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/diy/ - Do It Yourself


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>> No.205051 [View]


no clue what your talking about, i never opened up an email list here...if someone did that under this name it wasnt me.

Most email lists in one way or another try to make money off you, everything I share here is 100% free and I don't earn profit from the info I give in any way.

>> No.204564 [View]

PS: people screencapped my old thread(s), if anyone that has it reads this, please post it

>> No.204563 [View]

ohh thats what you meant.

what i previously mentioned, no, is not really "internet marketing", i just took my own personal hobby (unmentioned to avoid stealing of ideas), figured out where good deals are for said hobby and resell it on ebay (while keeping the stuff i want for myself :D)

but as for actual internet marketing, I posted a pretty long how-to guide back when /diy/ was somewhat new under this same name.

I do lots of different things, from adwords to article spinning, blackhat, whitehat, etc etc. anything that can make a buck i've dabbled in. At the moment im focused on ebay mostly, but article re-writing with the proper methods can bring in the bacon well.

>> No.204560 [View]



>> No.204555 [View]

i turned my hobby into profits, over the years i figured out where to find the best deals for said hobby, then resell on ebay

I net $500-2000/month (usd) with this, depending on how much effort i invest. I've yet to do it to max ability, i assume I could get 3-5k/month if i were to actually do it 9-5 mon-fri for a month, and the traffic/income i would generate would last for at least 3-4 months.

>> No.117981 [View]

Computer technician by 9-5, Internet Marketer 5-10 as a hobby and one day my "real job"

>> No.115230 [View]

if it's marketed right and in the right niche, you wont need click rings to make 40 dollars a day.

and #5 still stands, you MIGHT get a "Free download of google chrome" once in a blue moon, but adsense is a program people PAY to advertise on, meaning they are expecting to MAKE money at some point. google using its own service aside, that means that at SOME point, if money isnt coming out of clickers pockets, google is going to notice the trend.

also, google hunts clickrings down, easy to see when 200 people keep clicking on each others links. but in reality, its more like 20-40. These things die fast simply becasue google notices and bans these things fast.

If what I'm saying is wrong, the method would be used so heavily [like it used to be] that adsense would simply dissapear due to lack of profit. This is like saying i wont need a heater if i live on the sun. Sure, i wont, but then again how the fuck will i ever get to the sun, and if i did, how would i not burn to death.

>> No.115220 [View]

IMFag here

OP's pic is bullshit, guaranteed way to get your adsense banned for life, and once your out, its a bitch to get back in ever again.

Google looks at multiple things:
1. total traffic of your site vs adsense clicks
2. quality of content on site
3. average traffic for similar blogs (how much traffic your blogspot blog about video games does compared to other similar video game blogspot blogs)
4. clicks per sale. This is the #1 guaranteed way to be busted in click rings. if you don't actually generate sales, they will ban you.

>> No.90703 [View]

.jpg image, or upload to tinypic.com, or just drop the resolution a hair?

>> No.89345 [View]

<- is not understanding how this plant talk is in an internet marketing thread

>> No.88752 [View]

Domain flipping: domain flipping can make some quick bank, but requires alot of attention and can be a gamble. you basically get lists of about-to-expire domains, and snatch the good ones up before anyone else, then resell them for a good profit. I personally have never done this but a few I know have with some nice success. none ever use(d) it for livable income, but seemed to be nice for "i want a few hundred bucks in a couple weeks time"

ebaying is also a non-article method that im personally tinkering with now. the tricky part is finding a product that people want that you can get at a good price to turn profit. (STAY AWAY FROM BOOTLEG)

going more blackhat theres cost per click, install, and view websites, using adwords for traffic. it requires alot of "tricky" methods to hide what your doing, but can yield pretty high results.

>> No.88535 [View]

Selling products through SEOd websites and/or marketing affiliate products through PPC.

>> No.88484 [View]

not trying to hate on you or anything, but I'd like it if we could get back to the IM topic here. From what I can tell your doings are unrelated to said topic.

If I'm wrong though, feel free to explain the ideas behind marketing such a thing

>> No.88351 [View]
File: 16 KB, 695x336, BS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


By all means, I hope your legit, but cant help but doubt it.

>> No.88322 [View]

hmm, my namefagging was removed for that one.

i cant help looking at ur post man, tis funny.

>> No.88307 [View]

to continue on, lets talk about "ethics" since this is such a crazy, distorted version of SEO as you put it.

ad companies - PPC, PPV, PPI, etc (all of them, prove me wrong.) shave up to and including 70% of your clicks, views, installs, etc. Short of google ads. It's widely known they do this, and sadly accepted amongst marketers because there is NO alternative. I can vouche this first hand as ive personally TESTED this.

Article purchasing sites (AC, etc) - shave clicks, views, and even offer as little as 25 cents for articles, legit or not. This has been habbit long before article spinning became popular, and is probably the fundamental reason it even started. They steal your work for pennies, then offer you a few more bucks to let them publish it in a fucking magazine for hundreds or thousands in some cases.

google ads - they charge 5, 10, 20, 100 dollars for a person to post an ad, and pay you 25-10 dollars cents for getting a click when YOU are the reason its being seen, white or black hat.

ebay - lets not even get into the fees this shit charges simply to sell something. 9% final fee? whatever. 25 cents listing fee? whatever. 10 cents per picture? whatever. add that shit all up at once? what the FUCK.

the companies we work for are more sewed than ANY black hatter, why do you think black hat exists? black hat is by no means EASIER than white hat, its just a different approach. (ofc this doesnt apply with "grab n dash" methods that come and go)

>> No.88299 [View]
File: 153 KB, 769x595, watch-out-we-got-a-badass-over-here-meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol well this is an interesting post.

no argument, this is working googles system. as for Panda, I'm well aware of what it has and has not done, and to be blunt, its nothing more than what every other major google update has been, it simply changes the rules a bit.

this has happened over and over, and it doesnt stop internet marketers, seo writers, black hatters, or anyone else for that matter. it just makes them change is all.

the method ive shared is by no means outdated. it's used by millions of people every day online. as for you supposidly being mr. whitehat, good for you. nothing wrong with stirring the pot with legal methods to get a boost above people like you. If you yourself are built upon lots of SEO as you said, then theres nothing special your doing that these guys wouldnt be by building there own product, own site, and wirting there own articles from scratch, which is the second half of my original guide. Really what it sounds like is your mad that others work the system in different ways and more than you do, giving you a hard challenge that you simply dont want to deal with.

tl;dr you mad cuz ppl do it better than you

Pic related.

>> No.88294 [DELETED]  [View]

lol well this is an interesting post.

no argument, this is working googles system. as for Panda, I'm well aware of what it has and has not done, and to be blunt, its nothing more than what every other major google update has been, it simply changes the rules a bit.

this has happened over and over, and it doesnt stop internet marketers, seo writers, black hatters, or anyone else for that matter. it just makes them change is all.

the method ive shared is by no means immoral, and is by no means outdated. it's used by millions of people every day online. if you yourself are built upon lots of SEO as you said, then theres nothing special your doing that these guys wouldnt be by building there own product, own site, and wirting there own articles from scratch, which is the second half of my original guide. Really what it sounds like is your mad that others work the system in different ways and more than you do, giving you a hard challenge that you simply dont want to deal with.

tl;dr it you mad cuz ppl do it better than you

>> No.88141 [View]

hi thar.


i have version 2.0 up. other anon's screencapped my thread and posted a download link, u can also go there to ask me any questions etc

>> No.88131 [View]
File: 9 KB, 211x100, ebay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and again im an idiot and forgot the pic -.-

>> No.88130 [View]

Here's a little more graphical motivation.

not much, but this is one of four new endeavors i've taken up and am currently tweaking before opening the flood gates so to speak.

This is ebay, I'm pushing about 1/5 of total products available for this niche, waiting until I open up my ebay store to go full speed on it.

>> No.88128 [View]


also dont forget squidoo. great to work between both and interlink common articles for seo rankings

>> No.88127 [View]

read the information they gave you, they explain why you dont get accepted. re-write/edit the article accordingly and re-submit.

personally i never had much trouble getting stuff accepted with AC, but many people I know took about 10 (legit) tries before understanding the do's and dont's.

>> No.86995 [View]

hat methods are methods that have NO chance of revenue companies (ac, google adsense, etc etc) being mad at you and suspending/banning you for the methods you use. IE article spinning is a blackhat method to generate articles, and nothing is legally wrong with it, however AC would deny articles, and possibly ban your AC account if you were caught red handed.

Clicking your own ads in adsense, it's by no means ILLEGAL, but google will swiftly ban you for doing so if busted.

in order to go whitehat, you simply create completely new content, if your a good writer this can yield positive results, but for the majority of us article spinning is the best way to get paid. the problem with this is normally you wouldn't -ever- SPIN an article in a completely white hat method, and instaed create an entire new article (same niche, different subject, etc) but theres normally only so much to talk about that even whitehatters normally re-target old topics, creating new articles saying the same thing, and thus article spin without trying to.

secondly, article spinning is by no means "evil" and is a natural process in its own right, some just use it a little more "on purpose" than others. for example, the person talking about the medical profession. there would be absolutely NOTHING wrong with you writing an article, spinning it into 200+ -good- articles, proof reading, checking for spelling, etc, then using it to publish a backllink and quality content over 200 websites on the net, all linking back to your own website for SEO purposes.

this is what even legit websites do. the other option to go 100% whitehat [without anyone being able to argue it] is to manually create 200 fresh articles without repeating any of the same topics etc. It can be done, but itll take 200x longer than it should, and the morality is nearly not changed.

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