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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1109772 No.1109772 [Reply] [Original]

does /diy/ wash their tools?

i'm always curious about the cleanliness of tools, especially those used in wood working. i see a lot of people using sanders, chisels, saws, etc. to kitchen items but always wondering how this affects food safety.

>> No.1109779

>woodworking tools
>food safety

the two has no relation to one another unless you eat with a chisel

>> No.1109781
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I just use one of these, for rust prevention. That's all.

>> No.1109848

I would not be surprised if someone at some point was stupid enough to put a drill or circular saw through the dishwasher...

no, one should not "wash" tools....simple cleaning, sharpening, and oiling, yes

>> No.1109925
File: 2.43 MB, 4208x3120, IMG_20160908_182149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work in restaurants, fixing disgusting equipment. Yes, I hand wash hand tools with soap and water. I have to lubricate my channel locks constantly.
Pic somewhat related.

>> No.1109926

Ohh, and for context, that water should be about a foot lower, and clearish. Most restaurants wash the dishes you eat off of in much, much worse. Shit that would make you barf, because it essentially is barf.

>> No.1109928

with a rag duh

rag with thinner sometimes

>> No.1109948
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>i'm always curious about the cleanliness of tools, especially those used in wood working
>wondering how this affects food safety.

>> No.1110154

I wipe my tools off with Dawn soap and hot water. Boiling hot. So it evaporates
Then a quick buff with Renaissance wax.

I have autoclaved tools before. But that was because we were using them in surgery. Why pay $5000 for a surgical drill when a 20v dewalt works just as good , wraped in a gallon ziplock. ( we steralize them in a gas autoclave made for plastics.)

>> No.1110160

I usually wipe my tools down when I'm done using them. Ratchets, sockets, screw drivers, hammer handle, etc. etc. I'll put some brake part cleaner on a paper towel and wipe stuff down. Protip: Brake part cleaner is an excellent de-greaser that evaporates quickly when done. It's like rubbing alcohol but way better. It will however wipe off clear coat and lettering on things and stuff so be careful what you use it on. Anyway the main reason is because I don't mind my tools getting dirty when I'm using them, but when I need to bring tools inside i prefer to not get dirt/grease over everything by sitting them down. Plus it keeps my hands clean when I need to do something and don't feel like changing into work clothes. It's just easier to have clean tools.

tl;dr cleanliness is next to godliness

>> No.1110186

Wait what the fuck? Are you a street surgeon?

>> No.1110217

No I'm a Dentist in Norway.

My phd is from a Pakistani University, so its not recognized here and I can't work in a legit office.

So I rent a basment under a B&B.
I share the office with an Afghan doctor. Same story with his education as well.

Most of my work involves repairing cracked teeth.
Norwegians have a stupid habit of speaking while inhaling.
The sudden rush of cold dry air over warm, moist teeth causes them to crack like a sharp brick dropped in a well used toilet.

>> No.1110218

This is abhorrent
Ive had a relative get hospitalized ill (with a central live) from a raging infection caused by an oral surgeon suspected of not autoclaving his tools well enough.
This was a real oral surgeon with a real and recognized degree.

I hope you have malpractice insurance

>> No.1110372


If you don't know the difference between a surgical drill and a DeWalt then I'm not surprised your degree counts for nothing in the first world.

>> No.1110389

My god, it's real. https://youtu.be/DUWoI6vApPk

>> No.1110586

What water?

>> No.1110596
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The sudzy gray water just inside the opening.

>> No.1110606

Look at the pic rotate right 90 degrees

>> No.1110627

what the fuck, does that happen quickly and painfully like that? How cold does the air have to be to do that?

>> No.1110650

I thought that was a metal tray. The dishwasher at the mcds I worked at only had mild detergent build up and the occasion clogged drain...

>> No.1110684

Eye opening!

>> No.1110775

Because McDonald's has pretty high standards, and their machines are loaned, so they're required to take care of them. They delime regularly. A weekly deliming can stop almost all issues with commercial washers, and a softener makes deliming irrelevant. Why every restaurant doesn't have one, I don't understand.

>> No.1110817

>wood working
shoot with compressed air outside

>> No.1110839

If my tools get greasy I wash them off in a bucket of gasoline or diesel (whatever is handy) outdoors and let dry.

For woodworking, compressed air of course.

>> No.1110872

Hahaha, I know that place. Before you, a serbian nurse used to treat old people there. I'm still friends with the wife of your landlord! Small world is small.

>> No.1110944

USA Biomed here, can confirm this happens, at least I've seen it in vetrinary medicine. Orthopedic surgery is pretty similar to wood working, with ("surgical grade") saws, hammers, chisels, ect. A lot of surgeons will use a cheap cordless drill to put in bone screws and perform similar tasks. They just clean them up and throw them in an EO sterilizer. Black and Decker seems to be the preferred brand...

>> No.1111041
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>Why pay $5000 for a surgical drill when a 20v dewalt works just as good , wraped in a gallon ziplock.
you can't post shit like this and walk away

>> No.1111210


I am a orthopedic surgeon.

I shit you not our drills are Mikita 12v and 20v. We use vice grips ( made out of surgical stainless)

Our drill bits are stainless or titanium.

But yeah the drills we use, are the same ones you van buy at home depot , they just come from a medical supply house, cost 10x as much.

We ( well the techs) steralize them with a eto autoclave . You would be surprised how hard bone can be. Driving a rod into the femur is not for the weak.

>> No.1111213
File: 19 KB, 429x601, tmp_1964-needle-nose-pliers-20-0301-lrg_1880158536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my father is a veterinarian. They used to use B&D drills all the time. The reason was they were cheap, and dint have as much over moulding. The overmold was susceptible to breaking down in the EO and getting gummy.

Pic related. A set of $500 "surgical locking pliers"

Aka stainles visegrips.

>> No.1112701


a family friend had mad some money with a patent they had gotten on something similar to this; it was a rather common tool, something found in most hardware stores, for which they replaced certain components with copper and changed the design to accommodate the different material properties.

yes, it was used during human operations.