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/diy/ - Do It Yourself


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>> No.1740233 [View]
File: 39 KB, 300x400, 1-vintage-japanese-hanten-happi-coat_1_57ef8fd821ff1ca40c3ec2fe18184db4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Never been so lucky to find a oscilloscope or anything like that
One time at a by-the-pound in Austin, I stuck my arm into a bin full of junk and pulled out a 90's era oscilloscope. Like you'd pull out a piece of candy, which blew me away because it was much larger than candy. The next week I found a scope probe there, lol. Probably not even from the same thing, just coincidence.
Early this year I found a Showa era (1970s) fireman's hanten jacket in the bins, exactly like pic related. If I didn't want it myself, it could go for a few hundred bucks easily. It's a little tight on me, but there aren't many 6'0" Japanese.
A couple weeks ago I found a nail polish drier with about 40 UV LEDs in it. I've already seen it light up some random piece of plastic, so it'll do black light stuff. It had a store tag for $20, idiot pricers.

Worst thing was when I found an S-100 computer with about 8 boards in Austin, cashiers were all "we can't sell computers because it might have someone's data on it", bullshit, which they also pulled on me when I tried to buy an *empty* PC case. I should have just taken the bare S-100 cards, they wouldn't have looked like a computer to the normie cashiers.

It also depends on what you're looking for when you're drinking from the by-the-pound firehose. I like to find cool parts or semi-cheap toys that can be hacked. I'm also planning to take the blue laser from a trashed Blu-Ray player and get it working. But once I found an 18K chain, some odd short length that must have been a little kid's necklace.
Mostly it's fun just to see what you can find. One of the craziest was a Soviet era banner with a bunch of cheap commie pins on it. It clearly had a bunch more pins but some normie probably took all the hammer and sickle ones.

>After years of just looking at old stuff you kinda get a feel of it.
"What the fuck is this thing" can be one of the most fun games ever.

>anime shelter
Please think of the homeless catgirls!

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