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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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>> No.2397927 [View]

yeah, a lamp...

>> No.2397956 [View]

a... sex lamp?

>> No.2398238 [View]

ITT Americans. That all. Simple, idiot Americans.

>> No.2398329 [View]
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>ITT Americans. That all. Simple, idiot Americans.

>> No.2398352 [View]

You can get like $30-40 of brass from each piano. Which then does towards gas and wood dumping fees.

>> No.2398364 [View]

>Wood dumping

>Dump it, right into my fire pit

>> No.2398378 [View]

burn the piano down and salvage the metal afterwards

>> No.2398388 [View]

Piano fuel can't melt brass beams

>> No.2398399 [View]
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dubs of righteousness checked

>> No.2398473 [View]
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You can say its dirt cheap.

>> No.2398480 [View]

I'm sure you could get the alcohol out of this stuff quite easily, it's literally free fuel. Even if you can't be bothered distilling it, burn it as is to heat your home.

>> No.2398482 [View]

This shit drives me up the wall

>> No.2398486 [View]

>Was it, Really?
Highly Doubtful Obv. Bait

>> No.2398502 [View]
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>> No.2398879 [View]
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Might skip the gravel part but that's no problem.

>> No.2398881 [View]

Basically shit the garbage won't pick up and he doesn't want to take to the dump.

>> No.2398888 [View]

I wanted to try that but couldn't find any local.

>> No.2398898 [View]

Repackage and sell as generic sterno. Maybe break even in 10 years if you really put some time into it.

>> No.2398981 [View]

Might have been infected with a serious infection that's why they get rid of them I guess. I would steam wash them just in case.

>> No.2399270 [View]

My ex did this thrice, happily left a domestic rabbit in a cage outside for the crazy Karen upstairs to look after
Sold a problem horse for dog meat and brought a new one same day
And finally dumped the cat she brought From a kitten after a year cos she was Moving
Claimed it’s only because she grew up on a farm so doesn’t bond with animals.
Relationship didn’t last much longer after seeing the whites of the soulless

>> No.2399351 [View]

(pic) Seems like "Not my problem." is older than previously thought.

>> No.2399492 [View]


>> No.2399808 [View]

They don't even bother denaturing hand sanitizer since dumb kids would just die. Its literally free alcohol.

>> No.2399835 [View]

dont they add stuff to make it taste like shit?

>> No.2399837 [View]

Is that real? Post link. How bad of condition does an RV trailer have to be in for it to be free?

>> No.2399843 [View]

yeah, that's why you melt it down and run it through burnt toast. throw in some orange juice and you're set

>> No.2400046 [View]

DIY wind chimes.

>> No.2400658 [View]
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Mental illness

>> No.2400660 [View]

Cover yourself in oil

>> No.2400662 [View]

Y'all run out of school shooters already?

>> No.2400672 [View]
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After you anon.

>> No.2400674 [View]

nuke the whales!

>> No.2400676 [View]
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I can do a better job then than, here.

>> No.2400689 [View]

it came out of the ground, you're just putting it back in

>> No.2400713 [View]

>does it work

>> No.2400717 [View]
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can I use this shit as roofing?
I heard metal roofs are all the rage

>> No.2400718 [View]
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this is a nice find

>> No.2400720 [View]
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Jesús trae la furgoneta!!!
Muy rapida!!

>> No.2400721 [View]
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wish this was closer to me

>> No.2400723 [View]
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I feel this would be all rotted

>> No.2400737 [View]

pave the planet?

>> No.2401217 [View]

As long as you could get the sheets straightened out they could be used as barn tin. Should be a bunch of good bolts 5/16 washer head bolts and nuts there too.

>> No.2401285 [View]

It's women who buy the animal 99% of the time guaranteed. The men you see are probably tasked by their bitch to dump the pet off too.

>> No.2401334 [View]

Wax moths will wreak havoc in a hive. They lay their eggs and the larvae eat the wax and shit everywhere. And they fuck up the woodwork and any plastic foundation. If you get to them early you can clean them out with minimal damage but if they've been sitting in a garage they're probably firewood at this point.

>> No.2401670 [View]

reddit post
though getting an animal if you don't bond with animals is retarded, unless it's a work dog

>> No.2401687 [View]

Can’t you guys just put oil out for recycle where you are? Just write used oil on it and they pick it up for you where I am. Also that 2x6 is all kinds of fucking warped now.

>> No.2401691 [View]

I’ve done worse for free pavers. At least those would be bug free.

>> No.2401693 [View]

Maybe the stuff touching the ground. Here in NC, that pile would be gone the same day and turned into an accent wall in some woman's living room.

>> No.2401694 [View]

I’d just use a diamond zipcut on angle grinder. Be done in a jiffy. You just need a source of power, might need a generator.

>> No.2401700 [View]
File: 726 KB, 828x1296, 8A9A1D1E-9531-45D1-8F60-AFF5557D7767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, the guy didn’t even lay down a tarp. Who in their right mind would want to get that shit?