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/diy/ - Do It Yourself


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>> No.287328 [View]
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Get in the business of bitches and HOESSS-HOs.

1 club promoter. You get girls drunks, give them free coke and shit, set them up with people who buy bottles at the club/bar
2 go to craiglist, look at talent section, you should a ton of listings looking for young girls, post your own request hot bitches contact you. Photo/fuck said girls while they wear a pony head mask and arm hooves, made porn site to 4chan fetish, market viral on /b/, get paid.

Or non-HO related,
Pickpocket in the clubs.
When I was in miami at a club downtown, I was dancing with some girl who was tripping on mdma. She had a nice phat latina ass btw. Anyway, some inconspicuous bald guy caught my eye for some reason who was dancing behind the said bitch. After scanning him I realized why. I am well read on pickpockets. Everybody was dancing, he was not, he was just walking around. With a sweater over his arm. Mind you it was probably a 100 degrees in this motherfucker and everyone was dancing. He didn't need a sweater, he was using it to disguise his hand motions while pocketing through ppl's shit. I pointed him out to the gigantic haitan bouncer. He watched him for a while, then saw enough. Bouncers swamp him, headchoke him, while in said headchoke another huge bouncer punched the guy in the stomach as hard as he could. They then proceeded to carry him upstairs and into a back room where they probably proceeded to beat him to within an inch of his life before throwing him out into a dumpster amongst miami's finest cannibalistic feral junkies, lololol. But I'd imagine the pickpockets make good money doing it despite the risk. Most people at the higher-end downtown miami areas are carrying around $200 on them at any given time. So swipe 6 wallets and you're golden.

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