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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/diy/ - Do It Yourself


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>> No.2734304 [View]
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I asked some time ago about regrouting my disgusting hallway tiles and I was almost done with removing all the old grout when the missus and me discovered some decent looking self adhesive vinyl floor tiles, which are gapless (if laid correctly). And this is basically what we are looking for - they are the same color, but there is a bigger chance that I will lay them better than the amateur we found who did the initial tiles. There is a big chance that the old tiles with new grout will be an eye sore anyway, so I got the needed material - enough tiles + some overhead and vinyl primer. She also doesn't want to hear about a new construction site in the near future, so we have to go for something like this.

Any tips on how to lay them properly and without any gaps? How to cut precise? I think I will take the longest wall from the hallway and start parallel to it, slowly filling the rest of the space. I guess complete gapless installation is not easily possible, so I plan on putting some silicone if it's that bad.
The hallway is around 15m2, ~110 cm wide with ~2x2m wide parts in each end and 6 or 7 doorways. Only 2 doors open outwards, but there is enough space for the vinyl.

PS: I have a new hammer drill with chisel functionality and I am more than ready to remove the old tiles if it turns ugly or something.

Thanks & happy holidays

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