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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 2.28 MB, 4608x3456, SAM_0939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1053189 No.1053189 [Reply] [Original]

Post your Workstations

>> No.1053206 [DELETED] 


>> No.1053751
File: 751 KB, 1944x1944, IMG_20160709_190710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muh bench, not pictured is the table saw that sits at the same height so I can clear off the bench for an out feed table for long rip cuts.

>> No.1054058

Why the fuck did you despoil this nice woodworking bench with a bench grinder and metalworking vise? That stuff needs to go on a separate bench. Especially the bench grinder, since on top of covering everything in dust - which you just might not give a fuck about - it blocks the end vise.

>> No.1054068


>> No.1054905

it's a work station for a man not your fairy queer hair saloon

looks good though i prefer large workbenches so i can have on one side the grinder on the other vices and on the side of the vice a small anvil, can't take pictures of mine cause i don't work at home, maybe tomorrow

>> No.1055897
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It's pretty messy atm

>> No.1055904

whats up with that bunch of Monkey Wrenches...i can get behind having 2 o 3...but theres...like 10

>> No.1055973
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>> No.1056127

what is with your obsession to yellow paint

>> No.1056374

>Smooth jazz
Comfy as fuck

>> No.1056614

What is that sweet old vise?

>> No.1056675
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>> No.1056687

>Monkey wrench

Quite clearly stillsons.


>> No.1056790

What are those wood cabinet speakers?

>> No.1056800

Not poster of the pic, however usually its marking for identification.

Eg, i use bright fucking orange.

> spend $$ buying decent tooling
> find random fucks using my tooling without asking 'cause they bought cheap shit that broke, or had none.
> turn and assume position.jpg
> "i found it lying around"
> BULLSHIT. My shit has a place, away from you, and is orange so i can see fucktards like you pretending to work with it.

....obviously this anon either uses them for actual work, or has done so at some point.

>> No.1056823

>Estes Phoenix model
I still have mine. Good times.

>> No.1056833

Loved it.

>> No.1056876

thx anon, i said that cause i didnt remember the proper name

>> No.1056948

The ones on the wall are coral bx-200's the ones on the shelf are Monarchs

>> No.1056956
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Only half of it, rest is 3D Printers and other stuff. I have no bed, no shelf for clothes and this is my only room for living :(

>> No.1056962
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-blacksmith shed, with used garish bathroom equipment(the blue stuff)

>> No.1056966

Fuck mobile, image just flipped. :(

>> No.1057040

What are that many stillsons used for? Genuinely curious.

>> No.1057055


I'm not op but I'd have that many for different pipe sizes. Larger the diameter the more leverage you're going to need to complete the joint.

>> No.1057061

Really cool anon, can we get some closeups?

>> No.1057962
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delivered 10ish minutes ago

>> No.1057966

you're living the dream

>> No.1058000

When all else fails, hatchet on the right.

>> No.1058012

yeah, agreeed. i painted all my stuff dayglo pink at one point, just to stop other trades 'borrowing' stuff and forgetting who it belonged to

>> No.1058204
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>> No.1058208

closeups plz

>> No.1058269

>for the cuck on the go.

>> No.1058379

why is he a cuck?

>> No.1058385

If a piece ever catches on your grinder it's probably going to break your window

>> No.1058406

Because memes

>> No.1058411

Love the lone usb in the middle of the table.
like a lost digital puppy in a sea of analog sharks

>> No.1058838

i'd fucking trade those things for this, straight up you're living the dream

>> No.1058842

Comfy af

>> No.1059168

Whats a good brand for a sturdy metalworking/mechanics work bench? Preferably with a metal surface so motor oil can't seep into the wood

>> No.1059241

Nice, I really want a shed I could work in but I'm renting

>> No.1059276

>I have no bed, no shelf for clothes..
least you live in a land where you can buy decent beer anon. Swap you all the adventurously-assembled IKEA beds in Bongoland for a case of Tegernseer. And don't try telling tell me thats not an Augustiner case next to it, I'd recognise that lovely shade of deep blue anywhere. Count your blessings bro, because, thats a fucking big one in my book.

>> No.1059343
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>> No.1059344
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>> No.1059360


This is stellar. You must have a big house or a lot of land.

>> No.1059375

What's in the cupboards?

>> No.1059400
File: 250 KB, 1600x900, tmp_12049-20160923_082035-1600x900-89553267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watchmaker here
clocking in for the day

>> No.1059414

This is my dream.

>> No.1059425


>nuka cola

>> No.1059427
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>tfw your "workshop" is a 7x9 room in a constant state of getting it together

>> No.1059429
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>back to the wall

At least i have a drive way to cut lumber or steel on.

>> No.1059430
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>> No.1059436

Underrated post.

>> No.1059531

I appreciate the orderliness of your desk, but I'd really like to see it in the middle of a project. Watchmaking seems like it would be interesting.

>> No.1059544

im home from work now. tomorrow morning i take a pic of a more mid-project desk

>> No.1059840

I know that feel, anon. I have a smal corner of a crowded garage to work in, and my workbench is an old shipping crate on it's side with the lid bolted to the top for a work surface. It's sufficient for what I need though (Light carpentry, mostly.)

>> No.1059860


but it's really nice, I'm jealous

>> No.1059900

Im so jealous of all of you, even from the "corner getting it together guy"
, i dont even have a fucking room for myself and i got all my shit in a tiny space

>> No.1059926
File: 267 KB, 1600x900, tmp_32187-20160924_080255-1600x900178325547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here ya go anon. this is my most commom desk layout for a typical watch service. the watch is disassembled and is now post-ultrasonic bath.

an assortment of screwdrivers, my favorite tweezers (bronze mostly, a few ultrafine in steel) grease/oil cups (4 kinds), a rinse dish of trichlorethylene, and bits of wood and putty (for cleaning up pieces of lint, breaking up left over residues, etc.)

>> No.1059930
File: 313 KB, 1600x900, tmp_32187-20160924_075700-1600x900473806046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and, just for grins, heres one with some of my other problem solving tools on display

>> No.1059940

Very interesting. Thanks anon. Would have never thought of the clear "cake cover" type things to cover the parts. I assume this is to keep dust to a minimum?

>> No.1059945

yep, thats exactly right

>> No.1059946

Very Nice.

>> No.1060027



That is 100% rad, man.

>> No.1060062


I don't think he was specifying anyone in the thread.

>> No.1060535
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Not mine, but one of my faves. From a past thread, I think.

>> No.1060567

My actual station isn't that interesting, but here's my storage area where most of my parts/tools live

>> No.1060568
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Of course I forgot the pic

>> No.1060619

shop is twice the size of the house!

>> No.1060621

glad you noticed

>> No.1060622

thanks it is my too still some minor tweaks to do

>> No.1060639

>#1 dad


>> No.1060808

I've spent a fair amount of time here.

I don't like how this saw tips into the fence. But alas our good saw is at another job.

>> No.1060810
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Of course.

>> No.1060824


>> No.1060868


>he put them up there himself

>> No.1060870


Where I come from everybody has to be a jack of all trades as being a specialist gets you work once every 6 months

So I find the specialist stuff extremely interesting.

>> No.1060935
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>I swear, I'll tidy up after this project.


>> No.1060951

You're in the Twin Cities too! Noice!

>> No.1060956
File: 1.42 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20160923_165815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cleaned out the shed that has been used as a dump for shit that nobody uses.

Currently still in a rather shitty condition, going to change a whole lot and make it real comfy though.

>> No.1060959

Heeeeell yeah boi post yours
I've been meaning to visit Ax mans lately but it's that time of year where the state government decides to fuck all of the highways up with construction.

>> No.1060974

oooh, i remember this anon. how you doing?

>> No.1060984


Just curious, but how did you get into it? I'm thinking about picking it up as a kind of hobby because I am a blacksmith by trade and I'm looking for something somewhat relaxing that I can do over a few months that is also a bit meticulous, if that makes sense. Just something calming.

>> No.1061044

of course i did! they are 4 and 6 cant be trusted with the ladder yet

>> No.1061045

of course i did!
they are 4 and 6... cant be trusted on the ladder yet

>> No.1061050
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>> No.1061051
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>> No.1062174
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Can't be fucked to adjust the brightness.

but on occasion, it looks like I know what I'm doing.

>> No.1062345

you have a vending machine?

>> No.1062470

Looks rad son if only I could actually _see_ it

>> No.1062488

Where do you sleep?

>> No.1062497

What router is that?

>> No.1062500

Nice, what lathe is that?

>> No.1062501


Also what mill is that?

>> No.1062548
File: 2.09 MB, 2560x1440, 20160929_003310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is mine

>> No.1062583


Its a Drummond 3.5-inch Flat-bed 1902. Was a treadle lathe, but it has a motor now. Cost me £100 and is handy for "fuck am I using a machinist, I just want this bit to fit"


Its a Dore Westbury mill. My neighbor gave it to me after I spotted it years ago and asked for it when also borrowing his ladder. Don't get much use, but its just handy to have.

>> No.1062588

"Thanks for the ladder can I take the mill too?

>> No.1062635

Yeah. A buddy of mine picked it up it for a few hundred bucks because it wasn't working any more. All I had to do was replace the compressor and recharge the cooling system. And also rig it so it doesn't require money.

>> No.1062636

What makes it better than a few hundred dollar fridge? Weatherproofing?

>> No.1062640
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Comfiest place at home. Thinking about adding some larger windows if I can find any.

>> No.1062686


>EE lab

So jelly my head could come off right about now

>> No.1062692

It's not better in any way, it's just a novelty that's fun to have

>> No.1062698

Same only mine is 5 times worse mostly.

>> No.1062759
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I know, cheeky, but I help him out with his van so evens out. Guy was a train engineer. Good chap.

>> No.1062778

What is that vise? Its base looks unusually wide for its size.

>> No.1062779

that doesn't look the most comfortable position to weld

>>I swear, I'll tidy up after this project.
haha i say that all the time

>> No.1062789

did you just make a smoke absorber from a PC fan and a car air filter? it loks cool

>> No.1062804

Ahh, makes more sense now

>> No.1062833

I think it's a Linksys

>> No.1062837

Har Har

I'm referring to the cnc router

>> No.1062971

cnc? Never heard of that brand of router, I'm guessing it's specialty stuff you can't just walk in and pick up at Best Buy?

>> No.1063017
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I made it in highschool, just followed the plans they gave us.

I did, but I remade it recently. It wasn't sucking much even with three fans. I found it more effective to just blow the smoke away instead.

>> No.1063247

are mine the second one is an old picture.

>> No.1063248

reverse that, the first is an old picture.

>> No.1063256
File: 3.94 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20160930_140304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a bit of a mess right now because I just got the big workbench on the left and it doesn't have a lower shelf yet. Plus I'll probably put in a couple of drawers.

>> No.1063290

The blackboard is a nice touch

>> No.1063322

Decoration is worth something I guess.

>> No.1063355
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Part of one of my shops

>> No.1063365

Hey... are you making a bike?? Damn me too, can we start a bike build thread on this bitch?

>> No.1063374

Post doggy

>> No.1063469

How do you get any work done without tripping over all that shit

>> No.1063478

Planning on making a decent woodworking bench tomorrow, so you guys have any good recommendations for a wood vise? Preferably under 50 bucks

>> No.1063494

That's no shop, that's a storage unit

>> No.1063517

Second hand or make your own. Check craigslist/ebay.

>> No.1063596

I move the bikes outside unless its raining, and i live in california so its never raining. Also have a dedicated woodshop next door to this and largeish concrete pad outside.

>> No.1063677


where'd you get that idea?

>> No.1064333

You smithing dragonstone bracelets? Air battle staves are faster, my man.

>> No.1064345

>post your workstation thread
>no station to work at

WTF dude, all of the floor and all of the tables are covered with shit. You'd spend more time making room for a project than doing it.

>> No.1064354

get a sleeping bag and a light mattress

>> No.1064402

Two shops. All the bikes roll so they can be moved outside. The wood table is cleared off now, and is on castors. Work benches all the way around shop and 3x5 welding table outside

>> No.1065036
File: 777 KB, 2500x1406, DSC_4354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished my main workbench yesterday.
Plan on having a section next to it to sit my radial arm saw, and then maybe another one next to that.

Filling up the tool board is next

>> No.1065052
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Already posted in another thread

>> No.1065244
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>> No.1065248
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my shop, where i mostly work on laptops and phones, but get into tvs, game consoles, other general electronics

>> No.1065295

how is life in australia?

>> No.1065496
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>> No.1065499
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>> No.1065508

god dammit dave, you better have remembered to plug the it back in the charger when you were finished shitting around with it

>> No.1065511
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>> No.1067256


You got the priorities right.

>> No.1067336
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Machining corner.

>> No.1067337
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View from the mezzanine.

>> No.1067338
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>> No.1067339
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More stuff.

>> No.1067341
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>> No.1067343

holy shit what a mess

>> No.1067345
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>> No.1067347
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>> No.1067350

Yes, its a miracle anything gets done.
Have to spend half a day making room to work sometimes.

>> No.1067484
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>> No.1067514


Hobby or pro setup?

it screams hobby, but i have seen some shitty shops

>> No.1067515

I'll call it semi-pro. It's a collective 3 man work space where we pay the bills with 3-4 hrs. a day of industrial welding and other small jobs to finance our car, motorcycle, and racing habits.
These are older pictures, one of the guys has 2 dragsters in there now. As well as even more junk.

>> No.1067517

Oh god, urge to organize at max levels.
A peg board on that back wall and tossing some of that scrap-ish looking wood bellow the table would go a long way.

Also, that a bucket of pennies?

>> No.1067554
File: 419 KB, 2061x589, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks cozy

Like your under shelf lighting

So jealous of all that open space and plumbing

Haha me too

Nice, I like that

So many nice looking custom bikes. I wish I had the resources to fabricate like that.

Here's one of my workbenches. I can never seem to keep it clean. I always say I'll clean it when I'm done, but it's never-ending.

>> No.1067557

Huh, I have a similar version of that yellow radiological survey meter.

>> No.1067561
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>> No.1067567

Super jealous, anon. Nice setup. Update your calendar though. Also, did you make the figurines and ship on the top shelf? They look really fucking nice.

>> No.1067894


>> No.1067921
File: 766 KB, 2048x1152, 20161005_152257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the process of organizing and cleaning up.
Next is to mount the vice.
I'm thinking of painting it black to match my boxes.
But first, how do I clean the rust off and what should I lubricate it with? Oil/grease?
Thanks in advance.

Oh, rate it if you want and critique it/gibs tips

>> No.1067923

>Model rockets
My nigga

Maybe I'll post my sidewinder later.
Is that an ammo belt for a nerf Vulcan on the wall?

Where the hell do you live and how do you sleep/clothe and bathe yourself?

I love the set up though.

It's ok, I just flipped my phone :)
I see a vice mounted on a log. Other one looks like a rail head anvil. How well does a log mount vice work?

>> No.1067924

It's a joke about cucks going to the "cuck shed". Like other anon stated it's because of /pol/ memes.

>> No.1067927

The sink seals the deal. All you're missing is a urinal. Fuck I'm jelly.
t. bomb maker lol
Do you make good money or is this a hobby? Those look like vacuum chambers, interesting. For keeping dust off parts?

>problem solving tools on display
>no hammer

Huh, they reminded me of those vacuum jars from science class.

>> No.1067932

You have two kids in a house smaller than your shop? You must be bald from ripping your hair out.
Nice prelude.

Damn, I want a lift so bad. How much did it cost with install and what did installation entail?

Mad scientist/inventor blackboard is a nice touch.
That's setting my ocd meter of the charts. I can't even look at it.
No excuse for that chaos. Organize your shit anon.
Looks good. What kind of drill press?

Why do you have a flir camera anyway?

>> No.1067933

>Have to spend half a day making room to work sometimes.
Spend 2 days organizing and you won't waste precious time. That inefficiency irritates the shit out of me. I hate going over other people's and waiting while they take an hour just to make room.

Nice cum bottle. Organize that mess, pleb.

>one of the guys has 2 dragsters in there now. As well as even more junk.
I'd kill myself. I can't work in hellholes like that.

>> No.1067951

Drill press is some old 'Universal' brand. Does everything i need it too, so no complaints

>> No.1067955

That grinder looks sketchy as fuck,dangling from two wood screws the way it is. Are you actually running it like that or is it just for storage?

>> No.1067959

Just for storage m8, hence the handle.
Screws are fuckhuge btw

>> No.1067960

That's super efficient! Saved for future reference.

>> No.1067962

Nah that's foamed clay

>> No.1067965

Obviously you build one yourself, to suit your own needs.

>> No.1067968

Oh, hey, I remember you. Glad to see you're still rocking the cramped spaceship storage closet workstation look.

Btw, that fire extinguisher isn't worth shit, you should get a real one.

>> No.1067984
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It's pretty messy but gets the job done.

>> No.1067985
File: 76 KB, 675x1200, barn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is another pic got a whole barn messy as hell though.

>> No.1067998

I spend 4-5 days a month organizing. More stuff just keeps coming in, makes me wanna pull my hair out as trying to get anything done is a massive pain.
The guy who actually owns the building is a hoarder with OCD. There's got to be 100 projects 1/2 done everywhere.
But for $100 a month and a cut of what I earn, I've got my three motorcycles stored there, my three trucks outside, two bikes I'm building and a car bay if I can keep the crap out.
My rent also buys access to 4 bridgeports, two lathes, upright & horizontal band saws, sanders, grinders, tubing benders, metal brakes, sheet & ring rollers, bead roller, multiple sized Stick, MIG, & TIG welders, brake lathe, bike & car lifts, exhaust bender and a tool room wit more nibblers, shears and every other power tool than you can count.
The guy who owns this place was my mentor and he's getting older, has no kids and I'll eventually be taking over this madhouse.
First order of business is calling for a scrap dumpster, then setting up an ebay store.

>> No.1068214

>how do I clean the rust off
Nigga how do you have a shop and not know this

Wire brush, steel wool soaked in rust remover using gloves, lots of ways to remove rust

Also any old grease on the threads will work. Use grease not oil though

>> No.1068456

Kek, I wish it was a shop. I just wanted to see what preferences other anons had.

>> No.1068463

I was thinking about getting one of those dinky 80x60 thermal cameras that plug into your phone (FLIR one I think?), then I read about the FLIR E4 hack on EEV blog and realised I could get a 320x240 FLIR camera for $800 instead of $5000. Couldn't resist. Works well for troubleshooting electrical stuff (you can see what wires/components are hot) and we even took it out hunting once, though it's pretty wide angle. No gunz, so we were hunting wild goats with recurve bows; seems kinda funny to be combining space age technology with medieval tech.

>> No.1068472

>combining space age technology with medieval tech.
Try prehistoric tech. That might be an exaggeration but you get the idea.
Start a thread and show what you did, I'd love to check it out.

>> No.1068473

>Oh, hey, I remember you. Glad to see you're still rocking the cramped spaceship storage closet workstation look.

>Btw, that fire extinguisher isn't worth shit, you should get a real one.

What makes you say that? It's a certified ABC dry powder 500g extinguisher and it seems to be pretty popular in automotive applications.

Have you seen them tested/used somewhere? I'd love a link. I liked the idea of an aerosol extinguisher since I can just buy a new one ever five years and not worry about testing/recharging in the mean time, but if they don't work...

>> No.1068475

Actually far less interesting than I made it sound. In reality we dicked around with the FLIR for about 30 mins and realised it wasn't going to work that well so we left it in the car. Plus it was daytime. And we didn't manage to hit anything with the arrows. My friend proved himself to be a fucking badass by running down and grabbing one with his bare hands after I startled it with an arrow, but we ended up letting it go since we couldn't be bothered hauling it's carcas back and butchering it (they're considered pests here).

>> No.1068591

I have now added a car in there

>> No.1068635
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no backside in this pic, but it's usually there

>> No.1068739
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>Dem planes
>Dat bench


>> No.1068772

old sour cream

>> No.1068810

used up porno

>> No.1068850

Obviously cannonballs are the best exp/hour/work ratio.

>> No.1068851

>ONE Mill, ah ah ah!
>TWO Mill, ah ah ah!
>THREE Mill, ah ah ah!

>> No.1068858

>3 knee mills

nigga, sell two of those and get an akira seiki 3 axis CNC.

>> No.1068886

I want to hang a blackboard in my place now.

>> No.1068926

In my experience, the aerosol can extinguishers are total ass compared to a real, 2+ gallon rechargeable extinguisher.

For just shoving into a glovebox or trunk or something they work fine, but I personally wouldn't trust them in a home or shop environment.

>> No.1068951

I try not to do anything too dangerous at this bench (power tools and flammable chemistry is outside work), the risks are mostly small electrical fires. It's quite a confined space, so if the fire was of any significant size I would have to evacuate before I suffocated, and watch my house burn down ;-( . CO2 extinguisher is out for similar reasons.

A 2 gallon extinguisher would be a bit overkill I think, but I might upgrade to a 1/2 gallon dry powder extinguisher.

So far I've never had the opportunity to use an extinguisher for real, and hopefully I never will...

I take it you've had to use one, or at least watched one being used?

>> No.1069004
File: 1.11 MB, 2448x2448, IMG_5339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My setup

>> No.1069061

You're retarded. You can build a shed for cheaper, those plasticy pieces of shit are expensive. Just build a pole barn, simple.

>> No.1069064

At least he isn't a faggot MIG welder and taking the easy way out. All about that TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGG

>> No.1069273

I'm a volunteer firefighter. You're probably right about it being sufficient, but I don't like taking chances. I've seen way too many houses burn to the ground that could've been prevented with a working fire extinguisher.

We've tested a bunch of those aerosol extinguishers, some of them work as advertised, some don't. About 50/50.

You should get a second one and test it for yourself.

>> No.1069867

naw trinkets from my childhood....its an old photo

>> No.1070820

>Is that an ammo belt for a nerf Vulcan on the wall?
that is a belt of M61 Vulcan spent ammo 20x102mm. Found it in a small dump near a national guard shooting range.

>> No.1071024

Fuck, you made the garage look all fantastical.

Also I need to fix that radio again.

>> No.1071905
File: 58 KB, 960x540, 14695374_10207442392517932_8125194933867518348_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought my first house, just built my first workbench. Kinda poor, working on getting more tools, but I'm working on my first woodworking project ever.

>> No.1071915

One step at a time m8. You'll get there.

>> No.1071927


Thanks, I appreciate it.

>> No.1072036

Thanks to this thread I'm outside cleaning the shop garage. Plus it's raining so I can catch up. Haha

>> No.1072063
File: 841 KB, 4263x4491, Panorama_dielne001b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still unfinished workshop sorry for the mess

>> No.1072085

watch out for this guy, he has two glue guns.

>> No.1072319

is that an amx in the background?

>> No.1072337

No, electronics engineer!

>> No.1072356

more important, why don't you?

>> No.1072561

I think they are more trying for the why of two.

I'm going with one is high temp one is low temp, or different size sticks.

>> No.1072571

Neat, I am copying your tape holding rack.

>> No.1072583

sure go ahead i got it from Adam Savage he used water pipes or somthing like that i reused tubes from old solar lamps i had lying around

>> No.1072592
File: 109 KB, 3018x738, This Isn't Even My Final Form muh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the smaller on i got as first it uses the 7mm glue sticks and the bigger one 11mm i got months later when i started to glue more stuff(the smaller one eats them like candy when i glued somthing bigger but is ideal to glue small thing in small places) the guns are cheap(hobby chink shit) the small on cost around 5 € the bigger one cost 6+€ the mostly available is the universal glue so no much choise for me
also both of them run on 200C
pic not releted

>> No.1073677

#1 China Router Good Time

>> No.1073816
File: 1.22 MB, 1885x1060, 2016-10-22 07.05.44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished 1/2

>> No.1073817
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>> No.1073823

What is that bench vise?

>> No.1073825

You shouldn't blow on fused solder because it can weaken it.

>> No.1073831
File: 1.64 MB, 3264x1836, 20161021_123210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1073837

Quite an old metalwork vise, Australia brand.

>> No.1073838
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>> No.1073845

mess as fuck, i know.
i have put off making a nice shelf for component drawers for ages. because that means i have to actually sort all of my components ;D
this is about half the bench, this is the short on of a long L.

there is also another table with a vice, right behind me as i was taking this pic.

there is also quite a lot of shelving.

its kinda messy now as we are in the process of getting firesafety up to code.
and in an old swiss villa, that is a lot of work.

>> No.1073934
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>> No.1073979


>tfw that fluke just sitting amongst it all

Next time, just clean up before you buy some overpriced junk

>> No.1073982

wrong on both accounts.

it was thrown out by a colleague at my old job.
faulty mA function.
I kept it, and later our calibration guy fixed it and calibrated it for me.

think what you want, but its the best multimeter I've ever had by a wide margin.

similar story much of my equipment.
scope, trainer and a desoldering iron and more were given to me when we were cleaning out before moving house.
the handheld desolderer was broken, malrepaired and thrown out. I fixed it after hours and kept it.
same for my LCR meter and probably more I can't think.

the only new lab equipment I have is that bench PSU, which was a birthday present.
the variac, i found at a junk dealer.
my brother milled out the acrylic assembly for it on his then new cnc.

also, why would i clean up halfway through a build anyway?
I know where everything is and i need just about everything on that table.
I guess i could put away the modular synth...

>> No.1074002

because a bunch of /pol/ users fancy themselves handy or because theyve bought into their own meme's, either way use sage accordingly

>> No.1074003

>Vintage Craftsman machinist chest detected.
I approve.

>> No.1074256
File: 479 KB, 2304x1536, Workstation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the 8 drawer 26" wide version.

The top of my dresser is basically my workstation right now due to living in a condo. Hoping to have a place for a proper workbench soon.

>> No.1074277

fucking machinist chests go for crazy money at auctions around here.

i wanted this neat looking wooden one and was outbid by some hipster chick who wanted it for some art thing. i think she got it for $300+. the chest was just a bonus too, it had all sorts of carbide inserts/vee blocks/little tools that are probably going in the trash after she got it.

>> No.1074280
File: 1.54 MB, 3264x1836, 1022161701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is mine.

I bought a house a few years ago and in the basement there is a small room. So I am turning that room into a workshop.

It's a work in process.

>> No.1074283

I have a newer version of the smaller one (crappy "Sears Craftsman" logo). Paid $8 for it with a haphazard selection of old tools. The most I ever paid was $90 for a Kennedy 7 drawer chest plus a Kennedy rolling cabinet to put it on. I've got a few Kennedys, a Wards 'Master Quality' and even an old Sherman-Klove (called SK Tools these days). The only wooden one I have is a 'Union' check that was probably made shortly after WWI. I think I paid $20 for it. Its not nearly as nice as a Gerstner but its cool looking.

>> No.1074304

Looks like a great little space.

>> No.1074305

Thanks! I dig it. I don't have a garage or anything, so this room is it.

>> No.1074311

How did you hack sleep?

>> No.1074345

It just blows the fumes out of my face

>> No.1074400

saved. you are busting a sick move there.

>> No.1074401

my favorite itt

>> No.1074441
File: 2.81 MB, 4288x2514, IMG_0583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just a poor student :(

I will however upgrade once I find a job or get enough money from repair other's junk.

>> No.1074523
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>> No.1074589
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My newbie soldering bench/table/craphole

>> No.1074773

Nice nigger beater. What is that, a 6 cell?

Fucking hipsters, scum of the earth.

Watcha brewin?

>> No.1074776
File: 150 KB, 750x924, 1477036524806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watcha brewin?
At the time, 35 gallons of wine (not all pictured) for my wedding.

I've been brewing for almost a decade and it was as good, if not better, than store bought wine which was also served.

Store? $15. Mine? $0.87.

Can I get my DIY badge now?

>> No.1074786

>What is that, a 6 cell?
Yep, 6C

>> No.1074819
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1/2 of my disaster

>> No.1074820
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2/2 of my disaster

>> No.1074856

>better, than store bought
Enjoying the fruits of your labor always is.
I've always wanted to learn how to make it after my Italian grandfather told me he made it with his parents when he wss growing up.

The only disaster is your ktm kek. I'm kidding, I'd ride it. Overall your set up isn't bad it that messy at all.

>> No.1074905
File: 190 KB, 491x437, who cares.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that blue cast iron anvil

>> No.1074937

Do you guys build most of these yourself? I really want to get set up once I have a house - stuck in an apartment for now.

>> No.1074939

Yeah it's kinda traditional to diy your diy workbench, depending on what your requirements are.

>> No.1074944

>rail head anvil
Man I'm not allowed on CSX property any more trying to get one of these.

Makes sense. I guess I just wanna start planning for one, even though I don't have a place for one yet.

>> No.1074967
File: 1.45 MB, 3264x1836, 20161021_113049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first workbench. I didn't want to go too crazy because I'm only renting and I know I have plenty of moving in my future.

Next step is attach my dad's old bench vise

>> No.1074996

uncool dude, sell the crap, but pass on the tool.
Find someone interested, train them, teach them to love making stuff.

>> No.1075023

good work anon. looks sturdy.

If you have a small hand plane, you can chamfer or round the corners of the plywood top. I did it to all of my wood benches, no regrets.

>> No.1075114

That lift was somewhere around $5k from Northern Tool I think. Although this is a pretty high capacity one that we needed for servicing the stakebody dumptrucks we use in our landscaping business. If you need one just for cars & normal pickup trucks you could get by with maybe $3k.

Me & my brother installed it over a weekend. All that you really need to do is drill the slab to install anchor bolts and connect the power. The rest is just basic assembly which should be really easy for anyone who needs a full size automotive lift in the first place.

>> No.1075169

Not yet, shopping for some planes though. Just gonna hit it with some chisels and sandpaper

>> No.1075196

2 of each size for backing

>> No.1075197

those benches look sick

>> No.1075203

reach for the sky honkey

>> No.1075221

Home brewing?

>> No.1075289

Actually there's a forth mill behind the others, next to a surface grinder and the lathes.

>> No.1075292

Oh fuck I'll never get rid of tools or equipment.
EBay/Craigslist would be for the other shit in there. There's at least 30 engines in various states and at least as many trannys.
Blowers, carbs, chassis,ect. boat motors, cars that will never be finished.

>> No.1075300

>That vacuum tube tester


>> No.1075312
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>> No.1075315
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>> No.1075316
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>> No.1075318
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>> No.1075323
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>> No.1075325
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>> No.1075328
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>> No.1075329
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>> No.1075331
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>> No.1075600

a poor student and a messy student

>> No.1075616
File: 514 KB, 250x138, 1461705106788.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that feel when the post text is in your search history for a different reason

>> No.1075617

is the floor not level? or the bench?

>> No.1075675

Pretty neat, what is it?

>> No.1075719
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>> No.1075726
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Almost as un-comfy as my piece of shit sportster/10. Nice anon.

Heres my $6,000 yard ornament / blocking my way to everything i need in the garage divice.

>> No.1075727

> Trike spotted.

More trike requested.

Also, rip.

>> No.1075730
File: 1.78 MB, 1374x2036, Screenshot_20161025-212513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marshall spotted. Guitar or u slappa da bass mon?

>> No.1075736
File: 25 KB, 540x960, FB_IMG_1477324675103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if my requirements are i hate working out of boxes and nowhere to fucking stand in my cuckshed? Can i fill my garage and build a makeshit fagbench from scrap lumber or is that more /biz related. It will require kneepads and i wish to make 5 million dollars with it in 4 days with a hammer and 4 bent reused nailes.

>> No.1076345
File: 2.66 MB, 3385x3010, desk1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw u accidentally the whole room

>> No.1076394
File: 1.18 MB, 3961x3024, 20161028_051832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Updated photo with new stuff

>> No.1076406

Flip clock my man!

>> No.1076413

thxbro, it's loud af but i gotta have dat aesthetic.

>> No.1076414

Just yesterday I watched that techno guy on youtube that does reviews on old and odd tech, reviewed 3 ebay flip clocks.

>> No.1076564

How do you guys who are in garages/sheds keep your shit from being an 80 degree 90% humidity swamp all the time?

>> No.1076566
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>> No.1076567
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>> No.1076569

A fan.
A big one.

>> No.1076570


You should hold off on tools for a while and get a camera from this century.

>> No.1076572
File: 120 KB, 640x480, Photo0021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have more

i'm sorry i'm not a man of this century

>> No.1076575

Very nice workspace.

>> No.1076576
File: 125 KB, 640x480, Photo0017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks I made the building this spring

>> No.1076634

10/10 building
10/10 dog

>> No.1076636

I dig that

"that techno guy" hes my faaaavorite

Parkinson's is a bitch

>> No.1076654

Live in Montana. It is dry as fuck here, and in the winter you can never get warm enough to even call it temperate, let alone a swamp

>> No.1077225


Hot damn.

I'm liking what you're throwing, mate.

>> No.1077236

I inherited a pocket watch recently, and it's running 10m/hour fast; I think the coil might be magnetized;
what do you recommend I do?

>> No.1077274
File: 123 KB, 480x640, Photo0022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks m8

>> No.1077320


that harbor freight plane lol

my first and current bench looked almost identical to this

>> No.1077323

Are those good starter planes? (not op obv)

>> No.1077413
File: 980 KB, 3000x1111, god I should be in there cleaning not here posting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No bully pls, I haven't really had time to clean or even work in it since starting classes, I have only shit tools I could get on clearance, yard sales or dumpster diving and it's basically just turned into storage for shit that I know I'll find a use for someday.
I can't even get a decent table in there because I know I'll be moving soon and it's not worth it.

>> No.1077443


See, I envy you for the sheer space you have to work with. My basement shop doubles for storage space for my family's junk we're too sentimental to get rid of but don't enjoy it enough to have in our main living area. I'm hoping I can talk the wife into letting me get a mini fridge for the other side of my bench opposite the tablesaw but she doesn't want me down in my shop all day.

>> No.1077489
File: 486 KB, 1000x1000, chun li game over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw poor
>tfw no work station
>tfw all of my tools are stored in my closet
>tfw want to buy more toys (tools) but poor
>tfw live in apartment building
>tfw putting my faith in lotto tickets to buy a house and give me and family a better
>tfw no gf

please cheer me up

>> No.1077492

Where do you live?

>> No.1077494



>> No.1077498


Those are three hackspaces in or around brooklyn, and there are at least a dozen more. Some of them are totally free, others require membership of varying levels, you might be able to pay a small fee or even do some labor as a member for access.

If you're looking for tools and a place to work you're in a great city to find them, as well as other people who can teach you, help you, collab with you. You might find a business partner or a roomate, maybe even just a friend. Don't think that a workspace has to be in your house, you've got plenty of options.

>> No.1077500

Meh, it doesn't look that messy.
And the deer looks really cool.
Your work?
I also really like the floor.
The only thing I'd change is to ditch the clock.

>> No.1077502

You have a family and no GF?
I have a wife but her kids are all grown and moved out.
I'd trade her for a real family any day of the week.

>> No.1077503

Floor is crappy linoleum that's peeling up all the time. I did make the deer though, I'm studying metal sculpture right now and really digging it. Can't wait to pack my shit up, buy a welder and lock myself in some shitty little studio somewhere in Detroit making sculpture all day.

Why ditch the clock though? It's just some trash I haven't gotten around to either fixing or tossing anyways, but you've got me curious now.

>> No.1077510
File: 51 KB, 550x458, 3716f72ed267ee7d10e1cab9de39a2da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why ditch the clock though?
Shop time is NOT clock time.
Fuck the real world.
(moderately drunk btw)

>> No.1077512

wow thats cool! i dont really leave my neighborhood much. this gives me a reason to do so.

mom, dad and 12yr old sister. i feel the weight is on my shoulders now to get us "somewhere" in life. and by that i mean a nice place in a white neighborhood with green grass and picket fences. i cant live with my own kind. (non white)

>> No.1077516
File: 49 KB, 360x640, Buddy-Christ-kevin-smith-70822_360_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feel the weight is on my shoulders now to get us "somewhere" in life
Godspeed and good luck Anon.
You're in my prayers tonight.

>> No.1077517

ahh, I gotcha, and I dig it. My usual routine is to buy half a dozen energy drinks and not come out until I'm too sleepy to hold a hammer. I actually used to make threads on /b/ of all places where I would use scrap to make random shit live, usually weapons or armor because they thought it was cool and I think it's cool. I stopped when it became too much of a cesspool for even my dumb shit. I've always wanted to try doing it again but the only other place I could think of doing it is here or /k/ because /diy/ doesn't allow anything about weapons. But I'd probably get laughed out of both places because it's really more of a performance than any kind of respectable craft and the end result was always more of an art piece or toy than a weapon.
(rambling, also moderately drunk.)
Joining a workshop is possibly the best possible thing I've ever done as a maker, just being around other people who make things is worth it. It gives you an entirely new perspective and ability to think. idle thoughts about ideas turn into real conversation with people, those conversations turn into projects and support and progress. Normally you'd make those kinds of connections and stuff in college but I know first hand how fucking bullshit trying to pay for school is nowadays, especially when what you want to learn is something that requires practice and guidance, not textbooks and exams.

>> No.1077519
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>also moderately drunk
Hey man, you seem pretty cool.
Let's do a shot together.
I've got a shot of Sauza gold standing by.let me know when you've got something ready.

>> No.1077520

I'm basically just drinking a bottle and a half of wine with a straw because my weak bitch stomach can't handle the kind of hard liquor that my indomitable liver requires for inebriation. But if my math is right, I should kill the second bottle by midnight.

Cheers mate.

>> No.1077521
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>> No.1077609
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Its a fuckin' mess. I love it.

>> No.1078098

>moving to an earthquake zone
>have to consider it when redesigning my work space

any earthquake bros got tips for doing this?

>> No.1078102

I'm assuming you mainly mean the little shakers that just rattle the room around a bit and not building breakers. If it's the latter then there's not much to really do.

Anyways, you want those rubber bits on the bottom of tables and shelves, and for shelves you want ones that sit on the floor and can be screwed into the wall as well. One or the other means it'll tip over, or shake loose. And you don't want a tool wall with things hanging on pegs, those will all fall off most likely. Anything with drawers should have ones that lock, doesn't need to be a lock and key deal, but something that doesn't slide out when shaken.

Something to consider is putting a rim around any horizontal surfaces. just something that will stop things from rolling or rattling off. And bins will be useful, get a lot of them and put some kind of rubber or grip tape on the bottom, nothing will fall out of them and they won't go anywhere. Basically before you buy any kind of furniture or equipment, imagine grabbing hold and shaking it (or actually do it if it won't piss off the shopkeep). If you imagine things falling off it or rattling around too much, pass on it.

The higher up something is the more it's going to move and the worse it'll be if something goes wrong, so I'd recommend two waist high shelving units instead of one unit head high.

>> No.1078679

Aw man, bump limit.

>> No.1078816

so you have a total of three halves?

cheap second hand tools are often better than expensive new-bought stuff. Not having a lot of budget isn't an excuse

>> No.1078970

Are you the guy that's restoring wood tools? I think I saw you on a different board some time ago. Cool shit, dude.