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/diy/ - Do It Yourself


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>> No.1513975 [View]
File: 64 KB, 1500x1000, Hilmor Digital Adjustable Torque Wrench.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see a lot of bolts on vehicles that are rusted on or over tightened due to retards.

>salt water

Well then.

>an hour to get clean every night

Sounds like grease/oil/petroleum based shit, anon. Wear protective gear so you don't get it on your skin. A life time of that shit is really fucking bad for you. You don't want, "Mechanic's Hands," and I've see it on all the old guys here. I'm the only person who doesn't have it and I wear "sissy gloves" and "sissy masks" as they call it, but I don't have mechanic's hands, a lingering cough, or medical bills like everyone of them has. My own father had mechanic's hands so bad that they started bleeding out where the cracks were forming. He was a mechanic from 12 years old to 71 years of age. He had mechanic's hands most of his life, but they got worse as time went on.

So, when you have to do that work again, PPE yourself up and stay healthy.

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