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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/diy/ - Do It Yourself


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>> No.1388275 [View]
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Yeah, I've been searching for the right place for years. I managed to pick this up in a private sale from a logger who bought it just for the timber. Got it long before it ended up online. I'll definitely be taking pictures along the way, so posting update threads is totally possible. It's going to be a long process.

More than likely I'm going to try and consolidate the felled timber on the land into one pile and let it burn for a week. I don't see any other option that doesn't cost an arm and a leg. I'm looking forward to watching this land heal over the upcoming years.

You're not wrong. I spent 2 hours stumbling through the property. It's like one of those pictures you see from WW1 where they've been shelling the same hill for 6 months. It's dismal. They did all the logging when it was wet out too, so it's extra fucked.

That's been my plan all along. Thank for you the validation. I just hope it doesn't take years to complete.

Tannerite isn't hard to get around these parts...

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