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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 726 KB, 1000x667, jimmy+diresta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1072138 No.1072138 [Reply] [Original]

What does /diy/ think of him?

>> No.1072139

gtfo jimmu we have had this thread so many times

no body likes you

>> No.1072141

Diresta is okay but have you ever tried pooping while taking a shower and stomping it down the drain?

>> No.1072173

He has the balls to try anything but no so much the skills to match. His woodworking ability is that of a journeyman carpenter: That is to say, he slaps everything together with a couple of brads and calls it good. In one of his videos, he even uses a fisheye lens to hide the fact that the cabinet he just built was significantly out of square and the doors don't line up correctly. Such, it won't fall apart on your but it ain't pretty.

Jack of all trades, master of none.

>> No.1072263

>somebody hasn't seen him carving on the bandsaw

>> No.1072277

His videos are very relaxing. 1 in 6 videos teaches me a cool trick. All of the shit he makes is pretty crappy in one way or another. I'm not saying that I could do better, but this guy isn't a craftsman.

Look at that chalkboard he made recently. He used green wood and wedged the slates in place. That shit is going to crack in less than a year from the wood contracting.

>> No.1072295

Nothing like a good waffle stomp to start your day.

>> No.1072333


What is the world coming too? What's next? dogs and cats sleeping together? stars falling from the sky?

>> No.1072335

>this guy isn't a craftsman.
He's an artist. His day job is teaching design in College, iirc.

>> No.1073040

He's a better maker than I will ever be, I know that much

>> No.1073053

I've been a subscriber to his videos for the past couple of years. I've learned quite some tricks from him. He's a pretty good all-rounder and a much better diy-er than I'll ever be.

Sure his methods aren't all to the highest standards, but he gets the job done and pretty quick as well (time=money). So yea, overall i'm pretty satisfied with how he does things and the videos he makes

>> No.1073060

Go to bed, Jimmy

>> No.1073125
File: 400 KB, 350x343, 6FWDIVZ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1073256

His videos have a nice asmr effect on me. I like to put them on when im getting ready for bed. Same with blacksmithing videos

>> No.1073264

>Teaching design in College
>Just rivets steel sheeting to the back of his truck

God help those students

He gets shit done and fast because that's how he makes money but there is no craft to what he does, he's a hack.

>> No.1073899

He figured out how to rake in youtube bucks by showing filthy casuals the wrong way to make things they will never make. Everything he does is wrong and his results are shit, but I think he knows that.
quantity >>> quality in regard to youtube monetization.
He's laffin, its a brilliant idea and I wish I had come up with it.

>> No.1074252

I occasionally watch his videos. Makes nicer shit than me. But these anons that post without pics make even better so I'm anxiously waiting for their videos!

>> No.1074265

Get the fuck out Jimmy stop spamming the chans with your video

this is the 500th fucking time he made this thread promoting his vids, this is literal spam

>> No.1074282
File: 2.25 MB, 3264x2448, 20130830_082729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He loves that fucking name of his. Blocked him on youtube months ago. His channels not terrible, but he's a little old to still think he's some special snowflake.

>> No.1075868

Why does DiResta get some much focus here on /diy/ when there's much better youtubers out there like Matthias Wandel, John Heisz and Frank Howarth?

>> No.1075874

To say he doesn't have some skill isn't true but you're absolutely right. He does make shit to make money from muh views.

Basically anyone who vlogs is telling us shit we don't need to know but it's a nice gap fill for the weeks that won't feature anything worth while buy keeps the income consistent.

>> No.1075875

/DIy is a tough crowd to please. 1mil subs ain't shit if DIY thinks you're a shill

>> No.1076420
File: 781 KB, 2048x1367, Paul di Resta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He wasn't bad, he wasn't good, just average. He didn't have a great team either, so he didn't stand much chance.

>> No.1076596

This type of comment. It's not about having videos. You're saying that I have no authority on the issue unless I have videos posted on youtube?
Successful youtubers put more effort in filming the videos than in the actual work, and also consider the money for the equipment. If I was a fucking master in woodworking but recorded my work with a potato and put it on youtube nobody would give a shit about the work.
Having millions of subscribers doesn't make you a good craftsman either, it only means you're a normie magnet.

>> No.1076652


/also thread

>> No.1076664

Moderately talented in many many areas, which is impressive in and of itself. He's a jack of all trades but doesn't put much time or creativity into anything he makes. I've seen a couple things he's done that I thought were really creative but the rest is just straight up generic shit.

>> No.1078041

He sure does love his name.

>> No.1078233

>you can't criticize someone if you haven't made something better
So how about that terrible movie you watched the other day? Oh wait you haven't made a movie so you can't say it was bad.

>> No.1078264

He is a genius and I love him. My honest opinion.

>> No.1078361

Ah yes. The bait that struck. Diy is a place where everyone has a strong reaction to everything from tools through working practices to materials.

Every project needs to be good ENOUGH to be finished. If you are making shit for yourself then you decide the level of goodness you need to achieve for it to be enough.
When you are running a business the customer does it, in the end.
Diresta has chosen a good enough level and he has a broad set of diy skills that I at least envy. And he is running a business with a day job.

I get a feeling that there are people here who has a major in youtube and are therefore qualified to whine about everything. Maybe you CAN make so wonderfully nice stuff and are a master of wood- or whateverworking but in the long tradition of pics or it didn't happen of 4chan I'd call bullshit on quite an amount of you whiners.
Bashing, but such a remarkable lack of ANY images that one starts to wonder...

>> No.1078364

>reads about criticism about x
>b-but you haven't done x! show us you can do x better you whiners!

Jimmy this kind of logic doesn't belong in any discussion board because it is stupid.

You should gtfo and stop spamming here for views.

>> No.1078491

Good on ya mate. I was going to go buy some new tools and settled on harbor freight because as anyone knows, if you haven't manufactured your own tools then you have no business complaining.

Later I'm gonna go plink some cans with my Taurus handgun, then relax with some Busch Light and my collection of Uwe Boll films. It's all the best quality stuff, and you can't prove otherwise.

>> No.1079760

>carving on the bandsaw
The fuck?

>> No.1079788

If it works it works.

>> No.1079930

>What does /diy/ think of him?
I like him, he makes stuff, he has a good video format that makes it possible for even non English speakers to enjoy them, and he likes cats and all animals in general it would seem.

I hear a lot of people being down on him but those are people who've never got off their ass to make anything.

>> No.1079954

He has a cool name though, must better than goldman, feinstein or something something berg

I think that many people dislike him because he's a New Yorker and has that kind of bon vivant, cool guy vibe just people just get mad jeally that they live in some bumfuck nowhere shithole that has nothing to do or see.

Also he's gf is qt as fuck.

>> No.1079955

sorry for those many typos, I think I may have dyslexia.

>> No.1080849

design, as in aesthetics
not manufacturing, as in construction/engineering

>> No.1081078

It's branding. Smart idea actually.

>> No.1081175

Why do some people not like Matthias?

>> No.1081299


I personally like the guy, I think he's probably the best woodworker on youtube, which can turn off a few people because some of his projects are way beyond the hobbyist woodworker's reach.

That being said, he does come accross as a huge asshat in the comments of his videos, sometimes.

>> No.1082211
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Bill Livolsi pls go

>> No.1082226
File: 106 KB, 450x600, 654597_com_disneyland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are retards that can't appreciate his autistic genius.

>huge asshat in the comments
>reading youtube comments
The guy is a serious aspie with thousands of comments from morons criticizing him, what do you expect?