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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/diy/ - Do It Yourself


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>> No.1708985 [View]
File: 25 KB, 300x248, PGE-PSPS-1[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, if only there had been just a smidge left over from the 1.6 BILLION DOLLARS in net profits they made in 2017. Or any of the 3.7 BILLION DOLLARS in net profits they made in 2014-2016. Guess they didn't have enough warning to replace 90-year-old transmission towers that were 20 years past PG&E's own end of life estimates. Or survey gas pipe put in 60 years before with no record of its capacity, running it well overpressure and blowing up a residential neighborhood. I guess it was also the government that forced their hand in dumping that hexachloride contaminated coolant into unlined ponds and letting it seep into the local water table too. I'm sure cost had no bearing on any of these things that FUCKING KILLED DOZENS OF PEOPLE.

But god damn they sure as fuck lobbied hard to increase people's bills. Where did all that money go? Infrastructure? Hiring? Fuck no. It went to dividend payments and corporate bonuses. They tried to pay themselves millions of dollars in bonuses after killing over 100 people in two years and bankrupting their own company. Do you know how concerned they were with their gas pipes before they blew up San Bruno? They didn't give a shit. Meanwhile, after the fact, they went on a cutting spree near their lines even after local judges decreed they were cutting trees 100+ year old unnecessarily. It was perception control. Make people think we are serious about the problem. Did they cut trees around power lines thought? Nah. Then the Tubbs and Camp fires happened. All of a sudden they are all about cutting trees again.

Quit making excuses for a bunch of greedy corporate fuckheads, you shill. Too much government was not the reason why PG&E isn't replacing old infrastructure. The government is also not why they have been dragging their feet on tree maintenance for years. Hell, after they received approval for these power shutoffs they DECREASED the amount of money they allocated for maintenance and improvement of their infrastructure.

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