

I also don't have much experience with solar power and will need to modify the plane with a much better battery or maybe a few but the weight will be an issue so will have experiment, will order 2 planes to make a prototype.

100% going ahead with this project tho.

>> No.1202657

How long will the flight take? Surely you'll have to fly it overnight. You'll need several hours of batteries to power it, unless you plan on landing it for the night

>> No.1202660

I'm not sure to be honest, will need to see how much flight time a full battery will get plush the wind will be an issue over the ocean and I will also be flying low and taking the route with the most ocean since I don't want to fly over the least amount of countries.

I can't land it.

I have done a bitch of research and it is possible to fly that long but it's either going to get shot down or something, end up crashing into the ocean due to high winds or end up ignoring the flight plan and getting lost and crash somewhere.

I am optimistic.

>> No.1202669
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I plan on this route, still have to go between the French and Spanish border but it's pretty clear from there, I am not sure on the altitude tho, it could be a problem with flight paths, will have to research it more.

>> No.1202674

What if he rents a boat a launches from international waters?

>> No.1202713

/military/ here. Do not make it a scale replica of a United States aircraft, as it could cause serious political issues for the United States if it were mistaken to be a real US aircraft. Also, guarantee it will get shot down. Why would you pick such an active airspace?

>> No.1202718

I had a similar idea, not about Syria though, but I had a different concept in mind
>During days rest on rooftops or somewhere, charging up, simple movement detector to start immediately if someone approaches the drone
>Flu during nights, from city to city, if energy is close to running out land somewhere.
>Take a picture at regular intervals or record it all - not sure here - but upload stuff through WiFi found in the cities, probably through darknet so nobody can track this stuff back to me

In general I thought of it as more of an autonomous drone problem instead of just international flight. I didn't have a clear target, maybe Chernobyl or somewhere but I don't think there would be many spots to upload there, which would make storage an additional problem. On the other hand we're approaching the point where lightweight terabyte SSD's are getting reasonably priced, so who knows.

Also, anon, there's the weather you know. Your project can just get randomly assfucked

>> No.1202720

>Do not make it a scale replica of a United States aircraft, as it could cause serious political issues for the United States if it were mistaken to be a real US aircraft.
But the Chinese air force does that all the time.

>> No.1202721

I like how this is
>clearly very illegal
>impossible with OP's knowledge level
>impossible with OP's budget
but he's completely ignoring everyone telling him so, just like every other shit thread on /diy/

>> No.1202744
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I like how you're such a self obsessed faggot that you thought your useless opinion was worthy enough to bump this trainwreck of a thread over.

>> No.1202903

Get a dragon link radio setup

>> No.1202920

What about like a 20 mile flight through no restricted airspace?

I have toyed with the idea of landing oads and solar chargers for a sort of leap frog to a buddy's house.

>ding dong
>"who is it honey?"
>"uhhm... it's a 6 pack of beer tied to a drone?"

>> No.1202922

Probably a felony op but man. Another city??

How far u reckon?

>> No.1202924

Aerosoace engineer on 4chan

Please tell me this is real.

Ima hang out on sci

>> No.1202926

Dude, you get a drone up 50 feet and us hillbillies cant even hear or see it.

>> No.1202928

Just got to a DARPA garage sale.

>> No.1202929

God i love you guys.

>i wanna build a plane and say high to the kurds

Aight then, lets figure it out!

>> No.1202930

Second with another bump and that anon is a dickhead

>> No.1202936
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>complaining about bumping a thread that is literally the first thread on the board at the time

>> No.1202965

not that guy but i'm a mechanical engineer and also monitoring this thread.

I'm still waiting for >>1202586 desu

>> No.1203068

Being in international water does not exempt you from the laws of your country if you decide to go back (and if they can prove you committed a crime).
Plus, he'd need a catapult to launch a heavy drone off a boat, unless he's renting a boat with a long deck. But even then, most boats don't have a favorable shape to be used as landing strips, unless he's renting a carrier.

That said, he most likely would be able to get away with it provided that he uses throw away phones with some random hops to send and receive his data.

honestly this isn't a really expensive nor complicated project (at least to launch, being successful would require quite a bit), if we do not consider the legal part we have to figure out.

you can't just go and buy a plane. You need a dedicated full solar platform, ultralight and with big wingspan and propellers, on a low kv motor.
A store bought one will most likely be extremely flimsy for this kind of job.

>> No.1203072

I've figured that, I am a bit optimistic but I am going to a hobby/rc store on Tuesday to look around, this will be going ahead and will make an update when I have bought most of the parts and built at least a prototype.

>> No.1203073

You launch in good conditions and hope that in the week that it will take to get there there won't be any storms, there's no way to make an ultralight like that survive a harsh storm unless you make it big, which means expensive and hard to get.
Also fly above the clouds or some shit, you ain't making it at sea level anyway.

>> No.1203076

I don't want it to be too big, if it crashes and it's huge then it will be bad news, I am still figuring this out and it's more complicated than I thought.

>> No.1203080

You don't need much.
Ardupilot mega board, a gps module, three or four servos, enough battery to last 12 to 24h, depending on how optimistic you are, a motor and an ESC, that's it for the electronics.
You won't need a remote since you're not flying it directly, but it's good to have one to get acquainted with the plane itself.
For all this you should spend less than 500£ if you get it online, then there's the problem of building the plane part of it. You'll need to study wings an shit but realistically just copy an ultralight craft and see where that brings you.
Overall, you should be fine with 2000£ including camera equipment.

Also, you might have not considered it but if you run at any relevant altitude, you'll might end up hitting a real plane and you'll be in a big sea of shit.

>> No.1203081

>OP actually gets on and builds the Felony Falcon.
>Flies through numerous countries, committing dozens of offences
>NSA, CIA, MI6, MOSSAD and a bunch of others all triangulate
>multiple raids occur, and OP is passed around numerous law courts like a chain letter
>with a good lawyer, he manages to get off easily with only 3428 years in 54 prisons

buy shares in vaseline anons

>> No.1203089
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>Felony Falcon
Looks like this project finally has a name.

>> No.1203092
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Fucking do this. Tie some firecrackers to it too. I'm sure a explosive device even one as small as a firecracker will get you even more dick from some marines in Getmo.

>> No.1203125

Why the fuck are we entertaining this impossible and illegal project?

>> No.1203128

It isn't impossible anon, it's quite viable if OP actually manages to put enough batteries and actually gets a decent solar panel system on the wings.

Chances are it will get caught in a storm and in the ocean and crash but it might make it.

Illegal on the other hand, you're right that's why it's the Felony Falcon.

>> No.1203129
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ISIS pls go

>> No.1203164
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Those plastic printed solar panels that EEV blog got in the mail look particularly promising for this application; they're essentially no extra weight, though less efficient than traditional panels. Best part is, you don't have to make custom panels to fit the form of the aircraft's wing, because they're very flexible.

>> No.1203281

Even better, a couple of proper firework rockets. Buzz a stationed US carrier and give them a couple of shots. They'll be scratching their heads when your drone was moving too fast to catch its licence plate. Best do it soon, the 4th of July is just around the corner.

>> No.1203292

No, as you said the barebones of this project aren't difficult to put together, but to make it have any decent chance at succeeding the difficulty increases massively. In particular, protecting it against weather, and preventing the government assfucking are both very, very difficult tasks, not "/diy/ on a high schooler budget"-tier. If OP wanted something that can do maybe 100-200 kilometer trips inland, without crossing borders, it might be a bit more realistic.

>> No.1203351

He's in England, which is probably worse for red tape than the US, but the nearest nation is Sealand, who might be willing to act as a launch platform. Not sure how he'd land, though.

If OP could make it fly well over 30km (45+?) then he shouldn't have air traffic control barking up his tree, and weather would be less of a trouble, but keeping up lift would be a definite problem without going stupidly fast, which is tough with a prop. You might also get shot down without warning for being a camera-equipped drone above someone else's country; there's hardly a defined limit for national airspace unless you're above 160km, which is space. Below 0km also works to get out of national airspace, but I don't think it will be easy to get solar power down there.

>> No.1203355
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>there's hardly a defined limit for national airspace unless you're above 160km, which is space

>> No.1203365
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>> No.1203393

Just build an ICBM, you'll be in space the entire time so no rules apply during the flight to Raqqa

>> No.1203409

Is why i come here. Never know what kind of minds u can find. I run heavy equipment and got a yard full of mowers and shit to tinker with. I like building shit bit im far from an engineer.

Example: bought a moped frame so i can legally tag my cooler...

>> No.1203411

Felony Falcon 1 is a go. Godspeed op

>> No.1203421

Where the fuck is sexbot anon

And at this point it's less "how" than it is "can OP afford the parts and materials". If he drives out to the hills and fucks off with a quickness he'll be fine, especially if he skirts the French and Spanish borders and flies mostly over the med. At that point, it's just waiting and praying that the plane can stay high enough.

>> No.1203671

I have enough disposible income to pull this off, took a trip to the biggest hobby store I could fine and had a browse and I think this should be good to go soon enough.

>> No.1203672

What concept are you going for: big battery, combustion engine, or solar?

>> No.1203673

I think you use a satellite connection, might have some lag time but it's probably not a big deal. yep solar electric glider is probably the route you want to go. I'm not to knowledgeable in model aircraft building but you will probably run into issues with wind, overheating, it will probably require a sustainable source of income, and consultation with experts, they will probably tell you about FAA regulations regarding where you can fly, and whether it is at night, and you might also need insurance.

>> No.1203678

Going to go the solar route and try and use as many batteries as possible, will pre-select the route and just let it go solo, it will be too difficult to have an option to change the route etc, for cameras it will just be whenever the plane can get a cell phone signal to send back the pictures it has taken which will be set at one every half hour or so.

People keep saying it will just get caught in a storm and crash which means it needs to be fairly big and have a wide wing span but then I face the problem of having to make it bigger but not too big otherwise if it crashes on land it could hurt someone....

Still thinking.

>> No.1203859
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then build a fucking rocket OP

>> No.1203863

I don't understand why you fags keep calling this illegal as if OP would ever get caught

>> No.1203871


>> No.1203970

Scrape off serial numbers. No one is going to look for the owner of an unmarked plane from another country.

>> No.1203973

>Muh solar

>> No.1203991
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I don't remember where but recently I read an article saying that private citizens were abe to send thier own satelites into low orbit for a month or so. This may solve connection issues - if you have the budget.

>> No.1204088

Dudes voice is like sandpaper on my ears

>> No.1204094

Any link to the actual product? I have ideas. Vibrating ideas.

>> No.1204142

Obviously didn'y read three motherfuckin posts in this whole got-damn thread
> muh FAA in the UK
disqualified, learn to /read/, back to /lgbt/

>> No.1204154

Go away muslim

>> No.1204282
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Exactly, once this thing gets shot out of the sky who the fuck is going to tie some unnumbered smoldering reckage to OP? Burner phone on drone, upload pics to cloud, download from burner phone. Also use pic related because your fucking country is covered in cameras

>> No.1204300

>Felony Falcon
Kek'd, official /diy/ drone program

>> No.1204314

>I want to build a homemade drone that is capable of flying to a different country

Maybe doable, even with out prison time but depends on you nearest border and how chill things are. Also how low you fly.

> I want to fly it all the way to a country like Syria and fly over Raqqa and then maybe fly home if possible.
Bad idea and highly unlikely.

Long distance drone trips are doable but reliant on having a charging station and a decent connection. Then basically leapfrogging from station to station and hoping an eagle or rain does not ruin your shit.

Also local laws and how seriously they are enforced.

Other thing, long distance = lag, this will basically kill any ability to react promptly to things.

>long story short
Cool to think about but not to do, also likely to get you in shit.

>> No.1204319

Also wind, just about anything more than a mild breeze will ruin your shit and throw off any pre-programed path.

>> No.1204320

I fear that but it's become a bit of an obsession to do it and I don't really care if it crashes I just kind of want to try it.

It's going to either not recharge enough from the solar panels and nosedive into the ocean/land or just get btfo'd by a storm but fuck it I will do this.

Also I don't really have to worry about legal trouble since it would be pretty easy to do it anonymously imo.

>> No.1204321

As an actual drone mechanic in the air force, I can tell you this

You're gonna have to make it light as fuck. And by light as fuck, I mean virtually no fluids.

I hope you have a shitload of money.

>> No.1204328

Oh btw, I also have a book with all the schematics and shit about the mq9, so ask a question and I'll see if I can/can't answer it.

>> No.1204375

Dump that sauce nigga

>> No.1204377

Rude! Sauce should be enjoyed, squirted in copious amounts, not dumped like refuse.

>> No.1204378


We call that bullshit. Don't need to lie on the internet to be cool. Faggot.

>> No.1204437

They're made by infinityPV. What are you planning?

>> No.1204445

You might as well take the train to the Côte d'Azur and skip that part.

Even small quad-copter drones can hurt people when they crash.

>> No.1204455

>take the train
>16' wingspan
I don't think so.

>> No.1204547

Best advise on consumer level off the shelf delivery drone with a 10 mile one way range?

>> No.1204571

I would also like to build my own drone like you op, except for avoiding the jewry of international postage

sending packages of tea and chocolate to my american friends and having them return secondhand bargains without paying homosexual postage

i think trying to send letters across town would be better though

>> No.1204573

>building a transatlantic drone is cheaper than using an industrial-scale shipping company
Typical Anglo retardation

>> No.1204629

Yeah, no.
A project this scale isn't really low key, especially with terrorism and your country being an authoritarian hellhole.

>> No.1204756

Over that distance pretty much the only way to get control is with satellite phone/internet. Paying for bandwidth to transmit video back will be very expensive

>> No.1204762

This is beyond fucking retarded but since I've done some similar projects:

The easiest way to do anything like this is to get a genuine internet connection on the thing. It's going to be expensive because it needs to be satellite in your case.

Get it to listen to basic commands (hold altitude and fly in x direction at x speed until someone shoots you down or you run out of power because you're trying to fly a solar drone all the way to fucking syria)

>> No.1204763
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Forgot to mention: I was passing simple commands through SSH and having it be interpreted by a pi on the other side. Then I had a seperate IP cam for video

>> No.1204782


>> No.1204783

What would be the best way to configure a camera to send back images that were taken every half hour? Attach a smart phone or use a camera and just use a sim card?

>> No.1204834

it's possible to use a raspi for control, communcation, and video/images

>> No.1204915

Fuck DIY is retarded, who cares if it is illegal OP, its an awesome project.

I bought a powered glider RC thing, the brushless motor was probably overpowered, I could climb vertical!

If we up size the glider and maintain the motor it can climb slower so the battery lasts longer.

If you then put photo voltaic on the craft to charge the battery then you are on track.

If you have a good autopilot, you could put the glider in a circle if the battery runs out to wait until the sun comes up and the batteries recharge.

This is awesome DIY.

>> No.1204938

Awesome project. Believe the hardest part will be manufacturing a high endurance airframe that can carry all the batteries, coms, electronics. 12 hr light cycle will need to supply charge for >24 hrs unless you have a large reserve. So solar cells need to be aprox >2x output than what's being used.
Look into carbon fiber, that may be sufficent for the airframe. Electronics , coms can be broken into smaller sub projects and probly outsourced for a few dollars.

>> No.1204945

Did some more research. Only way to actually do this without building an actual full sized aircraft is to recharge on the fly. A real predator drone only has a range of 1000 miles. That air route is >6000 miles uk to Syria and back.
You need to average more than 2x charging capacity as use while you're flying.

>> No.1205164

I don't think you'll be able to make something with 24-hour endurance on your budget. Aim lower. Maybe spend that money going somewhere yourself?

>> No.1205167

That sounds like something fun to do with some automated wifi cracking so you could potentially control it anywhere in the world without any data costs.
Then, with solar powering it and a decent weatherproof body, you could even make a trip around the world if you only go via populated spots with wifi or data coverage.
And if possible a tiny rover to take pictures of the drone/leave behind to do whatever.

>> No.1205183

Oh I have money, I just want to do something for the meme really, it was either Syria or North Korea but the Norks would certainly shoot it down and you know, tensions are high plus I wouldn't want to fly it over to South Korea to get signal to send the photos back since the border is heavily monitored etc, could fly it to China or Japan but w/e, I want it to go to Syria.

>> No.1205189
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OP if you are for real, you're literally the stupidest person I've ever seen here.

brb OPs getting raped by every country who's airspace he flew over

>> No.1205225


>It's my dream /diy/.

terrorist identified

i keep a quran next to my toilet so that i can fold my fecal matter between a new set of its pages every day; the whole world is about to take a shit on your hometown and turn it into an irradiated parking lot, and it makes me so happy that i wish i had popcorn to watch the documentaries they make afterwards of you terrorists burning to death


>> No.1205226
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Does anyone have any idea if there's any better pictures of this surveillance drone? It's a US military one but I like the wingspan, good for the solar panels.

>> No.1205261

Honestly you should make a miniature blimp / airship instead controlled via sat link. Seems like this would make the range issue possibly feasible..

>> No.1205262
File: 51 KB, 676x380, horriblesubs-kono-subarashii-sekai-ni-shukufuku-wo-01-1080p-mkv_snapshot_07-24_2016-01-14_15-03-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are the Dumbest Fuck in Jolly ol' England if you think this doesn't end without you getting tried by an international tribunal.


>> No.1205280

Too much gas would leak long before it got there, if it could overcome a gentle breeze.

>> No.1205284

Costs tens of thousands to get a cubesat launched and wouldn't be particularly useful for this.

>> No.1205319
File: 14 KB, 300x225, CoffeeshopReise0011[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't really help you with that, however... once you get to the point where your drone is capable of flying, say, 200km with a payload of 100 grams, I'd buy one for... reasons...

>> No.1205322

>The year is 2027
>4chan autists now control fleets of drones which ignore national borders and several LEO satilites
>weaponised autism makes 4chan the most effective intelligence service in the world
>numerous terrorist plots foiled
>President Hillary Clinton orders the Felony Falcon shot down three days before it completes its ten year mission in Syrian airspace
>In retailiation she is hounded day and night by mini drones projecting images of pepe the frog driving her to resign after having a mental breakdown

I want to believe.

>> No.1205333
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I need this in my life.

autism takeover when?

>> No.1205340

>all those hardpoints
When will someone make a better stealth fighter than the F-22?

>> No.1205364

Dumb anime poster thinks they can magically find out who the plane belongs to

>> No.1205380

For starters I'll be glad if I make a trip across Poland. Lately I had another idea. I could significantly cut energy use by landing on cargo trains. Coal for example is often transported in an open compartment, so it's a matter of landing there and not falling out. If I get the money I'll probably make a small blog /thread there documenting my experiments and adventures

>> No.1205385

if you look closely, they look glued on

>> No.1205411

Damn what a dumbfuck. You aren't gonna get anywhere just by copying the design of a drone someone else made. Do It Yourself, that means do the engineering yourself. If you can't figure this out you will get nowhere.

Now feck off

>> No.1205416

Never, but the F-35 is fucking amazing.
Also, the hardpoints come off, you inept downs patient.

>> No.1205468

You'd have to wait for a coal train to pass by though and you might fall over in the cart due to unstable footing (unless you have some system pushing you up again, which would increase weight and then energy aswell). Maybe add some kind of gliding system with styrofoam wings, that shouldn't increase weight all too much. But do post your adventures as it's something I'd like to see and do aswell.

>> No.1205685

>the hardpoints come off
Then where do the missiles go? No point being able to carry missiles if you aren't stealth about it. Cramming F-35 / other modern tech into the F-22 would be objectively better, unless you're England who have decided to remove catapults from their latest aircraft carriers.

>> No.1205712
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>wat are internal bays for stealth missions

>> No.1205786

>build an ICBM
>get nuked in retaliation

>> No.1206131

>the F-35 is fucking amazing.

>> No.1206147

>My dad works for Nintendo, I know what I'm talking about.


>> No.1206153

Inside the fucking plane. The hardpoints are for Day 2, after you've flattened the IADS. Even on internal stores alone it carries the same tonnage of ordinance as an F-16 and MORE fuel.
And no, it would not be. For one, that would be hideously expensive. The LRIP-10 cost for an F-35A is already down to $91m/ea, and dropping. Retooling the F-22 (again) would cost hundreds of billions, including the fact that we have to rebuild, from nothing, the infrastructure and tooling to build all of the brand new aircraft that would be needed to fill the orders that have already been placed for the F-35. This isn't even mentioning the fact that the F-22 is a great fighter but a pretty sorry groundpounder, which the F-35 excels at. EO-DAS is cheating.

>> No.1206163
File: 2.36 MB, 2353x1266, A10_Thunderbolt_II_Inflight2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pussy planes

>> No.1206165

>obsolete plane from Vietnam era eats S-400 and FUCKING DIES.mp4

>> No.1206171
File: 126 KB, 1200x800, f-15-eagle_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying the A-10 wouldn't get half blown up and still fly back to base

this has literally happened


>> No.1206249

>pew pew pew pew pew

>> No.1206254

1 Send a drone to a warzone from your home must be illegal at so many levels that nato would provavly bomb-you 2 solar is a bad idea, one hp is more or less 750 watts, the best solar panels give up to 120 watts per squere meter, a piston engine "predator drone" made by a hobbyst that you can find in youtube neds a 25 hp engine, you might get away with les power but easily you would need about 50 squere meters of solar panels to get 10 hp and if your drone has that surfece area in the uper part of the wings and the fusellage it would sertenly had way to much drag for that power. Also betterys are very a ineficient way to store energy, the best rechargable ones give15% energy store by weight compare to liquid fuel.
3 Mi sugestión, copy a predator but use a airfoil with a longer wing chord, make the fucker light as fuck and put as much fuel in it as you can, maybe even drop-tanks like the ones use in fighter and serch for the lightest and more powerfull aircoled engine. No idea in electronics.
English is not my main language so sorry if i didnt express myself correctly

>> No.1206258

S-400 would be suppressed or destroyed before Warthog visit.

Any of you faggots who don't see air combat as a war between systems of systems are too stupid to be on 4chan, and that's saying a lot.

>> No.1206266

won't radar pick you up with a drone this large?

>> No.1206282

That's what I fear too, also I am unsure if flying low will avoid this but I have to watch out for buildings and at least fly above the highest building(s) in the area.

You're all going to be pleasantly surprised at my progress, lots of shit I ordered arrived today and I have the week off work so shit's going to happen, will upload photo's soon.

>> No.1206318
File: 170 KB, 538x480, 1498694913472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP please Livestream ISIS and NATO both declaring war directly on you, then also livestream your house being shelled.

>> No.1206341

But why? Just use an updated F-22 as a fighter, and use attack aircraft to hold 10 times the payload than an F-35 ever could.

>piston engine
Did you see >>1202617 ? Solar + small motor + very little weight will work, provided you avoid bad weather.

Good luck!

>> No.1206343

Would one with missiles be fine

>> No.1206447

>OP is still alive and will delivar
I'm pleased.

>> No.1206448

Not possible.

>> No.1206452
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>> No.1206468
File: 48 KB, 539x540, IMG_20170708_230422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP I hope you like being charged with war crimes (as you'll likely accidentally kill civs), treaty violations and a vast array of other things.

you are a literal retard

please do continue

>> No.1206478

OP, if you actually deliver that would be a true inspiration to everyone on /diy/.

So that the Felony Falcon may fly ferociously with fusion fireball fueled feathers, finding fields free of forcefull funderstorms for finally flying from flowery forest to futile fighters and foresee all that is flung from fatwa fiends to fly freely forth to their final funeral.

>> No.1206491

see >>1202617

>> No.1206501

>Killing people with a styrofoam fucking rc toy
that would be quite an achievement.

>> No.1206506


>Retard anime poster is still in this thread
Please leave

>> No.1206551
File: 466 KB, 800x534, ffalcon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Felony Falcon

Mission: Fly to Syria with a U.A.V and take pictures of CIA niggers.
Requisites:Anonymity(not get assfucked by other countries), get photos,(get back home safely).

Current problems:
-Power for the entire flight
Solar power >>1204437
Make smart stops >>1202718
OP's a faggot >>1205380

-Lightweight systems(mainly frame)
Carbon fiber? >>1204938
wifi >>1205167
gsm >>1202617

>> No.1206571

go to tower hobbies and look up powered gliders .they have a bunch with same wing style build or arf.

>> No.1206590

Le XDD Sealand meme

>> No.1206596

There are some balloons that don't leak gas at all
If I remember correctly,
Where mass 1 --> molecular mass of air
Mass2 ---> is molecular mass of gas

I'm sure if you used like 2 balloons inside of each other that would minimize the rate of leakage. Alternatively, since you have solar, you could collect water from the air and electrolyze that to refuel the airship.

Make an autonomous solar powered airship OP!

>> No.1206622
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>> No.1206635

Helium is very difficult to contain, even gas bottles have a tiny amount od leakage through the seals.

>> No.1206656
File: 1.57 MB, 1920x2560, IMG_20170709_120307916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not the one trying very hard to violate a vast ungodly amount of international law.

I'm just a simple amateur electrochemist

pic related: magnesium sulfate to cupric sulfate membrane cell

>> No.1206661

A non-state entity cannot be charged with violating an international treaty, you absolute nonce.

>> No.1206668
File: 138 KB, 1247x810, 1499557341263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you implying they wouldn't asspull something just to give OP the d?

>> No.1206675

I'me on my second year of an AeroE degree and I've been in 4chan forever, wouldn't surprise me to see someone with the degree still hanging around

>> No.1206684

I'm implying you're a manchild with no knowledge of public international law.

>> No.1206763

It makes sense to make Sealand the base of operations for your global terrorist hub, it makes the paperwork less complicated

>> No.1206793
File: 765 KB, 1054x1139, Screenshot_2017-06-27-03-10-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying this wouldn't break international law.

wat is foreign airspace?

>implying you're not just trying to egg OP on by trying to discredit my posts

>> No.1206796

No, I'm implying the fact you believe a natural entity would ever be charged with violation of international treaties clearly indicates you have no fucking idea what you're talking about.

You goddamn weeaboo manchild.

>> No.1206809
File: 542 KB, 811x710, 1499382109552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh but I agree; OP would probably just shoot himself in the back of the head twice :^)

who shit in your cornflakes, salty?


>implying I have XY chromosomes

>> No.1206840
File: 91 KB, 500x439, bad luck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flying a drone from the US to Syria without it getting shot down

>> No.1206846

>I want to violate another country's airspace

my sides enjoy being shot down with extreme prejudice

>> No.1206854

Can you tell me if it's possible to make a "Cu(s) > Cu2+(aq) | Br2(aq) > 2Br-(aq)" rechargeable electrolytic cell without electrolysing water?

>> No.1206855

>landing an unmanned drone
>on a moving train
>full of coal, which makes for irregular and unstable terrain

Holy shit you can't possibly be this fucking stupid

>> No.1206859

>Drone malfunctions and lands on some french guys head
>OP gets arrested for terror and spends life in prison

go for it man

>> No.1206870

>CAS without air superiority and supression of enemy air defenses


CAS is the comfiest job in the world, you just fly and blow literally everything up while being unfuckingtouchable

And the US Warthog has eaten a shit ton of bullets and missiles and somehow went back home alive. It can take an absurd amount of punishment. I wish my country had a plane as badass as the A-10

How does one get a satellite link?

What are the capabilities of this satellite?

>not a big deal

Latency will be significant enough to make remote piloting impossible. Better hope the software is flawless.

>> No.1206880

I've already threw away the idea of remote piloting, it's going to be on it's own and hopefully follow the flight path, only thing it will do is send back images when it can get connection to a cell tower which is hopefully Turkey once it comes back from Al-Raqqa.

>> No.1206881
File: 39 KB, 433x540, IMG_20170615_004555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weebposter here, I've changed my mind;

this I have to see. please OP livestream this shit.

I will livestream myself pissing my pants with laughter watching it if you do.

>> No.1206915

>I wish my country had a plane as badass as the A-10
I wish my country had a plane at all

>> No.1206925

Your biggest issue is going to be sheer battery life to power the drone throughout the flight

Drones like the predator can stay airborne for days because they're aerodynamically sound as opposed to something like a quadcopter which is unstable unless powered

Your best bet is to build off an existing rc platform, something like a fixed wing kit. You're also going to be fighting heavy winds above the cloud line since your setup will only be a couple pounds at most, so don't be heartbroken if you get blown off course and don't recover it

As for electronics, you should look into setups for high-altitude balloons. There are HAM radio based communications which will let you keep track of its positions or more expensive satellite communications like the IRIDIUM system.

If you crash (or worse into another aircraft), expect them to track IC serial numbers and firmware for the GPS coordinates you hardcoded into it

>> No.1206928


Clarification: I am neither OP nor retarded enough to want to land on a moving train. I've seen coal trains stop in my city for a few minutes for no fucking reason. About stability: I know it would be another challenge. I thought about some sort of lightweight wire cage around the drone. Not enough to fuck up the airflow but good enough for my drone to basically safely roll in the coal heap. Anyway. I'm just having ideas, I like the problem solving aspect of the task so such semi-retarded ideas. When I start working on the project I'll be fucking happy to fly around the city for one night. I know realistically how hard this will be, I just dream big.

>> No.1206959


Shut the fuck up already you backseat lawyers. It's like i'm seriously on reddit right now.

>> No.1206995

see >>1202617

>> No.1207006

You'd better land on a regular roofed train. It's flat and sturdy.
On the other hand, I imagine your drone being picked up after crashing all blackened with coal dust and people being WTF about it.

>> No.1207023

Hey OP you should strap a BB gun and an ISIS flag to the bottom of the drone and fly it around France.

>> No.1207025

>How does one get a satellite link?
What is a satellite phone?

>> No.1207039

It'll tank an IGLA. At most. Any proper telephone-pole SAM will shred it like anything else with wings.

>> No.1207042

He compared it to the F-35 as a ground pounder.
1. We can't make any more F-22s.
2. We have no attack craft that fit that description. No, the B-1B isn't good enough and nowhere near as stealthy as the F-35.
3. The F-16 is the most successful fighter design of all time, and the F-35A is a continuation of the same principles. Once full rate production is finally underway, it will cost the same as a current Super Hornet while delivering a significantly higher degree of effectiveness.
During the last Red Flag, a strike package of F-22s and F-35s destroyed all mission targets with a kill rate of 15:0 versus their legacy opponents. Any less stealthy attack aircraft would have surely taken losses.

>> No.1207138

>F-35 autism


>> No.1207460

/pol/ here, saving this thread for possible future /Syria General/ laughs. Thanks /diy/ this is the kind of shit I live for. Oh and OP, don't let the lawyers discredit you, go ahead and don't forget to livestream it or upload it to liveleak.

>> No.1207466

>from /sci/
Into the trash

>> No.1207470

On a similiar note is it affordable to build a drone that can cross cities or maybe states? I thought the hobbyist tier drones needed a recharge every 20 or so minutes. Pls post pics if you've built something similar.

>> No.1207474

This reminds me of one loud faggot who posted repeatedly here. He was going to build a gas-operated delivery drone and make lots of money. The drone had a patent pending propeller and all.

I think it was supposed to be up and running at this point.

>> No.1207479

Man up and fill the airship with hydrogen.

Flytrex 3g to track it

>> No.1207496

Large fixed wing models can run for a long time.

ultimatelrs can achieve >40km command distance at 1w 433mhz. If you want further than that, either use an amplifier, or, if you are staying within a civilised area, GPRS.

>> No.1207498

Easily, but not with a conventional rotating-wing drone. Fixed wing or go home.

I think the "land in a train car" idea was much more credible with a quadcopter in mind; a large, 1m diameter quadcopter with a broad landing strut on the bottom would probably be able to land quite comfortably inside a train car, assuming you can program it to easily take off and land on moving, uneven surfaces. But with a flexible-winged beast of a powered glider, that sort of hooliganism is out of the question. Thankfully a powered glider should be able to fly 24/7, weather permitting, so it shouldn't be necessary to land. But if it does come down to needing to land, installing some lightweight landing gear might be worthwhile; even just a primitive tail-dragger. Though I suspect it will be far harder to find a landing strip in the first place. Maybe write "please throw me" in a bunch of languages on the side and make it able to land safely in a grassy field.

>> No.1207514
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/sg/ here as well.
If you start the flight, do come by some time! We have some coordinates with presumed jihadist training facilities that we could use up to date surveilance from.
Godspeed, OP!

>> No.1207515

you've found aonther one?

>> No.1207521

Couple weeks ago we found one in Idlib province if I remember correctly.
I doubt the russians or syrians will actually bomb it though, if there isnt 100% solid information about it. If we could get up to date close up images of the site in question, there is a much bigger chance that the weaponized autism actually makes a difference in the world.

>> No.1207522


>> No.1207523

The syria general thread on /pol/:

>> No.1207525
File: 1.47 MB, 2300x6510, weaponised autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the superheroes of the internet

>> No.1207536

>Solar powered spy drone launched from an improvised aircraft carrier on its way to Syria.

This is getting better and better.

>> No.1207541
File: 5 KB, 151x233, 0GTf2Ow (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sides crippled!

>> No.1207542

This. I gotta go 10 mules and carry 2 pounds please.

>> No.1207543


>> No.1207544

Used to drive a van and move trainfags around.

Tyoically trainfags work 12 on 12 off and park trains at odd random ass spots.

They walk the length of them for inspection and then haul ass.

Not sure if landing on one is a good idea but they should be parked all over.

>> No.1207615

>"lol how could they find me?"
>he posts, from his home internet connection, from a country monitored by GCHQ, on a korean folk dancing forum monitored by everyone

>> No.1207643

Yeah. OP could team up with /sg/ to fight the war against isis.

Autism makes us strong!

>> No.1207645
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>> No.1207648

Hey OP, maybe you could build a solar powered pre programmed boat that could ride the Mediterranean all the way to Syria. It could also hold the drone. That way you could bypass the whole airspace laws and stormy weather shtuff

Getting past Gibraltar might be tough tho.

>> No.1207652

I would love to see a time lapse video

>> No.1207656

Why the fuck didn't we think of this yet? It's perfect.
>Get it up into the airstream, plot course via charts
>massive surface area for featherweight solars and a wire antenna
>minimal power requirements to move it
>does not require rigid body structure
Based on OPs requirements, I am damn sure we could plot a course through Mediterranean weather and air patterns and get a long-duration dirigible that far. Granted, flight time will not be unlimited due to the methods by which he will have to control altitude, but by God, we could get it there.

>> No.1207829

A humble bump
Post pics of drone or materials OP

>> No.1207864
File: 61 KB, 540x343, htm_2008042201584630003700-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A team of south korean gooks flew a homemade plane overseas to an island, took pictures and came back.

total covered distance was 450km
flew for 4hrs 35min
they mentioned that flight distance could be stretched to 700km.

drone specs:
2.9m wide wings, 11.2kg with 4hp engine, 10l of fuel, camera and gps tracking module.

Seems like they also used a pre- programmed course for their drone.

It's called the "Aris storm"

That should be enough for OP to get in some deep shit

>> No.1207895


How plausible would it be to collect water from the air/clouds (by peltier??) and electrolyse it to refill on hydrogen? The envelope isn't actually under significant pressure, is it?

Looks like petrol-power might be viable after all, and probably sturdier than a solar plane.

>> No.1207906

So you want to have both a huge hydrogen tank AND high voltage electrodes both on one airship? Also you'd have to have some tank to store water, which would be heavy, and some way of sucking out water from air. In short, unless there's some magic technology I don't know ow about I wouldn't count on it.

>> No.1207943

I was thinking more of some sort of device that electrolyses the water as it is collected, without letting it accumulate. Just a small trough near the bottom of the envelope and a small pair of connected plastic vials. Ideally you'd make them thin enough to function at 10mL or less of water, which equates to about 12L of H2 gas. So you convert 10g of mass into a little more than 1g of lifting power. Hydrogen constantly leaks, so the best you can hope for is to use up your extra weight capacity to generate more. Unless you feel like carrying a strong alpha emitter to fill up on helium, which would be a whole 'nother breed of international incident. The electrolysis doesn't require high voltage either; 12V from a few solar panels in series should be easily good enough.

>> No.1208022

Helium is more viable. Fill it at launch with the volume and pressure requires for initial target altitude, open valves to descend, fill from a small bank of onboard canisters to ascend. Limited maneuvering ability, yes, but were still talking about multiple days of travel, easily, against an hour or two of gas or electric HTA flight.

>> No.1208030

Longer travel time leads to more time of drift, which leads to more energy spent compensating. I don't think an aerostat is the way to go on this scale. Fixed wing is probably the best option.

>> No.1208032

We need to see some airstream charts before we can write it off entirely. Assuming we can get it up where it needs to be to bite into the steady moving air, and probably drop ballast instead of depleting the onboard tanks for this journey, power should not be a problem as it would simply need to adjust the control surfaces while in transit at high altitude while it can drop down into still air to maneuver precisely. Using the featherweight flexible photovoltaics posted further up the thread, running the motors for this purpose, no matter how much, shouldn't even be a problem.

If the fucking japs could bomb the mainland US with nothing but helium balloons and an egg timer then the idea that we can't take pictures of some fucking sand with all the modern tech available to us is an insult. Somebody dig up some charts, let's do this.

>> No.1208075

The smaller they are, the harder they are to build.
I don't have the numbers cargo for and equipment weight but it would be pretty big, which gives lots of RCS.
Big things floating around in controlled airspace without a transponder gets special attention from both ATC and the military.

So, i dont think the Bugga Me Blimey-Blimp would be very appreciated as commercial flights might have to be re-directed and, in worst case, it would be intercepted by a ef-2000 costing 15000 €/hour. That might spark an interest for an investigation.

The fact that both the RAF and CAA are bigger weather-nerds than we are, the chance of getting caught are pretty depressing.

Also, a boat launced stealthy felony falcon gives me a boner.

>> No.1208105

If we can get above 35,000ft, we'll be home free to ride the European jet stream. Once we've gotten close we can vent the lift gas, drop to 10k, and buzz towards Syria. Still, I'm speaking from the standpoint of "we are officially ignoring all international law and praying nothing bad happens" rather than trying to avoid getting caught. As long as we're taking that stance, then from the design and construction standpoint the aerostat is a hell of a lot simpler to design and build than a HTA superlight high-endurance fixed-wing drone, to the point where eyeballing most parts will be just fine rather than the exacting tolerances the fixed-wing will require. Twenty times easier to fly, too.

>> No.1208127

Now that i think about it, Why not both?

>> No.1208130

Autism: The thread

>> No.1208147

It doesn't look like it can fly at 100km/h.

>> No.1208154

100km/h isn't even fast. As long as the motor isn't a little pissy thing it should pull it off.

>> No.1208159

Balloon is easily the cheapest and most reliable option there. If you keep the payload weight below 4kg it is also unregulated in most European jurisdictions. You'll still get in trouble if pieces fall off it though.

>> No.1208161

This was also part of my thinking on this. Most governments don't seem to care if people strap shit to balloons and let it fly. As long as we can design a flight control module that stays under the weight limit, and just so happens to have the telemetry and controls to steer it towards Syria, then there ought not to be an issue.

>> No.1208163

If you have a helium tank and some kind of powered valve system for increasing and decreasing pressure, it would be easy to hook it up to a cheap flight controller like ardupilot. Though it will be wasteful if you can't program some sort of hysteresis and deadzone

>> No.1208170

The only real problem with that is we get one real world shot at it. We would need to come up with a good algorithm for controlling altitude, come up with best and worst case scenarios, sanity check tests, and other things all from just bench testing the code by hand to make sure that it doesn't start shooting between 30k and 50k every few minutes, overcompensating and dumping gas before it even makes Gilbratar. We also need to take atmospheric expansion into account, both to prevent gas bag rupture and destroying the photovoltaic sheet, which will likely be made as an overlaid cover to the gas bag sections. It will need to move while still staying centered on top.

>> No.1208176

Sounds like you need to look beyond ardupilot at least. You should have two barometric pressure sensors, one inside the balloon and one outside. That's much more reliable at these altitudes anyway.

>> No.1208226

I say at this level of speculation and well, DIYing we could program whole software from scratch and put it on a custom PCB with an STM microcontroller. From what I recon their latest models are way faster than anything AVR based, plus we cut the overhead of Raspberry and can control stuff way faster. Communication would be a pain, so maybe some rasp + STM combo, one for all peripherals and statistics and a custom flight controller on the chip

I dunno, I love how this thread develops but I'm painfully aware of how much of this will never be done.

(We could turn this into /ffg/ -Felony Falcon General, for all things related to autonomous illegal flying things)

>> No.1208257

I mean at this point we have literally got a workable design concept that OP could construct for under a hundred pounds and get to Syria with a reasonable degree of success. I considered Raspi, mostly due to what would amount to a plug-and-play affair and give us quite a few more opportunities than a straight AVR or PIC would, especially concerning communications protocols and data processing. In theory a Raspi would allow the drone to upload to imgur and then shat out the URL into an IRC channel or paste in. If you really wanted to be cheeky you could configure it to post to /diy/ or /sg/ by using a pass (bought with bitcoin of fucking course).

>> No.1208265

I love this thread

>> No.1208293

Bump for felony falcon general.

I might try this if i get some free time and some money.

>> No.1208312

Of course, balloons can pass altitude boundaries that fixed-wing aircraft cannot, notably getting above the height where commercial jets fly. If we make it high enough again, chances are the authorities won't bother us. As much.

>configure it to post to /diy/ or /sg/ by using a pass
I love it.

So what's the chance that we can get this thing to travel to Syria legally? I know it's not as fun, but if you can get a UAV flight permit easily enough then I don't see why not. Chances are there's some sort of club like that on an abandoned airfield in Great Britain.

>> No.1208317

It would never get approved, it will likely be shot down if someone see's a UAV flying into Syria and near the Turkish border, it might make it if it flies high enough and is small enough to keep a low profile.

>> No.1208320

Has anyone noticed that OP doesn't post anymore?

>> No.1208330

Put some swastikas while you are at it with a note that is the indian rune for peace or something.

>> No.1208339

I'll see about making some art for the /ffg/.

>> No.1208443
File: 588 KB, 1920x1080, ffg1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we are! Will take requests for /ffg/ concept art I guess, but it really isn't high quality.

>> No.1208450

Legally? Literally none. Without being buttfucked? Fairly good, assuming we get the aerostat above the level of commercial traffic and don't dilly-dally there too long on ascent or descent.

>> No.1208458

> yet another fucking general

Please no.

>> No.1208487

I love you Anon

I'm wondering if some /pol/fags have Turkish border defenses figured out. Maybe there's like, a spot where it's known to be shitty or something. Maybe we don't have (at least for border crossing) to fly at absurd altitudes.

Yet another reason for /ffg/, the drone needs to be able to easily find the right thread to post pics to. While we're at it we can go full meme, attach a small speaker and play responses to it's posts from time to time. Kinda defeats the purpose of stealth recon though

>> No.1208511
File: 134 KB, 960x1080, IMG_20170310_043446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ffg/- felony falcon general

this could be insanely hilarious though

>> No.1208514
File: 615 KB, 1740x1176, Screen Shot 2017-07-13 at 8.53.31 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realise you don't need to fly over Turkey to get into Syria, right? If you're going the plane route then this would be easy to navigate, and if you go the dirigible route, chances are you can make the thing small enough (cellphone-size camera arduino chip is practically weightless) it won't be picked up by radar anyways. If you're worried you could always carry a little bag of Al-foil chaff to deploy near the border, especially with Israel in mind.

>> No.1208598

Its already worth a chuckle and hasnt even launched yet.

Felony Falcon is a go!

>> No.1208644

>felony falcon
Why not Jailbird?

>> No.1208684
File: 650 KB, 2981x1677, 20170713_230443-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Combine two ideas together!

First tie ballons to the Felony Falcon
And use the lift to quickly ascend, gaining optimal altitude.

While ascending the felony falcon can reserve battery life, only throttling occasionally to stay on course.

After the Felony Flacon reaches high enough altitude, The ballons can be released by a micro servo onboard. From there Felony Falcon can glide all the way to Syria.
This method of travelling will probably be the simplest to adopt.

>> No.1208706
File: 56 KB, 508x540, IMG_20170424_151513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he should use Hydrogen instead of helium. it has quite a bit more buoyancy.

just don't be fucking stupid and blow yourself up.

by the way, would it be possible to keep the balloons the whole time while using the propellers for movement and control?

>> No.1208709

Absolutely, but we then run into problems of catching high speed winds on the aircraft's lifting surfaces when we don't want it, the weight of the aircraft, and the size of the balloons required. An aerostat fuselage can be very small with far outboard motors. Carrying a fully functioning fixed-wing aircraft is another entirely. We also run the risk of running afoul of international agencies again, whereas a small-enough aerostat can reliably bypass this concern.

>> No.1208804

Wow. Keep in mind there is a hight limit for counties to claim air space. This is kind of brilliant. Go up where its legal, coast through high enough that its leagal. Then decend inside of air space while never technically crossing boarders. Upper atmosphere boarders are kind of a not thing... right? So if one could just sort of drop in, there is not much officially anyone could complain about. Even if shot down, you could get a few good shots transmitted... mission accomplished.

So fellony falcon turns sub orbital spy drone. Wings may not be that neccesary.

>> No.1208814

Yeah, I hope that the wind will eventually bring it where op wants before the thing loses enough gas to crash.
Hint: there's a reason why people use planes.

>> No.1208859

>If the fucking japs could bomb the mainland US with nothing but helium balloons and an egg timer then the idea that we can't take pictures of some fucking sand with all the modern tech available to us is an insult.
Just put a canister on it and open the valve with a servo when the barometer in the balloon starts to read low for the target altitude. European jetstream goes west to east.

>> No.1208896

>European jetstream goes west to east
Which jetstream goes another direction?

>> No.1208899

Adding balloons to achieve neutral buoyancy might be the best of both worlds. The hydrogen would leak out though.

>> No.1208903

My 2 dogecoin anecdote

General Mills was at one point contracted to spy on the ussr

Their spy balloons used metal parts that were 1/4 the wavelength of the soviet radar.

They lit up like fireworks during an eclipse. The soviets shot the balloons down, and moral of the story is don't have any metal parts that are a harmonic fraction of the enemies radar.

>we could learn from their mistake

>> No.1208908

Why are we ignoring the original concept of onboard tanks? Also the wind up there is goddamn fucking brutal. If you make the fuselage plane-shaped it's going to get tossed around like a minority's babby.

>> No.1208911


Wait... why are we not launching a felony shuttle.

Fly up with large model rocket boosters and when max height engage boosters to space!

>> No.1208922

Make sure to put a bug on the SD card that infects the machine they use to read it in order to transmit the remaining data in its entirety.

>> No.1208932

Because rocketry opens up even bigger cans of worms and it turns out you need fuckoff huge and specialized shit to get hobby payloads that high.

>> No.1209021


Ok how easy would it be to make the wings hollow fabric with lifting gas inside? I suspect the surface:volume ratio would be too high to get any kind of useable lift out of it. The more complex this plane gets, the more complex the autopilot will need to be, and multiple stages is pretty fucking complex.

Maybe we could get guys from /diy/ and /sg/ to launch relay balloons to get comms directly to the falcon to control it and receive imagery live? That or try using shortwave, but the issue will be getting useable feedback data back from the falcon. Either way we'd be giving up our advantage of radio silence, and making sure we don't need a bulky and power hungry transceiver onboard will be an issue too. Inb4 twitch-plays-pokemon happens to the falcon.

If we want it to come back again, I don't think the blimp design will be viable, and I don't think the quadcopter ever was.

>> No.1209024

The only thing going through my head when reading this thread is, the reason OP doesnt give a shit if its legal or not is because he is doing something nefarious.

>> No.1209025

>If we want it to come back again, I don't think the blimp design will be viable, and I don't think the quadcopter ever was.
No of course not.
Fixed wing uav is the best and really only option if you want it to come home.

>> No.1209042

OP here, I deffo won't be using anything but a fixed wing plane, no quadcopter/blimp.

Still waiting on some other shit to arrive but it's going to plan so far, I will probably create a /ffg/ thread and start posting pictures and updates soon once I have some decent progress.

All in all, I think it should be ready to launch in a month if I can ensure that the plane will reliably send back pictures, it's all pointless if it doesn't send back pictures correctly and it's kind of stumping me a little.

International sim card, sending pictures back when in reach of a signal, take 1 picture every 30 minutes or so....

>> No.1209043
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I'm also afraid that I won't be able to send back pictures of the target, Al Raqqa, Syria since I doubt there will be any phone signal and if I fly it back to the Turkish border it's kind of like flying it across the DMZ, it's likely to get shot down before it gets close enough to pick up a signal and I will lose all the pictures.

>> No.1209059

I threw out that requirement in the first place as it is silly.

>> No.1209069

Well you could fly it over to Pakistan or India to get the images, and again you could fly south of Turkey's boarders. Besides, I think France might be a little wary of an unknown UAV flying over Paris.

>> No.1209074

Am I in /diy/? wtf.

>> No.1209094


>> No.1209095


>> No.1209172

Post pics of the stuff you already got

>> No.1209190
File: 135 KB, 653x490, 1483089754915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> He's this familiar with reddit
Feel free to fuck off back there faggot. Just because you don't like hearing it, doesn't mean it ain't so.

>> No.1209316

Just fly the isis flag from it and they'll pay no mind.

>> No.1209323


>> No.1209333

Could just keep flying, see if you can get to North Korea while unloading pictures along the way.

>> No.1209334

I dare you to fly a drone over China and Russia to Syria.

>> No.1209402

Once your done OP can you team up with /sg/ to defeat isis?

>> No.1209425

Bless you. Saved it, Felony Falcon General could also be General Felony Falcon though. Get that bird some stars!

Especially for increasing the chances to actually get there, this seems like a great idea. Maybe ride the jetstream for a bit and then drop the bloons.

>> No.1209427

Progress updates (with pics!) would be the shits. If you have actually bought stuff, there might even be some anons who would be willing to sling some untraceable cryptocoin your way.

>> No.1209439

Just fly over the ocean dude. I dont get what this thread is fretting about.

>> No.1209504

Thars your anti vibration camera moubt

>> No.1209505

About 20 min

>> No.1209509

Why are you against building an aerostat OP. Surely it is the sturdiest option?

>> No.1209523

Getting as high a thrust:drag ratio is tough, and this is especially important if the craft will be travelling at speeds closer to those of the wind. If you get in the wrong jetstream then you could be wasting a lot of power to counteract the wind and constantly correct your heading. It will also be slower to adjust its altitude, which matters when avoiding storms, which brings me onto my next point, lightning. Now I don't know the logistics of being struck by lightning in mid flight, but I imagine the balloon envelope will be damaged extensively by such an event.

>> No.1209525

I kinda assumed lightning would be a meme.

But with great planning and up to date storm plans the other concerns could be planned away.

>> No.1209531

>Felony Falcon
>Jail Bird
>Karman Kruiser
we're making history

>> No.1209532

Well OP, since the people here are unanimously saying it's illegal to fly it into a countries airspace. Maybe what you need is a drone that can go into atmospheric levels of space higher than planes so that it can't be captured..?

>> No.1209533

i feel like this is way less practical, but a lil icbm sounds way more fun

>> No.1209535

How the fuck do you imagine them capturing a small flying vehicle? What are they gonna do, throw a net from a plane?

>> No.1209536

What I meant to say is why are you worried about this being captured.

>> No.1209537

well how else are they gonna find out it belongs to OP then? lol

>> No.1209538

are they gonna shoot ray beams into the electronics that can magically sense where it's being controlled from?? come on the technology doesn't exist

>> No.1209541

what about this thread though?

>> No.1209544

No one monitores this thread. Once OP gets us our pics of isis, then he better use a few vpns

>> No.1209549


>> No.1209555

I'll give you some friendly advice Op. don't try this. At least not all at once. Set realistic goals for yourself like..... any one of the million challenges this project would pose, and if you're lucky, intelligent, hard-working, and rich you might accomplish what you've described in about 10 years.

>> No.1209564

Trips of truth...

>> No.1209611

>10 years
Thank god for people like you, the rest of us can be successful if only by comparison.

>> No.1209635

>No one monitores this thread
Thanks for the info, FBI agent Bob.

>> No.1209659
File: 101 KB, 799x461, carbon wing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless we start sharing co-ordinates or other useable concrete data, I don't think we've got much of a worry. Maybe use the /diy/scord for more "personal" matters, or some sort of TOR message/mail service.

If we did take the high altitude balloon route we almost certainly wouldn't have to worry about breaching any airspace except for Syria's, but you'd need to be somewhere above 20km to get that effect, while the jetstreams are at 9-16km. So unless you've got a significantly powerful propulsion method for the balloon, forget it.

Getting the plane up to 20km might be difficult, but hugely rewarding if you can pull it off, because you'll be dodging all weather and be getting increased solar efficiency.

I was thinking maybe you could use an automotive aftermarket carbon rear wing as the main lifting wing, because it would be prebuilt to a high degree of symmetry and not too expensive, assuming you can find one with the right geometry and low enough weight. Forming carbon by yourself is a pain in the arse, from what I've learnt from visiting my uni's racing team.

>> No.1209664

Why not just launch from somewhere closer?

I too am in Britain but I'd just take a 4.5hr flight and lunch from Cyprus.

In fact OP - launch from a Panama registered boat far enough off the coast of Cyprus to be in international waters.

That means if you did get caught it would be investigated (at least initially) by Panamanian law enforcement. You reckon Johnny Black Man is gonna be bothered?

>we are 4chan anyway so fuck worrying about getting caught - if you pull this off you will go down in history and that's all that counts.

>> No.1209665

If he sends a plane into Syrian airspace I can't imagine one of the Syrian governments are going to worry about him, so he only has to avoid the airspace of other countries. Take the trains to the southern coast of France and launch there; as long as you dodge Cyprus, Lebanon, and Turkey you'll be fine. Launching from Cyprus is ultimate easy mode.

In order of easy to hard:
>Southern France
>The Criminal Carrier

>> No.1209746

>Getting the plane up to 20km might be difficult, but hugely rewarding
Height temperature pressure
20 km −56.5 C 5474.9 pascals

At 20 km the atmosphere is only 5.4% as dense. A plane will NOT be able to fly. It couldn't push off of the atmosphere to generate lift. A bloon could would have a relatively easy time, The Bloon would be slowed down by the thin atmosphere, but it could actually fly at that altitude.

>> No.1209748

Here's the sauce for those numbers.

I guess i'm shilling for the balloon idea. Also with 0.05 atmosphere at 20km, winds won't be a problem??

>> No.1209749

All they have to do is wait for it to send data somewhere then do the usual subpoenas, and given the fact /b/ is quite literally run by the FBI as per moots admission of that fact, they already know about this plan.

>> No.1209845

>b is run by the fbi

Can I get some sause with that please?

>> No.1209852

OP do a suborbital flight to reach france, parachute out, fly the drone back to UK.
You can easily escape the law by saying "it wasn't intentional, rocket got out of control" ,provided you've some amateur rocketry certifications.

>> No.1209858


buy a quad copter from skymall.

Attach some solar panels. Make sure they are the right voltage to charge the battery.

Fly it until it runs out of battery, then just land it and let it charge.

>> No.1209863

Amateur suborbital flights.
It costs a lot.

Suborbital flights are as unfeasable as mining bitcoin on an iPhone.

>> No.1209866

It's either over the Mediterranean or violating airspace.

>> No.1209871

I meant suborbital flights using diy rocket motors or commercially available diy motors. Uk and france are not that far away.

>> No.1209872


>muh airspace

>> No.1209884

Suborbital implies going beyond the Karman line, 100km. It's hard to get to 10km with model rocket engines.
And then you get bent over by the Rocket equation, you have to spend fuel to bring fuel up.

Suborbital flights by themselves would be a whole lot harder than what OP is trying to do.

>> No.1209905

/b/ isn't run by FBI, but since some Anon hacked into Clinton's email (years ago) (email's security question's answer was on wikipedia. Mother maiden name or similar...) and 4chan was mentioned, Moot went to testify to court about 4chan.
The transcription is public, google it, it's fun to read. He explains how 404 and bump are verbs somehow, and that there are no records of IPs unless admins are asked to save a thread during the random time it's live (it has happened too. Less information on that, even though that's way more interesting for people interested in breaking the law.)

So since the Justice had been explained they could just monitor /b/ and similar for terrorist/mass shooting threats, it's assumed they do. (They didn't do shit the time, out of thousands, a /r9k/ robot did take a gun to school after posting about it. That was just after moot passed the flame, the media were crazy for a few days. Obviously saying "do it faggot" to someone who threatens to murder innocents looks insensitive after he did.)

>Muh gendarme grabs the thing from the ground.
That de-escalated quickly.

>> No.1209922

Ultimate privacy mode: we designate public coordinates and send messages about international drones using international drones.

>> No.1209972

would we send international drones via international drones to anons interested in making an international drone to send messages to the person in this thread making an international drone?

>> No.1210031

>A plane will NOT be able to fly
If it's light and fast enough it can, but again it's very difficult. Though I'm not sure how well airscrews will work at those pressures, you might have to gear them stupidly fast. Either way, it quickly becomes an issue of whether you can get the thrust:weight and thrust:lift ratios from battery power and solar, and chances are it isn't possible without some very expensive construction.

From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flight_altitude_record:
>The highest altitude obtained by an electrically powered aircraft is 96,863 feet (29,524 m) on August 14, 2001 by the NASA Helios, and is the highest altitude in horizontal flight by a winged aircraft.
>This is also the altitude record for propeller driven aircraft, FAI class U (Experimental / New Technologies), and FAI class U-1.d (Remotely controlled UAV : Weight 500 kg to less than 2500 kg).

>> No.1210034

If in doubt, more boosters, more asparagus, and more struts.

>> No.1210056

Can someone fill me up on solar panels? I thought they were to heavy for drones?

>> No.1210087

not infinitypv.com >>1203164

>> No.1210089
File: 205 KB, 1200x787, Helios.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For reference:

>> No.1210122

How about sending a RC boat on a world voyage.

>> No.1210131

I would rather sail myself, but it would be fun and cheaper. But you do have a minimum size limit where waves become much more significant as you scale your craft down. This makes a sail-powered craft much less viable. Water is also comparatively more viscous for a smaller craft, so you'd need to maximise hydrodynamics. Taking this into account, the ideal shape would be a floating hollow needle (actually a very stretched ellipsoid) with ballast at the bottom, probably only an inch or two in diameter.

I am interested in both an RTG-powered unmanned sub, and in the aircraft carrier for the Felony Felcon: The Criminal Carrier.

>> No.1210136

Oh shit we've hit bump limit. So are we doing this general?

It's been a few months since I've heard anything from submarine anon, I hope he wasn't arrested by the Canadians on the other side of the lake. I was thinking we could have a more general "ill advised transport" general or something to encompass all of us loonies, but in early days of the general I'm sure we can swap things about.

I'm the cover artist, should I be the one baking?

>> No.1210141

yes please. You deserve it.

>> No.1210163

>ordered all the evidence to your own house under your real name
I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't bother with a trail and just beat you to death when they try you for multiple airspace violations because your raspberry pi gopro drone tried to invade france.

>> No.1210272

Sure my man, gather links posted here as a basis for a new thread and post it. Link this thread as well, let's make it a proper general

>> No.1210474

Baker here, I'm a little low on content. Anyone have good guides to making composites or building around aerodynamics?

For now I've got:

/ssg/ - felony falcon general

Original thread >>1202520

This general is for the discussion of long distance and transnational UAVs and drones, of varying degrees of legality. Contents of this general are subject to change. Below is a list of relevant resources and links.

>Flexible lightweight solar panels:

>AtlantikSolar - 81 hour endurance world record flight

>Arduplane APM 2.5 & Mission Planner Overview:

>UK CAA large unmanned aircraft regulations:

>US FAA unmanned aircraft systems:

>> No.1210476

Moot literally said "I don't get to run the show over there anymore."

>> No.1210486

Make just that, but a new thread.

>> No.1210490

I wanted a few more links, but I guess we can add to it later.

>> No.1210494

i fuckd up

>> No.1210577

It got pruned. Is this so I can make a proper one next time, or because we have too many generals? I'm not sure. In any case, now I actually know how to delete posts.

>> No.1210715

Make a proper ffg this time, if it gets pruned again we'll riot and just make another thread

>> No.1210986

I don't think we can publicly recommand breaking the law in a general.
ITT is was OK, OP asked questions and was told it's illegal.

We could find another meaning for FFG, and keep felony falcon as an origin story. Flying fuckwards general? Idk, I suck at this.
Also cut >>1210474
>varying degrees of legality

>> No.1211073

But would it be worth dedicating a general solely to "long distance drones"? The transnational theme was really what made this an interesting challenge.