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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/diy/ - Do It Yourself


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>> No.2623696 [View]
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I've got a cyclone and have helped a mate install a BBS02. Few points;
-The kit you're looking at is definitely a sweet spot of good design and cost effectiveness.
-Installation aint that hard and it basically works as advertised, as long as your bike has the right crank thingy (68-73mm square I think).
-Don't get the rear rack battery. The rack is a piece of shit. I had to 3d print a mount and modify the case to move it into the frame.
-You have only one front gear and the middle 3-4 rear ones. I'm yet to see a good solution to this. The limited gearing range is plenty for the motor to go from steep hills to a top speed limited by power, but your human legs might struggle.
-Cars like to tailgate you and use their horn as if you're a regular cyclist, then overtake only to go 3mph faster.

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