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/diy/ - Do It Yourself


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>> No.2417166 [View]
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>taken YOU for a guy who is too poor to buy a $10 hammer
>we all remember you bragging about spending hundreds of dollars
Which are you attempting to insult me for? Not spending money or spending money?

Please also cite references for "bragging" and "we."

>you didnt like it.
I did like it. I told you so. And I thanked you for your evidently deep and committed concern over my hammer selection.

>you took a shitty harbor freight hammer and ripped it apart before actually using it and poorly welding it up
Yes, I did that. That's my all steel hammer I like. I also said at the time I liked it so much that I would buy another and leave it with the wooden handle if the steel handle proved too heavy to carry all day, and that's what I have done.

>you are coming out saying the wooden handled HF framer is actually the better hammer
For carrying around as a framing hammer. Yes. Still glad I made and have my all steel version.

>Imagine if you werent a huge contrarian
Fair but would you have it any other way?

>24oz Vaughan california framer
Like this one?
I looked at these somewhere and almost liked them, but not quite. Reasons I did not quite like them:
1) the area behind the hammer head, if rounded and accessible, is useful for rounding a mitered corner to close it 1/32" without caulking. These hammers aren't suitable for that. HF framer, Picard, Estwing and a few others are.
2) I like the shape of the HF handle more.
3) if I'm going to take an angle grinder to a waffle face (and I am) I would rather it be a $7 (now $10) hammer.

>you have spent a bunch of time
I wanted to spend time making a hammer.

>jerking yourself off
Are you aware of a higher purpose than self-gratification? If so, what?

>after spending 30X more money
Which are you attempting to insult me for? Not spending money or spending money?

>if you would have done the right thing
I did do the right thing. It is what I wanted to do. Do you have another way of defining what is right?

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