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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 2.34 MB, 1916x1091, 1392066680402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
999718 No.999718 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone know what's going on with that anon with a bunker?
>pic related

>> No.999743


Well...he posted here a couple or three weeks ago, and its still a work in progress...from the pics he's provided...it looks really sweet...

He's doing it fucking right...

>> No.999751

does anyone have the original thread?

>> No.999755

He was tiling bathrooms last I saw and it Waa pretty boring so he hasn't had much to post.

>> No.999803

If we are talking about the scandi who inherited a small fortune and bought as nuke silo, he is tiling right now.

Also for some reason I want to say he is a she, but I can't remember. Just keep up with the bunker general threads and you will find him/her.

>> No.999804

speaking of, what happened to the anon that owned a mountain?

>> No.999805

pic looks familiar, where have i seen it...

>> No.1000227

>nuke silo

Just no...
Well first of all, no Scandinavian country has nukes
It was an old air force command bunker

>> No.1000245

I have no idea what yall are talking about but this sounds amazing!

Where the hell do I find bunker general threads??

>> No.1000295
File: 510 KB, 1024x1024, 1453283307676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there were lots of threads, he's a /diy/ legend

bunkerbro shows progress pics from time to time, don't worry about him, he's a smart lad and knows how to handle his field of work

>> No.1000351
File: 974 KB, 2040x2340, tiling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done with the tiling for the bathrooms, just got one large room left that I'm putting in black floor slates for. Finishing up plumbing and details like doors on the shower and toilet stalls, etc.

My only "before-pic" I had of this room, so not a very good before-after.

>no nukes
As far as you know, muhaha...

Been having some nice weather, so I've been doing some outside work, will post some updates later on.

>> No.1000354


What is your intention to do this?

Religion, politics, wanna rent them, or simply just because the heck of it?

>> No.1000361
File: 1.43 MB, 1612x2112, gate3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a childhood dream of having a secret base.

Did some repairs to one of the entrances, fixed the concrete, replaced a few bars in the gate, gave it a new color coating, new layer of tar to protect from weather, some piping added to drain it melting water from ice during winter. Previously the water would freeze over and damage the concrete.

Not entirely sure on the color of the concrete cap, but it will do for now.

>> No.1000366

Why the multiple shower stations?
Why not just one nice large shower area?

>> No.1000382


He's going to be drowning in pussy when he's done fixing up his post apocalyptic whore house

>> No.1000383



>> No.1000384
File: 305 KB, 2048x1365, tunnel13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it ever needs to be used for its intended purpose as a shelter for whatever reason, you want more than one shower. At the same time I don't want to sacrifice too many of the smaller rooms as they are quite limited, and the other rooms are large enough to fit a full sized spa in, but I'll give myself to the bears in the woods before I tile that. This room used to house eight showers, now four.

While I am renovating it so I can live here comfortably, I'm also keeping to military specifications on everything, making sure it can be used if the need ever arises in time of disasters. Physically I could house a few thousand people, but the facilities - like the sewage plant would give up real fast. So small compromises here and there to keep functionality. In the end I can always build a "master shower" if I feel like it, sacrificing a room.

>tfw vr-room goes first

>> No.1000388


Can you give us some facts about your project?

size in squaremeters
money spent
how many floors
how many rooms

This is so unbelievable intresting!!
Great work!

>> No.1000394

I'm loving the pics. Thanks for posting

>> No.1000417
File: 239 KB, 550x323, cold warm missile silo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always been jealous of bunkerbro.

I've wanted to live in a bunker for ages.

>> No.1000464

Pls invite me to your bad as fuck bunker. Ill bring coke and hookers and give you dibs on the one you want.

>> No.1000552

im so jelly right now

>> No.1000567

no Scandinavian country has nukes
>It was an old air force command bunker
*facepalm* Of course they have nukes you dumb fucking retard. But they don't show it of like Burgerland or Ruski

>> No.1000573

i'm not often on /diy/ and hear the first time about bunkerbro

where can i see more pics? sounds awesome as fuck

>> No.1000580

Oh right, sure :-DDDD

>> No.1000618

This please, i've been wondering about the proportions of a bunker that could host, according to what you said, a thousand people.

Do you live there already ? If so do you have pictures of livable rooms ?

Keep up the good work anon

>> No.1000624

Video he posted featuring the bunker while in military use:

>> No.1000628

So is there more than one bunkerbro or are you it as far as you are aware? It's just that some people here are saying the whole
>we are talking about the scandi who inherited a small fortune
but from the original bunker threads I remember you saying you got your money another way. Are you the guy that also said that when you bought this one there was another you were looking at (in Norway if I remember correctly) that had it's own submarine entrance but it was just a bit too pricey?
Also, was your first time posting the time where you were asking about how to pump all that water out of the room that was flooded?

Not that any of it really matters, was just curious if /diy/ actually has two bunker dudes.

>> No.1000633
File: 1.26 MB, 3000x2357, NORADNorth-Portal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should totally make it look like the entrance to Cheyenne mountain, and then pretend you're in Wargames or Stargate SG-1

>> No.1000636

That is not Bunkerbro's bunker. His bunker was unfinished. That may be a similar bunker, but it is not his.

>> No.1000645
File: 1.73 MB, 730x1141, nödutgång.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try FSB.

No problem, been getting a lot of help from /diy/ so least I can do.

That is my bunker. It had a service history of ~50 years. In the late 90s it was supposed to be expanded to take on an additional role, but the program was terminated mid contruction, as such a lot of the rooms and tunnels in the new part was never completed. The bunker was decommissioned a year later and slated for destruction and permanent sealment. They came pretty far removing almost everything man made (minus concrete) before it went out for sale. I do not know what changed their minds from sealing it to auction, it had a few sister bunkers that were sealed completely.

Just one. I always enjoy reading the latest revision on the history of the bunker from you guys. It's like the chinese whispers game ;)

You are correct. I did not inherent any money, I looked at the sub base for sale in Norway (I think a shipyard ended up buying it for $3m?), not sure exactly what the first post was, I think it was me asking on how to locate the exhaust above ground when I had no blueprints or working gps underground. Ended up getting help from a math wizz on how to map out uneven surfaces likes tunnels by triangulation. In the end I found them all (but for some weird reason they were always 20 meters to left where the calculations said they would be).

>pic of an escape route - pretty sure I'll need to replace this

>> No.1000647

Sweet, a death staircase to go along with the death bridge.

>> No.1000648

Jesus, stop doing this
It's not fucking cute, or entertaining, it's just fucking stupid.

>> No.1000674

This is awesome, bunkerbro. So you bought and paid for this bunker? What was the cost of it? How can you afford these renovations? What do you do for work m80?

>> No.1000683

Haha, I imagine it would be quite interesting for you coming on here when you do not identify yourself as bunkerbro and just hearing how tall the tale of your endeavors have become.

Now that you mention it I vaguely remember you asking about the exhaust locations. I've been looking through all my old hard drives trying to find the pic where you had a concrete breaker end attached to a excavator and was smashing your way into the bunker from the outside (all you could see was trees, concrete and rebar hanging out) so I could see the date I saved it as that was when I first came across your threads......... It would have to be around the 6 year mark or so wouldn't it? Maybe even longer.

>pic of an escape route
Where does that even lead?? To just a little hidden door out onto the mountain?

>> No.1000713

this isnt the usual posting style of bunkerbro....image names are all wrong and also never reposts...

>> No.1000740

The luminati got him after all - all that work, for nothing.

bunkerbro rip - but if not ghost? howsabout an opening party? just one? You'd be an immoral & immortal legend (or even more of one than you are already) - would travel & bring beer / 10.

>> No.1000749

you know how they sealed the sister bunkers?
sealed beyond ever being usable again, or just door sealed so noone can enter for now?

>> No.1000809

>childhood dream of having a secret base

I still have one of those, sadly I doubt I'll ever have the money to buy one and I doubt there are any abandoned/for sale bunkers/silos in the state I live in.

>> No.1000810 [DELETED] 
File: 140 KB, 2125x1195, grinder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

~$250k at auction. Retired, was very lucky working for a casino platform during the poker boom.

The 2nd diesel exhaust, took the two weeks to get through that one. Was built to survive a direct nuclear hit.

You'd have to pass the grinder first >:)

After removing everything but the concrete they fill them up with gravel and pour concrete over all entrances. After that they bury them and remove any trace that they ever existed (planting grass/trees over it, removing any roads that led to it, just an ordinary mountain in the woods, etc). I'm in talks with the office of fortifications about the closest one, which is in a real bad state (hoping to convince them letting it go for a symbolic sum). Some organized urban explorers excavated the concrete sealing of it and swam around in it in divers gear (as the whole bunker had been flooded by ground water after they took out the pumps). So I'd say they are pretty unusable unless you have a few years free time on your hands.

>> No.1000811
File: 140 KB, 2125x1195, grinder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

~$250k at auction. Retired, was very lucky working for a casino platform during the poker boom.

The 2nd diesel exhaust, took the excavator two weeks to get through that one. Was built to survive a direct nuclear hit.

You'd have to pass the grinder first >:)

After removing everything but the concrete they fill them up with gravel and pour concrete over all entrances. After that they bury them and remove any trace that they ever existed (planting grass/trees over it, removing any roads that led to it, just an ordinary mountain in the woods, etc). I'm in talks with the office of fortifications about the closest one, which is in a real bad state (hoping to convince them letting it go for a symbolic sum). Some organized urban explorers excavated the concrete sealing of it and swam around in it in divers gear (as the whole bunker had been flooded by ground water after they took out the pumps). So I'd say they are pretty unusable unless you have a few years free time on your hands.

>> No.1000821

You should add a symbolic shipping container room, in memoriam of those valiant but moronic /diy/ers sacrificing their time and lives in the persuit of bunkers.

>> No.1000832

Is this base something that could actually survive a fallout? like not get contaminated?

>> No.1000835

yesss. then you could invite women back to your "fallout shelter"
and it's just a shipping container shoddily banged together in the woods.

>> No.1000841

Keep up the good work bunkerbro, these are the best posts on this board.

>> No.1000848

I know the twenty meters problem. It is essentially an error created by using a slightly wrong projection. It's a GIS (Geographic Information Systems) thing. I have encountered it myself ... twenty meters, every time.

>> No.1000873

radiation does not creep around corners. if you keep dust from entering you'd stay radiation free

>> No.1001035

Exactly so is the air system legit or what?

>> No.1001082

>Why not just one nice large shower area?
You're a faggot m8.

>> No.1001087

Yes. Not just that, it is designed to be able to take a more or less direct nuke hit. It's an old military command (or w/e) bunker.

>> No.1001146


>> No.1001162

When is the hydroponics system coming online?

>> No.1001353
File: 285 KB, 1012x1031, holdthedoor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already have two, but they are above ground and used to store my tools/materials.

Yes. Designed to operate nine months without any contact from the outside world. As an air command center it was a valid nuclear target. The rapid closing blast wave valves in the picture took care of most of the radiation, the air behind them is held for seven days (guessing due to half-lifeing the radiation?) before it gets pumped thru the NBC filters. During these seven days air scrubbers handle the bunkers air.

Will do.

A bike gang bought a civilian shelter designated for local politicians and turned it to a marijuana plantation. They got caught because some nosy farmer reported unusual amounts of traffic on his dirt road that lead to the bunker. Police stopped a van filled with marijuana which led them back. After that they started vetting all potential bunker buyers. I got a visit from our equivalent of the FBI to check up on me and the bunker.

>if only the had asked about those gas cylinders >:)

>> No.1001519

you are all going to be on the same schedule

>> No.1001522

what happens when the wire on the ceiling gets cut?

>> No.1001526
File: 75 KB, 350x447, TIME FOR HAPPENING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1002448


>> No.1002475
File: 136 KB, 500x666, 35b1480e0092920b_2867-w500-h666-b0-p0--modern-landscape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A bike gang bought a civilian shelter designated for local politicians and turned it to a marijuana plantation. They got caught because some nosy farmer reported unusual amounts of traffic on his dirt road that lead to the bunker. Police stopped a van filled with marijuana which led them back. After that they started vetting all potential bunker buyers. I got a visit from our equivalent of the FBI to check up on me and the bunker.
Lol. I would still suggest setting a room aside for a vegetable garden, or maybe even a small atrium if you have enough space. It'd be a nice splash of color, and some slight passive air filtration. the Feds shouldn't care about you having a grow room if there is no indication of illegal shit.

>> No.1003281

>about those gas cylinders

what about them?

>> No.1003470

probably CO2 to bubble through water.

anyways i wanna see more pics

>> No.1003483


Make the entrance a shipping container that you do up to look like a shitty hut, then you have a secret entrance to your base in the back room by pulling a book and the bed lifts up or something.


>> No.1003509 [DELETED] 

That is bunker bro, the bunker is located in a Mountain, and he owns the whole mountain

>> No.1003552

why it bothers you this much though...

>> No.1003594

Cool... good to know... keep us... updated

>> No.1003598

Believe what you want, buddy. You won't be laughing when a Danish stealth nuke comes through your roof.

>> No.1003627

>I got a visit from our equivalent of the FBI to check up on me and the bunker.
What did they think of your bunker?

>> No.1003632
File: 585 KB, 1182x666, ciavisitspol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1003636

>Captain Kirk posts on /diy/.

>> No.1005180


>> No.1005374
File: 199 KB, 2024x1024, 1452475208033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just a childhood dream of having a secret base.

>> No.1005679

Seriously, how does one go about finding and purchasing an old war bunker or abandoned military base?

>> No.1005762
File: 315 KB, 2656x1494, 20160607_175349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread still around, /diy/ fast as ever.

Started on the home cinema room on the third floor. Noise proofing basics to make sure the priso.. the volume can be maxed out without blasting noise throughout the corridors.

Just some old wiring to a lamp I removed.

Already pretty well hidden, not like you would accidentally drive out a few hours in the woods and stumble upon this place unless you knew where it was.

They were pretty impressed. The one they visited before mine was just used to store hay bales by a farmer.

Most would do it by visiting government auction sites.

>> No.1005763 [DELETED] 
File: 394 KB, 2016x1512, 20160608_164935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And a pic for those who might be interested in noise proofing. Cheapest way to really make sure its quit. Decouple the wood construction so you build a room-within-a-room.

>> No.1005764
File: 394 KB, 2016x1512, 20160608_164935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And a pic for those who might be interested in noise proofing. Cheapest way to really make sure its quiet. Decouple the wood construction so you build a room-within-a-room. Staggered studs wall/ceiling.

>> No.1005768

Holy shit you getting fancy up in that bitch

>> No.1005769

That's actually helpful to me, but man why on earth are you noise proofing in an underground bunker

>> No.1005770

Are you Christopher walken

>> No.1005773

Problem with huge spaces, especially concrete/granite is that sound travels quite far. The floor below has 32 bedrooms, so making sure it stays quiet for proper sleep.

>> No.1006108

Can i rent one the rooms? Will work 4 free

>> No.1006114

So when are you laying the mine cart tracks for transportation and general fun?

>> No.1006115

How many of the original equipment of the bunker was still present or even functioning when you bought it?

>> No.1006352

This is fucking hilarious. I wish I had someone to share this with

>> No.1006758

what the square footage of this place?

>> No.1006767

When you add the sound system & projection, be sure to loop in /g/ to piss them off.

>> No.1006786
File: 1.83 MB, 2016x1512, 20160609_161933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not much, was pretty much cleaned out, even took the door knobs.

You haven't even seen the battle station place yet.

>> No.1006819

Are you going to put in an armory?

>> No.1006825

I would like to see the look on the cops faces as they show up to make sure his gun safe is secured properly.

>> No.1006844

Christ anon I wish I had a bunker like that to do everything I'd like to, with obviously a lot of time, patience and money.
I was wondering, how do you get electricity? I guess it's connected to the surface grid, but as backup power how many diesel generators are you planning to use?

>> No.1006851
File: 140 KB, 1594x896, 20160111_155852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The military ring fed it from the two substations on the grid, one of the few things they left me was their 24kv switch gears so using the same system.

2x 1.6 MW of diesel backed power.

>took 12 hours to unload and roll to it's place in the bunker

>> No.1006864

Congrats senpai, nice to see it coming along

>> No.1007049

Wonderful project, I guess there is an ait exhaust. Godspeed, anon.

>> No.1007062

What will you do for a kitchen and bathrooms? Is there water? Sewage?

>> No.1007112
File: 324 KB, 2125x1195, 20150514_151607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got three exhaust "towers" that go to the top of the mountain. Will only be using one.

I got plenty of bathrooms. The bunker has its on sewage plant, can process 10 m3 of waste per day and was designed for ~150 people. Which is why I can't use it by myself since I cannot eat and shit enough to fill the minimum requirements for the bacterial process stage. So got a smaller sewage utility setup that is normally used for cabins in the woods. Got three water wells inside the mountain and one outside.

As for the kitchen I did build one in the baracks above ground which I'm currently using;

before: https://vimeo.com/111308267
after: https://vimeo.com/111308023

Will build a similar one on the 2nd level in the bunker.

>> No.1007153

I'm so jealous of you bunker bro. I hope I have enough money to do something like this later in life. But my plan is to join the army so I doubt very much that that will ever happen. Crap pay in the forces most of the time.

>> No.1007161

What? Were you asking? I couldn't really tell since you, didn't put a question mark. Since you seem to have an obsession with

>> No.1007223

How do you seal this off for radiation protection??

>> No.1007250

Can i come visit when it's done? We could just decide a pickup point where you throw me in the trunk of some car or whatever.
In all seriousness, this project is cool as fuck, and i wish you all the best for the future.

>> No.1007299

iirc you said that's an MTU Genset, which means I built it. What a small world. Granted, there aren't many companies that produce big generators like that, but still.

>> No.1007301

pls post pic of inside of exhaust tower

>> No.1007349
File: 72 KB, 800x800, blast trap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typically the tunnel goes into the mountain is just to trap and/or lead the blast wave away from the real door that exits into the blast tunnel.

All the seals and such is at the inner door, and usually a small compartment for decontamination.

>> No.1007367

Woah dude. I do renos for a living. This is well done. Are.you a tradesman?

>> No.1007375

Hey, I remember op and his threads, good to know he's still doing it. Didn't he have a problem with radioactive gas, radon I think?

>> No.1007397

>Not using "safe and sound" insulation to reduce sound

There you have it guys. Bunkerbro is a poser

>> No.1007399
File: 1.94 MB, 371x331, 1464316279123.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>32 bedrooms

>> No.1007407

What got you interested in this? How can you afford it? How do you have the time to work on it?

>> No.1007408

Ignore 'What got you interested in this?' as I see you answered earlier.

How many people will eventually stay in it? Are you going to rent them at all or do you have a sizable family?

>> No.1007437

I'd wager he's building it for himself, but keeping it up enough for many people in the event the government want it back he can sell it at far higher than he has into it because it's still semi-operational.

That or he's gonna open a cold-war theme hotel.

>> No.1007438

gotta keep the harem somewhere, am i right?

>> No.1007440

>no kitchen
>32 bedrooms
>sound proof pri- I mean cinema room

That or I might not want to know what bunkerbro is gonna use it for.

>> No.1007445

Post battlestation place pls

>> No.1007465

What are your plans for lighting? Timed/ON/OFF switches everywhere? Apologies if this has been asked before.

>click all images with mountains

>> No.1007562
File: 483 KB, 1571x1046, blastwavetunnel1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets try to convince them not to drop too many warheads on me?

Not much to see,just piping to the surface.

This guy >>1007349 is correct. I have two horseshoe shaped tunnels to protect my entrances in the bunker. For air intakes there are rapid closing blast valves that mechanically get pushed in and closed by the shockwave that travels down the tunnel, so no radiated air ever gets in. If a blast valve fails to close there is a last option behind them in form of a blast wave trap. The force that would leak in would lift a layer of stones that smashes and permanently seals the intake.

>blast wave tunnel pic

Nope, I was in IT. But I've got a lot of time on my hands. All my recommended on youtube is diy stuff :)

No longer, well ventilated now.

mass loaded vinyl > insulation. But I went with glass fiber insulation >>1005764
, no need to go total overkill.

They had ~100 people working 24/7 when it was in service. Operators gotta get some z's and I can't just let the rooms rot.

>tfw no gf
Surprisingly few women find the "lets head back to my dark damp underground complex out in nowhere woods" as a good suggestion at the bar. But as >>1007437 points out, keeping it warm for friends and family when ever it might be needed.

>hes on to me

A work in progress, will post some pics after I'm done building the home cinema.

motion detection with timers, will be ~1000 lamps, not gonna go around and turn them all off before I go to sleep.

>> No.1007569
File: 25 KB, 438x378, inventor-welding-machine-service-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So My family owns a machine shop for rebuilding engines and it has a welding station for welding heads and various equipment needing repairs. I by no means have experience in welding but would like to start anyone have some good practice/practical builds they know of to start out.(Note the picture is not the welding unit just a general one.)

>> No.1007571

Sorry this was meant for general post not here.

>> No.1007573

>that genset

>> No.1007580

We can share it with each other, anon! :D

>> No.1007832

>building the home cinema.
What kind of gear you putting in? Projector? Screen? Speakers? Amps?

Could do something pretty impressive down there.

>> No.1007856

>What kind of gear you putting in

>Noise proofing basics to make sure the priso..
Torture or crazy BDSM equipment would be my guess from that statement.

Bunkerbro, if you're making some underground BDSM theme hotel and not a legit illegal torture chamber, can I get a discount when it opens?

>> No.1007871
File: 3.74 MB, 280x200, 1439133115748.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is simply amazing. And getting that for 250K seems like a bargain. Awesome, awesome. Would be nice if you could tell us a bit more about the whole project.
that kind of shit.

>tfw no gf
You're goofing it there though. You have the money, is not difficult anon.

Bunkerbro will probably use it for some next level spoopy shit.

>> No.1007903

You're not doing it yourself, are bunker bro? Looks like a lot of progress so you must have an army of helpers and contractors these days

>> No.1007938

Holy shit this is so cool. Underground bases have always peaked my interest. Good luck dude, it's coming along nicely

>> No.1007954

OP just reading this thread has changed my life. Holy shit.

>> No.1008665
File: 182 KB, 869x1044, airlock2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Projector and a 7.1 setup, probably nothing special.

There are still some things that are secret in the bunker due to the military still having one of these in active duty, so keeping some stuff from you.

I've been at it for ~2 years. I do everything the law permits me to do myself (not allowed to do the 1 phase 230v outlets and none of the 3 phase 400v/24kv-related things like wiring and termination). Concrete, hvac, plumbing, plaster, tiling, painting, construction, etc is all me.

>pic of the guys who installed the gensets at the 2nd blast door airlock.

>> No.1008728
File: 28 KB, 278x417, 1447514670991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1008732

>There are still some things that are secret in the bunker due to the military still having one of these in active duty, so keeping some stuff from you.

So, they let i private person buy this bunker, but you're not allowed to talk about it because it's identical (ish) to another bunker that's in use? Aren't you free to discuss your own property?

>> No.1008742

"Dark Star" by John Carpenter.

>> No.1008746

>Implying he just doesn't want an obsessed anon to track his bunker down to try and move in with him.
Don't make him hurt your feelings

>> No.1008755

How many weirdo urban explorers have you had show up looking for "Riksbunkern"?

There is an old air force radio link station not far from where i live and a few times every year the local farmer has to help tow some idiots car after they got stuck while looking for it.

>> No.1008777

Pretty much. There are still missing about 40 pages of blueprints due to them still being classed as military secrets. I had to have the department of fortifications try each page for clearance to get the ones I have. Was fun finding new rooms for the first few months.

~20-30 people. Scared one guy to death as he was hanging and peaking in from the electronic gates. The window glas from the guard station is oneway, so he didnt see me looking right at him, open/closed the gate so he fell off.

>> No.1008780

How much money have you spent so far aside from bunker's cost?

>> No.1008781

>Was fun finding new rooms for the first few months.
So have you seen everything your bunker has to offer? And do visitors need government clearance?

>> No.1008785

>open/closed the gate so he fell off
Please tell me you have plans for ways to fuck with people like this.
Hidden speakers, bigfoot suit, unlocked doors with no door handle on the inside that lock when closed, remote activated paintball turrets, the possibilities are endless.

>> No.1008829

I am still not clear on the dimensions of this thing. I know you said a lot of it is classified and it's your private place, but just give us a sense of scale for this thing. Roughly how many floors of roughly what size? On one hand I was imagining something smallish due to the price and the original number of people but 32 bedrooms plus all the other rooms seems like it must be quite large.

>> No.1008868

How do those people find your bunker? Do you have cameras now?

>> No.1009217
File: 141 KB, 1600x1200, egg recipient.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought the cheapest way was pic related, did you consider it? just throwing them between the walls

it would be more than viable, no doubt. i would pay serious dosh (by my standards) to go spend a week in the middle of nowhere, fucking around in a bunker and the woods around

>> No.1009221

>i thought the cheapest way was pic related
No. Those do jack shit for sound proofing.

>> No.1009343


>> No.1009358

Egg cartons are good for redirecting sound not dampening it

>> No.1009849

Cool well done for doing it yourself. Wish I had the time
>implying if I had the time, I'd wish I had the motivation
>implying if I had motivation I'd wish for money

The world needs more go getters like you

>> No.1010238


>> No.1010339

Please don't let this die. This may just be the greatest thread I have come across in 5 years of lurking. Someone please post all other Bunkerbro stuff from other threads I have missed.
>Bunkerbro you are my hero

>> No.1010421


>> No.1010486

doub bump

>> No.1010493
File: 463 KB, 2144x1424, 1436259113430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some older stuff. Yeah, it's the dream of many of us in here, but he did it. We don't have many underground facilities in southern yurop, too bad..

>> No.1010557


>> No.1010559

do you have a blog or something where I can read up on your progress? this is the best project I've ever seen
godspeed bunkeranon

>> No.1010574

How many people are there working on this?

>> No.1010591

Only him

Sure wish I could be there to help him :(
Bunker bro pls, I live in Finland, it's not that far away

>> No.1010608

wow, how much did it cost? Is it legal to buy generators of this size?
Could you give as an estimation of the total cost and the size? I understand that the exact data may be classified, so just give us a rough estimate. How many rooms? How many floors?

>> No.1010662

why it would be illegal to buy a large generator? these are used in data centers, hospitals and other facilities that cannot afford be without power during power outage. company I work for have like twenty of them (most of them runs on gas and not diesel though) and just sell electricity to the grid...

>> No.1010713

sound proofing != sound deadening acoustic foam...

people use egg crates to try and stop echos / standing waves. it only works for higher frequencies too. you need large bass traps in the corners to stop low frequency echos.

sound proofing is stopping the vibrations from traveling from inside a structure to outside and vica versa. thats what op is doing. he should still have sound deadening inside to better the acoustics, but putting up egg crates would do shit.

>> No.1010717

>Is it legal to buy generators of this size?

Jesus Christ no. He had to smuggle that out of Venezuela on a narco submarine. He shot the delivery drivers afterwards.

>> No.1010738

i wonder if there were any fish in there

>> No.1010770

I doubt anything could live in that water for long.

>> No.1010805

Wow, and I thought r/diy was interesting!

>> No.1010831
File: 479 KB, 613x613, 1466020793176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourselve

bunkeranon you're a cool guy i wish i could live out my dreams like you, good luck in your endeavors

>> No.1011017


>> No.1011136

>The floor below has 32 bedrooms
It'd be a good profit. No window views though.

>> No.1011148
File: 538 KB, 2144x1424, turtle pond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not all, there are a few spaces I can't reach due to me not having ladder high enough at the moment. I have no blueprints over those areas so will be fun exploring. No, visitors do not need clearance, no idea how they would enforce that since I'm out in the nowhere woods.

I have some axis cctv cameras which have builtin speakers. My friends have had me swear not to scare them in the bunker with costumes, etc.

Large enough to fit ~100 people working 24/7 and support the facility in case they would need to go dark for up to nine months. I'll show you a pic in my next post how for example a command room looks like.

It has had 1000's of people serving in it over the years, people talk. A few are up, have bought 40x 4k axis cameras.

Nope. Only posting here randomly.

Just me.

Bought them 2nd hand from a factory in Germany that went under. Got them for about 20% of original price and they only had 60h runtime (1h test every month).

Laughed more than I should, rip drivers.

It's clear spring water, but with some extra iron in it from the mountain deposits.

>> No.1011149
File: 80 KB, 640x356, air command room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1011151

Are you gonna drain all of that or leave it and turn it into a jet ski area?

I'd bet you could make some crazy "from Russia with love" tunnel chase scene clips in there.

>> No.1011155
File: 470 KB, 1901x1267, IMG_6330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the first thing I did. Also installed a french drain system so that it could never flood again, any water will always flow out of the mountain.

>friend racing around in the bunker after I've drained >>1010493

>> No.1011156


Enough lights and you actually make it a turtle pond.

Even with no lights you could make a large shrimp farm. Just shovel in some cheap dog food every week to feed them.

>> No.1011173
File: 76 KB, 425x240, monarch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do realize that you have to become evil and develop a gimmick now, right?
I know what my suggestion goes to.

>> No.1011252

Not bunkerbro, but, I imagine having the standing water is bad for insect reasons.

>> No.1011254


Deep inside a mountain?

Ah yes, the rare cave mosquito.

>> No.1011257

I donno, or mold at least.

>> No.1011260

Add a pump somewhere and recirculate it. Could even turn it into a nice decorative waterfall.

>> No.1011262
File: 71 KB, 400x388, 1424043848876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or a koi pond

>> No.1011396

>this entire project



>> No.1011403

Piranha pond to put English spies in mate

>> No.1011405

>not a pool of magma

>> No.1011418

What are the sleeping quarters going to be like?
Are you going to move here full time once it is done?

>> No.1011500
File: 268 KB, 1125x1575, 1455143574873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool stuff BunkerBro

Any nasty creepycrawlies you had to get rid of? Spiders, bats, dropbears?

>> No.1011553


Overuse of ellipses is almost always the sign of a huge dumbass.

>> No.1011570
File: 385 KB, 795x1200, SHOPCLASS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunker bro is the person with the best chance to start a survival clan ever.
>huge following on /diy/
>owns a bunker
>Fills bunker with a shop setup
>plastic manufacturing (3d printing, injection molds)
>Wood shop for /diy/s collective best efforts for modern furniture
>metal shop
>electronics workstation
>/diy/ wind turbine parts {stored in bunker)

>world ends

>diy was prepared and receited to the bunker

>we all lived

>Used machine shop to build custom machines that are needed to establish new civilization. Use solar power? wind power?

>assemble turbine you stored in bunker
>Generate solar power and use generators as backup to save gas.
>Once everything is settled, make sure there girls (plot hole i know, actually i bet a decent amount of /diy/ers have gf's)
>PLOT TWIST: Only couples were accepted into the vault. (that's basically standard anyway, at least to approach a 1:1 ratio of men to women).
>use stored chainsaws to fell treess,
>haul them back to site
>use alaskan mill to cut down into sheets
>make plywood,studs, beams, etc
>build your colony houses.
>create /diy/ vehicules to explore the land, trailers to haul goods back and forth.
>look for other people
>hopefully there isn't zombies

>> No.1011572

Now you can bring people to your bunker and no one will hear their screams.

But seriously, it looks great. I am envious.

>> No.1011587

>I have some axis cctv cameras which have builtin speakers.


>> No.1011600



>> No.1011621

Is there a summary of the all the bunker bro stuff? And i dont mean the archives, but something where all the pictures are posted and the build is cataloged?

>> No.1011763

I can't express how badly I want this to happen.

>> No.1011786

I'm new to this board, just found out about bunkerbro. Your project is awesome!

Would you consider leaving any room for excavation /tunnel digging? I'm thinking of Dwarf Fortress, and I would be pleased to know you will strike the earth.

>> No.1012374
File: 316 KB, 1613x1210, 20160622_154647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know how to bend plasterboard? Never done it before.

>> No.1012394


the acoustics in there....

>> No.1012399

you buy special plasterboard that's thinner than normal and designed for curves. its so thin you need twice as much!. just google "flexible plasterboard"

>> No.1012412


You score the paper cover of the plasterboard and break it, giving you the flexibility to curve it. The more bends you give it, the smaller the radius of the plasterboard can become. Afterwards you cover it with plaster as a perfectly rounded toplayer.

>> No.1012431

>not Overseer

I'm disappointed in you, /diy/.


>> No.1012436
File: 124 KB, 816x612, 27584d1263950118-cutting-corners-drywall-back-scored[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same way you bend plywood. Buy thin material. Double up. Cut a bunch of grooves in the back side to give it room to bend

>> No.1012444

plywood has fibers you retards. chipboard is dust glued together. when you break the glue, there's no fibers.

>> No.1012626

If I were bunkerbro I would never take you guys in!! I would choose an Industrial engineer Electronic engineer a Biologist a Geneticist an experienced farmer, 3 doctors an a gun designer and would offer all of Victoria´s Secret models a chance of survival!

And the last 50 nobel price winners.

And then I would rebuild a beatiful civilisation, also I would offer to store a huge library and all of the Louvre collection as well as other collections to preserve humanity.

>> No.1012627

Bunkerbro I congratulate you! You have an amazing project! I hope you end up having the bunker of your dreams. Good luck with everything!

>> No.1012645
File: 7 KB, 256x192, jonas senior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not doing super science in your secret bunker and fucking bitches left and right.

>> No.1012672
File: 20 KB, 303x276, Dr._Bunsen_Honeydew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Volunteer staff chemist reporting for duty (plz plz plz).

>> No.1012904

>implying there aren't a bunch of EEs on /diy/
Who else would be jerking off in /ohm/ all the time?

>> No.1012922

>Victoria secret models fucking with nerds
What a waste.

>> No.1012925

intelligent and beautiful offspring are a waste?

>> No.1012940

holly shit man, This must cost like two hundred thousands of millions €.
You are great, really nice job!

>> No.1012968

>intelligent and beautiful
>/diy/ and Victoria's Secret

where did you find the intelligent genes in this equation? More likey to produce offspring that spend a lot on shoes, and store them in (underground..) shipping containers.

>> No.1012971

There were supposed to be 50 Nobel prize winners, some engineers and doctors and only one guy from /diy/. Maybe that one /diy/ guy could stick to masturbation while the others have sex.

>> No.1012973

More like dumb and ugly, amirite?

>> No.1013405
File: 426 KB, 690x477, 5241057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out for sale by the Swedish state, a smaller 800 m2 civilian bunker for local politicians. Place a $10k and see if you get it.

>> No.1013442

I researched it and actually looks very nice. The entire property is not huge, 8000m2 but the has some nice trees.

The bidding only starts in two months, but could not find if I as a non Swede European can enter the bidding too?

Lets say you buy it, do you have to pay any more charges other than the price of the property?

>> No.1013451

No, it's exempt from the property registry tax, etc. No tax on the sale as it's an auction. The civilian can be bought by anyone, the military ones are for Swedish citizens only.

>> No.1013459

How much do you think it will be sell for?

>> No.1013533

Get some UV lamps in there, bunkerbro.

Do you have a generator? How big? What would be required to power that place?

>> No.1013555

That ice on the ceiling? What's typical temp inside?

>> No.1013576


Underground temps are usually 50-55*F year round.

Those are likely stalactites from water permeating the shockcrete on the ceiling.

This is not surprising as the the entire room used to be water, see >>1011148

>> No.1013616

Get it damp and place it over something to let gravity bend it most of the way.

And yes >>1012399 thinner is easier.

>>1012412 is a retard, don't do this if you score it it will be prone to snap at the score lines. Don't know if he is a troll or just stupid and pretending to be smrt.

>> No.1013706

We dont have nukes on stand-by in Sweden, as it would threaten our neutral standing. But we have all the parts so we can put together a nuke in a very short time.

Also i here a picture of an old entrance of an other Luft Försvars Central (Air command room).

>> No.1013707
File: 456 KB, 2048x1536, unspecified.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picture did not load...

>> No.1014306

You're my hero.

>> No.1014370

Is Bunkerbro the one with the crab meat?

>> No.1014555

not bunkerbro but here ya go
gens >>1006851

>> No.1014619

bunkerbro is the one with the bunker

>> No.1014623

I just noticed the white paper on the door. Is that dry wrap/Tyvek/etc?

>> No.1014668

not bunkerbro, but it looks like low tack - basically a sticky back plastic that's not very sticky.

Sometimes it's used just to protect surfaces from scratches during transit/install, though it is also used where metal is laser cut to prevent surface marks from the cutting (fumes etc.)

Source: I work for a company that deals with fabrication and shit

>> No.1014869

That was the 2nd guess, but dry wrap to me made more sense as blast doors are normally poured reinforced concrete, so protective plastic didn't make sense to me.

>> No.1014970


>> No.1015030
File: 366 KB, 1920x1080, 1461720186170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey bunkerbro, got any plans for a grand library like pic related?

>> No.1015086

There was a bunker for sale in Finland some time ago. A lame-ass small more like "korsu"-style.

but that 800m2 Swedish bunker looks sweet!

>> No.1015358
File: 1.81 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_5036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a Tiler by trade and just wanted to say the quality of your work in this photo along with the soundproofing and other photos is of high quality workmanship.

Its also really quite amazing that you are doing all this work on your own. Keep it up and please keep posting updates here

>> No.1015608

I hope you have a gun or something for protection, never no when some asshole will come and try loot the place

>> No.1015610


Donald Trump, is that you?

>> No.1015611

Yes, my son.

>> No.1015614

it's like Morder and the Shire had sex and this is the love child

>> No.1015783

This guy knows whats up. Get it damp and it will bend nice and easy.

>> No.1015826

people like you make my head hurt

>> No.1015880
File: 50 KB, 700x397, 0323-stevie-malcolm-in-the-middle-now-photos-primary-1200x630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you ok Stevie ?

>> No.1015985

When will it happen Bunkerbro? I was the one that came up with the plan for Victoria secret models and nobel price winners.

>> No.1016003
File: 178 KB, 800x600, 14284594521251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh guns

>> No.1016046


>> No.1016081

Why didnt you make venice from metro last light

>> No.1016086

Aquaponic system with kois

>> No.1016144

never heard of that before, that'd be rad.

>> No.1016188

>Bunker made to survive near misses from nukes
>Random asshole that want's to loot it is going to be a problem


>> No.1016200

You got a license for that?

>> No.1016293

why you bash him so hard, i too would have guns if i had a fucking underground ex-militar bunker

specially after telling the autists in 4chan that he works alone there in the middle of nowhere

>> No.1016374
File: 199 KB, 2016x1512, 20160701_154521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have to sell to highest bidder, even if the bid is just $1. I'd guess somewhere around $80-100k, depending on amount of bidders.

Would be cool, but suck falling to my death from a book ladder inside a bunker.

Thanks. You have no idea how many times I just wanted to give up. I hate tiling with a passion now.

Don't worry about it. They will need excess of 3 megatons worth of TNT to open my doors.

(also got a hunting rifle, like anyone else out here)

Haven't played it, felt weird playing fallout 4 in the bunker.

>> No.1016376

Yes. my damn paint gun exploded, nice red wall splash.

>> No.1016379
File: 1.88 MB, 250x308, tumblr_nxrdqg0PhE1rey47bo1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this was my post before I saw your comment

>that overspray

>> No.1016445

so far I haven't seen any ceiling lights or just wires/channels for the wires on the ceilings for lights fixtures or on walls for electrical plugs. what is your plan with that?

>> No.1016454

Seconding this question

>> No.1016527

For reals tho we should have a meetup at bunkerbro's place when he's done. I'll bring the brownies

>> No.1016576
File: 24 KB, 263x309, 1424287769932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1016701

Why don't you rent out the rooms like an Inn or something?

>> No.1016716

iirc he's renting out space for a data center

>> No.1016720

So no air conditioning needed, right? But what about heat?


what kind of pipe is going into that bunker?

>> No.1016815

>last 50 Nobel prize winners

Except Obama. He'd hog all the VS models, and didn't do anything to earn his prize.

>> No.1016817

Well, do you suppose a potential intruder would
a) try battering through the mountain to make entry or
b) physically assault, incapacitate or threaten bunkerbro to gain entry, take shit, etc?

I know I'd sleep better with a shotgun by the door.

>> No.1016837

Sounds very American, but you need to understand that that level of paranoia and fear is not global.
Also, that bunker is in Sweden. You can't kill people there nilly-willy. If the court thinks that you had an option of simply going inside, closing the door and calling the cops instead of killing the intruder, you'll get shafted.

Apparently the most likely intruders there are curious faggots and cave explorers.

>> No.1016859
File: 2.52 MB, 345x258, 1465411796053.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just a childhood dream of having a secret base.

Godspeed bunker anon.

When you're done make an Air b&b thing where we can rent a room for a night or two.
You could probably make money.
Then you could add this in.

>> No.1016871

I say keep building it diy style and pass it down to your kids... and make it a life long hobby

fuck money if you already have a bunker to play with

>> No.1016883
File: 22 KB, 500x365, 10408547_734516863309366_8770727544839693117_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Underground garden/forest/jungle powered by CO2 and UV lights.

>> No.1016887

That's just the point. I'm not suggesting bunkerbro blow away every hiker who wanders past, but in the unlikely event somebody malicious came along and forced entry (picked a lock, found an unlocked door, etc) wouldn't you like to have the means to defend yourself rather than sit there hoping the police will get there in time? This is in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, remember, not downtown Stockholm.

Anyway, bunkerbro already mentioned he has a rifle, so it's a moot point.

>> No.1016891

Keeping a well maintained sign say "Intruders will be shot" should be enough to keep away the curious

>> No.1016922

>Giant underground comfy complex

Sign me up.
And show us that battlestation room / masturbatorium when you can.

I hope it's adequately furnished with lube, pink-hued sconce lighting, scented candles and Dragon Dildos.

>> No.1016930
File: 345 KB, 1080x1920, tmp_26455-Screenshot_2016-07-03-00-22-16724371080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh. This is Scandinavia. People don't shoot people here.
Sweden: 0,8 killed per 100000 persons.
Probably most of them not shot. Let's not americanize the nice parts of the world...

>> No.1016954

Keeping a well maintained sign saying "Caution: Man Sized Spiders" should be enough to keep away the curious

>> No.1017049
File: 2.34 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You got a license for that?
For the blade or the plastic buckets

>I hate tiling with a passion now.
not as much as I do I can assure you that.

>> No.1017138

>counterfeit money
>loli dungeon daily thread (101 building, sound isolation and other improvements)
Bumped by mods.

Seriously /diy/ you are fucked up pedophiles.

>> No.1017411

>"Officer, if you can get to the safe I'll admit it's not secure enough."

>> No.1017581
File: 10 KB, 250x250, 1461283562880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1017602

>In the end I can always build a "master shower" if I feel like it, sacrificing a room.
that certainly sounds like a final solution

>> No.1017744

How good will the sound proofing work? I'm thinking of building a house and really want the bedroom to be quiet. Neighborhoods are so loud now with the barking dogs and parties and whatever else.

>> No.1017790

Im curious about this too bunkerbroo, do u plan on making any kind of money from this? like a music studio for rent or rooms and stuff?

>> No.1017829

go for isolated layers, go for heavy materials and structures, go for airtightedness, then you will have a dead quiet space where no noise will get in or out

>> No.1018099

Thanks. I was reading that special air conditioning ducts and such need to be used also, which makes sense.

>> No.1018125

i would defiantly go to the bunkerbro hotel

>> No.1018195

>you can't make me go

>> No.1018207

Pets, bunker man?

>> No.1018620

I'm surprised /diy/ are against protecting yourself despite apparently being for doing other things yourself

>> No.1018625

They just rape there apparently

>> No.1018669

I was the roleplayer as CIA in that thread. This screenshot doesn't have nearly enough of my brilliance. :\

>> No.1018689

The definition of rape ir realy loose here, so it covers pretty much all kinds of unwantet sexual attention.

>> No.1018729

>nuclear bunker
>picked a lock

>> No.1018735

Nah, it's not that. It's just that this American talk about guns sounds kinda like telling someone that 3 condoms and an IUD is not enough and that real protection is achieved by pulling out.
No-one is saying that having a rifle is bad, but it's difficult to see it as a notable improvement, particularly in a country like Sweden.

>> No.1018745

>Buy a fucking bunker

I had no idea /diy/ were a bunch a fucking faggots.

>> No.1018820

What is this fallout?

>> No.1018835


you must be new here

>> No.1018843

You're not that /k/ anon are you?

>> No.1018844 [DELETED] 

fuck off faggot ameretard

>> No.1018852

>I doubt there are any abandoned/for sale bunkers/silos in the state I live in

Serious people don't live in one state their whole life. That's just sad...

>> No.1018858 [DELETED] 

Reported for hate speech. I am pretty sure that's illegal where you live bud.

>> No.1018863

Go-kart track?

>> No.1018864

You really are new here. You should venture to /b/ it will toughen you up a little. Buttercup.

>> No.1018865

You are offending me, better watch words can really hurt people. Like those spooky guns!

>> No.1018866

are u doing the gun yourself? :|

>> No.1018874

How rich are you, out of curiosity?

>> No.1018885
File: 76 KB, 600x600, 1467261135999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1019011

"red paint" suuuure it is. loving your murder hole btw

>> No.1019102
File: 703 KB, 1936x1288, 1466320158778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you / do you plan to have parties in the bunker?
i'd love to have something like this just to have a private property for huge warehouse parties

>> No.1019295
File: 251 KB, 757x720, cia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in charge.

>> No.1019405
File: 1.10 MB, 2016x1512, 20160707_162753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No new pics from the bunker. But I did get to buy one of the sister bunkers that is fully sealed I mentioned in >>1000645

And I can also answer >>1000749 that this is how it looks right now. This is a buried entrance.

It is a bit smaller, but I got to buy it for a symbolic sum of 10kr ~$1.3. Price of a can of coca cola.

>> No.1019407
File: 146 KB, 1098x1366, nummer2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1019409

Why? Do you have an obligation to pay for renovations/upkeep or something?

>> No.1019429

How far are your bunkers from eachother?

>> No.1019461

Is there anything you can do with it? Can it be unsealed?

>> No.1019469

I was able to convince them that I would make better use of it than them having it permanently sealed, was pretty easy to do since I could show off what I've done to it's sister bunker. I got it for much cheaper since it is in much worse shape.

~90 mins by car

That is the plan, I'll fully renovate it after this one.

>> No.1019471

Last thread I remember you were trying to decide what to do with the stairs. Got pics of the result?

>> No.1019474
File: 90 KB, 1900x633, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one? Made it in concrete.

>> No.1019477

Scary and scary with upgraded graphics

any plan to make it less of a horror game corridor?

>> No.1019495

I meant after that, what did you use for the railing or whatever?

>> No.1019498
File: 110 KB, 178x272, geebunkerbro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That looks like it's going to be a bitch to excavate, especially with you digging blind.

Previously you mentioned that they backfill them with junk concrete and gravel. Is that the case with this one?

>> No.1019556

>motion detection with timers, will be ~1000 lamps

Thank you for your response. I wish you all the best in this project. I've told this to three children and they all think it's the coolest thing to have your own underground minecraft base.

Having flora underground seems nice to have, such as vines and shit. It'll be cool.

>> No.1019569

Any ETA on when you're going to finish bunker #1?
If it's in a few years, I'd be willing to fly out to sweden to work on bunker #2.
I'll have my EE degree by then and I know a bunch about radio and various construction related things since I worked at a hardware store.
Pretty please? I'll even dig up my guard tower blueprints from the 2nd grade.

>> No.1019638

>Not content with owning his own nuclear bunker, bunkerbro begins collecting them

I didn't think it was possible, but you've actually levelled up.

>> No.1019648

Mr. Bunkerbro

I am really fucking jealous.

>> No.1019660


If I wire you $100 what can you get me?

>> No.1019674
File: 673 KB, 800x600, fallout-vault-tec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Planing to found a Vault company Bunkerbro?

>> No.1019683
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>> No.1019866

when are you joining? im going to basic in less then a month.

>> No.1020742

please don't die

>> No.1020895

this desu. I check this thread daily....

>> No.1021132
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>shipyard ended up buying it for $3m
im so fucking jealous of u

>> No.1021245

he wasn't the one selling it, no?
it reads like he was a prospective buyer who got outbid, or didn't bid at all and had that sale pique his interest

>> No.1021246

Goodbye, thread.

>> No.1021270

>thred is over bump limit
taken from us too soon

>> No.1021379
File: 89 KB, 1044x873, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

c-can we get a new one?

>> No.1021579

make it a month from now so that bunkerbro has something new to report

the key to really enjoying things is not to do it too often

>> No.1021803
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This is literally my dream every day, every night.

>> No.1021898

Supposedly kois kills germs and bacteria from water!

>> No.1021901

>too soon
This thread is almost 3 months old.

>> No.1021903


topkek, the only board I can keep up with on 4chan is /diy/ since it is so slow.

>> No.1021963

The idea of America is going big and free, friend. Swimming pools kill more kids than guns in the US and no one from other countries gets upset and questions Americans based on their need for large in ground swimming pools. Perhaps this is because we all grew up in systems which didn't regulate, control, and seek to ban our swimming pools based on outliers of data.

I'm Canadian and own no guns, on my way to a mosin in the next few months

>> No.1021988

perhaps this is because sociopaths who shouldn't be allowed near swimming pools don't use swimming pools to commit genocide

>> No.1022000

You're right, we should regulate public office instead.

>> No.1022397

um. we do.

>> No.1022460

>implying implications

>> No.1022597

So instead of banning guns for everyone because of crazies why not just ban crazies from going near pools like you're suggesting for pools?

>> No.1022627

Hey dumbasses, go to /k/ talk about guns, unles u'r crafting one urself...
What great thread taking a bad turn :(