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/diy/ - Do It Yourself


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>> No.86993 [View]

white hatting is going completely LEGIT. not "legal". blackhat is the opposite of htis, and is not ILLEGAL as for laws etc (primarily)


>> No.86727 [View]
File: 64 KB, 938x312, DEC6n7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im an idiot and forgot to put the pic

>> No.86726 [View]

a bit of graphical motivation. shut things down today for tinkerings

>> No.86725 [View]

o my bad, i figured you were >>86653 and just un-namefagged

>> No.86709 [View]

by the time i got to that level I was no longer writing them myself, instead i outsourced the workload for pennies (look around IM forums and find non-US residents, interview them and get test articles to make sure they can speak english) I couldn't tell you how many i've gone through on a monthly basis, but its by no means a small number if you stick to adsense/AC methods. the more you publish the more you make so you never want to stop


thanks for posting. I find it ironic that you were one of the first to accuse me of scamming and now your reposting my work :P

>> No.86090 [View]

I'd recommend if your going to do that for any form of payment (or any other submission where they get manually reviewed for uniqueness) to do them all at the same time. Waiting between periods means one website will publish it and google can index it before the other website reviews it themselves. the entire point is to beat the google index

and no clue why the last one dissapeared

i havent actually been on AC for a year or two, since they changed to yahoo voice give or take. as stated in my previous thread they MAY not even give upfront payments anymore (though i doubt it). just sign up and check your accounts ettings, you should have a payment option somewhere in there letting you link a paypal.

if they HAVE changed and dont offer upfront payments, my recommendation would be to follow the guide like i previously wrote only work directly with squidoo/hubpages/helium (i didnt mention the later, another poster did, but its a good addition to my information)

>> No.85905 [View]
File: 47 KB, 468x484, 1322709160382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see that my last thread has 404'd

Just leaving this here for anyone to ask any questions. If someone screen cap'd the last thread or otherwised saved it please post it for others. I didn't bother saving it myself.

If you had questions from the last thread and I didnt answer them, it's because I didn't get a chance to read before the 404. Please ask again

and GO

>> No.85692 [View]


sorry but I wont be discussing that as it teeters on fraud

theres better ways to do things than to go to that level. think of this as a business, by going into such extremes you start looking like a back alley jewerly salesman, try to think more along the lines of "established company store"

>> No.85436 [View]

Serious suggestion from an online seller / ebayer:

GTFO before you even start.

ebay is fucking BULLSHIT. I've gone through SO MUCH shit with them its ridiculous.

the cost between ebay/paypal fees and shipping eat about half of my profit, which is 400% of the investment for said product.

then getting past that the acutal TROUBLE ebay/paypal cause just makes it completely not worth it.

I've been dealing with ebay for years (legit non-dropshipping non-vero items) and have constantly been let down.

I'm moving onto my own website for the current venture, and plan to continue that trend with any and all products in the future.

>> No.85396 [View]

not really sure what you're talking about?

if your refering to where i point out the adsense revenue methods:

No, you do not click your own ads. as stated before do NOT do click fraud on any level as you WILL get busted. the entire point of all this was to generate real converting traffic, ie people will find your publishing and click on your ads out of there own nature, thus giving you profit.

not sure how you missed that

>> No.85188 [View]

I see you've missed the part about repeat income. the beauty of IM is once you get things up and running, many (including the one ive shared) require little to no daily upkeep to keep the money flowing.

adsense is a great example. follow this information and publish on your own blog. once you get it up and running you work a week a year to generate 500+ new articles (outsource it if you like), set it to automated posting for daily updates, and forget it.

ie 6 months of work 5 years ago has yielded me 100 dollars a year once it died out (continuing to this day), not counting the sales and larger adsense payouts i got when it was fresh.

I will say this yet again since theres so many ignorant people in here: this is not a get rich quick scheme. this requires work and dedication. but as with any other IM venture, if you really try, you can create something amazing income vs work wise.

and yet again: this isnt a method shared for fast cash. this is a method shared to TEACH YOU IM.

>> No.85167 [View]

staying completely moral, write your own base articles and spin them. there's nothing immoral about doing such a thing, and technically, just about every known website does this.

>> No.85122 [View]


forgot to namefag

>> No.85082 [View]


Countless hours of reading and attempted IM on said products. I've probably tried to sell a couple hundred different things, the ones that i like/do well i stick with, anything not performing/personally dont like working with i toss

Some people like to actually research the product etc etc. my personal habbit is just go. fromt here if i like it ill keep it up, or else ill just stop that run all together

>> No.85080 [View]

Last I heard, ebay/paypal now report your earnings to the govt themselves if you break X thresh hold (i dont know the number) so that's not really even an option now. I've gone completely legit myself and would recommend the same.

as for those saying i might be bullshitting to push my own product:

the things i've mentioned are TBS and dragon naturally speaking, not counting major million dollar websites.

I have provided no real links, meaning no affiliate sales. They wouldnt have a clue even if i DID get any of you to go buy it. even as a referrer with me telling them "anyone from 4chan that buys is from me", IF They accepted that, 99% of you people would google it, making it impossible to figure out who i got to buy it.

as for AC, adsense, etc. as stated by someoen else, if i was with those companies, i wouldnt be wasting my time in 4chan to get 1 or 2 signups.
k (which im not)

>> No.85079 [View]


proofreading is key. i don't proofread for speedy shelled out information for a chan board. :) I also have to admit ive always been a horrid spammer. tis why i saidi like microsoft word, easy spellcheck. also - cold fingers

gj jumping in head first! action is always the best course to take when "thinking about" trying something. if they get rejected, simply take what they tell you and edit your articles properly. eventually you'll get what they do and don't
like and not have to worry about it anymore.

I dont even know what aspkin is...lol

there was -so- much talk about this last year or two. I never got into it myself but couldn't read ANYTHING without hearing about it. this was during my hiatus from IM though

under 600 bucks and your fine. when you reach 600 in a years time you have to A. report to the IRS, or B. use "alternate means" to make it start over, ie starting new accounts etc. personally i'd suggest to just go legit and pay your taxes on it.

as I (and many) have stated, this is not a get rich quick scheme. this is designed to teach you. even if you dont know dick about writing eventually with this method you'll become fluent enough to go legit.

Doubt it. "Article writing" info how-to's etc are already in the kabillions. you're idea to use it to "change the game" has long been done.t he beauty is out of every 1000 people that read this stuff, 1 might act, so its already about as saturated as it can get and not going to change

>> No.82238 [View]

hello fellow IM fag.

I agree with you about warrior forum. I've heard great things about it, only skimmed it a couple times myself though. Don't really know WHY I never stuck around to that place though. guess its just habbit lol

>> No.82236 [View]

by "creating your own product" i refer to yes, writing your own "article", however that specific article will be about 20 pages long, give every little bit of information for whatever the niche is, be packaged sexy in a ebook, and only given to someone who pays you.

when going full fledged into this (with your own product) this is the step sequence:

-think of niche
-create usefull product for it (20 page ebook etc)
-create home base website where product will be sold
-create dozens of hundreds of thousands of articles all across the web, interlinking in a web so to speak until they all trickle down to links to your base website

>> No.82234 [View]

hey man more power to you. I thought hte same thing myself (writing always came easy to me) but when i actually started IM i quickly discovered "fuck me i cant do this fast enough" and article spinning became a godsend.

secondly, theres only so much unique content in that squishy brain of yours. eventually you get writers block, or just mentally winded. in later steps when your supposed to be making 50-200 articles a day, that is IMPOSSIBLE to do manually on your own. so spinning has its uses.

spinning isnt even considered cheating if your writing your own articles and publishing across the web for simple backlinks, at that point its just real marketing.

>> No.82231 [View]

what is the "service" exactly? Grey/blakhat is NOT out of the question. Spinning articles is considered blackhat because its not 100% unique content on every article. if you write your own original base article, all you are doing is making a ton of unique content with a twist in how its created. nothing about that is wrong or chances your medical license.

let everyone understand this: blackhat is not illegal in any way and will not get you in trouble. the worst it will do is make an online account like paypal/adsense ban you. blackhat and illegal/fraud are two different things.

as for your question, do everything i said here, but instead of choosing different niches, focus on health care. instead of promoting anything besides yourself, ONLY promote yourself (this means get your website up and running).

id suggest going through this guide once as is just to get the feel for things, then a second time around with nothing but your own services in mind.

>> No.82104 [View]

I'm avoiding talking about stealth paypals simply because it teeters on illegal, as stated I want to simply stay in blackhat territory.

as for this method in itself, yes, just like you said. the point is to teach people the fundamentals and make a few bucks while going at it. at the point of growing into multiple paypals etc, i've recommended to move into creating your own site instead, for obvious reasons.

beyond the morality of cheating AC, its simply more profitable to use content you create yourself than to give it to someone else for 2 bucks once your at the point of "holy crap i have TOO MANY articles"

1 article getting 1 adsense click a day = 3.75 a year. if you follow this method and create 50+ articles a day, create a website w/ adsense or even using hubpages (note they take 50% of the adsense income, that's the trade for using their site, which is fair imo)

50 x 1 = 50 cents a day, 15 dollars a month, reoccurring, forever as long as the article is up/traffic stops cause the niche dies.

2000 dollars a month goal, 2000/15 = 134 days of work and suddenly you have reoccurring, "i don't work anymore and get 2k paychecks a month", which can last for years on end.*

*this is kinda what i did to myself during my 100/day status. I got to that point, was stoked, but wound up getting a new 9-5 job, thinking my shit would stay on auto pilot. it trickled down and real life got the better of me to where its 100/year, which honestly, isn't bad considering i haven't touched it in 5 years.

btw: thx for the ...guess we can call that an apology. no harm no foul. and by NO means am i a guru. there's PLENTY of guys making 1923749823749 times what I'm making, and it makes me jealous >.<

>> No.82097 [View]

already do, most IMers do once they get off the ground.

>> No.82078 [View]

again, this is simply test running. 2 months from now that 200 bucks will be 1.5 - 2k.

how is it hard to comprehend that with IM you have to tinker and build?

also only allowing for a very small flow of traffic at the moment so I dont become overwhelmed while fine tuning. About 1/10th available traffic

i have no idea what your talking about, i simply said google BHW and DP, and have specifically said to NOT buy stupid IM ebooks. yes, BHW has a selling section where people sell just that, but did you bother to LOOK at the site itself?

also, just checked myself by googling BHW, all i see is a direct link to the site, no ebook. wtf did you even google?

grats working for someone. IM'ers do it because they want to make there own company. bet your company didnt instantly start making bank just like any other.

the trolls are abundant tonight.

>> No.81874 [View]
File: 135 KB, 938x554, Paypals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Create guide for making quick bucks easy
the point of this guide isnt to teach you any one "quick easy money" method, but to teach you the basics of internet marketing. keyword research. writing. article spinning. product creation/selection. publishing.

>Base it on a scam that's been saturated since 2008
wheres the scam? article spinning? none of what i've explained is illegal in any way, simply against the rules of some websites who are already ripping people off. hense why i mention this IS "blackhat".

>"But you can still make money if you have several paypal accounts!"
no argument there. refer to first response of "not meant to be a complete pefect method, meant to teach"

>Just google something that will bring you no results other than an e-book to buy

>It's an integral part to scaling up so that you can actually make money on the idea
all internet marketing is about scaling up a working method. point one out that isnt. nothing is ever going to be a "i sold 1 thing to 1 person and they bought it for 10 million dollars". this applies to real life business as well.

>It works! No risk! Trust me!
the only risk is publsihing sites banning your account, and paypal deciding not to work with you (in the event that you decide to make stealth paypals and somehow get busted, which i have not explained how to do)

Legally, there is nothing here of any danger.

Be ignorant more, thx.

Pic attatched to show how little i know. FYI this is just me testing the waters with my new method that will be complete in february, changing things up etc. days with no transactions are days i had everything shut down.

god I wish i knew what i was doing T_T

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