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/diy/ - Do It Yourself


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>> No.2785287 [View]
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Well for example think of a robot kicking a ball. It has to stand in one leg, move one leg back, then move it forward and balance itself while doing it. This adds a whole another level of complexity. Then yeah you'd need more math and physics to know how gravity is playing out throughout it's body etc... does that mean you can't do it through trial and error? Not necessarily I think. Companies however do want to ensure their stuff is safe though. A car has to be engineered well and so does an airplane and specially construction. An inventor however does not have to be an engineer necessarily. It's an advantage. A prototype can be imperfect and then later given to engineers to be made perfect if its good. A robot kicking a ball can be done through trial and an error now it playing futbol well that's harder. Lastly there's the fact that you can offload some of the more complex math to the computer but you'd have to know where to look. For example I could simulate the stress on the robot spine and by doing that I can use less complex math. Unreal engine is not the right tool for the job but I am more comfortable with it. I think.

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