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/diy/ - Do It Yourself


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>> No.1800671 [View]
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Many years ago, after playing the game Civilization 3 and looking at the tech tree I had an idea for making a book called: To Build a Civilization.

The idea is basically starting from nothing to build up to modern technology as quickly and efficiently as possible. The books would be long and detailed, containing raw information tables and an example starting civilization for readability.

Though the book didn't get very far I still have some of the research.
Here is a minor example of how to cut giant stones, like in the Pyramids:

>The History Channel (Modern Marvels: Bible Technology)

>The Jews learned a technique of cutting limestone from the Egyptians. First off all Limestone naturally is formed in layers. So it isn't as hard as it looks.


1 cut an L shape in the rock with a chisel
2 put a piece of wood (Dried) tight in the openings
3 pour water on the wood
3b Expansion occurs and the stone is free.
4 Then smoothing and polishing is done.

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