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/diy/ - Do It Yourself


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>> No.520712 [View]
File: 8 KB, 274x184, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, so you guys didn't think i would do it?

You deleted my thread?

You thought OP would never deliver?

Well I had to wait for good weather, and I had to cement up the other entrance to the nest, like you suggested.

Pics to follow.

>> No.513063 [View]
File: 8 KB, 274x184, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a large underground hornets nest in my back yard, whose denizens have stung me and my friends on countless occasions over the 4 years that i have lived at this house.

I also have a Honda lawnmowe.

My plan is to start the mower, quickly park it over to the opening of the nest and run like hell, letting the mower run until it empties the tank. My thinking is that the noise will drive the wasps out of their nest, where they will be sucked into the whirling, 4-blade EasyCut holocaust under my mower.

Now, at this point, many of you may be saying "anon, why don't you just use pesticide like everyone else."
Well, i'll tell you. These wasps are no ordinary wasps. I have sprayed them three times a year for the past four years, and each time they return. The area around their hole is a barren wasteland of toxins, and yet i still see them buzzing in and out. In addition, the repeated gassings have only made them more aggressive.

Therefore, I have concluded that the only way to get rid of this nest is a full-on, shock-and-awe strike with all 260cc of death. I figure that with this one blow, I can knock out the vast majority of their hive defenders, and instill such fear in the rest that they will either move somewhere else or spend the rest of their lives cowering in their hole in fear that the four-stroke hurricane of destruction will return.
I want the survivors to wake up in a cold sweat every night with the sound of the overhead-cam maelstrom blaring through their head like it was happening again.
I want them to cower in PTSD-induced paralysis every time the scent of fresh-cut grass and gasoline hits their olfactory sensors.
I want the sight of so many dismembered and pulverized wasps to cause witnesses to go insane from the incomprehensible carnage.
Four wasp-generations from now, I want their queen to warn misbehaving maggots that if they don't shape up, the variable-drive armageddon will return.
I want this to be an experience they will never forget.

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