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/diy/ - Do It Yourself


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>> No.2667429 [View]
File: 1 KB, 282x111, posmoment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are ultralight aircraft that remain controllable and supposedly able to land in a full stall
exception, not the rule, and maybe you're confusing stall here with delta vortex lift

>It's positively stable in pitch. That's how all airplanes are. It doesn't matter what happened in the video because it was never in 1g flight because the energy was too low because they suck.
i had a think about it, and it's easy to answer when reducing everything to a flying wing around the aerodynamic center, which is valid as long as the lift is linear. if the cg goes forwards the lift coefficient goes down for the pitching moment to be zero, and presumably you're then no longer in the area around optimal LOD and you need a lot more speed to generate enough lift. you can compensate with the elevator to increase the moment which is clearly what happened here, i even highlighted it.

>It means that the wing is less efficient than when the flow is attached. It still generates lift. Obviously you can still accelerate...
you can but for something that supposedly stalls the velocity and glide angle seem surprisingly constant. i've already given my reasoning for why i think there was no stall involved so i'm not going to repeat myself. you don't pull up when you're in a stall, simple as

What the fuck is a moment coefficient, you ignoramus? Do you even know what a moment is?
Dunning-Kruger effect in full action

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