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/diy/ - Do It Yourself


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>> No.266818 [View]

If you just want it to hover and take long term shots a helium balloon would be a lot easier/cheaper/quicker

>> No.266572 [View]

I dont know about everywhere else but around here(East Coast USA) its code to have a separate circuit for the microwave. Its stupid but its code. Personally I would love to have a separate circuit in our kitchen for each of the appliances ie : Fridge on one, stove on one, microwave on one, lights on one, outletson one, dishwasher+disposal on one. I know there is only so much room in the box but I swear there is nothing a bigger pain in the but than the electrical. It seems like every house I move into the electrician was trying to be creative somehow. STOP IT. If you want to be creative somewhere go to art school, dont wire my house...LOL

>> No.266337 [View]

I just got all teary eyed:

"The goal isn't just scientific exploration.... It's also about extending the range of human habitat out from Earth into the solar system as we go forward in time.... In the long run a single-planet species will not survive.... If we humans want to survive for hundreds of thousands or millions of years, we must ultimately populate other planets ... colonize the solar system and one day go beyond." Micheal Griffin

>> No.266334 [View]

I see what you did...you got trips...LOL Im researching and researching and researching. And Ebaying for balloons :D

>> No.266327 [View]
File: 8 KB, 225x225, resistanceharder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im starting to get that feeling...pic related...LMAO

>> No.266323 [View]

76 miles is the basic "outer space" definition, where atmosphere ceases to cause drag. The moon is about 238,000 miles past that. But with no drag to speak of, getting the rest of the way is just a matter of time and propulsion, and navigation.

>> No.266319 [View]

so for every 1lb of payload I should plan on 620 lbs of fuel/rocket? That seems a little overload. Im not doubting that scaling up causes exponential issues with weight but for my purposes I think the less than 100$ to go 100k ft is well spent.

>> No.266285 [View]

>on a side note
then comes up with genius level ideas that I hadnt thought of
>>Well played poster, well played.
Even better though, would be to use the gyros in the phone...I still think the phone is the tool to use here, especially since I have a spare EVO 4G...wonder if the insurance will cover "Lost in Orbit"..Lost is Lost right?

>> No.266281 [View]

No homo, I get what you are asking and you are right on the head, BRAGGING RIGHTS, MOFO!!!

LOL SRSLY though, thats about it. Eventually, like I said, I wanna put something from a private citizen on the freaking moon, which I think might be easier than orbit really. Its starting to irk me that this is theoretically fairly easy and no one has done it yet, just to prove it could be done. Yes, it is technical, and yes it would probably be expensive to scale up to anything really useful but I can drop a radio transmitter on the moon that does nothing but playback a message saying "Anon put this on the moon for 10k$, what has NASA done since 1969?" Ill take it!

Dont be afraid to derail it a bit..LOL I was wondering if I threatened to put a lunar rover on the moon that would build a Moon Hamster Habitat if Mad would show up in the thread with some good ideas...LOL

>> No.266266 [View]

LOL I wasnt going to launch jack crap, and then my wheels got to turnin and now I think I have to. LOL Yeah Im gonna design some sort of directional recovery apparatus and then Ill worry about the launch to LEO.

>> No.266247 [View]

TBH that is sooo far down the range of obstacles Im not even thinking about it right now. I think I am going to start with an active recovery solution from 100k ft or so. In other words, rocket design. I wanna be able to have the "rocket" direct itself toward a recovery area. For now, I can do that w/o breaking any laws or rules or anything.

>> No.266237 [View]

You are some kind of genius huh? I was referring to using the GPS in the phone to recover the reentry section. Thanks for paying attention though.

>> No.266231 [View]

Ive seen lots of guys on youtube use cell phones with those "toe warmer" chemical packs around them to keep them warm.

Ive done some quick googling and it turns out there are RULES against launching from anywhere but the ground....WTF? Really?

>> No.266217 [View]

The guidance system I think is going to be difficult AND cause some worry to the guvmint...LOL Im not too worried about retrieval, it can be completely destroyable as long as it can record or transmit some kind of data to prove where it was, ideally Id like a retrieval of some sort. Im think of using a phone for the retrieval and data storage, and video since they are off the shelf easy to use for that stuff., but the more I think about it Im not sure one of the Mk 108's or whatever wouldnt be a better idea. The deal with the FAA and such does worry me but they dont seem to care about weather balloons and they are definitely in the traffic altitudes, but only for a small time. I am more worried about NORAD shooting this thing out of LEO or me putting a MASSIVE hole in a very expensive satellite...LOL

>> No.266216 [View]

Think Estes. Thats the size and scope of this initial project.

>> No.266204 [View]

OP here still, again, was mainly posting ot see if there was something HUGE I was missing to stop me from attempting this. I am now not seeing a whole lot...Yeah I know, other than the obvious. SO Im going to do a bit more research on the very available Estes type rockets and their fuel effeciency and such, and start buying some crazy crap...LOL Wish me luck, and Ill keep this thread open for the rest of the night to discuss general /diy/ space goodies for this projet.

>> No.266196 [View]

Everything Ive seen is the expansion of the gas bc of the lack of pressure. They go up at about 10ft and pop at a little over 30 ft in diameter.

>> No.266191 [View]

Technically I think its a LACK of pressure.

>> No.266183 [View]

Yeah I was wondering about the Arduino aspect. Maybe launch a small lab of some sort? It would be cool as snot. In the future Id love to launch a very small robot to the moon and be the first NGO on the moon or any other stellar object. I understand the basic mass vs fuel issues, but for now I was just looking to brain storm a bit.

>> No.266177 [View]

Just doing some wiki research now. It seems launching from 100k ft would indeed reduce the velcity needed for escape. TBH the orbit doesnt really matter to me. And mass is going to be wayyyy down bc there is going to be next to nothing for payload. the point behind the exercise will be to see if you can put a camera into any king of actual LEO using off the shelf cheap tech. The guidance is going to be the major hang up.

>> No.266162 [View]

actually *hoping

>> No.266161 [View]

I was actually someone could explain to me the diff in energy expenditure at 100k ft and say somewhere near 2k ft.

>> No.266134 [View]

I was thinking the same thing. Im actually thinking a zero - g trigger to release but have worked out how to determine "away" and get the rocket oriented, cept maybe a parachute for it to shoot through.

>> No.266133 [View]

Which shit specifically, bc I cant find anything about launching weather balloons, and plenty of folks have done it all over youtube w/o being so much as fined.

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