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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 838 KB, 1421x879, VBL Half Bag2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1186085 No.1186085 [Reply] [Original]

What's a good way to sleep in the woods without detection? Tents and hammocks are too obvious.

So far I have been digging ranger's graves with a foldable shovel. I use a bivvy I made out of duct tape and garbage bags (with a duct-taped mosquito net at the head). I line the bottom of the hole with cardboard boxes and cover the top with cardboard boxes to avoid being detected (a camo tarp would be better but I don't have money).

This was fine until I found a snakeskin nearby me in the morning and it's become important for me to keep snakes out. I've been considering in making a mini-tent out of a mosquito net and a garbage bag with PVC pipe for the poles and digging a slightly deeper ranger's grave (going from 8 inches to 12 inches). But lugging the pipes around is challenging.

>> No.1186088

You obviously have internet access, put in some job applications and get an apartment

>> No.1186179

you cant escape your problems by living in a burrow in the woods, anon.

>> No.1186208
File: 65 KB, 800x757, snek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cammo dude, and picking the proper location. Basic tent with proper cammo is dang near impossible to spot if you are reasonably away from high traffic areas/trails.
For structure look into spring poles like in the popup-folding tents, new replacement poles are fairly cheap and you could salvage them from a beat up tent.
All the snek wants to do is get warm and cuddle.

>> No.1186215
File: 38 KB, 302x227, bivouac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1186220

>hammocks too obvious
high mounted, dark/camo color? And what if someone 'spots you'? - throw something at them, tell them to fuck off, its still better than being ate. I dunno why everyone on here has some obsession with burying themselves, but, would not choose to sleep on forest floor, personally, binbag or no.
>That pic makes me sad - sort your shit out here OP.

>> No.1186236



>> No.1186300

join the merchant marines OP

>> No.1186409

Why not the FFL?

>> No.1186419
File: 333 KB, 1778x1000, 0330161643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are that worried about being spotted I would suggest moving to a larger plot of woods. Also make sure the land belongs to the government or a large business. I think youre kind of going over board too. Just make sure to clean up and don't let anyone see you enter. I've had people looking straight at me at night only 10 feet away and they didn't see me. Don't make a mess, pack it up every morning and you should be fine.

>> No.1186487

Make a tree fort nigga

>> No.1186517

why not sleep high in the tree with a couple lines tied to you in case you fall out

>> No.1186667


>> No.1186695

Better ask >>/out/

>> No.1186764
File: 2.34 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170526-100816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...watch me mutherfucker.

I am a miner of many years and operate most equipment. My black ass is fucking off directly into a bunker and never comming out soon.

Fuck people.

>> No.1186765

Wake up to hanging upside down by my ankles.


>> No.1187550
File: 63 KB, 400x400, wildernesss shelter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1187551
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>> No.1187553
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>> No.1187557
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>> No.1187565

>black man hangs from tree

>> No.1187631

I would burry a shipping container 10ft underground.

>> No.1187649

laughed more than i should

>> No.1187657

Your black ass needs to fix the leaking hose on your equipment

>> No.1187658
File: 262 KB, 1000x662, 2051578_1000x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you can dig then make a dugout house

>> No.1187659

/out/ probably knows, since they're all homeless

>> No.1187762

Without knowing what kind of thing you are running from it is kinda hard to recommend.

Trying to avoid detection by someone walking on a road that passes near the woods is different from trying to hide from people who commonly walk inside the woods.

>> No.1187865

Wonder what that man thinks about alone in the woods for two decades.

>> No.1187878

What are these, like little rape caves in a park???
Where are these, must book trip...
Can't get caught, won't find body...

>> No.1187879

I lived in a rental about that size for 6 months. It's super cozy and I recommend it to anyone living alone. All you need is a bathroom, kitchen area, and somewhere to sleep.

>> No.1187880

is that lube or water.

Do you know anything about locating good places for mines.

What kind of equipment do you operate.

Would you say that suitable mining locations are more common than one would assume. Bear in mind I'm just reffering in general to many different frequently mined resources like I dunno, rock quarries, oils, coal. Or are they primarily ONLY scattered to select locations of the continents.

Do you ever see people get fucked up at work as a result of or not negligence to safety protocols.

I only ask the above question because I work for a general contractor that's red neck as fuck. working with him His average is someone falls off a roof on roughly 25% of roofing jobs. so once or twice a month.

>> No.1187909
File: 45 KB, 900x451, Woodland Camouflage Waterproof Bivy Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck did you put in all that work without seeing the exact thing you've been looking for for 50 bucks off amazon?

>> No.1187954

night ranger here, please don't do this in areas your not allowed to

>> No.1187957

Dumbass he has no home address

>> No.1187962

Why would he take advice from a musician?

>> No.1187963

shes not a musician, its not night ranger and the night rangers

>> No.1187974

Ask somebody if you can order it to their address.

Learn when the mail is delivered to a specific house. Order the bag to that address. Get the bag before dirty home owners get their mail.

>> No.1187982

Stumble down to any surplus store.

>> No.1187983


Look we all want to post pictures of our past but trash bags are so obvious.

Dead bodies can't hide behind plastic sheets!!

Worse of all, neither can leaves. Leaves are the WORST.

So please, won't the NSA stand up for the Americans rights to burn leaves?

That way, we don't have to pay for it?

Not the bodies, the leaves!!!

And goddamn OP chop it up and sell it as fish food shit son is this your first?

>> No.1188152

Care of general delivery is still a law for the united states post office.
They hold it at the post office, you show ID, you get your mail.

>> No.1188155

Well, what's YOUR price for flight?

>> No.1188436

God dammit, anon. I read that whole thing

>> No.1188492

As long as he's not motoring he'll be fine

>> No.1188614
File: 73 KB, 1152x648, Bez tytułu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grab a shovel and an axe and you have comfy shelter. i actually used that design once and it was okay to sleep in coz the furnace gives you the heat in the night.

>> No.1188615

btw you can use some leafs and sticks as a camo
you can steal one of these waterproof sheets from somebodys lawn

>> No.1188619

OP can't afford to mine using heavy equipment yet be so poor he must dig a scrape/Ranger grave for shelter. Diesel fuel isn't free and his equipment would easily dig a more advanced and comfortable shelter. He could even do that in unmined areas of his quarry site.

My bullshit detector is beeping loudly.

The dugout house suggestion is great for someone with a backhoe etc and you could copy the wonderful WWI German trench dugouts which were best of breed and saved many lives. If you want a dug shelter that would work very well. Have fun and post pics of whatever you do for whatever reason.

>> No.1188625

Well, is it gonna be long term or short term?
If it's long term I would say move further out where nobody is going to give a shit and make a lean-to with a bed platform.
If it's short term, sleep in a car

>> No.1188626

Shit, if it's long term enough just go get a cheap gym membership and you can shower too. There's this homeless guy who sleeps at the gym I go to, he wears exercise clothes, works out, uses the showers and hot tubs, then sleeps in some of the arm chairs at like 3 am.
Or just sleep at the library, dude. They won't turn you away if you don't look like a fucking 1950s train hobo

>> No.1188640
File: 29 KB, 400x300, 1144-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As anons below state i'm not ready till next spring. Since we are moving out of town. Can't throw a rock without hitting another rock quarry around here. I used to drive a truck and major food sellers store shit underground in mines.

Hauling rock as anything else is very expensive. Most concrete requires washed rock mixture and asphault takes washed 1/2". You almost always are withing about 30 miles from a quarry. I think there are like 8 near me.

Things I have ran.
Misc hoes up to CAT 935 i think?
Misc haul trucks to Euc-Lid 90 ton.
Misc loaders to 988H or Komatsu W600
Little time on a dozer.
Hitachi ex1100 shovel
Rock crushing plants
Semi Over the Road.

Handful of other stuff. I wouldnt say i am a pro of anything. Boss says jump in this and do this and away i go. For some reason me and that old shovel got along great tho. Once u get the swing down and u know to let off and watch it swing another 8 feet things go smooth. Keeping the floor clear of rocks for haul truck tires is easy and if they piss you off u can just gently crush the rocks to powder.

Pic related is similar to my poor old shovel. Its been years since i ran one. This seems a little bigger than the 1100. Dudes climbing all over it for size reference.

Core drilling is about the only way to determine if you have viable rock or not. Gradation plays a role if you are certified to sell it to the state but that shit is beyond me. You'd likely need a geologist on site and pretty much have him guess where to core drill.

Theres not a doubt in my mind i will need to call a drill in. Maybe more than once. This isnt going to be cheap but we are nearly debt free and trading a couple shitty rental houses for a home in the country. And I've grown fond of pretty much working alone. May as wellbput nights and weekends down at my home.

>> No.1188641

No shit. Lol. We welded it and i got a new one ready to go on whenever the mechanics get rid of all the gremlins.

I only loaded 2 trucks in 10 minutes with that hose and parked it.

I'm no half asser. If i get a leak i chase that bitch down. I have ran beat up shitty leaking equipment before.

I dont know about you anons. Butneven working in the dust and shit i dont like to get dirty if i can help it.

>> No.1188650
File: 172 KB, 1422x582, 8e6860908a6304f7b1819842bcb21ddb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are used all around the world the ones in the picture are reconstruction from WW2 battle field Dukla used by freedom fighters (they were simple, what more do you need ? a roof over your head and floor), think som of gridd people and hobos make them even now(with furniture and oven)
in pic releted a more comfortable variant

>> No.1188652


>live in a bag in the ground
>have a camera and internet

>> No.1188668

Ask >>>/out/homeless in addition to here.

>> No.1188695
File: 9 KB, 259x194, images (33).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP his business. Yall gonna get OSHA fucked if anyone ever sues him. If dude isnt smart enough to have a harness up or you're fired policy then he likely has poor asset protection.

I fell out of a roof. Now i got a metal plate and 8 screws holding my foot together.

Far as accidents out here by an act of god i havent seen any. I have heard horror stories and annually we have a safety meeting and see how this years miners died.

One coworker a week before i started my last job was running his hand over the belt said "look how smooth this thing i....." about is, is when pic related grabbed his arm of his shirt and riped it off of him. If anon had not pulled him away he surely would have died.

I chucked a pretty heavy rock and almost killed my good friend and co worker. He descided to inspect something under us and said to hold on. We were in a big metal chute and didnt hear him. Got him on the shoulder.

Watched my boss go to lock out a breaker with a metal lock and blow himself up. Burned his hand pretty bad. That same boss cut his pinky off fucking with rocks on his day off in a creek.

I smashed my finger in a door and 2 weeks latter did it again. Fingernail is permanently fucked.

Altogether i would say that a descent crew that pays attention and follows proper safety procedure has little chance of getting seriously injured. There is always a chance. But if you pay attention and can trust you coworkers it makes a big difference.

Wear your ppe anons.

>> No.1190080

just be sure to be gone before the dawn patrol arrives four in the morning would be a good time to start packing up. also try to keep the midnight madness to a minimum. that is the secret of my success!

>> No.1190097

ffl would be okay too

>> No.1190154

If you were on public land, you wouldn't need to worry about detection.
Kill yourself you trespassing faggot.

Respect for property rights is what distinguishes humans from animals.

>> No.1190326

I read the whole thing, it was interesting but all I could think by the end was "what a faggot".

>> No.1190331

Kill yourself.