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/diy/ - Do It Yourself


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>> No.1828200 [View]
File: 9 KB, 250x187, just-remember-you-v7xvev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please explain to the class
Why is it so easy to see the fucking retards.

The "fixinwires.png" instructs to just overlap the wires and tape them together, this OBVIOUSLY shows that the person who made the image is just some stupid kid that hasn't done any work beyond low wattage breadboard shit. This is a mains voltage appliance with an internal power supply (as opposed to things like laptops where the power transformer is outside). That means the wire carries the full mains wattage. If you follow "fixinwires.png" you are just laying wires next to eachother and taping it up. This encourages single point contact with the wires, which leads to a high resist connection at best, and arcing at worst. Even at the "low" 120v USA mains, this arc is enough to punch a hole right through metal, and will absolutely burn your house down. And all this is ignoring the OBVIOUS fact that since he's using an AC, he's from an area that gets hot. So if you dont twist the wires together, you are depending on the stickyness of the tape to prevent the wire from slipping off, even on a hot day. If it were to slip off (like maybe someone bumps the wire or pulls on it on a hot day, or the tape just gets old and loses its stickyness) you now have a live wire with exposed contacts just laying around to start a fire or just kill someone outright.

Long story short, you're a drooling retard.

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