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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1013437 No.1013437 [Reply] [Original]


>FAA approved



>> No.1013440

/diy/ is all about delivery drones

Just not gasoline powered ones

>> No.1013443

OPs delivery drone is a shit idea and will never work != all delivery drones are shit ideas and won't work

Does the Flirtey drone use a combustible engine?
Does the Flirtey drone force the company to design and build their own software for the drone to work?

So /diy/s criticisms were spot on

>> No.1013477
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the fug - collect your urgent medical supplies in confort, safety and convenience with a-fucking-literally 5 minute car journey from airport to clinic..

..or choose to duct-tape-n-cardbord-box load them into a random autonomous flying object, assuming the weathers nice, and hope for the fucking best - go on, live a little dangerously! - its only critical medical supplies, after all.

>> No.1013478

yeah baby
fly those drones over my house
that oxy script is mine now

>> No.1013480

Still at it huh ?

>> No.1013481

A major corporation with access to lawyers, engineers and palm grease has the power to move the government, an anon in his basement who can't even answer questions about his product doesn't. OP was a raging tard who claimed his drone could dodge lightning bolts.

>> No.1013485
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should just put a gate in.

>> No.1013494


I just came to say the exact same thing; drug addicts can be very inventive
>it's not pirating, it's pre-emptive salvage

>> No.1013515

So what are you blathering on about?

>> No.1013525

>major corporation
It's some kickstarter clowns
>It's never been done yet therefore it's a shit idea
very open minded
and I specifically remember /diy/ attacking the whole concept of the delivery drone itself not just my version. You all constantly parroted that the FAA will never approve it and they will get shot down bla bla. Now it's FAA approved and flown without a shootdown and you are moving the goalposts to say you only hated on hybrid systems.

/diy/ BTFO

>> No.1013530

>I specifically remember /diy/ attacking the whole concept of the delivery drone itself

Weird, thats not how I remember it

I remember posting links to the Amazon drone that had working prototypes built a whole year before you ever invested your ~500$ or so to buy a cheap 3d printer.

It was mostly shitting on your personally, about how you dont have the money or knowledge to make it.

And when you say you want to have a drone that is carrying a combustible fluid over peoples houses, you didnt know how aerodynamics work, and you were going to force buyers to outsource and build their own software for the bots last thread, we werent wrong.

What amazing news now do you have now to make us eat crow?
I am real excited to see how much great work you have done.

Though it is troubling that there is another small company out there that has beaten you to the punch.

>> No.1013575

Wow op, not only did you fail at actually producing a working drone, but now you're bragging about how someone else succeeded at it because you can prove people wrong when you have no idea who they are.

>> No.1013579

Remember when op had to discover props are more efficient if they are airfoils? That was great.

>> No.1013581

I supported you originally, and I asked you legitimate questions that people would ask you when they're considering purchasing your drone. All I gathered from the sperg fit you responded with was "that's my programmer's job" and "that's up to the person that buys it to figure out."

No one said that delivery drones weren't the future, just that your delivery drone isn't the future.

>> No.1013584

Remember when op said that his programmer was going to make it dodge rocks and projectiles

>> No.1013611

The goal was to get into this market under the radar. Be one of the first to do it so that he had the whole market for companies that arent amazon.

If you dont hurry up, you are going to miss the drone bubble. There will be other startups doing the same thing.
Some huge company is going to buy up Flirtey or one of these other companies and they will effectively end the arms race and use their power for market share.

Bragging that those "kickstarter clowns" have beat you to the market, thats stupid. That is nothing but BAD news for you OP.

The worst news?
These people have laid out a blueprint for FAA regulations of standard delivery drones.
Startups everywhere are going to easily make FAA legal drones by copying these "clowns"

And here is OP, with some sort of retarded hybrid gasoline design that will fall outside of those blueprints that have been set.

Someone else has done the heavy lifting, yet you cant even take advantage of it because you insist on a retarded design.

>> No.1013613

Well thats what his 3d printer is for!
"rapid prototyping"

>> No.1013614

Op is a failure at life, he was never going to do anything anyway. That's exactly why we were all making fun of him.

It's funny he just keeps bringing it back and giving us more examples of how bad he is every time though, so we don't ban him.

>> No.1013794
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>> No.1013841

Is this all of your R&D?

>> No.1013880

No there is more which you cannot see because patents

>> No.1013881


This graph is implying flight time settles down near 10 minutes while payload can increase to infinity.

ok then...

>> No.1013882
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Uh huh. I guess actual performance measurements or anything even remotely convincing belongs to that "cannot see" category.
So, when is your product launch supposed to be? Or if that's secret as well, when are you going to file your patents?

>> No.1013889
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>Product launch
End of the year hopefully. I am going to use part of my student loan to pay for it.
I still need to talk to my business adviser about that. By end of the year as well.

>> No.1013892
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>> No.1013895

>Investors should get in on the ground floor
>This could take off in a big way
>The sky is the limit
>The only way is up-et-fucking-cetera

we're gonna need a bigger Bingo Card, just for you OP.

>> No.1013900
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>9 year old boy filed for a patent on swings
>it was approved

Patents on something like a drone is just as dumb, and will be thrown out just as quickly when you try to use it.

>> No.1014038


>patent 'thingies wot fly (pizza optional)', quick.

>> No.1014164

The problem with drones is that all the current companies are Apple-tier. Flashy designs with not much actual performance. I will be Microsoft, reliable high performance for a low price.