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/diy/ - Do It Yourself


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>> No.294053 [View]

I have 3-4 knives on/around me a day that I use.

>non locking
>non fixed

Why would I used a knife? I'd be better off with a sharp rock or something.

Nu uhh!
The gubmint gives all it's employees the best
>mfw we went to the moon on lowest bidder
>mfw my work truck is about to kill me or someone else because the county is cheap.

I don't think OP is going full on innawoods, and since he isn't, it might not be worth the risk to carry around a .22 when trespassing.

>> No.294047 [View]

You don't.
Have fun with an old tube TV

>> No.294003 [View]

Wrong board, but I got a huge fucking kick out of that.

>> No.293245 [View]

That's cool. Good to be able to learn that stuff when you're younger.
Anyways, sorry, I have nothing to add.

>> No.293239 [View]

>inb4 underageb&

I'm impressed. Someone actually making something useful in a high school class.

Also, they still offer shop? My school didn't.

>> No.293238 [DELETED]  [View]

>inb4 underageb8

I'm impressed. Someone actually making something useful in a high school class.

Also, they still offer shop? My school didn't.

>> No.293237 [View]

Debit Card/Cash
Flip knife
multitool + knife

>> No.293234 [View]

>It was a life saver while working in the attic
That and working in the garage are pretty much the only practical applications I've heard for this.

Do people actually try to use these to cool their rooms?

>> No.293217 [View]

You're funny.
We have 4 sheds. None of which needed a permit.
We have a house. Which didn't need a permit because it was not a solid concrete foundation.

The only things regulated in this instance is 5+ acres to have a well, and you have to get your septic approved. No biggie.

But hey, keep thinking everywhere works like it does around you.

>> No.293210 [View]

>being afraid of scars
Didn't know we had many women on /diy/

>> No.293208 [View]

Pretty much all of those are legal, except the open septic, the roadkill processing, and the burning trash.

We have restrictions on septic and wells. Certain types of houses need a permit. But not all.

Everything else you mentioned sounds like a trade for neighbors RIGHT next to you, traffic, traffic smog, hellalawsabouteverything, and not being able to own pets.

And seriously, you think any of those (except the septic) would bother anyone out here? You can't even see anyone's house. DId you miss the, "innawoods"

>> No.292893 [View]

I don't believe so.
But that got thrown around so much and caused so much shitposting in the past, I'm glad it's filtered.

I wish /k/ could have one similar.

>> No.292890 [View]

My land, my business.
I'm not arguing about taxes, restrain yourself from making straw man arguments.

So, most people want to live in the city. Wonderful.
You know what I've learned about the city? Your job MIGHT be (but might not) be as close as jobs around where I live. Your commute? 3x as long. Across the board. Here, 20 min takes me 20 miles. Not 3.

Again, I never said anything about "off the grid". I'm plugged into power lines, only a mile off pavement.

Innawoods with no one sticking their head in your business works for me.

>> No.292808 [View]

New huh?
Welcome to the board.
No foul language allowed, buster!

>> No.292802 [View]

>fines for building without a permit.

Why would you live somewhere you need a permit to build something? It's just asking to have the local government fuck you.

>> No.292797 [DELETED]  [View]

fines for building without a permit.

Ahahaha. And you fucks think this is progress.
I can build a house on my land. No permits, no nothing.

>> No.292555 [View]

>expecting every thread to remain on topic

Of course, it's more common to stay on topic in /diy/, but we have some /g/ lurkers, and autism central.

>> No.292153 [View]

Pretty cool.
I never got up that high, and now I'm glad I didn't.
To each their own.
I like the work though.

>> No.292152 [View]

Best part is when people think it's a troll, and it's not.
These fucksticks actually made it their bible.

Sometimes, jokes don't even have to be made.

>> No.292150 [View]

That's good.
Also, no matter what this other guy says, don't use the word memory in terms of hard drive. It gives some people tics.

I think I like you.

>> No.292140 [View]

I'm well aware that he is technically correct, however, don't be pretentious, and acknowledge that tech enthusiasts rarely say "memory" in regards to hard drive space.

>> No.292124 [View]

I like that.
What size?

>> No.292123 [View]

Because real men.

>> No.292121 [View]

"Yeah, I think I ran out of oil in my radiator"

Anyways OP, not really the thread topic, but I suggest you spend just a few minutes learning what's what in a computer, and what they do. Won't take long, not many things. In the future, you'll buy another one, and knowing what this stuff means will help.

Also: inb4 porn.

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