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/diy/ - Do It Yourself


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>> No.1960778 [View]
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To add to that... the icesugar repo has some example verilog code, complete with Makefiles and such.
It also has the pcf constraints file for the pins, which you'll absolutely need if you want to get any work done.
Be careful that PMOD1 (the one @ top of board) shares some pins with onboard functionality, so it is usually best avoided. Specifically, some pins are shared with the UART and some are shared with the secondary USB port. Jumpers can be removed to release the UART.
The summarized flow would be as it follows:
yosys synth_ice40 --> nextpnr --> icepack --> icesprog.
There's another way to flash the board (mount usb and copy file, then umount... or mount with option "sync" to begin with.)
For a reference Makefile other than the crap examples from icesugar, look at my dbus_ti_link_uart_verilog project.
The best distro out there. I use it since 2003-ish, but lately I've gotten lazy so I have a lot of Arch Linux, including the laptop I'm currently on.
>UART support
It uses the standard USB to serial thing, the one that creates ttyACM devices. Rather than a usb-serial converter, this board uses a stm32 µC which does a lot of crap at once, including the UART and the programming, both with the HID interface used by icesprog and the crap usb mass storage "drag and drop" bullshit they also offer, definitely aimed at Windows plebs.
Do note the UART implementation does only offer RX/TX, and no RTS/CTS handshake, which is desirable (e.g. on my project) as it allows you to easily throttle incoming data as your FIFO buffers are near full on your FPGA design. But nothing stops you from using a good usb-TTLserial like a FT232H. You could even connect RX/TX to the usual pins from FPGA view, thanks to the jumpers.
It uses ts100 tips. You can get those on aliexpress and other chink sources too. But do notice the pricing is not better than pine's shop. But you can still buy exactly the ones you want, rather than the 2x 4-pack.

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