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/diy/ - Do It Yourself


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>> No.1663515 [View]
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>Velocity matters more for kinetic energy. Pussy.

>Before you point out the "b-but muh velocity..." argument, consider that you could simply make a normal steel hammer smaller to achieve the same weight savings as one that's less dense, AND you wouldn't look like a retarded engineer as a bonus.

>TFW you can't even read

>> No.1411696 [View]
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>very very few people on this board could accomplish this as well as you did.

Very few people on this board could accomplish an escape from a paper bag. That's not a great metric of performance.

To iterate:

>Even if it's not as precise as an expensive purchased set
It's not even as precise as a _cheap_ purchased set.

>it sounds like it's more functional for your specific needs
It's _less_ functional than a set of calipers.

>and increases efficiency when ultra precision isn't required
It's _slower_ than a set of calipers.

>Meaning it's better.
Pic related; it's you.

>The rest of you sound like a bunch of cup-stacking retards waving your hot glue guns around in anger
Real talk, I suspect OP is bait ("Overall this micrometer is better than anything on the market" could either be deliberately inflammatory or a self-depreciating joke, hard to tell), and that (You) might be samefag.

>> No.1224520 [View]
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>I like how you assumed 150hp is possible from single phase in a residence.

Are you high? I never said or implied anything of the sort.

>I like how I never mentioned rotary phase converters in that post so I have no idea what your going on about.

I assumed you were >>1223122. If not, I apologize.

>I like how you think input current rating on the terminals are a non existant limitation

I didn't said they weren't, just that it was trivially easy to find a VFD that could manage a >7HP motor, derating or no.

>I like how you assumed I said a 50 amp connection calculates to 7hp when it's only about the provisions in a residential application

Gee, I'm so fucking sorry that "But it's comes out to as a 50 amp connection at 240v" didn't translate into English as well as you'd hoped.

>And no the same connection would harbour 12 hp not 16hp

I'm genuinely curious as to how you figure 12kW ends up being 12HP. Do tell.

>and just for fun I like how you mention pf with a vfd application. How does that even apply Senpai?

It's besides the point, but, I dunno, maybe the same way it ALWAYS applies for a load that isn't purely resistive (or looks like it). But, no, that wasn't there to refer to specifically to a VFD so much as it was to deter any "muh real vs. ideal" stupidity.

>I like you. Keep posting, Senpai.

fight me faggot

>> No.1044929 [View]
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>> No.1019571 [View]
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>I think that your lack of understanding about force transmission makes your entire comment invalid

>high dynamic loading from powerful hydraulic system
>requires at least some cursory consideration regarding what you attach it to


I have no idea if this guy plans on using some existing piece of the house's foundation or trying to hold it down with tent stakes. It'd be prudent to at least check.

>> No.984976 [View]
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...because the US has the monopoly on space and, thus, the sole provider of volumetric measurement.

>> No.942138 [View]
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Gee, thanks for telling me what I already know, jackass.

No shit you couldn't give a craftsman $2,200 in materials and expect him to make you stuff for less than $0 profit. What exactly in my post even led you to believe I was talking about anything by the lumber itself and the ridiculous figure the quoted anon pulled out of his ass?

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