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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1059625 No.1059625 [Reply] [Original]

I have a stoneage ipod laying around,what can I make with it?

>> No.1059628

you can make an ipod.

If you have to ask what you can do with it you likely won't have the ability to do anything with it.

>> No.1059630

Is there any other thing I can make from it

>> No.1059631

put rockbox on it

>> No.1059634

I'm just going to open it up but then what?

>> No.1059635

rip out the guts and put a pi zero in it and a small screen and use it as a media player or portable game system.

>> No.1059636

Which one?and what can I use the guts for?

>> No.1059638

>destroying neat old hardware
why are you kids so retarded
put it in a box and forget about it
30 years from now, you'll be really glad you did

>> No.1059639
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I want to use it for something I don't know what plus it's not charging or anything and its been in a box since ipod 2 came out

>> No.1059641

That's retarded.

The iPod already does that and has a really good audio chip in it.

>> No.1059643

If you can get it to work you can put Linux on it and use it as a shit computer
Otherwise no you can't use it for anything unless you have the need for an iPod presumably soc control system an old probably fucked battery or a fucking pata I guess tiny hard drive with woeful capacity.
If you want a project try growing yourself a brain

>> No.1059646

So what else shall I do besides growing a brain?will the repurposed parts from the dinopod help do that?

>> No.1059649


Throw it in the trash.

These are made to play music, and thats exactly what you can do with it and nothing more.

>> No.1059650
File: 2.67 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-09-24-01-07-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the insides

>> No.1059692

> fucking pata I guess tiny hard drive with woeful capacity.

Those things held 120 gb.

>> No.1059695

>30 years from now
>battery ded
>drive ded
>cant even install ubuntu warbling waccoon on it

>> No.1059712

Plate in the hard drive are quality mirror. Maybe a telescope from them?

>> No.1059869

This one is 16gb

>> No.1059871

Have you got any ideas on this telescope and what else do you suggest?

>> No.1059872
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>> No.1059943

Put a large ass SD card in it using a cf adapter, flash rockbox on it, put in a new battery if the one currently in it doesn't hold a charge.

Boom, now you have a really awesome music player.

>> No.1059969

You can get 120gb pata ssds
You can buy a replacement battery for 10$ online you can also buy a compact flash kit for it but iveseen many people try and never succeed with these ipods

>> No.1059981

Put it back together and sell it.

>> No.1059989

Wrf are you talking about?

>> No.1059990

Too late now kek

>> No.1059991

Maybe,il try some thing like that but I want it repurposed into something else

>> No.1059992
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The battery started to bubble so i put it outside under a metal dogo dish

>> No.1060002

Op. Kys. Fucking obnoxious troll.

>> No.1060016

If you are living under a rock I guess 120gb is a lot of storage for a hard drive with moving parts but then you wouldn't be here would you so I don't really know what to say, an actual alive person in this year of our lord 2016 thinks a hard drive that holds 120gb is anything but a paperweight.
In the first version which this is not it might have been impressive. Now it is trash.
You won't find anything that will interface to it either.

>> No.1060053

No,il make this into something first then maybe think about it

>> No.1060234

that's not an iPod. May be a media player, but not an Apple iPod.

>> No.1060288

It is an ipod,it's probably older than you

>> No.1060296
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>Put on paper
>Is now paperweight

>> No.1060302

>this fucking guy

>> No.1060378

Low effort though

>> No.1060877
File: 2.28 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-09-26-20-39-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1060910

You can install Doom on it, and when you get bored of that you can take out and reuse the guts and turn the shell into a cigarette case and sell it to a hipster for the price of a new iPhone.

>> No.1061541

How do I install doom

>> No.1061873

Can you recognise the battery?

>> No.1061924

You could make a shitty thread that's going no where in /DIy

Oh wait.

>> No.1062105

What battery do you think you're looking at here?

>> No.1062133

correct choice

>> No.1062221
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>> No.1062223

So how do I install doom?

>> No.1062382

I was thinking of a casegrain telescope but wouldn't work.

>> No.1062812

So what other telescope would?

>> No.1062884


1. Stab with knife
2. ???
3. Profit

>> No.1062913

Hahaha I just might,but then how will.that be a new thing I have made Mr caveman