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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1081708 No.1081708 [Reply] [Original]

Logistically, how can the US build a 2000 mile long wall?

>> No.1081712

By having someone else pay for it
Thats literally the only way, which is why it wont ever happen

>> No.1081713

one word


have you seen how fast those drug tunnels pop up? With rail carts, ventilation, and lighting?

It's no secret Mexicans can frame up a house in under an hour

>> No.1081715

About 10% of the workforce don't have jobs right now.
We give away BILLIONS of colors in foreign aid every year. We are giving just Israel 3.8 billion a year for the next 10 years.
>stop giving away tax payer money
>use it to build factory's for modular wall pieces
>hire out-of-work Americans for the factorys
>hire Americans to install along the border

That wasn't very hard...

>> No.1081717

they can't

it was just another lie used to exploit ignorance and hate

how anyone could be stupid enough to think that mexico would have the money, or agree to pay for anything is beyond me

>> No.1081718
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>use concrete highway construction machine
>build section next to border
>when it's dry lift it into place and anchor

This isn't the 7th century.


>> No.1081719

How's unemployment CTR?

>> No.1081720

Its gonna be even tougher come next year when we destroy trade deals and tariff goods and raw materials.

My pay isnt going to go up, CEO and business owners pay isnt going to go down, and the added cost of every single good sold in the United States will be passed down onto me.

>> No.1081721

>believing this

Without the US they would have nobody to export to. It's in their best interest to sell it for the price WE decide. There's always another place to get it all.

Inb4 you go into some whiny rant about muh environment don't forget that you're a hypocritical bitch for wanting to protect our environment while letting china rape there's so you can have "cheaper" iPhones.

>> No.1081722

The Chinese did 13k with less of an infrastructure.

>but hey slave labor right?

>> No.1081724

by employing chinese workers

>> No.1081725


Ask the Israelis, or the Saudis.

>> No.1081727

Explain to me your mental gymnastics here.

>china raw materials and goods undercut domestic production for decades
>bright idea is to tariff and penalize companies who produce overseas or use imported raw materials to make domestic production more viable
>creates a bunch of minimum wage factory jobs, creates more domestic products

>goods now using domestic raw materials that cost double, or using tariffed and penalized raw materials from overseas
>goods now being made in new and rebuilt factories in the USA with more taxes and epa guidelins
>goods now being made with wages that are 50 times highers

>somehow these things dont immensely raise the prices of your goods
>somehow these things dont immensely raise the prices of your services who use these goods
>somehow giving the 10% of people who are unemployed a minimum wage job will help out the actual middle class whose wages wont increase

Lay it out for me, because I just dont "get" it I suppose.

>> No.1081729


Yep, that's how you do mega projects. You design purpose build machinery and cut costs and man power by an order of magnitude (after NRE is paid off).

>> No.1081730

The scale is not even comparable. And saudis used wire fences.

>> No.1081732


US population is 40 times Israel, final length of the Israeli barrier will be 440 miles. Even with the fucking mountains the scale is comparable.

>> No.1081736
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You don't make it a traditional "wall". It's gotta be slanted for starters that way it's extra difficult to climb up. And it's gotta be very tall, so that you'd need a specialty ladder or something to get that high. Not some crap you can jimmy from a few 2x4's. Next you need razor blades across the top to cut any rope that could be thrown up. And the top has to be full of glass or something. That way when you teach the top you can't use the wall to pull yourself up.

Try to think less "wall" and more "midevil tourtue device". Something where even if they get across they'll be mamed for life

>> No.1081737

I don't know, could we start rounding up pallets and just nail them together until it looks vaguely wallish?

Oh and you can stand a shipping container on end every 1/4 mile as a guard-post, that would look kinda neat.

>> No.1081738

We don't need a wall. We have a trillion dollar military budge. Think of how many land mines you would manufacturer and deploy with that kind of money. You wouldn't have to worry about the border for years.

>> No.1081739
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Need to add an electric fence and put land mines all along the US side. Even if they make it across they still risk getting blown up.

>> No.1081740

>he thinks we still manufacture goods here

We don't. And that's the whole point. We aren't negotiating trade deals for raw materials rather the final product. We get nothing from the deal and they get everything.

>> No.1081742

>wall is completed
>factories dedicated to building modular walls have zero purpose except for repair
And then we wait for winter to roll around, and the gorillas freeze to death.

>> No.1081743

I like you but then the literally Hitler crowd would go mental.

>> No.1081744

We exported 2.3 trillion dollars of goods last year.
We are the second biggest manufacturing country in the world.
For someone so concerned with manufacturing, figured you would know that.

We still make a lot of stuff, it just costs more than imported stuff while STILL using imported raw materials.
Just wait until we tariff chinese goods to the point that its comparable in price to US made goods. Its gonna hurt the middle class's wallets hard.

>> No.1081745
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Truth be told we need "guest workers". They do the shitty jobs like roofing in July or bending over 12 hrs a day every day picking grapes. I ain't doing that shit and I will literally never apply for any of those jobs. Fuck it, let 'em work. It keeps the cost of labor down so they can pass the savings to the consumer. I'm down for stuff being sold at cheaper prices because they're able to get cheap workers

>> No.1081747

That would be an abuse of the H-1B visa. There are perfectly fine americans. Put america back to work.

>> No.1081748

Enjoy the cost of produce quadrupling.

>> No.1081749

Then tomorrow you need to quit your job and put in applications to pick produce 12 hours a day in the hot sun. Try bending over all day for just one day and let me know how it feels. No? I didn't think so. You're not gonna do it and neither is anyone else so stfu. Don't forget part of the "Americans without jobs" statistics include homeless, retarded, mentally unstable people who are never gonna be able to function much less work. So we get this "people not working" statistic which is bullshit. Since they literally can't work, we let the illegal ones do those jobs

>> No.1081751

Dont get mad at me, that is literally the definition of "H-1B visa abuse" that trump hammered on about.

If you dont like the prospect of paying a living wage to get stuff done, you shouldnt have voted for Trump.

>> No.1081755

Why can't they do that while going through the legal path and just not jumping the border? If the agricultural market needs workers let them in, make they pay their shit just like any other legal worker and then let the market set their own wages.

>> No.1081756

>Why can't they do that while going through the legal path and just not jumping the border?

He already explained, he wants cheap workers. No legal person is going to break their back for wages less than working at McDonalds

>> No.1081759
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Boy, you're a special kind of dumb, aren't you?

>> No.1081760
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Uae large blocks.

>> No.1081761

Hah Americans don't WANT to work

>> No.1081762

concrete and steel is cheap. if you are doing large infrastructure like this you have a custom machine made.

very little of the wall would be done by hand. it will be a line of wheeled/tracked machinery very similar to how we build roads. wall would probably be easier than a road tbqh.

>> No.1081765

Not true. In europe plenty of people do it in countries like France or Switzerland, and they do it legally. Or do you think fucking Hondurans and Mexicans would rather to the same in their countries? Because that already happens.

Sure thing buddy

>> No.1081767

Yeah, no factory has ever been repurposed in the history of ever, and even if it could be repurposed who could possibly benefit from a factory that essentially produces building materials? Since, as you are quite aware, nobody builds buildings anymore.

>No legal person is going to break their back for wages less than working at McDonalds
Entry level construction jobs like being a low voltage grunt often pay less than what a shift manager can make babysitting at the local burger joint. Pretty fucking sad when a trade pulls in less than what fast food workers are demanding should be their minimum wage.

You'd be surprised what hunger can do. I'd shovel shit and split rent on a single-bedroom apartment with five other shit-shovelers while living off the dollar menu if it meant not starving.

>> No.1081769

Repurposed into what?
Unless there's an actual need, they're just gonna sit empty and fill with hobos.
And figuring they'll be local to Duh Wawl, there has to be a need in those areas, unless you plan on buying a fleet of semis too.

>> No.1081770

Glad to see this hasn't completely filled up with the fungus that is /pol/, even if it's the second most annoying comments.

>> No.1081773

But in reality that things cost millions of dollars from drug selling, so unless someone pays for it, no one is going to build that for free...

>> No.1081775

Fungus serves a purpose.

>> No.1081779

Landmines might be cheaper

>> No.1081789

this guy's got it pegged.
We've been building hundreds of thousands of miles of wall for something like a century.
Building a 2000 mile wall is nothing compared to building a freeway and highway network interconnecting two cities.

>> No.1081792


With the money we save from not giving tax payer money to other countries we pay for it.

With an ample supply of skilled trade workers out of work right now thanks to the last 12 years we build it.

With armed forces members we bring home because fuck being world police we guard it

>> No.1081794
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Can't. A tangible wall is pointless. Mexishits can just throw up a ladder, few blankets for the razor wire and a rope to scale down the other side.
If anything it'll be digital. Probably a combination of sensors and a fleet of drones that fires tranquilizers darts or killer bees.

>> No.1081799
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>> No.1081803

And the drug traffickers will go under or through it.

>> No.1081805

>hurr why do we have a police force if they can't be everywhere at once to stop crime
>durr why do we have laws if criminals can just go around them


>> No.1081806

They aren't going to, obviously

>> No.1081807

Not my point. I'm not saying we don't need to secure the border, I'm saying a giant concrete wall isn't going to work.
If Mexico cooperated with it, it might. But the way it's looks is that we're going to have to build, patrol, and maintain 2000 miles of Brutalism, against guys with RPG-7s and bulldozers. It's going to be like whack-a-mole.

>> No.1081815

But how I'm I going to troll on 4Chan?

>> No.1081818

Why the fuck use tranquilizers instead of just bullets?

>> No.1081821

Because international incidents are a bad thing, Billy.
I know Trumpy-poo had everyone thinking we're gonna go pre-Perry Japan, but that doesn't work in this day and age.

>> No.1081823

You shoot them after they're over the wall. Or build the wall a few hundred yards in. Stay the fuck off our land if you don't want shot.

>> No.1081824

>added cost of every single good sold in the United States will be passed down onto me

what do people think will happen to food prices when all the mexicans are deported? as if americans will work for less than min wage...

>> No.1081826

A lot of our food comes from china and mexico already.
Everyone kind of ignores that nasty little fact

>> No.1081835

Thank you, scholar of international relations.

>> No.1081843

They seize cartel assets. Of which is reported to be a lot

>> No.1081848

Jeez fuck me but it's almost like you think the south would have been better off economically if they kept slave labor. If the price of labor goes up the company's will put more money into having some one like Boston dynamics make a robot that picks fruit

>> No.1081849

I don't know man, seems to be whats going on in the Philippines, and no ones doing anything about it.

>> No.1081850

Was talking with my cube neighbor (who is an MechE) about this some time back. You can build a basic wall but it won't do shit. And it takes a huge amount of manpower to watch the entire border. Once the wall's built folks will just come down from Mapleland anyway.

Anyhow those jobs aren't coming back unless T-diddy does something drastic like ban automation and close trade borders. I don't see that happening, but who knows.

>> No.1081856
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If Mexican citizens can't respect our border wall and can't be stopped by their government, and resist arrest here with deadly force... I dunno. It's their fucking fault. If mexico actually encourages them, it's called an invasion.

The wall is probably going to be like it was originally designed, 5 tiers of chain link with a dirt road in the middle for patrol. Some sections might be entirely digital, but it will actually be patrolled and enforced.

Get one 10' ladder up and over a fence. Okay. Get another. Okay, get another. Okay, get another. Okay, get another. You've just spent an hour wrestling with razor wire, running around, and humping ladders. Now your people all need to climb over each ladder. It actually gives a lot of response time to get rounded up. Just get a couple global hawks watching the border to bring out the paddy wagons and you're done.

>cut the fence
takes even longer.

You even get to actually apprehend people because they are stuck in the fence. Maybe drop some tear gas on them.

In some highly patrolled sections, like near Tijuana say, it might be an actual concrete wall, but whatever.

>it won't work, it's not possible, walls don't work, america has no right to sovereignty, it should belong to brown people anyway.
Do you know who you're talking to?

>> No.1081857

engineer a seed that can be planted that grows into a wall

>> No.1081858

We already have a thread for this

look here

>> No.1081862
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>ignorance and hate

Overused buzzwords by liberals. They think of themselves as "enlightened" and "peaceful", but they are also the first ones to destroy public property and behave like animals as soon as someone disagrees with them.

>> No.1081863

And all it would need is a woman carrying a baby to step into one to get you impeached. A wall is much better.

>> No.1081865

You're fuckin retarded, my guy.
I never said any of that.
I said we can't just shoot random people who walk across the border because, again, I understand you're having trouble with Trump's dick up your nose, we do actually have to cooperate with the rest of the first world. Trump can throw tariffs out all he wants, but if we start shooting folks, people are going to stop trading with us real quick.
If a pregnant woman gets shot, it's gonna be even more so.
You have a very warped view of the world.
I'm a dyed-in-the-wool constitutionalist, but you have to be realistic.

>> No.1081871

and I'm sure their accounting of said assets is always 100% accurate

oh please, if stump had lost (and when he soon dies), the tards will be running around with guns, decked out with their tacticool camo gear

>all mexicans are rapists and drug dealers
>all muslims are terrorists
>all immigrants should be deported

he could have at least been original and used something other than obama's "buzzword"

>> No.1081876



>> No.1081908

>concrete and steel is cheap
That much of anything isn't exactly cheap.

>> No.1081909

It's hyperbole you autistic dip. You had 95% of career politicians offering 100% amnesty and free education and police looking they other way for their crimes because it would get them more votes and make them look ((compassionate)). Americans don't want that.

>> No.1081910

If you buy a product for 50% less from foreign material and labor, but your neighbor is unemployed, you have reduced your local economic growth and wealth production by half. The assumption for excusing a perpetual loss of labor is the assumption labor is infinite. Clearly it's not.

Look at it like H1-B systems: People are having to train their replacements, who work at reduced wages because they don't have to deal with American living costs and the companies get tax breaks for being "innovative" and "modernizing". Now you have skilled labor, from American sources, unemployable. The system is rigged so anyone who tries to invest in the nation or community gets fucked.

>> No.1081915

You sound 12.

>> No.1081933
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>> No.1081964
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>Why can't they do that while going through the legal path and just not jumping the border?
They do.
Most illegals enter the country legally, then overstay an expired work visa.
And even a perfect wall won't stop outsourcing.
The real problem is so many people around the world are willing to work for pocket change.
As long as the world thinks it's OK for 8-year-olds to work 16 hour days in sweatshops, we can either work for even less money (the republican plan), or just not make things here anymore (the bi-partisan plan).

>> No.1081967
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>Hah Americans don't WANT to work
That's a myth.
There have NEVER been enough jobs for everyone that wants one.
Unemployment drives labor rates down, so big business and fiscal conservatives don't really see it as a problem.
>Can't. A tangible wall is pointless. Mexishits can just throw up a ladder, few blankets for the razor wire and a rope to scale down the other side.

>If the price of labor goes up the company's will put more money into having some one like Boston dynamics make a robot that picks fruit
The price of labor has been dropping (against inflation) for years now, but we're still losing jobs to automation faster than technology creates new jobs.
The free market really won't/can't cope with the coming robot "revolution".

>> No.1081985
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>The free market really won't/can't cope with the coming robot "revolution".

As a guy heavily interested in robotics...this is the biggest problem I see in the coming future, barring an actual apocalypse or extinction event.

Not automation itself, of course; any increase in human productivity, is, at its core, a boon. But, rather, to what will be the then-archaic view that you have to work to earn a wage.

The US is already experiencing this problem to a small degree. All of the jobs that lend themselves well to automation (anything highly regular and repetitive) is usually cheaper to automate as compared to a US worker, but not necessarily cheap enough to keep from outsourcing. This has been a political talking point and public issue for quite some time. Once automating vs. outsourcing is a no-brainer in favor of automation, things are going to change, fast. The requirements for that to happen are one of the last precursors to a rapid and extreme adoption of robots for almost all manual labor, which, itself, is a harbinger of what the media and sci-fi love to call "the singularity".

Policy and western culture will be unable to keep up long before that happens, even. The only reason this hasn't already happened is because we simply haven't put enough R&D into it. It's not for lack of trying, it's simply that the collective man hours required to design something that's both relatively inexpensive and can replace a human for 95% of menial tasks is astronomical. But, unlike the jobs themselves, it only has to be done a single time.

After that, what do we do? What are we _supposed_ to do with >90% of the global population when >90% of the global population is unemployable, will never be employable, it's not their fault, and they have no path of recourse? This could happen past our lifetimes, but, honestly, I'd bet I'll live just long enough to see it.

Based on the progress made in the last 20 years, that might even be a conservative estimate.

>> No.1081987

Should I be getting a degree to work on automation robots?

>> No.1081990


Pick any one.

>> No.1081995

The economy might change. If we enter real post-scarcity, there might be a gibs currency that you use to buy food and some housing.

I suspect we might see a parallel currency of either karma/feels or artisan-ship. Handmade/artisan good will become valuable simply because they are handmade. Even admitting they are inferior to robotic goods, there's going to be a lot of people that will value them for their scarcity, human craftsmanship, and provenance.

Hopefully there's a minimum work requirement to get the gibs too. Pick up trash, or play a sport or something. I want to avoid the hard dystopia of everyone being plugged into playstation vr for 20 hours a day.

>> No.1081997


A wall is actually not that complicated. A building or a bridge is much much more complicated. We are literally just talking about some steel rods and concrete.

I bet a 1000 person team could get the wall done in 5 years or less.

>> No.1081999

>electric fence
Can't they be disabled just by wrapping a copper wire around the cables or grounding them?

>> No.1082000

Should burn the grounding cable or the area where it was grounded at.

>> No.1082001


No, no ... you're doing it wrong. You are looking for solutions.

You have to look for problems and corner cases as justification for why you should do nothing. That is how smart people reason.

>> No.1082002

Space, fucker.

>> No.1082004

They usually don't carry a lot of current, otherwise they'd be too lethal, the only thing you need to do is waste that current by either shorting the cables or grounding them. Then the voltage would be low enough at that point to climb and get to the other side. Right?

>> No.1082005


Wall worked well for Israel.

Things tend to be able to work when you actually attempt to do them and solve the problems as they come up rather than only thinking up problems in an attempt to justify doing nothing.

Wall, trench, razor wire. You throw up a couple of lines of simple defences. Not because they are impregnable, but because they slow down infiltration (allowing your 100 or so outposts to scramble an attack helicopter and humvee) or make it more expensive.

Simply increasing the risk and the cost of infiltration cuts back on the numbers massively.

>> No.1082010


>> No.1082019

why wouldn't mexico want to pay for it or pay part of the cost.

if it cut down on the drug trade or forced them to use other routes into the US their country would improve.

the demand for drugs will always be here in the US, but forcing the cartels to forgo the land delivery option and rely on sea transport they can just bypass mexico and the federales entirely and then it becomes soley a US coast guard problem.

building new deeper tunnels to circumvent the wall will reach a point where its more cost effective to transport by sea.

building sea wall around both coasts of the US would be the astronomical thing to do.

>> No.1082024

using that method would be simple as hell, just hang it by a line and start a pissing contest.

>> No.1082029

So just make it lethal?

The cartels run deep in the power structure.

>> No.1082043
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>Wall worked well for Israel.
Their wall is still under construction, so it's hard to credit it with reductions in suicide bombings.

>By 2003, 180 km (112 mi) had been completed and in 2004, Israel started the southern part of the barrier.[41]
>By 2006, 362 km (224.9 mi) of the barrier had been completed, 88 km (54.7 mi) was under construction and 253 km (157.2 mi) had not yet been started.[35]
>By 2012, 440 km (273.4 mi) (62%) of the barrier had been completed, 57 km (35.4 mi) (8%) was under construction and 212 km (131.7 mi) (30%) had not yet been started,[42] with little progress made by 2014.[43]
>In September, 2014, the government voted to not reauthorize the barrier in the Gush Etzion area.[44]

>Other factors are also cited as causes for the decline.
>According to Haaretz, a 2006 report by the Shin Beit concluded that "[t]he fence does make it harder for them [terrorists]" but that attacks in 2005 decreased due to increased pursuing of Palestinian militants by the Israeli army and intelligence organizations, Hamas's increased political activity, and a truce among Palestinian militant groups in the Palestinian Territories.
>Haaretz reported, "[t]he security fence is no longer mentioned as the major factor in preventing suicide bombings, mainly because the terrorists have found ways to bypass it."[53]
>Former Israeli Secretary of Defence Moshe Arens says that the reduction in Palestinian violence is largely due to the IDF's entry into the West Bank in 2002.[54]

>> No.1082044

>allowing your 100 or so outposts to scramble an attack helicopter and humvee
It sounds like it would be cheaper to airdrop so much food on Mexico they don't have as much economic incentive to travel north.

>> No.1082045


The US military has an operating fleet of thousands of attack helicopters and pilots, put them to use.

>> No.1082047
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>The US military has an operating fleet of thousands of attack helicopters and pilots, put them to use.
They cost a fortune to operate.
And we'll be deploying them to Syria/Russia etc. soon enough.
The cheap approach would be for Trump to subsidize civilian militias.

>> No.1082048

More public works. Might as well build a wall along Canada to stop Americans from trying to leave too. Alaska needs a wall to stop illegal polar bears from entering our country too.

>> No.1082049
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oops, wrong pic

>> No.1082059

That's going to end up being called "republican death squads" and you know it

>> No.1082070

Ukraine with a fraction of the resources is building a 2000km border barrier.

I mean it's still a stupid idea but it's totally feasible.

>> No.1082072

what are we a loony tunes cartoon?

dehydrated wall; just add water

>> No.1082073



>> No.1082096


>They do the shitty jobs like roofing in July or bending over 12 hrs a day every day picking grapes

Just think. Without people breaking the law those jobs would have to pay more to attract workers willing to deal with the shitty conditions.

>> No.1082101

Democrats just like in the 1800s want slave labor

>Oy vey! If the illegals leave who will pick all the grapes!

>Oy vey! If the blacks are free who will pick all the cotton!


>> No.1082103

There is a good article about during the harvest of 08' a California farmer who usually hires work visas put and ad out for American labor as well as asked around in unemployment offices. He go 1 response and they didn't want the job when they realized what it was. He ended up having to go back to Mexicans to get the harvest done.
Americans think they are too good to do these shit tier labor jobs. SO YOU ARE WRONG, THEY AREN'T "STEALING" JOBS, THEY ARE DOING THE JOBS AMERICANS DON'T WANT AND WILL NOT DO

>> No.1082105

Fuck you ctr. Also, it's been stated a million times Mexico won't pay directly, the money that would have normally gone to Mexico would be used for the wall.

>> No.1082116

Not him but how? I mean in all sincerity, in the case of remittances not only are they hard to track, you'll have pushback by the financial sector, and in the end you'll push them to use non regulated systems (ie. Hawala).
If you start levying taxes on Mexican imports you run the risk of fucking their economy, not only failing to raise the money necessary for the wall but having even more immigrants wanting to come in.

>> No.1082121

I suspect Trump just plans to make the US so unlivable that Canada & Mexico build walls to defend themselves from the American immigrants.

>> No.1082123

>Wall worked well for Israel.

Yup. No Mexicans in Israel.

>> No.1082128
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>Describing the political situation between Israel and Palestine as going 'well'

yeah i don't think that's very accurate..

>> No.1082131

and drastically increase the cost of goods / services for consumers + reduce the amount of laborers employers will hire

>> No.1082132

And then the cost of goods goes up, while wages don't, and people buy less stuff.

>> No.1082146

do you realize how much money in aid the US gives mexico? or to other countries in general?

US foreign policy is literally "WE BUY OUR FRIENDS"

>> No.1082150


As well as possible.

They can't give them back enough land to pacify them (Israel is a tiny little strip of land to begin with). Allowing them an actual nation just puts an enemy on their door step as well. They can't just final solution them or push them into other countries either (they got away with it for the Golan Heights, but the Holocaust is too long ago now ... they would lose the last little bit of their victim status bennies and they still need them).

The status quo of keeping the Palestinians locked in their giant concentration camp and fucking with them every time they do a prison revolt is the only thing Israel can do for now.

Until it's time to create Greater Israel.

>> No.1082155

Your razorblades and glass can be defeated by a throw rug. A series of Yankee flippers would be better and far more entertaining.

>> No.1082168


Early estimates from retards call for 18bil,

it's more like 10 bil.

>> No.1082189


Easy! Cheap immigrant labor.

MAGA baby!

>> No.1082198

I think gibs in exchange for community volunteering could work pretty well.

>> No.1082209
File: 391 KB, 1600x1200, japan sports park.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yankee flippers

>Trump resolves immigration backlog, border security, and paying for the wall in one swoop by turning the border into a giant japanese gameshow obstacle course. Grand prize is citizen ship.

>> No.1082212


>> No.1082222
File: 51 KB, 987x838, GLORIOUS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want this to happen, now.

>> No.1082227

I'm strongly considering sending an email, a letter, and starting a petition to get President Elect Trump's attention. I feel like this is right up his alley. This is fucking genius. Maybe a video that starts with a montage of squirrels on a yankee flipper, then different action cuts showing various japanese-style gameshows of people getting flipped into mud, water, etc and some shots of rich businessmen looking at ratings or something. The best part is, even though people will be pissed off about it, you know there would be plenty of contestants, especially if there are consolation prizes for different placings. I can guarantee the ratings would be through the roof. You could even do online PPV events. Simulcast in Spanish, of course.

>> No.1082236
File: 76 KB, 480x454, sweat pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What have I done.

>> No.1082241
File: 33 KB, 405x276, btgbr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something to help Make America Great Again.

>> No.1082249
File: 12 KB, 251x300, fatfuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guise i'm srsly. i knew this wasn't normal. pic related predicted a happening @ 4:15 also listen to them talking about a big happening!

>> No.1082258

CNN has a video on how to build the wall.


>> No.1082259

I haven't eaten a piece of fruit or vegetable in 4 years

>> No.1082260

Obama spent 5 billion on a website for Obamacare.

You cannot make this shit up

>> No.1082265

Doesn't seem that tricky really.
Already looking for somewhere to store spent fuel rods. Just make it an 'exclusion zone' of stabilized and secured but unshielded spent nuclear fuel rods.. say about a 50% death level for X minute stay. Maybe some physical things to slow people down like a fence or just warning signs. Have safe guarded crossing areas in some areas every so often. Use satellites to monitor area for any radiation movement (in case someone tries to pilfer one.) We can switch our energy production over to primarily nuclear and kill two birds with one stone.
Fuel rods still there and easily accessed if we decide to reuse them in newer nuclear technology at later point.

Downside is wildlife of course.. which doesn't read signs and would die in droves.

>> No.1082272

Mods, please nuke this stupid bait thread. Politics are not DIY.

>> No.1082274

Why the fuck do you have to cooperate with the rest of the world what a joke like if shove came to push the yanks can just roll over any other country on planet earth

>> No.1082288
File: 212 KB, 680x378, wx_gril.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all it will take to making forget the wall.

>> No.1082290

TV signals go over the wall Hombre.

>> No.1082296

shut up Jacob, building 2000 mile wall is something of great engineering and spending

>> No.1082297


I think he is more hands on than that.

>> No.1082298
File: 3.33 MB, 3008x2000, 20090529_Great_Wall_8185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I really don't think logistics are the problem.

>> No.1082299


Trump says he's putting up 500 Billion for infrastructure.

Wall costs 30 billion.

Someone will be pissed at missing out on a hospital or freeway though.

>> No.1082300


You'd be better off for most of it to be simple deep razor wire fencing/moat systems. Like very big versions of what jails have.

With the added bonus that they'd have to be replaced every once in a while, giving razor wire companies something to do, but not too expensively. Have THE WALL for selected parts.

Put up the razor fences in depth and good watch tower sectors with drone patrols etc and it's probably still cheaper over the long run than the wall.

Gives someone jobs to do to.

>> No.1082301


You'd do the job if it paid 15 bucks an hour.

Well, maybe not you, but plenty of people would.

My country gets along just fine without illegals. Our food is cheaper too for a lot of staples, even with high minimum wage at that the retail end and long distance hauling.

Sounds to me like you just have some rich guys making mega profits off cheap labour and pocketing it for themselves.

>> No.1082303


>I said we can't just shoot random people who walk across the border because, again, I understand you're having trouble with Trump's dick up your nose, we do actually have to cooperate with the rest of the first world.

They do it in South Korea.

And you can, you know, do what other first world countries do - Arrest them, jail them and then deport them.

Murricans are just addicted to cheap brown labor.

>> No.1082309

Arrest/jail/deport is fine to the rest of the world. I'm not denying we're addicted to it, but fuckin shooting people is going to cause -way- more problems than it solves, especially when we're constantly going on about how other countries that do that are Literal Hitlers.
I don't think we should be taking inspiration from a country where being in possession of an mp3 with an unacceptable title is grounds for arrest. Yes, that's South Korea. Not North.

>> No.1082311

The least retarded post ITT

>> No.1082321
File: 189 KB, 1280x927, Gini_since_WWII.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gives someone jobs to do to.

>Sounds to me like you just have some rich guys making mega profits off cheap labour and pocketing it for themselves.

>> No.1082346

Shooting people trying to cross our border makes the most sense because you don't have to worry about repeat offenders. Who cares if people gripe? They will gripe either way so why not get the job done right?

>> No.1082351

>Shooting people jaywalking makes the most sense because you don't have to worry about repeat offenders. Who cares if people gripe? They will gripe either way so why not get the job done right?
Sounds good.

>> No.1082352

>Shooting people trying to cross our border makes the most sense because you don't have to worry about repeat offenders

>be Trump-sponsored militia
>shoot 8-year-old child crossing border
>god-emperor trump loses 49% approval rating
>no republican POTUS for twenty years

Sounds like a good plan to me

>> No.1082366

So take this thread to /great engineering and spending/. It's still not /diy/.

>> No.1082368

Pay mexicans to do it for you

>> No.1082374
File: 71 KB, 485x501, 1478678652983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mexico probably realistically won't pay for it. So Trump will subcontract it out to Mexicans like he did with the poles building the Trump tower then pay them lower then minimum wage, Then when they complain don't pay any of them

>> No.1082376

it's a moot point when you can tunnel under whatever you build...

>> No.1082377
File: 128 KB, 960x720, 1466605621598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a moot point when you can tunnel under whatever you build...
It's moot because most illegals enter the country legally, then overstay their work visa.
And if you stop legal immigration, employers will still outsource jobs the other direction across the border.
Come to think of it, we're probably better off having them come here (legally or not) for work.
If they work in Mexico, they spend their money there, not here.

>> No.1082379

The tunnels are very expensive to build and actually do get found out pretty easily. They don't use them in the middle of the desert, they use them in San Diego/Tijuana, or Mexicali/Calexico.

Also hundreds of people crawling throw them would be easier to track than drugs, and something the drug cartels wouldn't be likely to do.

It would just make it more difficult than going for a couple day hike. The wall doesn't need to be perfect. You are retarded I swear to god. 'It's not perfect and I don't like it, so you shouldn't do it' 'But it will solve 99% of our problems' 'nuh-uh, not perfect, not worth it. Let's wait for another solution'

>> No.1082386

Legalize pot for 6 months nationwide and we'll have plenty of money.

Build the wall and make the liberals pay for it

>> No.1082389

You guys got it all wrong, the wall is more of a monument and economic driver than a practical barrier, it will finally end the crossing the border meme once and for all, and it will be a huge construction site that will energize the whole south, it will benefit mexico as well since they will have to face their own shit now

>> No.1082406

It would make it a huge bitch to tunnel if we filled a ditch with razor wire and then buried it.

>> No.1082412

>how can the US build a 2000 mile long wall
they dont need to, mexico is going to build it with all of americas drug moneys right?

>You don't make it a traditional "wall"
just make it plain, they're going under it anyway, not over it

>> No.1082414

>I am 10 years old: The Post

>> No.1082415
File: 78 KB, 620x264, M40A3-with-NF-3-15-7-620x264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we dont need no stinking wall

>> No.1082437



>> No.1082440

You forgot we could drop a third ton of imitation crab meat every mile or so. The smell of rot will be so bad that the Mexicans call it the "Wall of Death"

>> No.1082441

>' 'But it will solve 99% of our problems'
Even if it were 100% effective, it wouldn't stop 50% of illegal immigration, since most illegals come through legally, then overstay a work visa.
and it won't be even close to 100% effective.

>> No.1082442

Part of Trump's plan is to totally cancel visas to Mexico until they fuck off.

>> No.1082476


Electronics are dirt cheap. You can put ground every meter and it still wouldn't impact the cost of the wall significantly.

So dig your tunnel and prepare for a welcome party.

>> No.1082479


> ground vibration sensors

>> No.1082481


That's not the people doing the raping.

>> No.1082499

Does nobody question how a wall 50ft wall is going to be built over mountain ranges, rivers, etc? Like, what happens when it hits a cliff, do you just turn 90 degrees and then keep building?

>> No.1082503
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>> No.1082508


Rivers are not a problem ... there will simply be manned checkpoints at each major one. Anything small can simply have a grate.

Mountains are thinly populated, so you can suffice with razor wire and electronic monitoring. They can't get across and merge into the civilian population, plenty of time to catch them. The same is true for many other regions too really.

You only need the big walls near major population areas on the US side.

>> No.1082524
File: 93 KB, 450x600, wall_coronado_by_matt_clark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Part of Trump's plan is to totally cancel visas to Mexico until they fuck off.
Yeah, that'll work.

>That's not the people doing the raping.
[citation needed]

>Rivers are not a problem
The Rio Grande was/is a huge problem for the existing, non-functional wall.

>> No.1082529

>wah , it's not going to work

Well don't sweat it then paco

>Wah, it's too expensive

Who cares, Mexico will pay for it

>Wah, its too hard

Leave that to men, sugartits

>> No.1082534

Saudi Arabia's Wall
1000 miles long


>> No.1082535
File: 238 KB, 1200x900, ElPaso25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The wall would be behind the river for the most part. Not in El Paso obviously but it isn't some vast wide river ...

>> No.1082537

Fuck the wall. Dig out a border-spanning fiber optic displacement sensor and shoot anything that trips it.

>> No.1082556

That's the problem with America, the labor isn't "skilled" anymore. What was once considered "skilled" is now done by automation cheaper, faster and more reliable.

Rural America just isn't keeping up with the speed of technology and they whine "dem Gerd damn Chinese took er jerbs!". Nah bro, industrial automation took your job. The bottom line of "skill" has taken a jump and it's going to continue for a long time into the future. Blue collar work is in its twilight. There will only be specific jobs in that left, and even then you'll need a degree in engineering because the work you'll be doing is on more complicated machinery.

The world is advancing forward and people don't want to change. That's true of both sides of the political spectrum. Trump isn't going to "bring back jobs" unless he tries to strong arm companies into creating bottom line jobs and pay people to do shit that automation can do for 500x cheaper. What do you think the businesses will do then?

>> No.1082562

I think part of the problem is that people aren't familiar with how automation works or is implemented at -all-

For example, I work in a shop that makes plastic injection molds and the like.
20 years ago, there was roughly 100 people working here.
Now, there's about 70. We're just as productive as we were then, but the machines need a lot less help to do their jobs, now. One of the machines I use, I basically put the steel block in, make sure it's level, and hit go.

>> No.1082568

Yeah, I'm an industrial engineer. Pretty much my entire job is to make things as efficient as possible which regularly means less people. Humans are inefficient by nature.

My company is steadily automating our facilities and its essentially cutting out hundreds of employees in a go. We're getting better and better and eventually most of the jobs will be totally automated and we'll have very little unskilled labor.

As someone else here stated, if it's repeatable it's almost always possible to automate it.

>> No.1082574

I worked in a machine shop for a summer
We made small misc engine and other parts for a rather large corporation who makes heavy machinery.

>know how to change tooling
>know how to load the files from the manufacturer
>know how to put the steel in and press a button

There were no manual machines in the shop.
Got hired in from a temp agency, there was no skill involved at all.

>> No.1082576

>The wall would be behind the river for the most part. Not in El Paso obviously but it isn't some vast wide river ..
The existing wall IS behind the river.
Which has caused some big problems.
Most of the land on the "wrong" side of the wall is privately owned farmland that landowners can't get to any more.
In one case, there's a golf course on the wrong side.
The existing wall was built in violation of about a dozen laws, and is 0% effective.

>> No.1082581

>We give away BILLIONS of colors in foreign aid every year

>> No.1082582


That's good, so who ever needed to be fucked to get the wall for the land was already fucked.

Now just build the wall well enough to be effective.

>> No.1082584


So then it's just a question of how to spread the wealth from the automated production and natural resources available in the US.

The less people to spread it around with the better Americans get to live. Hence, better to have less Mexicans.

>> No.1082590

>Wall costs 30 billion.

no fucking way it will cost 30 billion. 12 billion tops. i bet it comes in under 10.

>> No.1082591

shitty fence and that's only 600miles long

>> No.1082667

>Logistically, how can the US build a 2000 mile long wall?

No wall needed. Walls are for children and idiots with no imagination.

However a picketed, manned line with sensors, troops, mobile tracked vehicles, and UAS is affordable and practical. Interdiction requires finding the enemy, then capturing him and transporting the captives to processing locations. That's not hard to do.

The Morice Line in Algeria is a successful example and that was during wartime.

>> No.1082674

Spread the wealth? Why? Did the unskilled people do anything?

Nah, people don't get money for nothing, they might get a little piece so they don't just die... But even then, social program rules change. The future is going to push people even harder to get more skills and experience or they just aren't going to make it. No matter how much they whine, bitch, or scapegoat.

We're advancing at an exponential pace too, it's just going to get more and more competitive. Society is going to edge out the less educated. American or otherwise. Americans need to quit worrying about the low level front end grunt work jobs that immigrants are doing and get an education and work in a field that's sustainable and actually pays well and is needed. THAT'S the future of economic growth. Every job requires some grunt workers, but it's going to be less and less as time goes on. And as others have said, you take away the $8.00 an hour job and start saying you want $15.00 and $20.00 an hour? Nah, it's more economically feasible in the long run to just invest in automation. The return on investment is MUCH higher.

That's just good business.

>> No.1082688


> Did the unskilled people do anything?

They don't vote to have you guillotined.

>> No.1082696

>tfw Japan has a bunch of machines that can churn out large concrete parts at or near work site that they use
>tfw Buy American provision in the project will award contract to some well-connected American company, and it will take years for them to deliver a wall making machine that doesn't break every 30 minutes meanwhile they will have used ridiculous amount of manual labor to build the wall from scratch at the site, ballooning up the cost of the project

>> No.1082709

>children and idiots with no imagination.
If we just annexed the entire country, none of them would be illegals.
Problem solved.
It's about as realistic as your proposal.
Probably cheaper too.

>> No.1082711

>patrolling 2000 miles
Humans are the biggest cost in any project.
You're supposed to cut them out wherever possible, not include them.

>> No.1082721

Sensors and other situational awareness equipment reduce the need for manpower, but a few billion dollars a year is background noise and the border could be patrolled for say ten billion. That's less than a month of the Iraq war.

>> No.1082723


You still need the wall near population centres, in the time it takes to hunt them down you don't want them to disappear into an urban environment.

>> No.1082741


Well the border needs to be patrolled no matter what. Even a great big 20 foot thick wall a hundred feet tall could be climbed/blown up in a couple hours if no one is watching.

>> No.1082759
File: 376 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-11-11-23-49-36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

÷2 so $180B?
Perfectly reasonable cost to prevent Mexico from invading on horses

>> No.1082762
File: 43 KB, 500x333, 500-333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not that hard, but they have to make the soil hard and lay some roads etc. for heavy machinery. The parts for the wall will be all prefabricated.

>> No.1082772
File: 333 KB, 930x1060, b708671ebe4cab4f10037a9cf5edd84a1f0ee70db481a1d00b5a2a8d2d8adbd8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw after 3 days liberals are still being salty

cry some more faggots

>> No.1082776

Yeah, they are.
But they've still got 2917 days left until they catch up with the righties.

>> No.1082821


>> No.1082824
File: 1.15 MB, 1500x998, borders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They've been used to great effect in many countries the world over throughout history. It's not a new idea.

>> No.1082826
File: 149 KB, 1024x692, iron_curtain_by_sigfodr-d5jmi5a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't see any pictures of the Iron Curtain or Berlin wall, but that'd be how I'd do it. Concrete Bremer Walls in urban areas and other major crossing points, with an anti-vehicle barrier in front, like bollards or a ditch. Wall topped with razor wire, sensors, and Border Patrol manned watch towers.

Out in the sticks, anti-vehicle barriers like a ditch or Dragon's Teeth then a chain link or razor wire fence with seismic sensors and a patrol road that's groomed frequently to detect any footprints that aren't Border patrol issue boots. At regular intervals, a ground penetrating radar array would be pulled down the road, ensuring no tunnels have been dug under the fence. Watch towers would make a useful adjunct to sensors and unmanned aerial vehicles to watch the fence since military doctrine teaches any obstacle that unobserved and covered will be penetrated with little issue by an invader.

Eminent Domain would be needed to buy the strip of land needed for the patrol road and track trap strips.

If tracks are found, Border Patrol agents trained in man-tracking would proceed to track the illegal down and take them into custody for deportation.

For workers, call up National Guard combat engineer units.

Pic related-length of the Iron Curtain. The concrete blobs on the left are anti-vehicle barriers.

>> No.1082832

Good on paper but does not work in the real world.

>A good recipe for revolution

>> No.1082838

>Projecting this hard

>> No.1082841

The Great Wall of China was 5500 miles like 800 hundred years ago. You guys should manage.

>> No.1082846

Sounds like a badass band and/or album name

>> No.1082923
File: 41 KB, 599x400, CALTRANS-Slipform-Machine.jpg.cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a machine in California that builds the concrete center dividers in place.
The wall would be very easy to build.

>> No.1082926

I hope the Mexicans are willing to pay at least a little more to make it look appealing. This wall may be effective, but it's ugly as sin.

I want some style on my southern border, something that looks like adobo bricks or flows with the landscape. Maybe some Navajo decorative motifs.

Barring that, I vote for chromed steel. Too slippery to climb and it would catch the sunrise and look like it's on fire.

>> No.1082932


How the fuck does that work? Do they spray some kind of catalyst on to get a thin shell with a gooey centre which can set normally?

>> No.1082934

Then we smash the machines anywhere they show up. The Luddites were right.

>> No.1082936
File: 102 KB, 712x542, metropolis-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1082947

No. Your infantile understanding of economics is pretty amusing though. Them people then go to the shop on the corner and spend their money, repeating ad infinitum, putting more money into your own economy which will increase wages across the board. It's almost like America was an incredibly strong country when the wages of manufacturing employees were extremely high (E.G Ford paying his workers 50$/hr (When adjusted for inflation) to do manufacturing work .Having a low number of incredibly high income workers who can buy goods cheaply is not conducive to a healthy economy, having a large amount of medium income workers buying goods at medium prices is.

>> No.1083142
File: 61 KB, 384x960, 13275687_10209234143041413_444163488_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1083146
File: 120 KB, 940x600, saudi-wall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1083157


Philippines is a third-world shithole that runs on Filifina maids wiring dollars home.

>> No.1083188

Big wall bruh

>> No.1083189

>Them people then go to the shop on the corner and spend their money

You mean to the place that cant stay competitive due to rising costs in good?
Why would anyone buy anything from a small store if their buying power goes down?

>> No.1083208

I worked in a basement repair business for a couple years during college, and every two weeks we would get a couple new guys, cash-assistance-food-stamp-loving scum bags that quit because the job was too demanding. They would just go back to their trailers and complain that the veterans are not being taken care of. There is plenty of Americans that don't want to be employed.

>> No.1083211
File: 517 KB, 640x640, 1456488061929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but please just stop.
You're wrong.
The cost of labor (especially JUST low-end labor) is a small part of the cost of goods sold.
Look at Australia. Minimum wage there is double what America's is, and fast food, etc. is only marginally more expensive.
See also, Costco.
And lastly, google "GINI Index".

>> No.1083212
File: 56 KB, 650x650, 1456487726204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is plenty of Americans that don't want to be employed.
Muh anecdotal "evidence".
There have always been lazy cocksuckers, but there has NEVER been enough jobs for everybody that wants one.
Labor supply has ALWAYS exceeded the demand.

>> No.1083218

>muh australian minimum wage
while australia definitely has better wages in general, it's not as striking as it seems -- things area also wildly more expensive in australia. a big mac is not as useful a metric of purchasing power as, say, rental unit prices or automobiles or other durable goods

a better example is Canada -- rents and cars and the like are similarly priced, but Canada's federal minimum is something like 9 or 10 bucks and every province maintains a higher minimum wage (the lowest is Quebec's which is 11 or so iirc, i havent held a min wage job in a while so I don't know the exact value without looking it up but it was 10.65 a couple years ago and is increased by at least some percentage every year no matter what)

>> No.1083221

>comparing 2 countries when one has 300 million more people than the other.

Its all relative anyways, getting paid 15$ minimum wage isnt amazing when you pay 120$ for a PS4 game

>> No.1083251

A Loonie is also only worth about 75 cents. So an $11 minimum wage is really only $8.25.

That said, if you account for inflation our federal minimum peaked in 1968 at something like $11.10 an hour. Personally, I think we should be paying people better then we were in 1968. March of progress and all that. Productivity is way up from 1968 levels, education requirements are way up (try getting a job without a high school diploma) and yet pay is generally down. You know damn well the CEOs of this country would fucking flip their shit if we were paying them the same rates as their peers in 1968, let alone less.

>> No.1083294
File: 1.04 MB, 1919x905, america pays for this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Walls are cheap, we give israel more money every single year than the total cost of their entire wall todate.

>> No.1083299

Except that your average mexican could quite easily leap over that wall.

>> No.1083300
File: 48 KB, 700x644, border-sign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually, they do.

>> No.1083340

easily the answer is landmines shit loads of them

>> No.1083343
File: 25 KB, 480x475, 14947644_1822530454699499_3366886553271507170_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a bricklayer in the UK I'll come help build the wall.

>> No.1083358

By wasting taxpayer money and abusing eminent domain

>> No.1083385

>when you pay 120$ for a PS4 game

Which is a luxury purchase and marked up accordingly. Price for necessities is a better metric than toys.

>> No.1083386

>easily the answer is landmines shit loads of them

Nope. Mines have been frequently harvested by opposing forces. They are basically a way to give out free explosives.

>> No.1083450

I could jump that wall with my inexistent parkour skills. America needs a wall that matches its greatness.

>> No.1083452

>Fucking America not giving a single dime to my country
No wonder we're poor.

>> No.1083469
File: 431 KB, 1500x1053, Thames Barrier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chromed steel

Go full stainless or go home.

>> No.1083491
File: 211 KB, 563x413, JOBtOmU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what you did.

>> No.1083496

Come to think of it that would be to most cost efficient. Anti-personel mines are still legal in the US, right?

>> No.1083504

Eventually there will be a serious lack of colors. The spectrum band of the US will be just a few lines here and there...

>> No.1083506

You need people to be sent to The Wall! Dress in black and the shit....

>> No.1083509

>. Mines have been frequently harvested by opposing forces. They are basically a way to give out free explosives.
Not to mention the "unattended weapon" factor tends to kill a lot of children, farmers and other bystanders.

>> No.1083512

>We don't. And that's the whole point.

We do, but that requires very few meatbags because US efficiency is so good. Fucking BMW makes SUVs in the US and sells them to mainland China!

Old and stupid Amerifucks never learned modern manufacturing. Successful young modern Amerifucks are busy making money. Their workers, not always so much, but that's capitalism.

Google global manufacturing output before you spout off about the US not making things.

>> No.1083514
File: 24 KB, 306x306, dr-dre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well the border needs to be patrolled no matter what.
US borders have been more or less unguarded since the beginning.If any of you conservatards were HONEST about it, you'd be singing the praises of the president that increased the border patrol more than any other president, ever.
But he's black, so I'm not holding my breath.

>> No.1083517

>But the way it's looks is that we're going to have to build, patrol, and maintain 2000 miles of Brutalism, against guys with RPG-7s and bulldozers. It's going to be like whack-a-mole.

Modern sensors make that a lot easier, and dispersed manned border control stations are proven effective elsewhere.

Walls or fences slow the enemy down. Mobile firepower subdues or kills him. Dozers are easy to track and easy to whack.

>> No.1083520

Necessary food does not.

>> No.1083521

what fucking country are you? were not funding a whole 1/4 of the world still

>> No.1083533

Bolivia. You give money to everybody in this continent other than us.

>> No.1083538

You forgot the lasers and patrolling monkeys with samurai swords.

>> No.1083540
File: 479 KB, 1800x1200, gdr_border.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are more efficient ways to shut a border. Proof of concept: pic related.

>> No.1083542

Bah. If some dumb bitch commits suicide-murder by trespassing on a private minefield it's her own damn choice and her own damn fault.

>> No.1083544

Freedom isn't free, you communazi.

>> No.1083546

fatty detecte

>> No.1083560

I have here a Buzzfeed article explaining why the great wall of China is actually impossible and is probably just a hologram or maybe centuries of concerted propaganda. The technology simply doesn't EXIST, man.

>> No.1083561

Your weight has nothing to do with what you eat.
It has everything to do with how much you eat.

>> No.1083565

In Britbongistan the Polish and Romanians earn money here and send it back to their families abroad, thereby contributing minimally to the local economy. I don't doubt this happens in the US too, at least in the cases where the spic hasn't managed to move his whole family across the border yet.

>> No.1083581

Yeah and it took them 2000 years. And multiple dynasties.

>> No.1083588

Your president or what have you probably told us to fuck off.

>> No.1083595

It didn't even work the jackasses held it open and the horse niggers set up shop.

>> No.1083625

Just have your leaders fill out the application for us foreign aid. Everyones entitled to our tax money (except us).

>> No.1083640

Yea, cause all that shit that you use that the government provides for you wasn't done with your tax money. Who developed that internet you are crying on there wise guy?

>> No.1083646

>Be cali-fag
>Worst roads in the country
>Highest gas taxes
>Worst schools in the country
>Highest per pupil spending

But uh.. I guess I can hire a brown man real cheap to weed my yard for me?

>> No.1083647

Al Gore personally in his off time developed the internet to disseminate lies about climate change.

>> No.1083671

Weed cheap and cheap weed

Our tax dollars get sent to all the red states though

>> No.1083709

You need to look at the requirements for a visa. Total number of visas allowing for extended residence, of all types last year, hit about 600,000. That includes "temporary" ones like H-1B's, which last greater than one year but are not permanent.

Of those 600k, about 52k were "Diversity" visas, which do not require proof of skills, education, or wealth, and which are assigned by lottery. Competing for those 52k were 12.5 million applicants, worldwide. Those 52k are also further divided by nations. Mexico gets the largest single block of those 52k, at 11k. Of those 12.5 million overall worldwide applicants, 4.2 million were from Mexico, and were for the diversity bloc. So, 11k spots for 4.2 million applicants.

To do what you'd ask, you'd have to drastically increase the number of visas. Tell me who would want to do that?

>> No.1083710

>oh please, if stump had lost
CATO Institute (Lobertarian think tank,) has been doing the math, and they're saying hate crimes since 11/9/16 are up about 9%. And that's with a win. Saw the same damn thing when the Brits had their Brexit vote.

>> No.1083726

All of that automation takes energy. Unless we go nuclear, I doubt we'd be able to sustain that kind of living.

>> No.1083732

>but we're still losing jobs to automation faster than education creates new jobs.


there are plenty of manufacturing jobs in the US. any medium to small sized machine shop will tell you that. the labor pool is ankle deep because nobody is learning it. the skill floor has been raised considerably and the things taught in high school are not enough.

the true potential of manufacturing cells has not been realized because there are not enough competent cell operators.

>> No.1083752

>there are plenty of manufacturing jobs . the labor pool is ankle deep because nobody is learning it. the skill floor has been raised considerably and the things taught in high school are not enough.

This. About 10 years ago our school district had a surplus action of all of their shop tools. Some really nice machines still in decent shape. Real 'professional' level woodworking tools. Old Rockwell/Delta stuff from the 60's and 70s. 240 volt and all with plenty of life left in them. Why? Because every local cabinet maker and metal shop uses CNC equipment these days.

The local community college dropped everything but auto shop back in the 90s. The grammar schools have no shop of any kind. Only the local uni still has an engineering department but they can afford high-end CNC stuff to train on. So unless you are going to go to a 4-year university and drop a 40 grand on getting a bachelor's degree then you aren't going to get a 'blue collar' job as an engineer or a cabinetmaker.

That is why all of the manufacturers are crying that they need workers. Their entry-level position isn't someone manning the controls on a drop forge anymore. A computer does that. Their entry level position is what someone with 15 years of experience would be doing back in 1980. Those people are getting old and retiring. There is no younger generation to replace them and the business can't or won't pay to get someone trained up.

But who is working in the shops then? A college educated draftsman type to handle the designs and a couple of fucking monkeys to load the materials into the CNC and take it out again when it's done. The local metal supply place has a fully automated CNC laser cutter. They load it up with metal at the END OF THE FUCKING SHIFT and let it run all night. It gets unloaded by some shmucks who make $12 an hour and don't even qualify for the union the next day. They a few mooks making $15 do QC and clean it up a bit.

>> No.1083759

>high-end CNC stuff to train on

very few people actually have high end CNC stuff. most shops are still running bridgeports and cheap-o jap units from the 90's. i've seen more frankenstein CNC retrofits than i have actual new machine tools being installed.

owners don't want to buy new equipment because they don't have the guys trained enough to run it.

had this one client who bought a Zeiss CMM, which is a ~million dollar machine. had one guy trained up on how to use it. that guy basically holds the client hostage for a retarded wage because there isn't another person who could operate that machine for 300 miles.

>> No.1083771

My employer buys brand new VMCs by the bushel because it's the easiest way to get that op done, but they have cushy government contracts and almost no competition.

>> No.1083779

Repurpose the factories to make affordable modular housing. ez

>> No.1083820

A wall is only as strong as the men who man it.

>> No.1083881

Have the fed print more funny money and just go further towards the cliff.

Logiscits are already there. Just need a green light and cash

>> No.1083884

Hey faggots 5 million of your people are here. U gonna pay for the wall or we going north korean work camp. Your call...

>> No.1083886

Yuuuup. At least we get rid of all the beaners tho

>> No.1083887

Retired aircraft control towers is what we use. Or lower the floor on a school buss so shit is eye level.

>> No.1083888

Not a bad idea m8

>> No.1083898

Mexico doesn't have much oil left but we may as well seize that as well as 10% of all remittances

>> No.1083902

fug off, gib now plox. coca leafs are not enough to make a living, putos.

>> No.1083907


Revolt and be reactionary towards something that's already happened?

Keep dreaming kids, this is what every major business and industry in America has gone too. You'd be taking on all of Corporate America, which might sound like some righteous cause but you're way out classed when it comes to resources and on the wrong side of the law.

Face it, your best bet by far is to save your energy and get a solid education in a STEM field. No more blue collar work your daddy and his daddy used to do. We live in a different world now.

Or you could take the jobs back from the Mexicans and move to California and get paid by the bushel of grapes you pick.

>> No.1084004



We pay people high wages for those jobs in Australia because of our lack of illegals, and grocery staples are MORE expensive in the U.S., with even less transport costs.

Needless to say your major retailers like Wal-Mart and Costco are immeasurably more profitable than our retailers, and our retailers and agricultural companies WOULD use illegals to boost profits.

They just can't.

>> No.1084018


If you have a rapidly declining need for labor, then you definitely need to reduce your population otherwise you're going to be left with a surplus of dependent labor and they'll want gibs.

So banning Mexicans should be a priority.

>> No.1084019


You have too many people and not enough demand.

There is no real safe area for education. Everything will be increasingly automated and outsourced, including engineering.

Will be weird.

>> No.1084022
File: 2.59 MB, 500x280, 1458841207573.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking this!

>U.S., Israel sign $38 billion military aid package

38 billion....

>> No.1084024


STEM fields will just be automated and replaced by machines.

Customer service and arts, like marketing, teaching or entertainment. That's the future.

>> No.1084032


>> No.1084061

Smashing the machines undoes it. Factory jobs will be back if anywhere they're automated the machines end up as rubble.

>> No.1084095

this is the kind of posts that make me doubt about america actually getting to the moon.

>> No.1084100



Israel doesn't even need it!

Their military kicks ass AND has god on their side. Covenants made with gentiles and Ishmael's or whoever's descendants excepted.

I hope we get access to their technological breakthroughs as well.

We also send foreign aid to the nations around them too, IIRC.

I know that charities are frequently scams or so inefficient they might as well be.

I hope the American military itself delivers and distributes foreign aid to avoid these issues.

>> No.1084103


As long as the military is made by schmoes you'll need to spread the wealth, or say hello to mr. guillotine.

Until you convert it to a bunch of ED-209s.

>> No.1084139
File: 99 KB, 1600x900, paul-rudd-ant-man.0.0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Factory owners have insurance. You burn down their shit, you go to jail and they laugh all the way to the bank, rebuild, and hire better guards. Lights out manufacturing doesn't have to be someplace where there is a lot of people anyway. They can set up shop in some dinky little town just off the highway or near a railroad that would be happy to get a half dozen rent-a-cop jobs and the property taxes out of the deal. They also tend to have cameras all over the god damn place to monitor the sitch. Are you gonna go drive 3 hours out into the 'boons to throw your clogs into the gears and get arrested? Who is going to hire your dumb ass after that when you have a criminal record? Nobody. As we all well know you won't be able to keep a job slinging ice cream at Baskin Robbins with a record.

>> No.1084145

That's why you need a movement of millions.

>> No.1084151

That makes absolutely no sense, who do you think designs, programs and maintains these systems? SIMPLE things can be automated, computers aren't problem solvers.


Engineering isn't automatible in the most broad sense, outsourcing isn't very useful either. Most engineering requires you to SEE the problem.


What do you think happens if you walk into someone's private property and smash their stuff? Enjoy massive jail time and or a massive debt you can never repay. You'll just fuck yourself over. Any sufficiently large business has multiple facilities and usually have guards anyways.

What makes you think the military is made of schmoes? have you seen the technological might of the US industrial complex? Have you forgotten about drones? Precision missiles? They're reducing the needs of front line soldiers. They were the first to automate and a TON of their tech is what makes up the current tech of civilian fields.


This dude gets it

That movement scatters when they see the first reprocussions and riot control takes effect.

>> No.1084152

You realize they buy most of their tech from us... That's what military "aide" is.

>> No.1084153

But that can't last forever, it's unsustainable like that, what will happen is people will be forced to make an EFFORT to move up or our homeless population will skyrocket. This will take care of a lot of the people who are unwilling to do anything, they'll die on the streets.

Others will realize the struggle and work their way back up.

Ultimate social Darwinism. No more gibs, only survival.

>> No.1084154


> What makes you think the military is made of schmoes?

The people pointing the weapons, high tech though they may be, are closer to the peons than the elite.

>> No.1084183

Sure, have thousands of miles of high powered voltage that goes off everytime anything hits is cheap on maintenance

>> No.1084185

>food analogy
>McDonalds analogy

>> No.1084186
File: 47 KB, 597x600, 1327457469883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All of that automation takes energy.

Ironically, it takes far LESS than humans doing the same job.

Ultimately, humans are abysmal as far as energy use goes. In terms of raw thermodynamic efficiency (from solar energy being collected by plants to your muscles producing usable work), humans max out at like 2%. Even accounting for all the losses in energy generation from almost any source of your choosing, it's almost trivially easy to come up with something roughly an order of magnitude better. Hell, current middle-of-the road solar panels, batteries, motors, and the various switching power supplies between them can do better than 2% end-to-end efficiency. By a lot.

Yes, we would need another energy revolution to do it. But we need one on the route we're currently on, anyway.

>> No.1084187

>Why can't we be more like this one 3rd world shithole? Huh?

That's literally you

>> No.1084194
File: 70 KB, 640x718, hahasucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey! Everyone laugh at the STEMfag that thinks he's safe from the zeitgeist.


>> No.1084219

1 guy with a metal detector and all your landmines would be useless.

>> No.1084227


>> No.1084232

>1 guy with a metal detector and all your landmines would be useless.

Composite/polymer housings. Plastic explosives. Throw some aggregate in there for shrapnel. A purely mechanical mine could be made to be completely invisible to a metal detector.

Even if you wanted to add some fancy electronics for some reason, the metallic/magnetic content of the already minimal circuitry you'd need could be made so low it would still be indistinguishable from minuscule, naturally-occurring deposits of iron or what have you.

...not that I'm endorsing the idea, just sayin'.

>> No.1084240

That sounds fucked up, anon, thats why with your plan you either get rich quick or you die without a job.

>> No.1084241

As a Chinese descendant, that amazing structure is the only thing i'm proud of...

>> No.1084285

Go back to the old union ways at the height of their power. Anyone who arrests someone smashing a machine is given a first hand lesson on how gravity works from 20 stories up.

>> No.1084376


I think it might be cheaper for them to mass produce the old tech they used to catch hippies trying to meet aliens at Area 51. To this day you won't make it far if you hop that fence.

An electronic wall.

>> No.1084385
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Make the last challenge Battle Royal knife fight between the "contestant""

The winner may step forward to a statue of Pres Trump and kiss his shoe and a speaker within the statue will congratulate the winner and his visa will be printed out of the mouth of the statue

>> No.1084682

I've wondered about this... why can't you just use tilt-up construction like they do for warehouses etc? Or pour off site and truck slabs in like they do for highway noise barrier construction.

It doesn't really seem that hard to me. It's hard to find an honest assessment online.

>> No.1084690

There will never, never be a "big beautiful wall" . That was just some bullshit spouted to get cucks to vote.
And the Indians who live on the border have said "fuck your wall" so that's that.

>> No.1084695
File: 25 KB, 230x173, 230px-Chicken_adobo[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>adobo bricks

>> No.1084719

>AND has god on their side.
thanks for the laugh anon.. where are you from?

>> No.1084722

I saw them do this for a new industrial building in my area, it was only two stories I think.

>> No.1084747

cost aside ,
does anyone think a wall will do anything?

>> No.1084751
File: 93 KB, 596x828, you are here trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of them will self deport when it becomes obvious that he's actually going to start enforcing immigration law.

3 million of them are criminals that have already been found guilty of crimes but stayed in the US.

Establish border security then they can't come back easily. They need to fake ID, and trick immigration at a border checkpoint, either literally on the border or in an airport. He could make that much harder to do now that it currently is.

Once that's done, then you can start deporting the criminals we have in jail now, and start deporting past criminals that are still living illegally in the country. Obama also has a list of 750,000 that were seeking amnesty that are also here illegally and would be easy to deport.

>> No.1084948
File: 28 KB, 600x579, d6f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because we need new factories to build modular wall systems?

>> No.1085346


>who do you think designs, programs and maintains these systems? SIMPLE things can be automated, computers aren't problem solvers.


It won't be for a generation or so, but automation, robotics and A.I. is going to make it so that in the future relatively complex fields like medicine will be able to be compartmentalized and farmed out to lower skill workers.

>SIMPLE things can be automated

The whole point of Taylorism and Automation was the breaking down of simple things into easy individual steps. Engineers in 30 years will be to current engineers as the pimply faced kid at McDonald's is to short order cooks of yesteryear.

Hell, I remember the 90's where a guy could get paid well for being a data entry drone.

>> No.1085831
File: 20 KB, 433x318, y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does the paddy wagon get through the fence?
can they dig under it?
What if they have two ladders?

>> No.1085847

Land mines , such a great idea! And when you decide that the area is suited for something else maybe 30 years later you realize that it can't be used because land mines. Those things are nasty. They don't go away. Old bombs aren't better than new bombs.

>> No.1085848

A luddite! How original!

>> No.1085850

You need an enemy to feel good if you are simple.

>> No.1085933

The luddites were right.

>> No.1085939

land mines will do that but they will have to be replaced

>> No.1085940

why not let all their men in kill them then slave their kids for tiny finger jobs like papa trump Nd ofcourse sex their wifes