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/diy/ - Do It Yourself


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>> No.1699328 [View]
File: 138 KB, 936x767, laddersafetyathome[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know why they do shit like this? 'Cause dumbfuck manchildren cowboy it up and get their dicks broke. Wee wee wee, I can roll my IQ with a pair of d8s and I fell off the ladder like a retard. Now I get sweet, sweet workers comp while my boss has to pay a giant fine 'cause I like the taste of lead paint.

Look at this image. LOOK AT IT. One of the top two most common ladder injuries to failing to step off the latter properly. You literally fuck up one of the easiest fucking parts! The other one is being a fucking lazy shit and not moving the ladder or getting the correct one.

So you know why they have the briefing? So when you fuck up, and you WILL fuck it up at some point, they can say you weren't following procedure and they can FUCKING FIRE YOU without a union rep or a lawyer or anyone being able to stop it. It also allows them to dodge the fine they have to pay for hiring a moron and may even allow them to decline to pay you workers comp. The more people they have on comp, the more they have to pay into it. The fewer fucksticks they have on comp, the larger their quarterly bonus will be. Have your kid do the math on that one for you.

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