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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 1.39 MB, 1694x1133, drywall-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1125671 No.1125671 [Reply] [Original]

Why do I keep hearing on this board that drywall is shit? Is plaster the better option? Paneling?

>> No.1125672

Drywall is a contractor thing. Like OSB, plywood, MDF, and asphalt roofing. All of them ensure job security yet are quick and easy to install.

You should use solid lumber, masonry, cob, lath & plaster, and slate.

>> No.1125674

Drywall is DIY friendly.
Plaster requires a skilled tradesman.

So the question is: are looking to do it yourself, or do you want to pay someone?

>> No.1125676

Plaster vs drywall is like arguing records vs mp3's. You're always going to get some dumbshits that think they're special snowflake self knows more than 99% of the population and insist their way is better than the standard because, pseudo-reasons.

There are very few reasons to use plaster for things anymore and those reasons never make up the cost difference between the end products.

>> No.1125677

Terrible analogy.

>> No.1125680

Terrible argument.

>> No.1125700


there is absolutely nothing lesser with using drywall

this guy gets it

>> No.1125752

they call it drywall because it'll only stay a wall if it's dry

>> No.1125756

If your wall isn't dry you got bigger issues to deal with and not aesthetics.

>> No.1125781
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drywall is shit, plaster is the vinyl record of home decor.

>> No.1125945

There's nothing at all wrong with drywall and pay no attention to the home gamers that say there is.

Dry wall how it's often finished is lazy and cost effective for those in the trade. When dry wall is properly taped, jointed and then plastered it's perfectly fine.

It can be made up to have good acoustic and thermal properties so it's commonly now used for partitions in modern homes and eliminates the massive amount of CO2 produced when making cement for mortar and bricks or thermalite blocks.

It's easier to install features on such as sockets or face hung features such as photo frames or even TVs and when it's completely fucked it's easy and cheap to repair or replace.

Most modern houses are constructed out of hardly any 'proper' brick and in some parts of the world are completely pre-fabricated timber, so to imply dry wall is some how inferior is completely contradictory.

>> No.1125959


Plaster and lathe is a very regional thing any way.

Over here if you say plaster people will only think of it as a form of textured wall cover. There is no opposition between plaster and drywall, since plaster over drywall is perfectly normal.

>> No.1125964

What the fuck are you guys talking about? You make your walls out of solid plaster?

All interior walls in north america are drywall.

>> No.1125977


>All interior walls in north america are drywall.

Yeah, all interior walls in north america are made with a substance that was invented 100 years ago and wasn't widely used until 70 years ago. Lel.

>> No.1126067

he's sort of right. you need SOMETHING to form the wall in a timber frame home. he's forgotten what bricks and concrete are exactly. adding timber framing over ceramic lets you add an insulation and vapor barrier tho. generally you plaster over drywall because it's easy to make a straight wall if you start with straight panels.

what do you guys plaster over? in australia we dont really use anything other than timber framing for building houses and even fabricated concrete walls are just rendered outside and framed inside then drywall then whatever render. code only really allows for prefab cement or timber framing. we dont have brick or stone houses or strawbale or adobe being built. they'd be less than 1% of new home construction.

>> No.1126113

Just use dirt, tires, and concrete.

>> No.1126130
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>> No.1126181

It is the opposite on the west coast of Australia.
Almost 95%+ of metro homes are double brick and someone with a drywall interior is laughed at, especially if they have (wall punching) teenagers living there.

>> No.1126183

When I work on multi million dollar properties like The Biltmore and larger stuff like that, it is usually plaster even the new 55k Sq FT we just built in Ohio plaster. The smaller $1 to $4 million dollar homes are drywall. nothing better about it really, It's a harder surface more durable, and usually more smooth but that is a product of the skilled tradesman that put it up compared to the Mexicans that slap up drywall.

>> No.1126188


What do you mean with plaster? What do you plaster on?

>> No.1126198
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>Not using damp wall


>> No.1126235

Both have their pros and cons. Drywall seems to settle better. I am an electrician who has worked in a lot of old homes and many of the plaster/lath have flaking and cracking walls and ceilings. Not necessarily a direct fault of plaster as many variables including time have created the situation. Expensive to fix-most of the time drywall added over it as a more cost effective solution. Drywall is quick and cheap but corners are usually cut for speed. My house was made after 2000 and I can see tape separating at the peak of the vaulted ceiling, joints that weren't blended well, nail pops, etc. Also with drywall over long distances it is easier to see curves or waves in it as it conforms more to the lumber. My personal preference is drywall. Easier to work on, cheaper, and less mess. Both plaster and drywall can look nice as long as skilled individuals took their time.

>> No.1126247
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wood lath

>> No.1126391

Once you stop the water, you don't have bigger issues anymore. At that point, the damaged walls become the biggest issue.

>> No.1126395

ive lived on the west coast. double brick is veneer. you dont find new brick houses in australia. reason being that brick is a poor insulator. so they add timber frame inside, insulate it and drywall over it.

general rule of thumb is that if you have an airconditioner in the house, it was poorly designed. good design doesnt require HVAC, it's an afterthought to compensate for a poorly designed house.

>> No.1126790

>lath & plaster.

Holy fuck.. haven't seen that used since the 1950's. Hella labour intensive too. A couple months ago my Dad was tearing this out of his basement, I asked why he felt the need to replace it. Well apparently I touched a nerve, because he stomped out of the room and returned with a set of jumper cables which he beat me with for being so stupid about lath & plaster being the best. I learned my lesson, anon, I wouldn't recommend l&p.

>> No.1126819

Just to screw with everybody, my house was built in 1958 in a flyover state, and I have plasterboard. Small (2'x4'?) sheets of plaster that nail to the studs like drywall. Best of both worlds, worst of both worlds.

>> No.1126841

>Welcome to the 1930s

I genuinely can't believe in modern construction this is a method still used.

>> No.1126866

Its cheap and easy to install, although the fill in is a bit intensive, needs to practice imo

if you have the money for wood paneling go for it

Depends on your needs, im doing some
alteration and setting up a few walls, will use wood frames with OSB and drywall over it to get it smooth

>> No.1126882

>general rule of thumb is that if you have an airconditioner in the house, it was poorly designed. good design doesnt require HVAC, it's an afterthought to compensate for a poorly designed house.

So how exactly do you design a house so that 40℃ ambient temps are dropped to the mid 20s without HVAC?

>> No.1126952

>lath & plaster,


>> No.1126973
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It's not conventionally used outside of showers or siding but cement board makes strong as fuck walls. The joints are a pain but I did my entire bathroom in it.

>> No.1126977

what do you plan to cover it? tiles?

>> No.1126981

Half way up the wall is tile, the rest is painted.

>> No.1126986

Both are shit designed for frozen northfags or cucks who rely on air-conditioning.

>> No.1127134

>general rule of thumb is that if you have an airconditioner in the house, it was poorly designed. good design doesnt require HVAC, it's an afterthought to compensate for a poorly designed house.

What a fucking idiot.

>> No.1127141


He is fucking right.

Colonials were able to wear 6 layers of clothes including heavy jackets and get by fine yet your modern naked cuck suffers heat stroke within 25 mins of the A/C shutting down

>> No.1127150

>t. suburb cuck

>> No.1127153

I see you faggots' idea of a house are those shit stick houses some jew put together and sold it to you dumbasses for 5x its worth

>> No.1127159


We're living in 2017 matey boy. Your argument is about as rigid as a wet piss flap.

HVAC is important because we don't live in fucking tents and houses as big as a stamp any more. Buildings aren't as big as your garden shed and aren't as draughty like a brick shit house.

More to the point for your modern houses to be as energy efficient as that guy suggests, to the point no HVAC is required you'd need to attain zero air movement from inside to outside of the building and presume the energy efficiency of all the materials used is A+++.

However you need to remember to breath clean, relatively oxygen rich air.

>> No.1127198


>More to the point for your modern houses to be as energy efficient as that guy suggests, to the point no HVAC is required you'd need to attain zero air movement from inside to outside of the building and presume the energy efficiency of all the materials used is A+++.

Can you please use layman's terms please because I can't speak autisinese

>> No.1127317

>Can you please use layman's terms please because I can't speak autisinese

He says: "While it may be true you can build a building that stays warm or cool without HVAC, that doesn't necessarily obviate the need for climate control systems. Modern materials and building techniques combined with larger living spaces combine to create less natural air exchange than was historically common.

Even if a home is so tightly built that no HVAC is required, that is no guarantee it will retain that tight construction over time.

A competent designer will incorporate Climate control systems beyond just "air conditioning" to help create a comfortable environment for the occupants. For a tight building this will very likely include a fresh air supply with heat exchanger and a dehumidifier. These systems cost both money and energy, but can make a remarkable difference in quality of life of the occupants."

>> No.1127330


Thanks for clarifying but the fact you have to even explain the basic principles of building construction and airflow is baffling.

Even more so when more then one person doesn't understand the need for air exchange and climate control and makes anyone who suggests otherwise to be incorrect.

Yes, in the 21st century, sick building syndrome is a reality.

>> No.1127412

if you are building a new house and don't use drywall, it will not pass inspection

>> No.1127419


Why? Fire resistance? Concrete and gypsum blocks will be even more fire resistant than drywall.

>> No.1127426

>Elects man who wants wall on southern border
>Own house doesn't even have decent walls

Classic Burger

>> No.1127616

If you can punch through a wall with your bare fist then it's shit
My dad used drywall a lot though, but he used it on top of OSB to make sure that shit doesn't happen

>> No.1127776
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>punches walls so often that he put thought into devising a way to avoid it

>> No.1127781


Well I don't live in a temperate zone and even large houses here in the tropics are often designed in a way that they don't require a/c. Sometimes a fan may be necessary if the occupants are used to a cold climate or the room was poorly designed but we generally use large windows and take into consideration the normal wind directions and the sun's orientation through out the day.

And we are talking some houses that reach tens of thousands of feet.

The worst designed houses in this climate are the ones that use blueprints and materials from your average California cookie cutter suburb.

I have been to many residences all over the US and Europe and none of them were any more comfortable than our non-climate controlled houses.

I get many people visiting my house from frozen wastelands into my "humid hellhole" and they actually don't feel the need to complain, in fact those bags below their eyes disappear

>> No.1127791
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>Bricks are a poor thermal insulator

>> No.1127795

>american damage control
one punch is more than enough to severly damage it
Even a small accident with a nail and hammer will puncture that garbage

That there are a shitloads of videos on how to repair drywall tells me more than enough. Meanwhile i'll enjoy my brick walls that have been there for more than 60 years without anything happening
American construction really is a total meme

>> No.1127800

Hate plasterboard/drywall
I've grown up in stone homes and plasterboard just feels phony

>> No.1127823

Your theory is wrong because you open a door to go outside.

>> No.1127838

you have shit reading comprehension m8

>> No.1127856


>Not making your house doorless to prevent thiefs from entering.

>> No.1127870

I've lived in drywall homes my whole life and I've never damaged one before. What are you stupid fucks doing to fuck up your walls?

>> No.1127939

not that guy, but it is.

>> No.1128025


Rearranging the furniture.

>> No.1128051


Brick walls are terrible here in California because they fall apart in even a minor earthquake. I take it you live in a shitty flyover state?

My 100 year old house is drywall now but has the original shiplap underneath which improves the structural integrity of the walls.

>> No.1128057


Yep. My house was stick built with shiplap in 1942 and I added a second story with a new truss roof. Foundation is still perfect and there was no rot. And drywall.
Eurotards here don't have a clue and all drink the masonry kool-aid despite it's numberous disadvantages.

>> No.1128072


>> No.1128440

Yeah because every house is comprised of one floor with doors and windows. Suppose on the 20th floor of a tower block you can just open the door and walk outside for a breath of fresh air.

>I have been to many residences all over the US and Europe and none of them were any more comfortable than our non-climate controlled houses.

Thats all if any credibility you had 'out the window ', pardon the pun.

To say in Spain for example during summer it's comfortable to not have A/C or northern Europe without Heating during winter, is absolute bollocks.

>> No.1128519

New anon here, but you forgot one thing anon, heat rises.
The taller the building, the bigger the problem.

>> No.1128526

I didn't forget that heat rises. It's a basic scientific principal. I'm not sure what your point is and how it would be relevant disregarding the amount of floors, material and insulation that make up the building.

It's easy to say heat rises and it would have X effect on a tall building but that at face value could literally mean for arguments sake a 60ft building with just a ground floor or a 60ft building with 10 floors.

>> No.1128763

>it's a basic scientific principal
How about this basic scientific principal: if a person can enter and leave a building, so can heat. If the person can get to the 20th floor, so can heat.

>> No.1128767

The reason there aren't many videos on how to repair brick walls is because you will probably be better off buying a new house.

>> No.1128783

I don't know what your point is. Currently you're just saying things we already know.

>> No.1128954

Or maybe because it's nealry impossible to fuck up a brick wall without the use of heavy equipment

>> No.1128995


Plaster walls don't like water either.

>> No.1129012

Plaster is complete garbage.
If you plaster walls you and your home are trash.

>> No.1129029

Many third worlders frequent diy. Proper building practices such as insulation, vapor barrier, drywall and air circulation eludes them.

>> No.1129052
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>> No.1129055
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>> No.1129060

>reading comprehension
do you speak it

>> No.1129061

>To say in Spain for example during summer it's comfortable to not have A/C or northern Europe without Heating during winter, is absolute bollocks.
so then where the fuck did he say that

>> No.1129113
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>waah waah reading comprehension
I merely explained why drywall is garbage and you should use proper materials instead, but for some reason it appears to trigger quite a lot of amerisharts living in their cardboard sheds

>> No.1129129
File: 122 KB, 900x598, 3-ways-to-prevent-door-knob-holes-in-walls-H2OBungalow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have an autist throwing doors open in any type of house there's going to be damage... would you rather patch drywall or replace/repair a cracked door that's been slammed into a brick wall?

>> No.1129138

>crack a door
are your doors made from cardboard as well?

>> No.1129158
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Yeah pretty much

>> No.1129160

you and another anon are having two different conversations and you don't even realize it lol

bud, i hope you're drunk or something because if not you're severely retarded

>> No.1129544

I thought he meant with "a way to avoid it'" avoiding the wall getting punctured. Did he meant punching the wall in the first place? English is my third language so i'm very sorry

>> No.1129736


wait till the mortar stops cushioning the bricks.

>> No.1129785

he's right. you stoopid.

i've been in one of their houses on one of the coldest days in winter where i am. Temp was still below 0 at 9am and inside the house was 21C. From their records they claimed that on the hottest day in summer the house was 26C.

>> No.1129803

Why don't you yanks build your hoises from brick?

>> No.1129825

I want a house that magically changes the ambient temperature without using energy.

>> No.1129826

Fucking hell its not really you, is it?

>> No.1129829

The gap in those joins is huge.
Also just smash a hole through your sheets with a hammer where your taps or wire come through.

>> No.1129992

sounds like he has more money than sense

do you have exposed brick walls then? plaster on brick can be damaged too its not concrete.

three stooges was a documentary.

it isn't magic. it's the application of scientific principals that humans have been aware of for hundreds of years

if you live up 3 flights of stairs with no freight elevator make sure you have someone to help you carry them before you cut up your cast iron bath the morning they are due to be delivered because you plan on getting them all up and tiled and shower in over the weekend before needing to wash for work on monday. just a tip.
but you don't actually need to be tiled or tanked or even fucking covered they just get wet then they dry. superb stuff.

>> No.1130001


>I have been to many residences all over the US and Europe and none of them were any more comfortable than our non-climate controlled houses.

I'm not sure what you mean by suggesting I learn to read. It's quite clear he was trying to imply one part of Europe could expect similar weather to another part and even similar to the US. Poor understanding of geography and your poor comprehension is nothing to do with my ability to read or lack thereof.

>We build timber houses

So do most people in America and Canada and yet they still have the need and desire to have HVAC services in their homes. Your argument also implies that the only building being built are homes in low humidity, hot countries where timber is cheap and in abundance, all of similar design which isn't true.

>> No.1132034

Tie paint buckets to landing at the top of balcony, insulate all door knobs and hook it to the mains, use your brothers tarantula, freeze water on basement stairs, put gasoline in toilet and use a blow torch to ignite intruder, set toy cars on the floor...the intruder will slip and fall, bb gun through dog door, stick the tv on loud so the intruders dont know youre home while your family are in paris and hide under moms bed

>> No.1132038


The level of ventilation you need simply to keep CO2 in a room with 2 people at comfortable levels is over 50000 litre per hour.

You're going to lose/invite a significant amount of heat in a properly ventilated home regardless of insulation.

>> No.1132039
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Why not use stacked carpet samples as walls? It is its own insulation.

>> No.1132049


Cute, of course unless you spray paint it with varnish ever couple of years water and UV will turn it to dust relatively quickly.

>> No.1132055

Mould, insects, and a lot of maintenance

>> No.1132185
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>he doesn't live in a liquid house

>> No.1132419

>t. 80 year old

>> No.1132443

I'd like to build a house out of stacks of car tires filled with concrete.. then buried at the top of a hill

that shit would be energy efficient

>> No.1132444

mold wall

I just refinished our families cabin, got tired of painting it every five years

those tin roof sheets also work as siding. will never paint again!

>> No.1132452

It is as good as anything else.

>> No.1132924
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>not building your house entirely out of doors

>> No.1133344

4chan will tell you anything is shit, its just part of our culture.

>> No.1133410
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>All interior walls in north america are drywall.

No, my parent's brick ranch house that was built in 1953 was plaster (including the attached garage) and my godmother's house across the street was also, including both the garage and basement (though admittedly, her husband worked a plasterer).

My 1959 brick ranch that's a mile and a half away is drywalled.

>> No.1133416

All that entails is proper drainage to maintain the sanctity of your drywall.

>> No.1133417

Nah man, you have no idea what you're talking about. Many old homes in America still have plaster and lath walls. You ever work on an old house?

>> No.1133422

Americans are comediands that don't know it yet

>> No.1133427

>it's the application of scientific principals that humans have been aware of for hundreds of years

Somehow getting a cooler interior that stays that way on a high ambient temperature seems to violate thermodynamics m8
Maybe if your walls are made out of aerogel, and keep everything closed, suffocate, die and stop your body heat warming up the place you'd get a couple of days of cooler temperatures, but we're trying to be realistic here

>> No.1133561


They are.

They transmit heat pretty fast (compared to other building materials)

>> No.1133696
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>They transmit heat pretty fast (compared to other building materials)