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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/diy/ - Do It Yourself


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>> No.2540567 [View]
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Oh look, a stupid fucking cuck making excuse for someone being too lazy and stupid to explain things clearly.

This analogy made you all shit your pants last time this came up: Imagine asking a kid to go to the store and buy you a table. Kid asks how they're supposed to do that so you tell them to just drive to the store and get a table.

You don't tell them how to drive, despite them not knowing.
You don't tell them which store.
You don't tell them what table.
You don't tell them how much money they'll need.
etc etc.

There's a HUGE fucking difference between "please spoonfeed me detailed instructions" and "DO THE BARE FUCKING MINIMUM TO EXPLAIN YOURSELF INSTEAD OF JUST SPOUTING NONSENSE THAT ONLY MAKES SENSE TO YOU."

You're probably fine then. The problem is mostly newbies get into 3D printing with the cheap Creality garbage and have to sink or swim right off the bat.
I will tell you this: If you buy a Creality printer, within 6 months you WILL encounter new problems you never even heard of with other brands. Those dumb fucks have a gift for finding unique ways for their machines to shit the bed.

Maybe you've never had to worry about a cable being placed perfectly to fuck with your bed level during printing by dragging over a wheel; or experienced a critical component being made of cheap plastic that's weakest in the most hidden location on the part, making cracks difficult to spot but lethal to your prints; or seen filament curl under the silicon sock and accumulate on top of the heat block before melting down on all sides of it; or had 50% of all screws you drop while working on the machine get swallowed up into the extruded aluminum frame because the slots all channel debris into the interior, forcing you to disassemble the frame if you ever want to reclaim what you dropped.

Those are all things I had to deal with in my third and fourth month alone. The printer was pristine for 2 months, then everything on it started breaking.

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