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/diy/ - Do It Yourself


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>> No.2894375 [View]
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> Everyone in this thread going on a watch list
>implying we’re not already on every watchlist there is
How does it feel, being allowed to board a plane, normie?
But fun fact:
My dad had pic related as a wee lad, so I got it when I was a kid. Had full instructions for a crossbow (bow from a composite of thin strips of wood, worked really well, no metal parts at all, except for the bolt the trigger was moving on, if you’d replace that with some plastics, it’s TSA approved). So naturally, we built it. Took some thick (20cm?) XPS as target and the bolt just went right through.
Now that I’ve got kids, I wanted to have to book too, but turns out it got lost.
So I bough a “new” one. Turns out they removed the crossbow in the 1965 edition.
Guess it was a really good crossbow.

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