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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1040324 No.1040324 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /diy/nosaurs. I'm seeing way too many posts asking for help for projects and not enough fun stuff. That said, what's the next project you're hoping to work on?

Myself with summer wrapping up soon enough I'm thinking of building one of these just to try something new over those goddamn stick chairs (they're a fun project but as you end up making a few of them you get tired of doing it).

>> No.1040380
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Currently restoring this old bench

>> No.1040381
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I don't want to give away too many spoilers cuz I'm gonna post a thread when I'm done, but it's coming along really nice. I'm doing lots of small details to really make it something good. I have a few more things to go but keep your eyes open over the next week or so...

>> No.1040385
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My use this as the thread image since it's all I could find of the original, we'll see

>> No.1040403
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Make a sturdy enclosure from scratch with a frame and a properly bend metal sheet and then use oit for a 2ch lab supply i am making.
I hate the usual electronic diy enclosures you can find on ebay, what kind do others on here use or make?

>> No.1040755

OP here, looks nice. I've thought about doing some restoration work myself, but metalwork isn't a big strength of mine yet. Maybe when I get a better shop.

Is that the original piece? I take back my previous statement and say you did a fucking great job on this one. Quick question though, what kind of wood did you replace it with? I make sure to stain and varnish anything that isn't cedar for outdoor use.

>> No.1040822

I have a Long list of projects, and I'm always a tool short it seems. Anyway, Once i get my "new" table saw running i want to try one of the mats in this video. I'm not an experienced wood worker yet so its just something to cut my teeth on.

>> No.1040839
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Wiring up my solar set up hasn't been "fun". But I do enjoy the OCD part of making it look slick and tidy.

Two 100 watt panels going to a charge controller. Juice goes to two 6 volt batteries in series making 12v at about 225 amp hours. Setting up the 1000 watt (2000 surge) inverter and running a fridge and a power strip or two off that. :-)

>> No.1040854
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I'll be building this later in the year closer to christmas. this is my design and concept art for it

>> No.1041147
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Glorified ardumower. Gonna take an old snapper deck i have and put wtf ever the equivelent of a 15hp briggs and straton would be on it. 24v. Already have old wheelchair drive motors x4.

FPV camera and optional rc cobtrol.

24/7 autonomous mowing.

Fiberglass over the deck and motor covers and such for sleek look.

Proffessional paint job.

Take it to car shows.

Pic related. Lawny.

RC mower. Step 1.

>> No.1041348

Idk what kind of wood, it's just some 1x6 I bought from homedepot. Still gotta stain and poly then I'll be done

>> No.1041357

Been spending the last few weeks learning dovetail joints for a project i'm thinking up, thinking I'd have the gist of it within a week or so. Fuckin' nope. I can do it but it looks messy as fuck.

>> No.1041416

I was just thinking cedar may be the best choice as it's naturally rot resistant for outdoor furniture. However, if you're staining it I'd recommend using teak oil and sparurethane mix about 1 part urethane with 3 parts teak oil. Sparurethane is what most outdoor furniture is protected with. You'll want to put the first coat, wipe off the excess after about 10 mins or so. Then when its dry you want to hit it with 00 grade steel wool and then add a second coat wiping it down again after a few mins. Makes a real good layer of protection and the color looks pretty good too.

>> No.1041450

I'm making some copper crystals from wires and I'm currently in the painfully slow process of making a copper acetate solution without having any hydrogen peroxide available. I am currently trying with some drain cleaner and the solution is turning blue, although very slowly.

>> No.1042889
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I'm hoping to pick up a piece of 5-6" thick natural edge walnut to wrap my top layer of brick on my hearth with.

It'll match my hardwood flooring and my coffee table that's almost done.

>> No.1042890
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>> No.1042891
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No hardware, mortise and tenon, with wedges holding everything tight.

Ordering the glass top next week.

She's a heavy bitch though, going to be a pain to move to vacuum underneath...

>> No.1042892
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that's just from wet sanding. but that's what the natural finish will look like, then a few coats of poly sealer.

>> No.1042897

My wife and I are making a small house more liveable by creating some shelving using iron plumbers pipe and common board. Super simple, super sturdy, and the materials cost a tenth of what the final product would cost, mostly because it's hip and trendy for chicks on etsy to sell them for a thousand dollars.

Basically just went into Home Depot (because they cut and thread pipe for free) and gave them a list of lengths to cut, said see you tomorrow, and picked it up. Had to empty two Home Depots for all the materiel though.

>> No.1042958
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I'm waiting for the temperature to break then I'm going to do a how-to thread over on /o/ on properly skinning/tanning snake hides.
Just too hot right now and I really don't want to do it indoors.

>> No.1042959

Nice looking trunk.
I have some logs left over from when they clear cut my property, I wish I had a way to plane some of it.

>> No.1042962


You can mill them up with a chainsaw.

>> No.1042989

Its a lot harder than it looks.
My back hurts just looking at the still.

>> No.1043260
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My latest uni project, I've been working on it since the start of the year.

It's a parallel delta robot for sorting/packing parts on assembly lines.

>> No.1043262

That's a 3d printer!

>> No.1043264

Yeah, if I replaced the gripper claw with a print head then it'd probably work as a 3D printer.

It's a bit wobbly at the moment, but if they let me keep it after I finish the project I'll probably play around with some printing.

>> No.1044235
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/x/file here. I've been wanting to build myself an altar eventually for divination and herb/incense storage.

Problem is that I have no idea how the fuck to get a world tree either cut or burned at least 1/4 inch into the plank. Plus I'm new to carpentry and don't want to fuck up some good cherry wood.

I'm super hyped for it, but I don't know where to start or what I'll need. Worst comes to worst I'll send the wood to a person to carve for me. It would lose some of the "Hey I did this!" factor though.

>> No.1044337
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>24/7 automated mowing

The absolute madman

>> No.1044341

I'm trying to use a 50 W power supply and build a small marx generator type thing with it to make a super tiny spot welder.

>> No.1044389

>world tree burned
Soldering iron and a stencil
Print/cutout stencil, trace on wood, burn it in.

Should be able to find a lot of info on woodburning art on the net.

>> No.1044410
File: 2.36 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20160809_191004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was fixing a singer 66 sowing machine
Next I'm going to try figure out an avo test meter pic of it attached, I'll post more when I reach the limits of Google knowledge