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/diy/ - Do It Yourself


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>> No.1775913 [View]
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/wwg/ - Woodworking General

Old OP is not back, and old thread archived edition, sort of. Nice to see other anons have kept this going, I have been enjoying watching your projects anons.

Welcome to woodworking general, here we discuss the working of wood and the tools and techniques of working wood. So far we tend to be mostly hand tool folk with a slant towards cabinetry and carving but all are welcome and we have some capable power tool folk amount our ranks. General carpentry question such as framing/decking/general construction seems to get a better response in the /qtddtot/ or /sqt/.

The Essential /wwg/ library.
Tage Frid Teaches Woodworking, gives you everything you need and shows you how to do it multiple ways from hand tools to power tools and gives you the knowledge to determine which is best, and then he teaches you how to apply what you learned.

Chris Pye wrote the book on carviing and keeps on writing them.

The eastern tradtion, Japanese Woodworking Tools: Their Tradition, Spirit and Use by Toshio Odate

Leonard Lee The Complete Guide to Sharpeninig, how to sharpen most everything.

Bob Flexner - Finishing 101, covers the common stuff, his other books cover the uncommon and go into more depth

Illustrated Cabinet Making by Bill Hylton, learn to design furniture that won't fall apart

The shows that got many of us started

>> No.1717723 [View]
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check out the furniture in the texas funiture show. The stuff is amazing and inspiring, and somewhat depressing since they show so much skill and art.


Also, I really need to not over glue. When I clamp I get squeeze out and then a puddle on the bench. I'm getting better though.

>> No.1700136 [View]
File: 2.71 MB, 640x360, woodporn6.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me, wood worker, general wood repair, refinisher and hobbyist. Hired sometimes for some wood work, cabinetry etc.
>get hired by a GC to work a job in a Catholic Church: refinish some pews, and some old desk in the place where the priests live next to the church. Don't know what they call it, since I'm Baptist.
>strip some pews, and add some boiled linseed oil to condition the pews overnight.
>next day, wipe up and reapply
>go to building next to church where priest live, and enter office of priest.
>start work on old desk.
>remove doors, remove drawers
>move desk carcass on to plastic canvas
>in one of the drawer slots I find some gay porno dvd.
>not sure if I should give the gay porno dvd to the priest.
>If I had found money or jewelry I would certainly return it to the priest, but the gay porno dvd would be weird interaction.
>find pens, coins and some papers in the back of the middle drawer.
>get paper bag and place all items in the bag. Find priest, tell him this stuff was in the desk.
>priest thanks me, looks in bag, and turns beet red.
>turn around and get back to work sanding, vacuming, fixing dings etc.
>later tell GC about it, and everyone laughs over pizza and beer.

>> No.1391840 [View]
File: 2.71 MB, 640x360, woodporn6.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope they are looking at this thread. There is revival of hand working wood to create furniture. Not because of cheap customers, but because of folks tired of buying cheap shit from furniture stores.

>be me
>taking a shit
>reading a magazine.
>thinking I need to have a place to store my magazines while off the can.
>go to local stores: everything is shit, mdf, etc.
>go to lumber yard,
>5 hours later, 2 dowels and some pine boards.
>self created bathroom magazine stand holds enough magazines to survive a month of food poisoning.

Mr Home Depot ,and Lowes BossMan, there is a demand for hand tools, and your "tool section" sucks. Amazon and, Ebay's 120 year old tool salesmen are kicking your ass in this area.

>> No.1314063 [View]
File: 2.71 MB, 640x360, Plane.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


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