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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 47 KB, 472x252, diecut1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1155444 No.1155444 [Reply] [Original]

Any good tutorials or info on how to go about making a die cutter?

>> No.1155532


Get some 12 gauge (0.0808") 4043 sheet aluminum. 5xxx alloys can work too, but they're more expensive. Shear it into strips and start bending.

You can use epoxy to join your two ends, or you can weld it.

If you're looking for something beefier than aluminum, you're gonna need a brake press. Aluminum is pliable enough you can roll it and bend it easily.

>> No.1156211

Depends on what you're cutting and how long you want it to last.

Typically they're made using steel cutting rule, bent to shape, then set into a block of wood that has channels milled into it.

>> No.1157747

And then on top of that you need a pressing frame of some kind, a hydraulic jack (or a very large bore pneumatic cylinder), spreader plates, and a self-healing cutting mat.

>> No.1159356

My friend who is a photographer made one of these to cut photographs.
I have to ask him if I remember.
Also he is one of the best diyer I have met, he has built some interesting shit and lots of it also work!

>> No.1159448



Obviously never made a blade in your life.

Quit making stuff up, you poser.

>> No.1159463

My friends dad makes them. Laser cut 20 mm plywood as base (laser cut channels for blades) and pre-ordered pre-sharpened steel inserts bent nad hammered into plywood with polyurethane hammer, shore 100 hardness if i recall properly.

>> No.1159541


Hey, this faggot OP could be cutting cookie dough for all we know. He never specified what it was he wanted to cut

Most of you /diy/ckbreath niggers aren't actually capable of completing these little day dreamy ideas anyway.

I'm a fabricator, I make shit out of metal every day. I'm not a "do it yourself" shade-tree wannabe. I'm a professional, this is my job. I figured, I could shed a light of a fuck upon this thread. But no, you can go fuck your hat.

>> No.1159648

I cut apart a stainless steel travel mug to make rule, and sharpened it with a file. It works fairly well for my beer bottle labels,

>> No.1160147

You didn't shed a single speck of light on the subject because you know jackshit about cutting dies. Just because you work with metals, doesn't mean you automatically know anything about cutting dies. Seriously, welding? epoxy? aluminium? not remotely relevant with cutting dies. Either give right information or shut the fuck up.

>> No.1160602

>Most of you /diy/ckbreath niggers aren't actually capable of completing these little day dreamy ideas anyway.

that cuts deep

>> No.1161406

I used to repair industrial duty steel rule dies. They are made of steel strip with a knife edge but not hardened. Picture a steel rule about 1" wide and about 1/16" thick. We heated them with an OA torch to bend them and used the same torch to braze the joints. We didn't weld them because it's much faster to melt a brazed joint then cut out weld for repairs. Braze joints were plenty tough and often held up better than the parent metal.

Dies fail when the "rule" isn't vertical and pressure bends them.

Our presses were mechanical and used hardwood butcher block for top and bottom plates. The block was plain to be used with a variety of dies. If you own a collectible Eden Toy plush doll I probably worked on the machines which made it.

The edges were not serrated which would have no purpose in pressure cutting.

The dies cut millions of pieces of fabric and were standard before laser cutting. You can look up steel rule die pics for a variety of ideas then choose what suits your purpose.

It takes a lot of pressure to cut synthetic fabric. Lesser materials are easier. This was also how paper gaskets were cut for many, many years.

I don't know what alloy was used since we didn't build dies from scratch, but that should be easy to find out.

>> No.1161452


Nope. Even if you are only cutting cookie dough, keep that shit away from my food. My cookie cutters are stainless steel and spot welded.

>> No.1161459

>stainless steel

Enjoy your future chromium poisoning.

>> No.1161465

The fuck do you think forks and spoons are made of?

>> No.1161472

I only use sterling silver silverware unlike poorfags like yourself.

>> No.1161475

>making tomato cookies


>> No.1161478
File: 78 KB, 434x437, 0740bc388570adce6928fe42dde736a911668c8afb4ef15de4e18ca59e6d8303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my brown sugar dough isn't acidic, no sirreee

>> No.1161480
File: 51 KB, 324x500, 488e0eff83191d1aeb73156951468183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.1161521

>I have one hastily Google Scholar'd study , that means I win!!!! Science is just a tool for me to le checkmate ppl online XD


>AISI 420 is the worst material, exceeding the limit set in the Italian regulation for all the three metals of interest. One sample was selected to test the reproducibility of TXRF measurements performed in three different laboratories around the world. Results show that quantitative analyses by means of TXRF satisfy the requirements of this field of application.


>Our findings suggest that maternal exposure to higher levels of chromium during pregnancy may potentially increase the risk of delivering LBW infants, particularly for female infants



>As shown in this table , it
could be observed that , Lead recorded higher mean metal concentrations than copper with rang 5.54 - 26.44 ppm , the mean value of lead revealed a high significantly increased p <
o.o5 with tomato cooked in crushed stainless steel , tefal and aluminum utensils with mean 26.44 ± o,o9 , 15.48± .17 , 10.o± o.o7 ppm , respectively,while lead level was non-significant with the sample cooked in crushed fold iron

But don't let that keep you from your BTFO culture where everything is just a game to be le rite, amirite?

>> No.1161551

>AISI 420

Why would you not use 304? Are you tarded?

>> No.1161570
File: 142 KB, 384x507, clicker[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a cool video that might give you some ideas:

Ruler dies are made from steel stock like the other anon said, the only ones I know much about are the ones used in cutting leather and fabric.

To do die cutting, you'll need dies and a press at minimum. commercial and industrial "clicker" machines like pic related are used to press shapes out of material and are hand or pneumatic operated, hydroma board is used on the bottom and is of a high quality and is considered industry standard in some circles.

If you want to do it yourself, you could cobble up a press from a vise screw (from your local woodwork supply company) mounted in a frame with a bit of butcher cutting board as an anvil and make up some dies using a jig and ruler die stock.
I think making the dies is going to be the hard part, you may need to weld braces in them to make sure they're strong enough, things get a bit more complex when you want to add hole punches and such but it should be doable with a bit of careful planning.

Check out
for example, to see what can be done and how they're built.

I hope this helps.

>> No.1161640


>uhhhhhh maybe op wanted to cut marshmallows

Good save, moron.