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/diy/ - Do It Yourself


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>> No.168983 [View]
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>> No.168909 [View]
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I accept your apology. <3

>> No.168861 [View]
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>Expecting evidence from a troll.

Oh, you.

FYI, If we're incorporating it can't possibly be a scam as the weight of the entire criminal justice system is behind legal contracts such as the articles of association for founding a corporation.

The troll's strategy here is 'make them deny it,' you can see he's throwing everything but the kitchen sink at us to try to reduce the number of people who will come to the IRC.

>> No.168799 [View]


You sure seem anally devastated, there, bro. Thanks for bumping my 'scam,' all day though.

>> No.168747 [View]
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>> No.168658 [DELETED]  [View]
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You're so desperate. The best part is that it shows. :)

>> No.168627 [View]
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I guess sometimes its good to be paranoid.

>> No.168604 [View]
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That's the board I'm on. It's called /diy/ - Do-It-Yourself.

>> No.168573 [View]
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Dunno how much more business like you can get than incorporating and selling shares, or how 'no money' and 'like a business' compute together, but this method could really help you find some affordable land for your project.


I recommend livestock, because agriculture will require an expensive tractor, lots of fuel, and lots of labor costs. Good luck!


Rule 11 refers to advertising, which this is not 'clearly' in violation of. At best this is gray, and not even really that since we're not selling anything, we're cooperating towards a common goal. The only fuzzy bit is that money is involved as any real life collaborative effort would have money involved.

If you don't like the thread, you can get 4chan Plus for Chrome or 4chan X for Firefox, and block the thread.

>> No.168554 [View]
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>Implying that's not exactly what they are.

For the record, we will be incorporating and using standard accountability procedure to ensure the integrity of trust in the project.

>> No.168537 [View]
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Sustainable farm projects are from the soul of DIY, which is why every other thread is about alternative housing.

Deal with it.

>> No.168511 [View]


Much like making a video game or anything else, at some point you have to stop talking and start doing for yourself without waiting for someone else to do it, or even help you. If you want it enough you will do every bit of it yourself. Only by finding others who are willing to do it for themselves will the help and collaboration actually materialize. That is what DIY is all about, and it holds true with a project like this. No one is going to bake the bread for you and then ask you to help eat it. This takes work and dedication in finding land, buying it, and then conquering it. It's practically a full time job.

These projects are perennial and will continue to crop up and die until someone makes it a reality. It's time to end the cycle and create the tools and frameworks that will have the power to transform people's lives in tangible ways. It's time for someone to succeed.

>> No.168509 [View]
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The 4chan Farm Project (Formerly Project New Agartha), is for the establishment of a sustainable settlement and farm by and for 4chan. If you are interested, please visit our IRC at ( http://mibbit.com/?channel=%23AgrarianEven&server=rizon.mibbit.org ) and say hi.

Is this project for you?

For me, I have wanted land for years. I've saved up for years, and I know my dedication to the project is not on a whim. I know for myself that I will do this with or without help, and I view that as the attitude everyone should have coming in (in one form or another). However there are many roads, some longer than others. Some people are still in college and have obligations to school; after school they will have debt; and after that they will likely chase financial security. A lot of people in this situation also dream of owning land. No body gets rich farming, and if you're buying your ticket into the shrinking middle class elite with a degree, make sure that rural living is really what you're after.

It is not impossible, though. Marcin Jakubowski ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GEMkvT0DEk ) has a PhD in nuclear fusion and decided to create a sustainable farm and settlement that came to be Open Source Ecology, the holy grail of DIY.

The bottom line is the desire for freedom. Minimizing reliance on the landfill economy with all the inconveniences that entails; reducing your tax contributions to the government of endless war and corporate welfare; survivalism or DIY maker passion; the enlightened poverty of agrarian lifestyle; hippie environmentalism or many other motivations. They all synergize remarkably well, and the key is being serious enough about it to put in the work.

>> No.168263 [View]


You seem to know your stuff. One thing I didn't ask about is bullcalf castration. If bulls are worthless like you say, why would anyone bother to make gelded steers? Why not just turn them into veal?

>> No.167881 [View]
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These are the questions we ended up going with.

You guys just have one pasture and never rotate it at all, right? How many acres is it?

Then you grow fodder on two other fields? How many acres are those, and what do you grow?

What is the most labor intensive part of raising cattle?

Is calving the most risky part of raising cattle?

How many cattle do you sell per year, and at what stages, and for how much? To whom do you sell?

Do you transport cows to be impregnated, or is the population self-sustaining?

Do you often need to use a livestock vet for any thing?

How are they managed in the winter? Do they all take shelter in the barn where the machinery is?

>> No.167845 [View]
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>> No.167611 [View]
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>> No.167262 [View]
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We're thinking about questions to ask a person who runs a working cattle farm. Come on in.

>> No.167207 [View]
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Waaaah, I can't be disruptive and troll without getting banned! This project is doomed! DOOOOOOOOMED! You vexed, childling?

>> No.166713 [View]
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I'm pretty. I can take a hint. You've been trying pretty hard to get the next door neighbor slot cleared of any other people. Say no more, you can take it and be close to me.

>> No.166621 [View]
File: 41 KB, 589x419, Reaction_ItsOver4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know it, bb. Gimme a kiss.

>> No.166617 [View]
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>> No.166455 [View]
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>MFW you're so butt threatened that you can't stop heckling with nonstop whining.

Your whole worldview is threatened by the thought of someone making a sustainable farm, isn't it? Keep on being insecure, cuntservatives. Dohohoh.

>> No.166401 [View]


Do go on.

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