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/diy/ - Do It Yourself


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>> No.85905 [View]
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I see that my last thread has 404'd

Just leaving this here for anyone to ask any questions. If someone screen cap'd the last thread or otherwised saved it please post it for others. I didn't bother saving it myself.

If you had questions from the last thread and I didnt answer them, it's because I didn't get a chance to read before the 404. Please ask again

and GO

>> No.79955 [View]
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-Internet Marketing fag here.

Been doing it semi-professionally for about 5 years, including hybernation times when real life got too busy, figuring out new things, etc etc.

1. Read alot, but do not ONLY read. I spent the first year of my IM career reading everything I could find, but never taking action/stopping almost immediately after starting. because of this, I yielded NO results. the few instances I would sit down and really DO something, I'd start bringing in the bacon. this is by far the BIGGEST issue, becoming self motivated enough to actually read, think, plan and DO.

2. don't put all your eggs in one basket. My experience has tought me to read multiple ideas, theres literally an infinant amount of ways to make money, broken down only by the "type" of money making it is, cpc, cpa, craigslist, ebay, article writing, spinning, web design, the list goes on and on. do NOT get one idea and ride it out. the best thing i discovered is to read up, get 5-10 methods you like, plan each one out (kind of rough draft style) and start implimenting 2-3 at a time. if after 60 days you see no results at all and have actually TRIED, cross it out, keep ones that make money and refine the idea, and move to the next batch. also if one method stops working, you'll have backups.

3. INVEST. i was a firm believer of "build from nothing" for the first years of my experience. it worked once, and i admit it was good (100 a day were my end results with 0 investment money wise) but onlyt hat once. since then i've learned to spend money to properly attack a plan. it pays off in the long run. I'm currently invested in 600 dollars worth of my current project, after 2 months ive brought in 300. I plan to break even in december, then start turning 1k a month around january/february, from there I will be scaling everything up until i'm at a comfortible 2k a month

good luck. dont give up, and make sure you actually START before giving up. reading is not doing.

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