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/diy/ - Do It Yourself


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>> No.349797 [View]
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I went with yellow/blue/green/red for 4P because I'm a sucker for a certain game.


They're made of everything from chip board to MDF to plywood. The really heavy motherfuckers that got all warped at the bottom over time (spilled drinks?) are the MDF ones.

Depends. You can remodel an old machine but cost will depend on demand for that model, whether you need it shipped and whether you can reuse any parts inside if it hasn't been gutted already. Cost will go up the more work that needs to be done. If you can pick up a non-working/unwanted cab locally for $100 that more or less fits your design, you're laughing.

For building, just the wood and fasteners alone will run you around $300 for something decent.

Speaking of fastening, avoid screws unless you're using plywood. They don't take well to chip/fiber board. You should use bolts for those instead. Also MDF will devour glue and primer by the gallon.

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