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/diy/ - Do It Yourself


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>> No.1897892 [View]
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Also saying the military was sticking with one genre of IC is a generalization. If some radio nigger breaks his radio all he has to do is throw it off a Humvee and it fixes itself. But when you get an into satellite communications gear, kA band, microwave line of sight it's a little more complicated as you can imagine. You'll TA-1 phones were literally hand crank tip and ring. You could run around electrocuting the shit out of people with it. They're literally Vietnam era phones that we learned in 2009. I never saw them once I was in fleet, however, it's good to learn because it's proof with very caveman technology you can communicate. When you can communicate with just one line, even shitty, you can troubleshoot with the distant end. But I digress.

Also, what's that movie with Kelsey Grammer and the Bradley fighting vehicle? That's a satire but some parts that are alarmingly real. Everything has to be combat tested things have to count in war when people are getting shot. We still sit around and marvel at the cell phones in our pocket had way more technology than the gear that we are using. But their plastic pieces of shit. You can't drop it on the ground all day and have it still work. gear is tested in the dusty hot hostile environment where it's on 24 hours a day and can't go down or even drop one packet. So you at the end of the day if it works it works. Do more with less. As much to spend on defense, it sure doesn't trickle down to the boots on the ground. Most of it actually goes to the VA for post 9/11 vets like me :^), GI Bill, and lifelong care of people who are actually fucked up. Unfortunately the guys who are really fucked up who got spit on them they came back from Vietnam don't hardly get shit.

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