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/diy/ - Do It Yourself


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>> No.2845893 [View]
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also I've got a really nice piece of steel I plan to use for the main arm. where the follower and reduction will be mounted I can't foresee any other long part that would need to be precision. It's a piece of flat bar stock but it's not your average shite mild steel, it's something nicer, very square and straight, very good quality, 10mm thick, 50mm wide, just over 1200mm long if needed I can extend it beyond the working area with a lesser steel. but I feel like this will be enough, if I wanted to make a 45mm diameter coin (average for collectors) i could make the master 270mm wide, have a reduction of 6, and the engraver would only need to be at 200mm from the pivot. correct my maths if i'm wrong. I can use a small lathe chuck and probably get the engraver way closer to the pivot than that.
I think they used about that much reduction on the royal mint ones.

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