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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/diy/ - Do It Yourself


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>> No.141551 [View]
File: 46 KB, 720x455, septicsysemdiagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well. Here's my try at guessing what the fuck OP's problem actually is. First off, it apparent it's backing up, there is no plumbing to be done inside the house. I'm no plumber but have lived with septic tanks my whole life and had some wonderful issues with them over the years.

<--- Look at the picture.

See the "non perforated pipe" leading out from the septic tank to the field? It's probably obstructed or collapsed.

If that's the case the system will eventually back up into your house if you don't get it pumped out frequently.

So, first things first, if this is the case, get your tank pumped. When was the last time that was done? It needs to be done NOW. Because it will buy you some time. It'll probably still back up some but the solids will have room in the tanks for a while. So, not so much shit. Yay.

The cost repair is so high, guessing, because they need to dig out around the tank and probably replace that pipe to the drain field. You cannot do this yourself. If it's clogged you might be able to flush bacterial treatments into the tank but it's a long shot. Someone's gonna have to probably really take a look, because you can't know wtf is going on or if it's plugged or collapsed w/o digging.

I'd talk to an excavotor to see if they will dig it up and then get a septic tank guy there and avoid the septic tank guy subcontracting it out. Act as your own general contractor and you might save thousands.

Also, tell the women in you house to quit flushing tampons immediately. Trust me. If you want to be hardcore stop flushing toliet paper too.

Greywater diversion/filtration is a wonderful thing that you CAN do yourself, ask the internet, and it will also help you not fill the tank up with soaps and grease.

tl;dr If I understand stand your problem: 1. Get it pumped TODAY 2. You have to dig it up, sorry. 3. You might be able to save money if you're smart.

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