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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/diy/ - Do It Yourself


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>> No.1530918 [View]
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Former contractor here, now in industrial roofing maintenance & repair. It blew my mind when I saw how houses are built. Not just McMansions even multimillion dollar homes here are complete garbage with A shelf typically only outlasting the loan if lucky.

I think it's A multifaceted problem with laxed laws about building regulations formed threw good ol American corruption. that &mostcontractors are cutting every conceivable corner i.e. the cheapest possible buildings materials, while making the bill be as expensive as possible.

Oddly enough sometimes home owners will watch you the entire time like you're going to take something while your boss is literally returning building materials they paid for with out altering the bill. Kek

I'm not an expert but the best modern alternative I've seen implemented is coated OSB with the seams sealed with tape. It seems to hold up much better than standard OSB, but if I ever get to build my own home I'm doing it the right way with real building materials that will last much longer than me.

P.S. sorry for shilling at the end

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