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>> No.1420071 [View]
File: 3.08 MB, 2338x952, cd64-parallel-port-adaptor-images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anons, glad I bought that solder flux pen last time I bought solder now.

I did check in the KiCad libraries first, but they didn't seem to be there, that said I'm not convinced I successfully imported everything from their github because there seem to be quite a few things missing (including the footprints for those DB25 connectors). I tried downloading symbols/chips for the chips from UltraLibrarian but the symbols were all messed up (all the pins on top of each other) so in the end I just made my own; the footprints were fine though.

I posted about this in the electronics general thread and an anon pointed out that pin 1 on both of the 74HCT chips probably ought to be connected to something, but I'm not sure what - as far as I know the first link in my OP is the only source for a diagram for this thing. Can anyone hazard a guess what they might be connected to, or if the diagram is correct? I can't really tell based on the pictures.

>> No.1419048 [View]
File: 3.08 MB, 2338x952, cd64-parallel-port-adaptor-images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok thanks, I'm pretty retarded when it comes to electronics, can anyone hazard a guess as to what they might be connected to? This is the only pic of the internals as far as I'm aware - it does look like it's not connected, but there must also be a lot of vias under the the chip, judging by the diagram in >>1418101

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