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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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>> No.2790886 [View]
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>baofengs are absolute dog shit for anything
Can confirm. It's the only bad radio I have. So bad I can't bring myself to sell it to some unsuspecting idiot. Low TX audio that makes comms difficult even when full quieting. RX signal on one frequency bleeds into another 2 MHz away (see pic) even though 7 km from transmitter site. Sporadic noise? breaks squelch constantly while my other radios attached to higher gain antennas don't react. Construction quality leaves a lot to be desired. I had low expectations when I bought it but, man, they're worse than I imagined. I generally avoid any topic about them as they have such a large fanboi following, none of whom are qualified radio guys.

>I think they should take like 3-5mhz away from the boomers in vhf and give it to CB, they dont even use it.
Eh, why bother? CB is pretty dead too and FRS channels hardly used.

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