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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1192049 No.1192049 [Reply] [Original]

Guitar player here, are /diy/ guitar pedals a good way to get into electronics? Looking to eventually make amplifiers and other /mu/ related gear.

>> No.1192255



>> No.1192256

If you haven't already check out jameco electronics. They offer lots of projects

>> No.1192258

Had a buddy in high school who made a guitar pedal for his circuits final and now works with a local pedal company because he fell in love with it. For sure a cool project to tackle.

>> No.1192273

Sure. But there are some pedals that are more difficult than some amps. Like, i've seen phasers and delays with more components and more going on than a fender champ. I think a ruby/noisy cricket is only like 14 parts(power amp and gain stage are handled by a single ic).

But just building from kits or tagboard layouts won't teach you anything but what each component looks like, and how to solder if you don't already know. You can get by doing that without ever looking at a schematic. Not saying you shouldn't try that out, but while you're doing that you'll need to start learning some electrical theory if you want to be able to make your own circuits or come up with your own mod ideas.

Learn what different components do, their purpose in audio and power supply circuits, and how to read schematics. After you learn how to read schematics compare like circuits.

All that being said, amplifiers work different than effects. Some knowledge will transfer, but tube amps are a different beast. Uncle Doug on youtube has a lot of videos about old amps, multi part videos on capacitors, resistors, tubes, power supplies, and even building amp.

>> No.1192274

To add to this, good pedal resources are Aron's diystompboxes, rg keen's geofex, dano's beavis audio(have to use the way back machine for this one).

>> No.1192390
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Would say tonepad too for schematics and kit.

I became electronic studying with the idea of making pedals. Now, 5 y later I'm an electronic engineer. I would recommend disto especially fuzz to became with because it's really easy to make: pic related dod pedal is a good start.
Buy yourself a cheap multimeter a breadboard and some components from china (aliexpress, ebay) and start understanding a simple schematics. Take your time and plan well your first project.

>> No.1192473

do it.
its easy, relatively.
stick to distortions/fuzzes/overdrives to start as they are simple.
delays and such are much more complex.

pedalparts.co.uk is a pretty good resource, even if you dont buy anything because the pdfs have schematics and decent bills of materials.

I started with pedals, then tubeamps, now modular synthesizer, but i do have an electronics background.
I'm willing to wager that most pedal builders dont have electronics backgrounds.

>> No.1192531

absolutely not in the fucking slightest.

if you want to learn about electronics anyway then building pedals on the side you can apply what you already know and get some practice and practical experience.

there are enough pedal designs out there that are designed absolutely by feeling and tinkering alone with no real rhyme nor reason. circuit diagrams don't necessarily follow typical design styles and can be difficult to understand.
occasionally components will be included in a design for absolutely no reason whatsoever, the 'designer' left it in and nobody else since has bothered to look into it to see what was going on.

if you want to learn then read a book. that is my advice. once you understand the fundamentals sure go fucking nuts look at all the pedals you want. actually building them won't help yo uunderstand them unless you have a scope and signal generator to poke your way through and understand what each stage does. at that point you can just simulate it anyway.

>> No.1192626

so the short answer is no. if you have no experience with electronics, guitar pedals can be a little more difficult than absolute beginner level and confuse you. even if something doesn't look that difficult, i assure you there is a learning curve.

as has been stated, fuzz and distortion circuits tend to be the simplest. delay the absolute hardest. if you are starting out and must build a guitar pedal start with a kit. but i recommend building the absolute basic "what are circuits" stuff you'd do in high school first. you really need a practical foundation before you can move on to even the simplest stomp box designs.

i highly recommend the book Electronic Projects for Musicians by Craig Anderton as a place to start for anyone who has little to no experience.

just trying to help save you money and stress. good luck.

>> No.1193220

Interested in this as well

>> No.1193398

You could try that also. Never tryed it for guitar pedal.
sensorium dot github dot io/Mozzi/

>> No.1195277

Check out The art of electronics , specially the chapters about transistor amplification, that will make you understand the basics (and how to avoid damaging your amp)