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/diy/ - Do It Yourself


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>> No.1378946 [View]
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When you go to that school far away, don't sit at the lunch table with the weird kids. They'll all abandon you and you'll get arrested becuase of someone who sits there
When it comes to police, shut your mouth
It doesn't matter if you think the material is easy, develop study habits
You will meet the love of your life, don't worry about maintaining your circle of friends. They either are bad influences, go paths unrelated to yours or don't care that much about you
Argue less with your brother and mom, they'll need you in the future. Your mother even though she's neurotic is a loving golden heart.
When your dad died, it wasn't his heart meds, it was heroin. Love him but do not trust him
Keep your rubbers on at all times, but your and her future comes first
Go for engineering but the times you have in the physics program will be some of the best in your life
Take the job at graduation but haggle for a higher salary, you'll need it
After the second OD, be there for your brother, he will resent you for bottling it up inside
Your mother will get cancer but survive
Love your dog everyday, you can reach new levels of loneliness, you'll see soon enough

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