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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/diy/ - Do It Yourself


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>> No.1066540 [View]
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holy cow. ill definitely consider it.

back to the story. i took the car in 2 days later, and the old farts there running the shop immediately started gawking. they asked me where i got the car, how much i got it for, what i wanted to do with it, how long i had, every question they could think of. it was then revealed that i had no wrench experience at all.

when i told them my goal, one of the old farts immediately asked me how i was gonna ship the car. i reiterated that i intended on driving it, and he asked me how i was going to ship the car again. he was the first true doubter, but also one of the main guys i had to rely on to help steer me in the right direction (pun intended). we took apart the rear wheels and drum brakes, inspecting the brake shoes. then we bled the rear brakes. but oddly, the brake fluid in the master cylinder didnt go down. we scratched our heads as the fluid came to a drip out of the brake bleeder, then realized we were out of time.

and so, 5 weeks of 12 were wasted trying to figure out why fluid wouldnt go to the brake lines. with each line bled more and more, i lost more braking power, and after the 3rd week, i had no brakes at all. which was an issue, because i couldnt leave the impala in the shop overnight, so i had to leave the gated area that the shop was enclosed in daily and park out in the parking out... all without brakes.

that weekend, i bought a new master cylinder. the 4th weekend, i managed to get onto a lift without brakes. we installed the new master cylinder and rebled the brakes, but still no dice. when i left the shop that day, i smashed pretty hard into the fence on the way out. luckily the bumper is steel, no damage done. but i was growing weary of this whole project. nothing but brakes and stress for 4 weeks. and little time to go before the move. i bought another master cylinder and went into the 5th weekend about ready to give up.

>snapchatting during brake bleed, then hitting that speed later on

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