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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 2.31 MB, 2656x1494, 1476141143062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1092143 No.1092143 [Reply] [Original]

Where is our Bunkerbro at? Anything substantial done, anon?

>> No.1092554

he posted in a thread few days back he was working on the PC tables in one of the big room

>> No.1092766
File: 8 KB, 215x235, images (34).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping for Bunker bro summon.

>> No.1092789

Check the archive. He's never going to get anything done if he just posts on 4chan all day.

>> No.1093077
File: 1.12 MB, 1613x1210, 20161114_141850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Been busy hanging up led lamps. Got a large shipment in from China.

China $27 per lamp
Local hwstore $434

>> No.1093079
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Every 2nd lamp has a battery that last for six hours, should the backup generator fail. Downside it's probably samsung exploding lithium batteries.

>> No.1093086

Bunkerbro you're my hero.

>> No.1093087

Someday there's going to be a movie, documentary, and book about you.

>> No.1093097


I'd be buying a copy.

>> No.1093103

You'll never stop amazing me. I always wanted something like that, living the dream, anon.

>> No.1093119

Every time a thread 404's I get sad at what I might have missed since last refresh and anxiously wait for another thread to appear (because double threads are bad)

Please can you document this somewhere less temporary? I have your vimeo bookmarked but you don't post much >.<

To me it's partly a love of the ridiculousness of the bunker projects, but the majority now is admiring how obsessive you are to go the lengths you do. Nothing is just 'done', it's all done to the 'n'th degree for perfection and I love that

>> No.1093120

This thread is now a BunkerBro appreciation thread.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.

>> No.1093131

He lives. Based.

Btw you're living the dream that many of us can only dream about, also those pics look so fucking nice. Anyway I appreciate you popping up, thanks anon.

>> No.1093134

Bunker bro, there are obviously many people interested in what you do.

Have you considered making a blog of sorts? Youtube channel?

>> No.1093140

Please make a blog or YouTube, I'd love to stay updated on this

>> No.1093143

Would absolutely love a blog/vlog!

>> No.1093218

I'd probably pirate the movie. I'm sorry.

>> No.1093249

I'm just seeing this for the first time. I'm impressed by 2 pictures, what is the link to the video?

>> No.1093252

How are you taking care of the humidity and air?

>> No.1093278

>link to the video?
one does not simply 'video up bunkerbro' - one waits, patiently, like Bhudda on The Mountain, for signs..

>> No.1093618

Holy shit dude how big is that bunker

>> No.1093808

... >>1093119 said there was a video. Is this a hoax and OP just works for a movie studio or something?

>> No.1093815

No. It's for real. There are archives somewhere.

Idea creeps into mind. Bunker Bro is the ultimate troll? Oh fuck...

>> No.1093851

You're gonna get chinked with those batteries

How much did shipping cost for a whole container? I've been looking at ordering some heavier machines from China but the shipping costs and taxes ruin everything

>> No.1093860
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Nah, would be too much time spending on videos than actually renovating. The current way works fine for me (plus I don't want to bore people).


Time will tell, can't say that I have high expectations but in the two tests I did they did give me the correct amount of time. How they do overtime is another matter. From Bejing to Stockholm its $2000 for a full 40 foot container. Which includes a ship transfer in Germany, so it will be cheaper than $2k to the US.

I got a company that holds all the stuff I buy in China at a warehouse and pack it all into one container, it's a very good service.

>tfw you read about a container ship sinking in China and pray it wasn't yours

>> No.1093861

>$2000 for a full 40 foot container
And I was quoted some $300 for a single relatively small 40kilo machine, fucking alibaba. I live in central europe though, it'd have to go to Hamburg and maybe a transfer to a closer port.

What's that company called? And how did you get it to the bunker, hired a truck or you have your own?

>> No.1093862

link to vimeo pls?

>> No.1093864

What did you end up doing about the death pit in the end? Did you put a proper bridge across it instead of that ladder or did you just block it off entirely to prevent any mishaps?

>> No.1093865
File: 1.73 MB, 730x1141, nödutgång.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hire a truck company that handles transport and import/customs services for the goods. The state wants its share in taxes.

Don't have the papers here, but there are plenty of forward shipping companies in China.


Built a concrete staircase, haven't gotten around installing railings yet, so vistors get a bit nervous (most don't want to walk over).

>pic of another lesser used path

>> No.1093942
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Op here, dumping some pics for newfags

>> No.1093943
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>> No.1093945
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>> No.1093947
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>> No.1093949
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>> No.1093950
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One of my favorites.

>> No.1093952
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Will post more later.

>> No.1093956
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This is my favourite.

>> No.1093958

holy shit, is that bunkerbro on a raft?
those chasms are massive

>> No.1093962

It's a different bunker .

But but. Did anon aquire the two (three?) other bunkers?

>> No.1093965

I recall him buying a second bunker. It may or may not have been this particular bunker. But he did also say something about clearing out the concrete used to fill it.

>> No.1093967

If I remember correctly the military didn't want to sell him the 3rd, or they were still debating it.

>> No.1093984

This picture is shopped, observe chalk/paint line on left wall

>> No.1093986

>when your fuel storage is just a cave connected directly to the ocean.

>> No.1094116

IIRC he was waiting to hear back about whther he could buy it. It's an old oil storage facility I think?

I suggested indoor deep water soloing it but I didn't get an invite >.<

>> No.1094138

Nice try, FSB.

>> No.1094154
File: 45 KB, 305x312, 1300486440680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newfag here
How did bunkerbro afford all of this? Did he win the lottery or something?
What country is this?
This is amazing

>> No.1094156

Also newfag and I would love to know

>> No.1094160

He got rich off early online gambling and now lives off the dividends.
He owns 3 bunkers now I believe. 1 air field command, 1 ammo depot and 1 fuel storage.
I think he was looking at buying a 2nd air field command bunker.
I might be wrong about this though.
All in Sweden.

>> No.1094314

Is there much at the bottom of that shaft? Decent sized rooms or just some area that was still in progress when it was decommissioned? Glad to hear you put in something a bit more reliable than that sketchy ladder set-up you had.

>> No.1094318

>Oil storage facility with level markings painted onto side "wall"

Care to explain explain why this makes it shopped?

>> No.1094385

Fuck yes! Ayyy bunkerbro!

>> No.1094386

Kek m8. Buy bomb proof bunker.

Install exploding fixtures.

>> No.1094387

This. We should have whoever keeps posting greentext in the other thread write it.

>all of diy is trapped ina bunker...

>> No.1094388


>> No.1094391

I'm not even mad tho. Bunker bro photoshop some bunkers and all of us get got.

Well played m8.

Only thing I'm upset about is no pet swordfish.

>> No.1094438

Easy to destroy so it doesnt fall into enemy hands.

>> No.1094441

Oh I member. An Anon thought the picture made him claustrophobic until he opend it and saw how big it is.

>> No.1094465

Who needs a pet sword fish when you have a put underground-moat-monster?

damn, cant find it.. someone post the picture of the flooded room with the two glowing eyes looking back from undewater?

>> No.1094559
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>> No.1095126

what does this have to do with my post?

Bunker anon had a flooded room that he posted a picture of, there are two glowing dots under water that look like eyes looking back at the camera.

>> No.1095170
File: 37 KB, 191x241, 20161206_221335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1095188

too soon.

>> No.1095409

May he rest in peace. He proved that people only care about fancy packaging and not the product itself.

>> No.1095788
File: 1.15 MB, 2016x1512, 20161207_123558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old pic, have one from yesterday.

They have given me green light on two (so noow have three in total), the ammunition depot and a radar facility. Still waiting for the oil storage one, it will take some times as the Swedish EPA will need to do inspections before they can sell. I was denied the 2nd air command center.

I'll post some pics later from ammo depot once it has been declassified.

Goes down to the first level, a fire escape ladder/stairs.

Life doesn't get exciting by itself, gotta give it push with an explosion or two.

>oi vey, they know
>shut it down

>> No.1095790
File: 1.03 MB, 2016x1512, 20161207_121147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some ventilation ducting that got delivered yesterday, for the old offices on the 2nd floor.

>desperate claw marks on the door

>> No.1095791

How much money do you have that you can do this shit?

>> No.1095806

>a fire escape ladder/stairs.

I love the idea of a fire escape in a nuclear bunker.

"Fire! Fire! Quickly, everyone out!"
*Opens fire escape door*

>> No.1095833
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>those multiple blast doors

>> No.1096259

Wouldn't a secondary system of low power LED lights be much better as a backup?

En bunker är bara "lagom" om den är insprängd i ett berg vid havet och har en ubåtshamn

>> No.1096302

What are his plans for the bunkers? Are we invited? Stockpiling arms for a future Brotherhood of Steel?

>> No.1096303
File: 13 KB, 195x210, IMG_4519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuk. This is still around?! This makes me so happy. I was just telling someone about this the other day. I remember the first thread. I remember when some cunt took the gps code off your pics and found out where you where. We all got pissed because we where afraid you'd shut down the threads and what not.

>> No.1096325

There is lagom and lagom. One has three (three and a half?) bunkers. I have an excavator and I'll dig a root cellar. It sounded so lagom but all I have is a root cellar... :'(

>> No.1096329

>root cellar
Not lagom as far as bunkers go, but still pretty damn good and useful. Make sure it's built to last for a really long time anon.

>> No.1096392

is this the new piratebay data center location?

>> No.1096396


>> No.1096428

Bunker bro what's your inspiration for building your bunkers? Any media or is it just the fun of having prepared a top notch shelter?

>> No.1096439
File: 2.34 MB, 1916x1091, 1392066680402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting my favorite bunker pic

>> No.1096567


I appreciate your honesty.

>> No.1096571

Bunker Bro...not only is just having the bunkers incredibly cool but I really appreciate your attention to detail and workmanship with the renovations you've shown. It's amazing just as it is but damn will it be awesome when you are done.

>> No.1097737

bunker bro is probably the coolest handle on the internet.

>> No.1097742 [DELETED] 

You should turn one of those bunkers into a ultra trendy nightclub. You could call it The Bunker. Then with the money you earn you can buy more and more bunkers.

>> No.1097743

You should turn one of those bunkers into a ultra trendy nightclub. You could call it The Bunker. Then with the money you earn you can buy more and more bunkers.

>> No.1097745

"The effect of exponential bunker growth on the Swedish economy"
So, who's going to write the paper?

>> No.1097755

How are you affording these? Are you running business out of them?

There's an old missile silo not that far from me, too bad I don't have $2 million to buy it and another 2+ to drain and reno.

>> No.1097785

He's won a ton of money on online poker. Also these were bought for a couple hundred thousand, though the renovation is probably in millions

>> No.1098686

Bunkerbro is a god, his legend will live on for ages.

And if WW3 breaks out we need to know where to congregate

>> No.1098714

Hasn't he kept the location secret? All we know is which country and how the entrance looks, which leaves 450,000 square km of space to search for.

>> No.1098739

Ya because there were so many bunkers built and recently auctioned off.

>> No.1098741

Guy could have brought it 10 years ago and has only now had the plan and methods to get it done.

>> No.1098770


Thats why he wants to go unnaground

>> No.1098871

If I were a military building survival bunkers, I wouldn't really publicly disclose the locations of them. Who knows how he found out about it? It might have been a friend-of-a-friend-of-a-friend instead of "HEY WHO WANTS TO BUY A BUNKER" in the local newspaper.

>> No.1098912

He posted a link to a similar one being auctioned off online

>> No.1098919

There has been thousands of people working in these. You don't scream out where they are but they can't be total secrets either. People servicing shit there, people supplying them and the whole shebang. Like a lot of military stuff shit is unknown to the general public but those in the know know.

>> No.1098920

What the fuck? I'm new to this board, can I be filled in on the backstory here?

>> No.1098923

What is the purpose of these bunkers? Do you plan to live in them? Isn't living underground quite bad for your health?

>> No.1098948

man buys bunker
thats about it

>> No.1098955
File: 57 KB, 960x540, 960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vee could gader zouzends ov animals to slaughter hiar!

>> No.1098980

So this doesn't at all look like a solo job. How big is your "crew"? How many people do you get to work for/with you and do things, on average?

>> No.1099025
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Really like them, you have no idea how much time I put in to getting them.

If the power is out, its out. No low power lamps will save me. So battery is pretty much the only solution for now.

Nice try CIA.

If someone actually had gotten themselves all the way out here I'd given him a tour.

>tfw you see the tool bag you dropped before

I kind of got a number out of one of the guys at the department of fortifications, said they have about 800 bunkers. But it does include naval batteries..

By law they have to announce the sales publically, usually an ad in the paper (and their website as >>1098912 mentions).

Most of the staff was driven in each day on busses with no windows, taking new routes and going in circles to throw off people counting turns or route time. But I get vistors every now and then, usually pensioned officers.

>that base commander who stood in silence and stared into his empty office wall for a minute

You know I'm renovating one of the rooms as a homage to the war room in dr strangelove? Finished the floor tiling two weeks ago.

I wish. Pretty much me and my crappy truck. Which is why is taken me two years to get to where I am. Tho friends have stopped by over a weekend to help - put them in hard labor so they don't come by too often.

>> No.1099033

Thanks for taking the pictures and sharing them with us. I've also wanted to own a bunker, but in Switzerland - I don't suppose you'd know anything about them?

I also figure this isn't affordable on a "regular" income, but one can dream. Who knows, maybe I'll own a business that provides enough someday.

>> No.1099035

>Downside it's probably samsung exploding lithium batteries.
That and the cheap chink shit drivers that keep failing all the time. Have fun.

>> No.1099250

I'm working in HVAC engineering to learn a trade and do work with utility companies setting up mesh networks for their smart grid.

I also love hydroponics. I have so many questions bunkerbro.

So many.

But just to satisfy my curiosity how big are these bunkers? How many rooms? How big are these rooms generally?

I'm impressed and jealous in a good way.

>> No.1099330

>You know I'm renovating one of the rooms as a homage to the war room in dr strangelove? Finished the floor tiling two weeks ago.

I await pictures with baited breath.

>> No.1099386

This is fucking awesome man.

>> No.1099410

Is there a bunkersis? Continue the good work and be the savior of Europe.

>> No.1099454

>You know I'm renovating one of the rooms as a homage to the war room in dr strangelove? Finished the floor tiling two weeks ago.

NO WAY... man, i had admired you before, but this goes beyond admiration. have you seen this video?
hey, maybe you can use one of the big caves to build a moon surface set to film fake moon landings...

>> No.1099478
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Depends on your definition of affordable is. This one was ~$230k which is in the mid range pricing (it was in very poor condition, but huge).

Hoping they are good, I went with a pretty large manufacturer. I try to spend some time researching who makes what and contact them directly in China, saves me so much money.

Anything from 10 000 sqm to 150 000 sqm. Can't go much into detail, there is still a twin bunker in service.


Surprisingly tough picking up women in the bar when you mention that you live in a dark cold damp cave in the far out woods..

Yeah seen it, making the table will be a pain, especially as it doesn't do very good in color (it was purple for the correct black/white shade of the film. I'm thinking of either making it in concrete (grey) or have a gotland stone finish (swedish stone, think white marble). Also its way scaled down "only" 4 meter diameter as it was hard to speek over.

Not much to look at currently in the picture.

>> No.1099506

>Surprisingly tough picking up women in the bar when you mention that you live in a dark cold damp cave in the far out woods
what about hookers? are they illegal in Sweden due to feminist bullshit?

>> No.1099507
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Wouldn't feminists be for womyn to have more rights not less?

>> No.1099550

IIRC, it's legal to sell sex, but it's illegal to buy sex. And yes, the distinction is for feminist bullshit reasons.

>> No.1099573

Because it's for men advantage.

>> No.1099589

Wow this is amazing, I'm also Swedish, can I come visit? :))

>> No.1099665

That's... actually not that bad. USD, I assume/hope? Where there any legal/other issues involved or did you just throw cash and acquire bunker? Being formerly used by the military(?) I thought they'd be stupid expensive, but I guess not.

>> No.1099752

>dream to own a bunker/secret base
>southern USA
>nothing but rusty damp missile silos in state
>massive bunkers a few states over for sale
>but 1-3 million USD, decades old and unused/unmaintained

Keep living the dream for the rest of us bunker bro.

>> No.1099774

Just a reminder: his bunker was also rusty, damp (to the extent that he had an indoor lake), decades old, everything worth anything was torn off and of course it is in the middle of nowhere. He has spent shitloads of time and money on renovating it.

Sure, the price was pretty low, but that's it. Would you buy an old rotten bunker if it were "only" $230k?

>> No.1099781

>Where there any legal/other issues involved or did you just throw cash and acquire bunker?

IIRC he couldn't get plans to the bunker, because there are similar bunkers still operational and the plans are still secret.

>> No.1099791

>I was denied the 2nd air command center.

Was that the one 2 hours away that was back filled with gravel and concrete? And then covered with dirt and trees?

Prolly for the best, that one would have been waaaaaaay too much work

>> No.1099794

Fuck yes. As a quarry guy who used to drive a truck in mines I can tell u digging these holes took fucking decades and a large crew anon.

Plus, if u have the cash why not?

>> No.1099795

NAH anon. If they would let him shove it all out the entrance it wouldn't take much to dig to the back and stuff a dozer in for a few weeks. With the rock sizes and loose rock it wouldn't take much

>> No.1099863

I think he's right. I've never seen a man made structure with man made markings on it.

Good eye, anon.

>> No.1099904

How many square feet is your bunker? Apx net worth? Want to know how much money i need to get to do what you do

>> No.1099915

>Would you buy an old rotten bunker if it were "only" $230k?
If I had enough money that I can easily afford to spent all day renovating it?
Probably. Sounds pretty fucking rad to be honest.

>> No.1100068

If you need to ask, you probably don't have enough.

>> No.1100129

Put it on airbnb so we can pay to stay and help

>> No.1100160

how much power does that generator deliver?

>> No.1100163

Can this actually happen I would pay thousands.

...not that money really matters to bunkerbro. :/

>> No.1100193
File: 124 KB, 1280x720, p02x4nk5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hope bunker anon gets something like this for christmas

>> No.1100232

Hey bunkerbro, some fag who saw your pics in the nazi cousin board of /po/ here.
Will you need to share any of your bunkers with the refugees if the goverment finds you out?

>> No.1100290

The government sold him the bunker.

>> No.1100307
File: 168 KB, 820x436, Goblin_town.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

:^) it was discused once, to make a dungeon for refuges to let them fight for food etc.

>> No.1100356

just plaster the whole thing with cameras and then unleash them

highest ranking show ever from day 1

>> No.1100370

I make around $115k/year after taxes and it almost entirely goes into savings, I'm only 24 (25 next month) and just started playing with my money in the stock market with some pretty nice gains already

If I keep saving until I'm late 30's I'm sure I'll have enough. But a goal to aim for is always nice, I found an old military bunker In the us for $300k in Kansas but bunker bro already had the refab experience tip know the unexpected costs or some of them. I already am expecting to retire at 45 modestly

>> No.1100376

>115k after taxes at 24
Sounds nice. Occupation, out of curiosity?

>> No.1100377

>MTU Genset I very likely helped build

>> No.1100434

Mech engineering but the place I work gave me stock in the company very early that's already paying off

>> No.1100446

Neat. Just got my degree literally yesterday, waiting on some recommendations from professors so I can continue applying to places. Any suggestions/tips?

>> No.1100468

Vad går driftkostnaderna på? Måste vara extrema summor för avfuktning?

>> No.1100472

>Vad går driftkostnaderna på? Måste vara extrema summor för avfuktning?
Bunkerbro begärde vi pratar Engelska.

>> No.1100478
File: 165 KB, 1083x925, MapRoomCabinetWarRoomsTrim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have connections to the Swedish government or military or do you just "find" munitions depots and air strips for sale? Like do the Swedes just say fuck it and advertise military depots for sale. I can't imagine there's a large market for that...

>> No.1100480

New fag here. Looks good. Following now.

>> No.1100486

I don't know about in Sweden, but in the US the government generally liquidates property via auction. The are open to the public. I know people that have bought surplus government land.

>> No.1100490
File: 7 KB, 216x154, 1387866916226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I bought a cheese cave from govt.

>> No.1100496

>Like do the Swedes just say fuck it and advertise military depots for sale.
you dumb bitch

>> No.1100677

>Anon can't possibly imagine a government working for the people and not being corrupt to the bones
Yes, they advertise public sales to all citizen, and all citizen can buy privatised public propriety. Not just the political/military class and their friends and family.

>> No.1100697
File: 1.79 MB, 1202x1202, BowRand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, I guess everything isn't a bureaucratic nightmare that only the elites can surpass. I'd expect there to be an alphabet soup agency for this kind of stuff. The government has only been getting more overreaching and corrupt.

>> No.1100893

do you have any finished rooms in the bunker yet?

>> No.1100898

>shooting a right handed bow left handed
Ugh fucking manlets; will they never learn?

>> No.1100901
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>> No.1100925

Oh great so now he's shooting a left handed bow right handed. Fucking Randlet.

>> No.1100931
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>> No.1101067

It is my dream to create a giant compound for me and a shit load of friends to live on, if any aspiring bunker renovators were to ask advice what would you say to them?

>> No.1101100

Where did u get this bunker there are faces on those rocks implying things. Please do not fuck w that exterior

>> No.1101101

That entrance is actually a lot smaller than I would expect for a bunker - looks like you could barely fit a truck in there, let alone construction equipment.

>> No.1101132

So in case of emergency we can all go live there? I'd bring canned tuna.

>> No.1101140

There is more than one.

>> No.1101405

New to this whole thing, how the fuck does someone win enough dosh to do this from online poker.

>> No.1101409

By owning a part of an online poker business, or something like that. He didn't play poker to get money.

>> No.1101449
File: 87 KB, 1024x548, Raughs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kekekekkek maximum kek

>> No.1101484
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Maybe I should do this.

>> No.1101602

Newfag to this board. Can somebody tell me the tale of Bunkerbro? Looking through this thread, and it seems epic, but I feel like I need the full story.

>> No.1101616

I swear this gets explained five times in every thread

>> No.1101617

Yeah, just came across OP's picture dump. No idea how I missed it the first time. No need to explain; I am not aware of the majesty of bunkerbro.

>> No.1101646

>there are faces on those rocks implying things

What do they imply?

>> No.1101667

They imply there's definitely not a secret bunker.

>> No.1101815

Var ligger bunkern och vad skulle de ha för den? Köpte du den av fortifikationsverket eller? Var en ute till salu uppe på hallandsåsen för ett tag sen som jag faktiskt var och kollade på. Skulle dock aldrig hinna med ett sånt projekt.

>> No.1102092

Nor are you worthy

>> No.1102099

You should turn it into a nigger slave breeding camp and make them build it for you.

>> No.1102219
File: 1.05 MB, 1594x896, 20161221_111117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some small legal things, can't sell it to foreign entity, had to go thru an interview process to make sure I wasn't planing on an underground drug factory, etc.

>pic of the radar facility
Visited it today to check some things out, this is the main entrance. Sealed, so "waaaaaaay much work" ahead. On the upside you will be getting a lot of pics of dull work.

>airbnb is outlawed due to hotel lobbying groups

~ 1.6mw.

The bunker actually had something similar but bigger caliber, sadly the military didn't deem it fit for civilian use and took it with them.

I'll find you if it breaks down.

Relativt låga, har byggt ett eget system där jag sprutar kalciumklorid på inkommande luften, kostar ca 30kr dagen att hållas fint. Kopierade metoden från ett par MIT-studenter som tävlade om att göra miljövänliga hus.

Public government auctions, but I have some good relations with them now so they give me heads up on "hard to find" lots. Great people.

Yes, 20-25 rooms are done (not furnished yet).

Don't drink the kool-aid.

Thank you, I can't unsee it now.

There is a larger entrance for dedicated for trucks/heavy machinery. If you ask nicely someone might post a pic of it, it's the only a built a loading dock at.

House always win.

Bra försök SÄPO.

>> No.1102237

always a pleasure bunker bro

What exactly is meant with sealing, do they fill all entrances with gravel like in the pic, just so noone can go in, but the inside is untouched? (besides everything removed etc)
or do they fill parts of the inside too

>> No.1102305

Somebody Photoshop his hands onto the opposite arms to satisfy this sperg

>> No.1102309

Stfu and speak English you damn Moomin

>> No.1102334

organize a vip club in one of your bunkers

>> No.1102342

New year's eve in bunkerbros's bunker when?

>> No.1102438

December 31?

>> No.1102454

*Somebody* isn't getting an invite to the bunker.

>> No.1102683

Is there a layout map we can see to this bunker?

>> No.1102708
File: 2.07 MB, 3590x6366, PANO_20161216_211852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right language, wrong country.

Actually I think it was me...

>Visited it today to check some things out, this is the main entrance. Sealed, so "waaaaaaay much work" ahead. On the upside you will be getting a lot of pics of dull work.
Now this is an good opportunity to buy heavy equipment! I bought my excavator for 6,5k€, an old Åkerman, they are Volvos nowdays. Anyway, if you decide for the "i'll dig it out myself"-route I recommend the maskinisten-forum. You might even score some quipment from there for a decent price.
Anyway, my machine has been invaluable to me already and I'm just building a house. To lift , load and unload, to move stuff and the like. But you do have a roof so that restricts :).

>> No.1102738

You should honestly go public with this project and seek sponsors/media to tell your story if you want free money. Of course, this would be catastrophic for privacy.

>> No.1102748

the whole point of it being a secret bunker is that it is known by few people, so no

>> No.1102790

Well well well. Looks like logic is at its old tricks again.

>> No.1102885

Fuck yeah OP. Do this. Or at least start a go fund me. I know u have money but no 10 people on earth have too much money for pimping a bunker

>> No.1103079
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>this is the main entrance. Sealed, so "waaaaaaay much work" ahead

Kinda takes you back hey

>> No.1103207

lol som fan. I actually know where this is if that's the entrance. I'll knock on your door next time I'm around.

>> No.1103227

The raft's reflection gives it away as well

>> No.1104575

it seems genuine to me, but bunkerbro should post more photos to make that sure..

>> No.1104630

>Some small legal things, can't sell it to foreign entity, had to go thru an interview process to make sure I wasn't planing on an underground drug factory, etc.
That sounds like a RK1. If that's the case then the prime minister or one of his aides signed off on your purchase.

>> No.1104634


Time to play "tree root or cable"

>> No.1104944


>> No.1104946

is there only 1 way in and out? seems dangerous. I would get at least 2 but better yet 3

>> No.1104970

>is there only 1 way in and out?
The Swedish army spent millions of that nuke-proof bunker. Guess.

>> No.1105037

>sell nuclear bunker to private citizen who pays for the renovations
>nuclear war starts
>government tells you to gtfo of the bunker, "muh National Security"

>> No.1105056

Well he is renovating with keeping the thought of shelter use in mind.

>> No.1105101

As long as they let him stay there with them it might be pretty cool having the army run everything for you, get a bit of a holiday if anything.

>> No.1105204

That's usually one of the stipulations.

>> No.1105233

Still no map?

>> No.1105236


He isn't allowed to publish a map because there are sister bunkers that are still in use that have a similar layout. He isn't allowed to publish pictures of certain rooms either.

>> No.1105238
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I don't want something to scale. Just a horrible drawing of what shit they want where. Like this.

>> No.1105240


Idk, maybe he can do that, but he always pushes back when people ask for details about the layout.

>> No.1105286

There was a censored map a few threads ago, search the archives.

>> No.1105614

Nothing with bunker even there.

>> No.1105846

I live here in between Sweden and that crazy as fuck Russian president, Putain de merde. As there are obviously records of every car owner all offroad vehicle owners do know that if shit hits the fan their vehicles WILL be seized and used by the army. Like other stuff also that is in a record and would be useful during war times. Vehicles are the most obvious....

>> No.1106009

What's the cost of maintaining it? With all the heating etc?

>> No.1106017

I'd say your car is the least of your worries when Putin is coming and shit sucks so much that the gubbimint wants to take your car to help the war effort.

>> No.1106081

>implying you have to heat it
Keeping underground structures cool is usually a bigger problem than keeping them warm, especially if it's full of people and/or electronics.

>> No.1108131

with deep wells (that bunkerbro has) you can disperse waste heat in the water. or use that water with heat pumps for heating.

>> No.1108138

Just saying that everything is the man's when shit hits the fan. Vehicles, bunkers and the shit. I have only vehicles. My heavy equipment is in no register as it has tracks and therefore can't be driven on roads so I can keep something. Except my life, that is...

>> No.1108201

Fuck that's awesome. I always imagined that if I ever was able to create my genetic experimentation lab, it would be in a bunker like this. Will you let any anons down for WW3 or will you be in total barricaded isolation?

>> No.1108219

No, he is clearly a Vault Tec executive.

>> No.1108303
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Hey, very cool thread. This is my first visit to /diy/ and I saw this and thought this is the perfect place to ask this, rather than /k/...

So I just bought a house, a foreclosure in florida, and then I found out it has a secret bunker hidden underneath it. Apparently it was a military munitions bunker, and then later a weed grow-space. Then it got sealed up, and covered over and the house went to foreclosure...

So very cool, and I was elated to find out about it. But when I opened it up and took a peek inside, I see that it is filled up with a bit of water, and a bunch of trash and debris. So now I'm pumping out the water, obviously the first step.

But I'm wondering what would really be the best way to go about cleaning it and making it nice? And what should I worry about, I saw someone say radon, and maybe black mold idk. It's supposed to be pretty huge, 2000 sq feet or more. Should I put some cleaning solution to kill off bacteria?

I was also thinking about cutting into one of the walls to put a stairway/second entrance. I was wondering if any of you guys know much about the construction of 50's era military bunkers, like if it would just be a rebar frame or if I might hit I-beams or if I need to worry much about structural collapse or anything crazy like that.

Thanks for any advice or answers!

>> No.1108310

Good tread

>> No.1108318

If you have a 2000 sq/ft bunker under your house first thing is to get it pumped and inspected for structure fatigue. That should have been back filled before ever being built on. It is a literal sink hole waiting to happen. Map it out and stake the edges of it above ground. Anywhere your house is over it needs to be reinforced or a drive goes over it should be rerouted. If you find any cracks, even minor, it could mean big problems.

>> No.1108347

Inspected by someone certified.
But get uv lamps and uv the entire space, kill off bacteria and virus'. Install/put in sub pump at lowest point of the structure/ with hose FAR away from structure.
Gotta warn ya, removing that water will PROBABLE cause it to raise/settle some.
Get a solid padlockable hatch on that entry way.
Go from there.

>> No.1108354

n9ce, maybe bunker anon 2?

also post more pics

>> No.1108368

no matter what anyone else says
the most important thing to remember,
is to follow your dreams

>> No.1108381

What are your plans for it?

>> No.1108466
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Thanks for the advice/responses

So when I looked around inside, and it looks like it's edge runs along the edge of my house, and under my driveway, and across under my neighbor's property. It kind of sucks he would technically own some, but the guy is cool and doesn't seem interested in it. He knew about it, but has his own tree service company and stuff to worry about. If it comes down to it I can section off my (half?) and still have a good 30x50 room. My house was actually built in 1953, so now I think about it the bunker must be a bit older, probably WW2... I'm hopeful it's structurally fine, since it has been having cars and trucks and giant tree service equipment parked on top of it for a long time, but I will definitely take a good look at it like you are saying and look for any cracks or signs of structural fatigue.

The water was not actually that deep, only like 12-18 inches, but over the whole bunker it was a hell of a lot of water. I've had a hose sump pump running for almost 3 days straight now, but it is finally looking like it's going to be done soon. The water is most of the way down the pump. I just need to run out and do some stuff today, and pick up some heavy rubber boots so my feet don't get covered in the sludge at the bottom, and then I am going to do my first exploration.

Here's how it was covered over with concrete when I bought it. No one knew it was there, and it was pretty easy to miss.

And I've got better than pics

Good advice always

I would like to cut a access stairway so I wouldn't need to use the ladder to go up and down, plus to have a second entrance for escape, or to run wire and ventilation.

Then I'm thinking to clean it all out and fix it into a few different things, since it's supposed to be 4 rooms. I was thinking a rec-room, with some couches, game stuff, ping pong table, a projector for movies...cont

>> No.1108471
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/comment was too long

...put some posters on the wall, maybe some music or turntables or something

Then one area to be used as a guest lodge, maybe with some army bunks, so if I have friends over to stay overnight then they can camp out in the bunker. This would be nice since my house is pretty small.

Then I was thinking to fix one area of the bunker up as a period historical area. I'm thinking to get some 40's army lighting, put some maps and topographical drawings on the walls, army furniture, maybe put some antiques and old tools and stuff, or a old gun collection, or old memorabilia. I think that would be pretty cool to do, and make the whole thing a lot more fun and thematic and draw attention to how cool it is to have a real bunker in florida where there are no basements.

If there's more room I was thinking about what else would be a good idea or possibility, some people said a shooting range, I'm leaning more maybe a shop, idk.

I would love any suggestions or ideas

The whole thing will be quite a job, and I'm not rich by any means. Also I'm working on renovating my house at the moment which needs a ton of work as well. So it might be a while before I'm posting big changes and updates like bunker-bro, but hopefully eventually I will get there.

>the outside above the bunker, before I demolished the shed totally

>> No.1108561

>Relativt låga, har byggt ett eget system där jag sprutar kalciumklorid på inkommande luften, kostar ca 30kr dagen att hållas fint. Kopierade metoden från ett par MIT-studenter som tävlade om att göra miljövänliga hus.
That's fucking awesome. I envy your diy skills.

>> No.1108598

wow really need a cleaning

>So it might be a while before I'm posting big changes and updates like bunker-bro, but hopefully eventually I will get there.

I hope too, future bunker anon 2

>> No.1108666


>> No.1108668
File: 350 KB, 1135x638, IMG_20170103_163718137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a little better now, that was an older pic.
>I guess I can show you all some progress after all

>> No.1108670
File: 94 KB, 1047x589, IMG_20170103_161440721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the sump pump did everything it could, and it looked like most of the water was out, so I got my boots and headed down there...

>> No.1108674
File: 182 KB, 1047x589, IMG_20170103_162023821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This picture is all underneath my property, pretty filthy... lots of debris, and a layer of sludge

>> No.1108680
File: 74 KB, 1047x589, IMG_20170103_161004286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is this big styrofoam wall, and on the other side there is a massive chamber. Way bigger than 2000 sq feet. I would guess closer around 8000-10000 sq feet. This bigger part is also still filled with about 4-8 inches or so of water depending on the spot.

>> No.1108684
File: 42 KB, 331x589, IMG_20170103_161013815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are these big cement supports all over. It seems very structurally sound. I couldn't find any cracks, even though I know that they have been parking high tonnage trucks and bulldozers on it for years

>> No.1108685
File: 60 KB, 331x589, IMG_20170103_160155047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found another ladder and hatch here, this one was covered over with a cracked shell of concrete.

>> No.1108686
File: 160 KB, 1047x589, IMG_20170103_160137584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a frog perched on it, the only living thing I saw down there... a good omen perhaps?

>> No.1108690
File: 49 KB, 331x589, IMG_20170103_155824755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are these massive steel or iron pipes, I guess an old ventilation system, but they are pretty cool looking apart from the rust.

This room looks about 80 or so feet wide, and maybe 100 feet long. Unfortunately it turned out to only be one room, rather than the 4 rooms that I was told. I think they were referring to the sections that the drug guy divided it into.

>> No.1108694

praise kek

>> No.1108696

that's an awesome frog, best part so far

>> No.1108714

bunkerbro, you never disappoint I'll tell you that.

Florida bunkerbro, god speed. As cool as your space is, it's very public, and given Florida, will be filled with meth heads in no time. Good luck non-the-less.

>> No.1108727

Flip it

Slap a coat of paint on the house
Clean out the bunker.
Add lights and make it look presentable.

Advertise it on prepper forums or reddit or other somesuch garbage.

>> No.1108795

Holy fuck it's enormous. How tall is the entire place?

Looks fucking nice but you will need ventilation and a lot of it after cleaning the place up

>> No.1109022

bor du i bunkrarna eller är det bara en hobby att rusta upp dem?

>> No.1109047
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>slap a coat of paint on it
haha nah this is a little beyond that

I'm going to do it right and fix it all up myself slowly. Besides the money, I love this place and house. It may take a couple years but I have some awesome plans, and when it will be done it will be my dream-house, owned free and clear.


>> No.1109048
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>> No.1109054

I was expecting the ceilings to be a bit taller, but I gauged them at around 9 feet or so.

I've been thinking about it since actually going down there, I have had to revise my vague plan. Obviously if it's one massive chamber, then my 4 part sectionalized idea would need to have a lot more work to realize.

I'm leaning towards just cleaning and then sectioning off the portion under my property. My neighbor who owns most of it technically doesn't really care about it or doesn't have any motivation towards developing it. So I could probably use it if I wanted, but 10000 sq ft is just so massive it is too much, and then it would still technically belong to him. It would be nice if someone rich bought his property as some point and put in an effort to fix it up, that would be great, and we could work together. As it is, I think the best thing is for me to just push all the trash and shit over under his side, and then build a big concrete wall along the boundary maybe 60 ft or so, with a heavy steel door raised up so no water comes in. Then I would have a more manageable 1500-2000 sq ft right underneath my property, sectioned off, and totally under my control. I only have that one ladder right now going up and down, so I am thinking I will cut sideways into the bunker from the other end, and create a stairway which I will tie into my house, and work out a ventilation system between the two entry/exit ports. Then I suppose I could still section off areas and make rooms out of it, but I would need to plan it out a little more. I do still like the themes and sections, and think it would be more interesting than one massive room.

The thing I'm really wondering about is the water... where it came from and if it will come back. Before I started pumping, it was about 1 ft deep by my hatch. At the end, it was about dry there, but in the center of his side it was still like 10 inches deep, and about 4 inches deep the rest of his side. This is shitload of water ..cont

>> No.1109058

cont... Even more troubling I was looking at the pictures and I think I see some water lines, as if sometime ago the water was much higher and filling the bunker up most of the way. Doing the math, half way up would translate to about half a million gallons of water. While I'm happy it's not that bad now, I really wonder how the water got there, and if It would be a eternal constant battle if I do try and fix it up.

It's really baffling to me, I can't think how this much water could get in there. The only two real options I can see as realistic, are if there were some pipes running and filling it up for an extremely long time, maybe years. Or if somehow there is a shitload of rainwater coming in... Maybe all the rain which hits my neighbor's place runs down into the holes, since the concrete wouldn't soak it up like dirt. Still that is so much water, it's hard to imagine.

This is what has been the mystery for me, which I want to find the answer to, before I begin.

>> No.1109129

I can see your thinking on the dividing it up part - but, def. wouldnt do it straight away, its a bit extreme, esp. if neighbor dont really GAF. At least wait till youve figured out where leaks (mostly) - you build a wall, his side fills up, its just gonna come throught the walls. Dry it all out as best as first, soon see where the problem is.

Dont see what would prevent you buying his part either, otherwise, if he dont care, use it till he sells - which may not be as simple as you think, can sell more or less anything in foreclosure without diclosure, cavaet emptor - but if say you were selling, you (or buyer) prob. gonna have to get that thing properly checked out first, make sure the house aint in danger of disappearing into it. Which it wont be, if it was Army build, but thar was, what, 80 years ago? - lot of water under the cellar since then ;)

In any event, nice problem to have - you lucked out there, and no mistake, all the best with it. You could always use it for, eh, horticultural hobbies..

>> No.1109146

a rare bunker dungeon pepe
praise the kek

>> No.1109155

Wtf, bunon 1 and bunon 2. This is getting hilarious, I'll just sit and watch the show, enjoying!

>> No.1109158

I would first indeed move all the trash to his side or remove it entirely.

Then get it properly dried. If it's fully dried you will see where the leaks are.

>> No.1109197


Gotta second this. What prevents you from buying the section under your neighbor's property? If he really does not care, and you take legal responsibility in case it collapses or something, I don't see why he would even bother charging you. Hopefully there are no bullshit laws regarding owning stuff underneath someone else's property.

Also, the extra space might be a bit too much, but come on. It's a giant underground bunker, your 12 year old self would kill you if you didn't try to own as much of it as you can.

>> No.1109303
File: 265 KB, 600x834, cosby1983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toasting in original bread

Your living my dream op.

Do you have multiple wives your going to keep locked away from society and slowly brainwash?

What about incest?

Let's cut to the real point of this bunker eh?

>> No.1109304


Is this the missile silo that guy made all that LSD in? NO FUCKING WAY

If you find any "water bottles" mail them to me please

>> No.1109314

Did you even read his posts?
Its a bunker, not a silo, and a mexican grew some pot down there.

>> No.1109315

I just finished reading them all, sorry should have waited to ask

>> No.1109421

I see. I would consider visit the municipality and maybe see if they have something in the records? I don't know if it's a good idea but something seems off about it.. or perhaps it really was just abandoned like many structures of the time and wasn't sealed completely. Anyway, Florida is pretty humid, and there's a lot of water benath the surface. I hope it doesn't get worse according to the weather/seasons.. that would imply a major leak. The lines could be very old or very recent, if someone was under there drugging it must have been low. Molds are going to fuck the living shit of anything you are going to put there until you are sure there's enough ventilation and, of course, no leaks. That's going to be a nightmare. So I agree, get the trash out of there and start slowly around your access point. As far as I know, also, there's no such thing as different owners of the same land but at different heights.

Good luck. It's definitely not something you see everyday.

>> No.1109678

>I can see your thinking on the dividing it up part - but, def. wouldnt do it straight away, its a bit extreme, esp. if neighbor dont really GAF. At least wait till youve figured out where leaks (mostly) - you build a wall, his side fills up, its just gonna come throught the walls. Dry it all out as best as first, soon see where the problem is.
Yeah, that's exactly my thinking.

>buying his part

That's an interesting idea, but I would have to look into the legal logistics of it. Off hand I think it sounds pretty impractical though. I know you can transfer mineral or water rights, maybe this would work as well... The thing is the guy who owns it is cuban, and doesn't really speak english. His son does, but this sort of convoluted legal stuff is all a lot of hassle and thought, which I'm sure he doesn't care for or want to worry about. I could probably work out an informal agreement, which would be a lot more simple and easier. I will probably at least contact them to put a pump down one of their access points to get as much water out as I can, since I've done as much as I can from my hatch. But to clean and fix up the entire bunker is really a massive job. I would want like a bobcat frontloader or something, or a team of like 20. I'll think about it though, maybe I can find a use for it, and lease it out for a business or something.

Actually recently the tree service people have moved all their equipment out and it's been quiet their, they also tore down some of their structures. idk what it means, but maybe they will sell it? A new owner might be interesting. If I ever see it for sale I'll try and get family to buy it, or else post details here to try and get an anon to come work with me on it.

>> No.1109686

That contacting the municipality is a good idea, I'll look into it, or else try and contact the military branch who built it to try and find some specs and any information they have about it.

It's kind of on a hill, It looks like they build the bunker and then covered the whole thing with dirt, to kind of make a hill over it. It's nice for my house, since I don't need to worry about flooding, unlike most of florida.

Looking more at the pictures, I don't see any lines on my side where the drug operation was... So either they are all old and they were scrubbed off by the cuban in '09, or else I was misinterpreting the pictures somehow and those weren't really water lines. That is good at least. Idk, I guess for 7 years of rain maybe it is all just rain water, or maybe my neighbor was using it as a drain or dump.

Yeah, mold is my biggest fear. There was all this wood and particle plywood soaking in warm water. I really don't want to stir up a bunch of spores and destroy my lungs, I'll definitely get a whole suit and respirator if I really start doing work and moving stuff.

As far as eventual ventilation. There is a ventilation shaft by my hatch. Maybe Eventually I can hook a HVAC system to it, and run round ducting across my area. It looks like the drug guy did something kind of similar, only he ran them through the ground under my bathroom, rather than using the old existing port.

>> No.1109794
File: 41 KB, 860x484, image-263366-860_panofree-rmwd-263366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking at those structures, and you seeing high water lines, i highly think this is no bunker, but a water drainage reservoir,

see pic related

they collect big amount of water to prevent the water canals to overflow

>> No.1109803

It does look similar in structure, but I have multiple official sources saying it is an old military bunker. Also there are no drain pipes, there is a ventilation system, and it is at a higher elevation.

>> No.1109825

this is what guns are for.

>> No.1109834

good omen

>> No.1109966

Time will tell. Such an enormous underground structure at your disposal is a valuable resource however you look at it.

I had the same feeling when I saw it. But the RMAX covers? I doubt the drug guy would do that work. Perhaps it was abandoned before being completed.

>> No.1110211

>and lease it out for a business or something.
Is it at a stable coolish temperature all year long? Fancy restaurants in the area may want a cave to store/age their wines.

>> No.1110347

>A new owner might be interesting. If I ever see it for sale I'll try
if he really is selling, you need to think about if it's better to try and buy it to the current owner or the new one you haven't met

>> No.1110355

Ever since the first time hes posted I feel bunkerbro knows something we don't and I'm scared.

>> No.1110359
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Godspeed anon

>> No.1110396

Could also mean there's a small flaw or opening you should look into. Is it an aquatic frog? My phone isn't the best for viewing pictures. If it's aquatic tho you might have some underground water which is awesome. Free fresh water!

>> No.1110398

>OP definetly known something we don't know. Making me and my solar panels look like a friggin chump when shit hits the fan. We're all Gona die while OP is chilling with his new pet frog eating chips.
Keep diggin bunker bro

>> No.1110447

Oh fuck is this the "death bridge"?

>> No.1110779


put in a bar and stage, host shows. Enough dirt the neighbors won't hear anything

>> No.1111376

Randomly dropping by anon from another board to exclaim "holy FUCK there's now Bunker Bros? As in plural?"

I fucking love you /diy/

>> No.1111602

>there's no such thing as different owners of the same land but at different heights.
That's where things like easments come in

>> No.1111607

You could start a really nice culinary mushroom farm down there. That's big bucks and lowish maintance.

>> No.1112161

>Yes, 20-25 rooms are done (not furnished yet).

How many to go?

>> No.1113074

Hey Bunker bro is this one of your bunkers? The oilstorage bunker.

Shows the bunker at 08:50

>> No.1113193

>He's won a ton of money on online poker
I was never into gambling and only occasionally play cards, but how is it possible to be that good and win that kind of money? I mean, he must've made at least 6 figures at the very least and invested prudently to be able to afford all of this.

>> No.1113198

Poker is part skill but mostly luck.

>> No.1113208

He didn't win in that sense. As far as I remember he had some positions in a gamble business that skyrocketed.

>> No.1113210

Ah, I see.

I know bluffing and psychological study is part of card playing. How essential is probability and other math?

>mostly luck
Well yeah, but not everyone can be that fortunate.

>> No.1113211

Is making a bunker difficult? Say I have zero experience in carpentry, engineering, electricial work, etc., is it possible to self-teach myself to do this?

Anyone see Cloverfield Lane? That's the sort of bunker I'd like to build in the future.

>> No.1113504

No. Buy one or go to College.

>> No.1113659

hey bunkerbro, are you ever posting in the shipping container bunker threads? I prefer not to check those for obvious reasons, but if you are posting in these, I wouldn't want to miss your posts

>> No.1113689

Rent a back hoe and buy a couple cheap concrete culvert . Youll have one that size for the price of a new car.

>> No.1114023

all you need is a shovel and a shipping container

>> No.1114043

he didnt won money off gambling, read the goddamn thread

he worked at an online poker business and got paid out after the online poker boom

>> No.1114502


>> No.1114524

Wow I missed whats going on, can someone summarize this as its really interesting.

>> No.1114577

would you like me to cub your balls and provide you with small sips of water?

put in some effort you lazy twat.

stop with the shipping container meme. get a school bus or read a post ww2 era bunker building leaflet.

Google some instructions and assess for yourself if it's difficult. in general it's not very difficult, assuming you want a run of the mill storm shelter bunker. a swedish air command bunker might be a bit more complex eh kiddo?

>> No.1114786

anon buys cheap cave, spends life savings on retrofitting, will probably get carbon monoxide poisoning from living in a cave

>> No.1114799

>can someone summarize this as its really interesting.
tl;dr : Bunkerbro is a bro, and has a bunker. It's worth reading the thread. And the archives.

>> No.1114941


Flooded NY bunker $135k

>> No.1114983
File: 292 KB, 804x857, KQi6rcQ[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats Pine Barrens, The Episode, country right there, no? non-Murican, just guessing - buts its nearer Montreal than New York.

tour, previous (?) owner (loadsa pics):

silo looks in a state, like, a diaster - water probably dont help much. command looks ok tho (scroll down above link)

$135k? - could gofund that.. would definitely want a Geiger reading 1st tho..

>> No.1115131

>rich ass swedish motherfucker
>buys disused cold war bunkers
>does them up nice because why the fuck not
>posts the progress on /diy/
>great threads ensue

>> No.1115761

Bunkerbro what trade would you recommend I get into if I want to do what your doing in the future

>> No.1115849

be lucky

>> No.1116056

Nice job

>> No.1116415


I'm down as fuck, but I'm a leaf so they wouldn't let me buy it.

>> No.1116450

>would definitely want a Geiger reading 1st tho

Why? Confirmed for not knowing shit about missiles.

>> No.1116452


You need more money than some tradie to buy a bunker. The main thing is money. Bunkerbro is smart, but without money you ain't doing shit.

>> No.1116565

Thats an mtu right op?

>mfw ive been trained to work on them and troubleshoot them

>> No.1116621
File: 158 KB, 848x1308, 1474405401037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Negative, it's just fucking huge. About 800k cubic meters. Pic from a previous thread where he explains it.

>> No.1116623

praise kek

>> No.1116635
File: 204 KB, 900x1200, Cu8YNOMVYAAOh1q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet you guys treat me like shit. Sad.

>> No.1116647

Some backstory/earlier pics on this bunker project? First time on /diy/

>> No.1116648

How did you come into ownership, price, etc?

>> No.1116653

It's an awesome bunker, can almost guarantee if you make a youtube about it you'll get enough subscribers to make a couple hundred dollars per upload.

You've seen Primitive Technology, right? Makes thousands per video because it's awesome DIY.

>> No.1116663

private sale, doubt they GAF who buys it - not like you can get a unused Titan in ebay and go all Best Korea on them. Or, you mean they just wont sell to A Leaf on principle? Dont tell em, admit nothing - besides, your nearest, and, at the current level of interest, you'd only need to chip in $134k, I'll cover the rest.

yeah, dunno why I havent got around to reading my dog-eared copy of Atlas-F Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles #101: Care, Maintenance and General Info (c) USAF 1959 more often, but, a Pro like yourself can maybe help out with the details?

Actually, less to do with rocket payloads 3 times the power of Hiroshima, and more with gubm't/military#spooks having ready access to unused 18-storey holes in the ground, with 9 feet thick walls, and _not_ using them to dump stuff to become Someone Elses Problem, this preferably Some Time in the Future. Anyone considering buying one of those who doesnt check for whatever various emissions and oddities they could (easily) discover, deserves all the lemons they can buy, IMO.

In general tho, after actually doing some research - all of these I've seen are flooded, seems impossible to keep the water out. They must have had a shitload of pumps running 24/7 when in use, viabile alternative silo use would depend on a more economic solution; otherwise, you left with land, command control bunker and whatevers still above the water table. And a $100 million puddle.

>>>/gfto/ Wayne, got your own thread to shit up.

bunkerbro bingo - THRED;READ1ST, you moppet.

>> No.1116674 [DELETED] 

>bunkerbro bingo - THRED;READ1ST, you moppet.
What. There is only one bunker thread. The sticky contains no posts with the word bunker.

>> No.1116680

nobody cares about your shitty plywood domes that get destroyed by the rain

>> No.1116685 [DELETED] 
File: 196 KB, 1200x900, C2T5zYGXAAUC29R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The heavy rains here in Northern California have destroyed my dome. I need $500 urgent to survive. Can you help me rich bunkerbro Thanks. $1500 would be better.

>> No.1116689

Wayne when are you gonna fucking snap and kill a bunch of people already?

>> No.1116691


>> No.1117189
File: 470 KB, 1901x1267, 1466373144183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping for great justice with old bunkerbro pics

>> No.1117190

thats Sweden i can tell because i I am Swedish and thats a Swedish sand box

>> No.1117192

Autism speaks

>> No.1117196

We have the same in Norway!

>> No.1117253

Question, have you had the radon levels tested?

>> No.1117415

306 replies in months old bread.

Maybe we should compile an archive somewhere and make a bunkerbro general. Then we can all talk about burying shipping containers and bunker bro can check in at his leasure with updates

>> No.1117788

OP Where tf did/could you buy this? I saw mention of military websites, any links?

>> No.1117907

go back to your thread Wayne, use real materials, tard.
you must be new here

>> No.1117924

Who sells them. Aliexpress?

>> No.1118074

This is amazing, I am both jealous and in Awe. So much so, I got off my ass to comment. The closest thing I can get to your setup is a retired missile silo. Thanks to the preppers, they are crazy expensive to buy now or they are 1/2 flooded and in the middle of Kansas. Excellent work man. Keep it up.

>> No.1118116
File: 37 KB, 1920x1078, wtf dude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I got off my ass to comment

>> No.1118121

you can't really use that information for anything, can you. Just re-read the thread, newfag.

>> No.1118352

If I ever get ~$230k to spend on a bunker I could use that information