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/diy/ - Do It Yourself


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>> No.2548521 [View]
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>you see, if you find a pawn shop that doesnt run the numbers on what they sell, and dont abide by normal pawn shop business practices, then youll get some good deals!

Said pawn shops dont exist, its not the 80s.
You do realize that every single item brought into a pawn shop is thoroughly cataloged, and vetted, and put into a national database which is shared with local police forces right? They then sit on them for at least a month before selling them.
Its federal law, with tons of extra state laws too.

I know you want to believe its just bubba fencing stolen shit way under street cost for smart fellas like you.
They arent, pawn shops are well oiled machines under strict legislation.

The do their job well, which is usury of the poor, and getting those poor to come back and barter said goods for other goods.
The whole "its expensive to be poor" model.
If you arent a poorfaggot who needs to trade in other tools to afford a tool off the shelf, you are a complete and utter retard for even walking into a pawn shop.

They dont make money selling goods to people off the street, they make money skimming off the top every time a poorfag baters and pawns.
But hey, if a sucker comes in and haggles down to only 15% over MSRP for a well used item, they wont turn your money away

>> No.2507151 [View]
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They lost "customers" who came in strictly for loss leader products, and didnt actually generate revenue. So yes, losing those customers means literally nothing.

Regular customers that were already buying their more expensive products didnt leave, they jumped in head first and bought the fuck out of Doyle and Bauer and Quinn immediately.

This business model change was over a decade ago. And its astounding success is why they expanded so fast.
The numbers dont lie.

You getting asshurt and boycotting that coupons and freebies went away didnt hurt the business one bit, its generating more profit every single year.

>> No.2484244 [View]
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>and noone ever replies to their disgusting anecdotes

Now anon, "Change starts with you, when you ignore degeneracy you support it."
How are we going to defeat Machismo in the workplace being idle?

>> No.1980727 [View]
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So the irony IS completely lost on you
>im totally different than everyone else who has justified their own suicides in exactly the same ways guys!

Enjoy your death I guess lel
Just dont go out thinking you are special or unique, or that your last wishes and plans matter to anyone. You sound like literally every other suicidal person. 13 year olds killing themselves in a knee jerk reaction are the minority friend.

If you spent half the energy into doing something productive instead of building your retarded mental gymnastics, you wouldnt be this pathetic.

>> No.1948557 [View]
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Yeah, we have laws against discrimination. You cant pay a nigger less because he is a nigger, you cant fire a mexican because he is a mexican.
We already established that, that wasnt the argument.

Where exactly is the mandate for diversity hirings anon?
Did you literally just copy and paste something that doesnt actually prove your point?
Then you called someone else a fucking idiot?

>> No.1934204 [View]
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>tested them all in every possible combination right?

No, why exactly would they do that?
Many plants share a lot of the same chemical makeup, they only studied the unique ones to marijuana. They already understand the other organic compounds in the plant.

The studies were done to understand the cannabinoids. Once you understand the mechanism of a compound, you know right away what it could be useful for, and it goes into a database.
When scientists come up with a therapeutic mechanism for fighting cancer, they can then go and look for compounds which mimic the mechanism they are looking for.

This is literally how all drugs are made anon.
The mechanism for destroying cancer selectively without destroying good cells or ruining good cells ability to normally reproduce is an insanely complex problem that will not just happen by accident.
If any of the cannaboids had shown ANY sort of use even close to that, they would have studied it FOR that purpose and built something around it. But they didnt, nobody has, its there in the database for every cancer researcher to look at, the heavy lifting is done. And its been a wash.

>> instead of by harvesting them from a plant.
So you want to talk semantics then?
They only synthesized the ones they felt were useful, for the others they only "harvested them" organically. Guess what, they still did extensive research on the compounds and their mechanism whether they were organic or synthetic.
They started this in the 70s anon, you can literally go and see them on on wikipedia if youd like.

>you’re convinced everyone that is simply pro having an open mind is “Cheech”
I called you Cheech because you have smoked yourself fucking retarded and lack any critical thinking skills. Then you come back with this post grasping at straws and arguing semantics
You literally implied class 1 drugs cant be studied because you misunderstand the propaganda you are spouting.

>> No.1819215 [View]
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>wicked times?

>> No.1813753 [View]
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>cleaning a tool with a substance that you will have to 100% remove right away or it will cause damage to the tool
as opposed to
>using a substance that will clean and protect your tool at the same time

There is no talking your way out of it. If you use soap and water, you are a fucking retard. Period. You know better, everyone knows better. It says a lot about someone who goes out of their way to do something that takes twice as much effort and twice as much time for a worse result when the objectively better way to do it is sitting right next to them.

>> No.1801116 [View]
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Youve given up that easy huh?
Is this why money is so tight for you?

>> No.1797491 [View]
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>I'd gladly let them keep the security deposit if the tradeoff is that I get to modify the apartment how I see fit.
So you are willing to straight up lose ~$1500-2000 for the privilege of spending your own money, and spending your own free time to fix someone elses property?
You are setting yourself up for small claims court if you do something the landlord doesnt like. You have no power or leverage being a lowly renter no matter what you think.
This cycle you are in of living in dumps is 100% your own fault. Instead of spending your time and money wisely to better yourself and get out, you are quite literally throwing it in the trash and keeping yourself living in these places.

>I'm not gonna sit around in my filth and expect someone else to fix it.
What exactly do you think the contract between you and your landlord is?
Regardless If you destroy an apartment like some white trash piece of garbage renter and feel the need to do unsolicited work to fix it, thats a YOU problem my friend.

Im starting to see a pattern here.
You are trashy, you are extremely bad with money, you are entitled.
You literally sound like every landlords "bad tenant" personified, the type of person who makes landlords become jaded slumkeepers.
You wont get sympathy from me and you deserve called out for trying to perpetuate this poor behavior in other people.

I wonder how many more years youll end up continuing to rent instead of buying your own home.
Its really not that hard to build credit and buy a modest house. But there is no way in hell a retard like you is fiscally responsible enough to be working towards that house when you are pulling stunts like this.

>> No.1623690 [View]
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>trump bans bump stocks
>now bans paint stripper

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